Hey Folks,
I give up.
My favorite three words in the English language.
"I can't even lie, a day like this, it's gonna be a hell of a night, baby, you know whut eet eeiz..."
- Young Jeezy, "You Know What It Is"
ABC News - Shoppers Walk Over Dying Woman!
"We're being turned into a nation of sociopaths run by psychopaths."
- Alex Jones, "The Alex Jones Radio Show"
Happier Canada Day, Re-Born on the Fourth of July, World Pizz-eace! :-)
(Please feel free to copy, paste, print and pass out copies to catch up.)
...naw, i may drop by for a drink, but they're moving on martial law and i've gotta talk about it, preferably over a beat.
it's cool, i'm in the mood.
there were helicopters flying around downtown all-afternoon and into the evening, and when i called a few radio stations they either hadn't heard or hung up on me. the cops said it was an "investigation" they "couldn't comment on" and hung up on me too. the city initially gave me some b.s. about flight-permits before she gave me contact info of their "mgr. of strategic communications", words designed for selling b.s. if i ever heard them.
i got peeps on the radio to casually put the word out to see if anyone had feedback, and a caller said his media contacts said it was a bomb-threat on the u.s. embassy that was later found to be a hoax, which most of us never heard, and there were almost no cops on the street to ask about the choppers either.
that explanation will leak out and some will feel smart and secure for knowing it, but it's still just a rumor, and probably a lie. the NAU wants to see how much crazy stuff they can pull with our cops and soldiers while we just stare, shrug and go on like it means nothing, and to make sure we won't launch mass general strikes.
this secrecy and cover-story are basically code for "terror" drills they run that could go "live" or "boom" with minor changes made by one person, and most false flag events are bootlegged through them. it's also part of conditioning cops, soldiers and the rest of us to accept them as normal from now on.
i was pissed.
i also had a crazy cyber-attack last nite and ripped-out my battery to stop it, it's a good thing i don't have a faster computer to run the "physical memory dump" program or it might be toast! :)
and blah-blah-blah, the usual and some silly new stuff.
no worries, dudes ain't built like this, i mean, some of them who run around more than you can in front of a laptop have more than one ab, but "ask about 'im in the streets, the boy veejy a ridah..." :P
A Girl From MySpace
"This is the sound of what you don't know, killing you; this is the sound of what you don't believe, still true..."
- El-P, "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
If we really are mostly good people who don't just attack each other like animals like the mass media says we do, that's a good sign.
If we don't care and we're not going to fight them, that's a bad sign, because we have the tools to beat the fools and be cool.
It's not over yet, at least I don't think it is, so I'm in it for a minute, but I definitely want out before the Nazi-fun begins.
It's not too hard to re-form a network to fight in foreign countries, so we should probably make plans.
It's not too hard to get across all of our open border crossings and un-inspected ports either.
It's not too hard to see how little our leaders care about our lives and security.
It's not too hard to figure the whole thing out and stop it.
"There is a layer of cholesterol clogging free humanity's arteries, and it's time to bypass it."
- Black Krishna
Some people try to tell me to stop working so hard, make sure I relax, and make sure I find balance.
Some people try to tell me that, except none of those people say they'll pick-up the slack.
So they don't make any sense.
So I don't listen.
"When three people are fighting over two slices of bread, it's probably a good idea to look at who gave out the bread."
- Black Krishna
If we're too stupid to survive, no worries, I understand, that's exactly what's supposed to happen.
If we give up, the snitches in charge win our freedom and then lose theirs.
If we win, we save our freedom.
If we win, we save the world.
If we play, we win.
If we win, we play.
"Honey, please stop eating lead paint, it will make you retarded. Honey, please, I know you and your friends like eating lead paint, but it's making you retarded. Honey, I know I still can't believe it and you definitely can't understand it, but dammit, you're retarded. I mean, your ass still looks great in them Lululemon Chickilluminati pants, but honestly, I don't know how long I'll stick around..."
"We must affirm what we have."
