Saturday, April 18, 2009

OPINION: They Hate Him Because He’s Black


Heya Truetelligencia! ;-)

Sorry for the emergency e-blast, but there's a point I'd like to make.

A few years ago when I started at CKLN Radio, my lovely beatific blonde news director asked me what my angle was, we encouraged all kinds. I told her I was investigating some of the less-discussed issues involving the banking system and so on. Since my first freelance report was on the Bilderberg Group in Ottawa, it wasn't much of a surprise. However, I specifically mentioned it was also in-part because the people working on these issues had nobody like me, or nobody young, charismatic and coloured.

They were mostly old, white and Christian people, so I thought I could help.

Almost 3 years later, being one of the better speakers in the world on these issues may come in handy.

Racism is back on the rise as part of their usual "problem + reaction = solution" rubbish to galvanize Obama supporters into mindlessly attacking his critics. Ironically, they don't know or mention what Obama is actually doing in anything but the most generic and incorrect terms. Infowars has a YouTube clip of Janeane Garofalo launching a slanderous attack on the "tea-baggers" being purely motivated by "racism" before Olbermann even had a chance to ask a question, though he dutifully supported her insanity.

Obama’s Followers: More Reprehensible than the Neocons

Racism has worked for millenia, so it's probably going to work again if we don't stop it. Though I've criticized Obama for over a year, including on the radio mocking the fake sniping between him and Hilary during the campaign, even I was a little hesitant at times, so I understand why white "truthers" were scared out of their minds at the possibility of ostracism. And, even though I'd shut down Obamaphilia on the HipHopCanada message boards, with the continuous media push I'm now seeing stuff like this posted.

OPINION: They Hate Him Because He’s Black

Nobody steps to me there because I proved I know more about this stuff, but the relentless and rapidly changing mediascape and people's faith in their "expert" news sources means the memory-hole swallows common sense and replaces it with simpler anger. Between the propaganda attacks on the internet and anyone criticizing government, I'm asking all of you to share the "Obamacide" album package, plus the interview I did on The Isis Wisdom Show, to show people a qualified and coloured critic of Obama.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna

The Isis Wisdom Show - Hip Hop Interview

Beyond the above (I just finished a new mixtape attacking the Queen and British Empire), I'd also like to volunteer my services to speak on Obama using either "BK" or "Vijay" wherever you'd like. I'm good at it, and as a "brown guy" I can get away with more than white people in this racially charged climate, including telling the truth. Please keep this in mind as we move forward. If we let the media get away with this most people will be too scared to criticize Obama to dare. The others will be rounded up to cheers.

Good luck out there, the times they are a-changin'.

Depending on the people who change them.




Black Krishna Brand

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If you only listen to one thing this week...

Well, that's silly.

Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)


Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturdays, Leaders, Streeters... Victory.



FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna

The Isis Wisdom Show - Hip Hop Interview

Interview: Understanding the Threat of a North American Union


Heya Truerious George's! :-P

I hope all are well and sorry for the delayed mail, our internet has been acting squirrely but it appears to be back. I'm assuming people on this list are leaders in their regions, so please don't take anything I say personally, it's meant to be thought of and shared with your respective flocks if you feel it can help your efforts.

So: Saturday, April 18th at 1 pm in Dundas Square? Hopefully here and elsewhere, once people see us on a regular basis they'll trust us and ask us questions, which should be exactly what we want to help our fellow Canadians while we have the time, money, energy and will to do so. We're in excellent shape at this point.

Frankly, we're hella lucky in this part of the world since 90% of their "control" is psychological, at least for now, though that 10% "physical" is starting to creep up really fast. However, because of this we can honestly get the whole damn "Beat the NWO!" thing done in 6 months, at least in Canada, especially with the numbers we have, at least according to a conversation me, B and D had the other night. We still have to "do" stuff, and the "right" stuff, instead of just worrying about what "they" are doing.

Exhibit A+:

The only thing holding us back is psychological, or people who think it's "too late" well before the "summer of rage" predicted in England and elsewhere as the recession hits, which is insane. So is expecting to head to the woods and wait it out, as if we know anything about the woods or can expect to be "safe" if we let things go to hell. Another issue is people prefer their "questions" to someone else's "answers", something I tried to tackle in the "Planifesto", you can get a copy in the Obamacide album.