- B-Realer
"Growing up in the most multicultural city in the most multicultural city in the world, it was normal to ask questions about what you see, and to get the answers you need to be comfortable and to share what you learned with others so they chilled-out too. People are scared to discuss race, but as many a comedian and community prove, they shouldn't be. Chucklemate."
"Curiousity beats ignorance, so cut people some slack, maybe they just want to get it right."
- Black Krishna
If I was married to someone who became stupid, greedy, paranoid, lazy, selfish, sullen, sociopathic and bitchy, I'd leave.
If I was married to someone who became a motionless and mindless vegetable, I'd leave.
If I was married to some country who accepted retarded-suicide, I'd leave.
I'd just consider it the end of a very good relationship.
I'd just say we changed and grew apart.
I'd just move on with new hope.
I'd just live where I can.
I'd just live free.
"I've always had a problem with authority, I just never knew how big a problem authority had with me."
- Black Krishna
However, for now I'll just finish this little story about a world where we all live in peace and harmony.
It's non-fiction.
"No one should fight with anyone about anything, and if we look up to see who really wants us fighting, we won't."
- Black Krishna
Okay, it's not really a story, it's an instruction manual.
It's non-friction.
ARTIST: Black Krishna
ALBUM: Get Snitch Or Die Trying
RELEASE: Friday, July 13th, 2007
COST: Open source, attribution, TBD.
1. Get Snitch Or Die Trying
2. We Are Change Dot Org
3. Dreams of Better Dayz
4. A Girl From MySpace
5. Tinfoil Suit? Chickilluminati?
6. 16 Bars
7. How To Rob Africa
8. Man Is It Monday?
9. Long Time Comin'
10. If U Wanna Ride
11. Tarpology 101: Let's Get It
12. Ballad of a Dead Souljah: Death and Taxes
13. T-Dot: Where You At?
14. A Deal With The Devil For An Angel
15. Twilight of the Gods
16. Thug 'Til I Die... And Then I Pass Out
The first in a series of open source ideas, lyrics and melodies that support the only way to save the world. They can be used in part or as a whole by anyone with attribution, including for music movies, slogans, articles, schwag and anything else. Feel free to download and use all previous "Black Krishna" open source philosophy as well, I've got a knack for coming up with things.
Vol. 1: Snitchin' Ain't Easy
Vol. 2: Stop Snitchin', Stop Dyin'
Vol. 3: Grand Theft Lotto: Snitch City
"If you don't know what they're talking about, you don't know what you're talking about."
- Black Krishna
"Their weakest link is vaccines, everyone is scared of them anyway, and once they learn the truth no one can resist warning others of the dangers."
- The Scholar
"Flirting is fun, and there's normally no endgame since it's just about making someone smile or laugh in the moment and being empowered by it. You're healthier filling your day with positive interactions and later realizing you had good day, and frankly if you've been married for years you probably need it more than I do."
- Black Krishna
"Having a child is a great opportunity, because you have an amazing chance to create a wonderful human being."
- The Antecedent
"I'm not sure I'd trust driving a car that only works 50% of the time, but whatever, if you do get married, just make sure you don't act like married people, it leads to a 50% divorce rate."
- Black Krishna
"Porn spoils you."
- The Monk
"A man can do whatever he wants before he gets married; a woman can do whatever she wants after she gets married."
- Black Krishna
"With how brazen and out in the open the attacks were, the 9/11 Myth is the greatest Achilles' heel any oligarch has ever exposed."
- B-Media
"Pride is the source of all accomplishment."
- Black Krishna
LES PAUL: (Nice White Dood)
I know there are groups of rich people, and yes, they form secret societies, and yes, they do stuff, but I don't want you looking at them because so many people who do are anti-semitic, and even if you're not you'll be seen as one of them.
BLACK KRISHNA: (Nice Brown Dood)
First of all, I almost never run into any anti-semitic websites, and I spend 12 hours a day looking at this crap. Many of those websites and shows are run by snitches on behalf of these rich idiots to fool people, and I wouldn't avoid stopping a child-molestor even if everyone thought he shouldn't be made fun of. The websites I trust like,,,, and many others just do a great job of hitting every evil act they find and whomever's responsible, mostly with rare news stories, experts and official documents that contradict and de-construct the propaganda we're fed. At least you get some expert analysis of the PentaFox and other crap instead of just guessing about what the truth is based on half-knowledge and bias, including from just-plain mad and smart people like me. It also washes some blood off my hands since I don't just let others suffer while blindly endorsing stuff I don't bother to understand, particularly "war" and other life or death issues. We can't afford to be agnostic about the truth in a dangerous world, or to just assume we can't know what the truth is and remain safe, especially after New Orleans showed anything can happen here.
Second, in the million words I've written or spoken I've never come across as racist. I've never heard it, and only people seizing on random words or juxtapositions their political correctness (a Communist Party term) blindly and dumbly makes them take out of context could say something, only it would be something stupid, and I would laugh with or at them. I mean, what do you say to a barking dog? Anyway, this robotic reactionary nonsense is promoted by evil people trying to ban free speech, so screw 'em, you know how I feel and don't say otherwise, and the people who I get my info from are obviously not racist either.
Third, it's the rich people who should be in jail who want to discredit the truth movements that can put them there the most, or the only ones dangerous to the "system" everyone talks about without being able to explain it. People also say "money" runs the world, but they don't how, and it's retardedly-sad to see people identify the source of the problem they're trying to solve and then avoid looking at it to solve it. The super-rich use their intelligence agent snitches to cause this intellectual-constipation, hire people to put racist or misleading stuff out to confuse, scare and divide and conquor us, and falsely represent people and movements in the media to the (still) ignorant masses. Again, it's retardedly-sad to see people put down the ignorance and apathy of the masses and then refuse themselves to get informed and inspired, and it's just part of the deliberately and spiritually weakening and spiteful hypocrisy we learn to repeat. The media sells us useless crap meant to disillusion those who get involved, partly because "real" activists get discredited for being effective, including "conspiracy theorists" who uncover "conspiracies" to screw us and discredit them. In truth, for all the hard work of the punk-snitch bitches snarking at each other and putting racist crap out, they only have small audiences relative to someone like Alex Jones' 11 million listeners a week. His success sees him accused of so much contradictory stuff that you'd think - if you think - it would be obvious by now the snitches are just throwing everything at him to convince everyone else, which means it's not true, which means it backfired.
Fourth, and of course thanks to your own research, if we can agree there really are rich people who form secret societies, and if it's possible that they discuss in secret how to control or kill millions of people (see: The World), do you really think we're smart in letting them continue?
Or that we're cool with God?
Or that we're safe?
- END -
"They've got the guns, and, we've got the numbers, we're gonna win, yeah we're, taking over! C'mon!"
- Jim Morrison, The Doors, "5 to 1"
"He's like the modern day Sam Cooke with "A Change Gonna Come", I wonder how the hell wrote that song without the internet too, amazing. And you've gotta wonder how Da Snowman built a "movement" by saying simple, complex, smart and catchy stuff about what he's done as opposed to recycling what he learned in social studies class with so much damn feeling. (Yeeeaah!) Or maybe that's it. (Jeah!) Anyway, 50 Cent is the new Frank Sinatra too, and you're gonna take it and like it."
- Black Krishna
"80% of people think 80% of people are stupid, get it?"
- Black Krishna
"When I'm stopped for speeding by a cop, I politely say: "Sir, are you representing a damaged party, personally filing a claim against me, or able to show any damages?", if he says no, then I politely say: "Well sir, then I'd prefer to be on my way since I have no interest entering into any contract with you, and my consulting fee is $1000 an hour in cash, up front." Legally you can say it to the cop or in court, but of course make sure you feel you can have the conversation and know when to stop, hopefully you can skip on a ticket while sharing some knowledge of the system with a police officer who doesn't get mad at figuring it out."
- D-Money
[Check out Jay-Z's "99 Problems" for more on this subject - Ed.]