Ironically, this is also a problem I've had with girlfriends where I begged them to let me solve their problems during the commercial break instead of taking obscene amounts of wasted time validating their venting. But alas, one's vent is near and dear to them, a mistake we make which helps trap the human spirit in frailer and frailer constructs that we bitterly cling to, until we are so confidently obsessed with our problems that there's no way out of them. It's classical stuff that leads to depression, but it's easy to fix.

Personally, I think it's a craptastic crock courtesy of New World Order social engineering and have stolen brilliant answers from brilliant people like Alex Jones, Alan Watt, Webster Tarpley and everyone else on earth I could find to avoid having any big or small problems that ever bother me, from the New World Order plans to kill us all to my perpetual inability to boil toast, let alone cook anything complicated. Thank goodness for cans, openers, pots and stoves. Once the mind is free it can function properly.

Anyway, I'm just putting it out there because we often forget how incredibly lucky we are, from Alex Jones creating a "market" for "truth" we can tap into that may have never existed if he didn't; to having the absolute freedom to spray-paint "9/11 Was An Inside Job +!" on a sandwich board and wander around singing Bob Marley songs (one of my back-up plans); to simply being able to walk and talk and think freely enough to figure out the stupid little puzzle they gave us that keeps us from rising up.

They're toast.

They over-played their hand and we're all suspicious. The only question is will it happen sooner and with less bloodshed, or later when things get really messy and those of us who survive half to spend half our lives cleaning up the mess. Ugh. No thanks. With unprecedented freedom we should act like we have it to reach others with answers to their questions from our vast knowledge-bases instead of trying to sell them something they don't want. We've got all the market-research we need from just living our lives.

9/11 Truth is key since if we let it die then we'll get slapped with a false flag attack seconds later, but outside of the "10 Things We Need To Know" lists which are stale, we can reverse-engineer more concerns and produce different flyers each week for weekly street actions that also reflect "current" topics people are taught to care about. Our culture gives us plenty to work with and work on, including minds primed for answers. Without a McDonald's Marketing Machine we may need to piggyback what's out there.

We have access to thousands of years of getting it wrong and right.


By now we can definitely get it right.

Good luck... :-)





Black Krishna Brand

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If you only listen to one thing this week...

Well, that's silly.

Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)


Sunday, April 12, 2009



Posted by and responded to at the community, please check it out and become a member today...





bird-flu vaccines scare me more than bird-flu, so be wary of them and ALL vaccines, they're just horrible for you. (see:,, etc.) after pimping this crap a few years ago it's in the back of our minds, or "predictive programming" so they can pull it off in the future after making us vaguely familiar with it. if they order us all report to local centers and roll up our sleeves they can pump us full of crap that makes us very sick. donald rumsfeld owns shares in gilead, makers of the "tamiflu" vaccine, more evil deadly crap that makes him rich.

be wary of ALL this type of stuff, we're in the masonic "revelation of the method" phase where they pretty much reveal all their plans in the hopes that they'll scare us into submission, or confuse and stampede us into cages. it's been done before and we have to resist repeating whatever they give us to repeat in the same ways. it's just like the damned "recession", the economy is a bunch of bullshit scams, but if we take the media's narrative seriously, we'll follow it and keep repeating "smart" excuses for why we're broke until we are. which is their plan.

buncha bastards.

if you want to stop this, download my mixtape package, it has all the answers in the special features "planifesto" and more solutions elsewhere, it's also public domain so anyone can share it or steal shit from it. at this point nobody can say they had no idea what was happening, but if all we do is scare the shit out of each other our NEW WORLD OWNERS will just laugh their asses off. it's just like a fat person talking about how fat they are all the time: that doesn't help them lose weight. we have to talk about how to beat these bastards more to figure it out.

the interview on the isis wisdom show chopped-up lovely over hip hop is another great option, you have the stream on the main community page, but just in case you want to listen to the mp3 independently i've uploaded a copy on that you can podcast, the familiar beats and energy help give us the balls to handle wha'g'wan easier, so we should all try to experiment with creativity and different styles to give others the cojones to handle the info, or do more than just randomly argue with people, but rather create something that 'ayebody gotta respect.



FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna

The Black Krishna gets interviewed by Isis Wisdom about the new world order