::::(((( ALIVE EARTH SCHEDULE ))))::::
July 11th: Mass Micro-Actions
- Celebrate and demonstrate with everyone else what you know about 9/11
- It's been six years of fear and we're still here, get over it
August 11th: Mass Mass-Actions
- Celebrate and demonstrate with everyone else what you know about 9/11
- It's been six years of fear and we're still here, get over it
September 11th: Mass General Strikes
- Celebrate and demonstrate with everyone else what you know about 9/11
- It's been six years of fear and we're still here, get over it
"But they don't know, or do they?
Who's they, for 'em to say?
We're all vulnerable, and it's spooky..."
- Eminem, "Public Enemy #1"
::::(((( ALERT ))))::::
As the great Gil Scott-Heron and others have said, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised", and the TV will not tell you that you're in serious trouble. Or that it's job is to make you retarded.
If the internet goes down or nuclear weapons go off anywhere in the world, everyone needs to leave work or play and take to the streets right away before martial law is declared, curfews and house-to-house searches begin, and more.
If everyone knows they have to do this then everyone who instinctively feels that something is wrong - and that's everyone - will instinctively take to the streets to look for their friends and neighbors to take away their fears in their hour of need.
"If you recognize how the media has seriously mis-represented your profession, peers, problems or people, why do you think they describe other people in a way that's honest and worth repeating? What makes you think they're not screwing you by fooling them, and screwing them by fooling you?"
- Black Krishna
"It is with great sadness that I conclude that this book ["9/11: Synthetic Terror - Made in U.S.A." by Webster Tarpley] is the strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon, almost all non-fiction. I am forced to conclude that 9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war (see my review of Jim Bamford's "Pretext for War"), and I am forced to conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indict (not necessarily convict) Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others of a neo-conservative neo-Nazi coup d'etat and kick-off of the clash of civilizations (see my review of "Crossing the Rubicon" as well as "State of Denial"). Most fascinatingly, the author links Samuel Huntington, author of "Clash of Civilizations" with Leo Strauss, the connecting rod between Nazi fascists and the neo-cons.
This is, without question, the most important modern reference on state-sponsored terrorism, and also the reference that most pointedly suggests that select rogue elements within the US Government, most likely led by Dick Cheney with the assistance of George Tenet, Buzzy Kronguard, and others close to the Wall Street gangs, are the most guilty of state-sponsored terrorism."
- Robert Steele
"Have you seen the first Star Wars? Remember when the rebels were in space fighting against that giant Death Star and losing? And then Luke "Rudkowski" Skywalker got the coordinates for the sweet-spot, the only exposed spot powering the engine that - if hit - could blow the whole thing up? That's 9/11. And he did."
- Black Krishna
“...join us in Philadelphia on July 4th to try and figure a way out of this 'two' party system that is bought and paid for by the war machine which has a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives. As for myself, I am leaving the Democratic Party. You have completely failed those who put you in power to change the direction our country is heading. We do not condone our government's violent meddling in sovereign countries and we condemn the continued murderous occupation of Iraq.”
"We gave you a chance; you betrayed us."
“I am an advocate for a new investigation, that’s for sure. Everywhere I go, my audiences are filled with 9/11 truth people, and I really honor your commitment to finding the truth.”
- Cindy Sheehan
"You can't just spiritually masturbate and say you're at one with God and the Universe, and just thinking you can skip reality and get to universal consciousness 'cause you said it just cheapens it. It's not that easy. Your arrogance will be crushed by reality when you return, forcing you to question your faith and say it again as the fragile cycle continues. We instinctively understand the concept of a nice God who wants us to help others, or the people you meet on your way to see Him, the Universe and Hendrix Live. (Or Un-Dead. I forget, it's on the brochure.) I think He wants us to grab a coffee on a smoke-break, but hey, that's just Me. Once you leave your imaginary happy-place, or paranoid-reactionary relaxing, the isolation and lack of real information or thinking about real solutions will catch up. There is only one way to walk to God and the Universe, and that's with proof you're on your way from planet earth by being at one with other people in your desire for shared happiness, creating the first concentric-circle on the way there. Receiving feedback that cerfies it in reality, and inspires you to continue until you discover the universe by reaching the universal goal for all: freedom to pursue happiness, which includes nobody else being unhappy, since that makes us unhappy. Give it a couple of weeks to take. Incidentally, God doesn't want you hanging out with serial killers and child molesters either, and if you accidentally elect them, you'd better kick them out."
- Black Krishna
People who never look into how to fix a car shouldn't assume there isn't a way to fix a car.
People who never look into how to save the world shouldn't assume there isn't a way to save the world.
People who never look at this stuff somehow hate and distrust our leaders despite all the media's sales-snitches.
People who never look at this stuff have to be looking at this stuff to explain our leaders horrible approval ratings.
People who never look at this stuff are looking at this stuff, so it's working, and like surviving, it's worth the time.
People: there is a list of 101 things you can do to save the world.
People: there is a list of 101 things you can do to save the world.
People: there is a list of 101 things you can do to save the world.
WAR is meant to destroy America's good name, so when America falls the whole world cheers, which is what's happening to NAU right now.
PRESIDENT BUSH is executing plans perfectly, and as an actor he's a great character who makes us feel smart while acting stupid.
GOVERNOR BUSH in Texas executed women, teenagers, the retarded and the english language perfectly
SNITCHES put us to sleep by mocking his stupid words instead of analyzing his evil actions.
THINK before you speak, or we will giggle and sleep through fascism.
SECRET SOCIETIES and rituals can be justified as worth joining based on the success of the freakozoid weirdo elites who run them, The Masons, The Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, The Muslim Brotherhood and many others.
AFTER ALL they're winning, and can claim their allegiance to freaky stuff helps.
HOWEVER, the people who join often don't know these rituals and societies were specifically designed to "corrupt" them into being cruel, bribed, brainwashed and blackmailable servants who are easy to divide and conquor, nothing more, and regardless of what their favorite fairy-tales say. The elite banking families just want to make sure their minions hands are bloody, and that they are bloodthirsty enough to commit brutal acts against millions of people for power and profit. This is just a high-end marketing scam, and a version of how they use racism to con the masses into supporting wars, slavery, injustice and more.
SMART and successful people are even easier to con than the masses: they believe in arguments that appeal to authority no matter how corrupt that authority proves to be, they learn justify their actions and greed by demeaning others, and they don't question what they're doing because they're not supposed to in their position, unlike say... telemarketers.
THIS ends up with every snitch at every level of the pyramid scheme (get it?) who live lies being completely paranoid and miserable, even while hanging out with other snitches, or the only people they can trust to discuss their real life and goals. They can't truly trust their friends since they're all competing for the affections of generations of mass-murderers, and they're all just waiting for their turn to feel the ol' long-knife in the back.
THAT also means at the very top they do nothing but meet with competitors, and as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers dine together and discuss business, it's just like the mafia: while playing nice all they're really doing is figuring out how to get their grubby mitts on each other's slave-labor camps. Or if they can't, how to make more. Or if they can't, how to make war.
THEN it gets out of control, as snitches compete by being more bloodthirsty and providing more wealth, labor and resources by killing more people and stealing more stuff than anyone else. Like anything else loyalty is treasured, and when their agenda is to rob the world and kill most of us before we figure out their scam and round 'em up, those who kill the most people are given the most money.
THEY support policies like UN funding for China's one-child policies and slave-labor camps, fluoride in the water, vaccines that have never been proven to work in history being used to sicken and kill people, and the mass bio-genocide in the poisoning of our air, water, food and minds we magically never discuss being rapidly accelerated and leading to a spike in cancer and other diseases. This genocidal plan includes launching a "new 9/11" false flag terror event, or several of them, and using World War Three as a shortcut. This would be a blood-red feather in Dick Cheney's Penguin-Hat before he croaks from a sixth heart-attack. Hopefully soon.
LOOK at these poor idiots.
THEY worked so damn hard to set this whole mess up and they aren't happy, while I wander the streets with my retarded pimp-swagger, a-singin', a-whistlin', a-meetin' and a-trustin' all sorts of wonderful and interesting people, and I'm happy as hell.
POOR rich bastards, and I mean the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world and their pathetic snitches ratting out humanity.
THEY are smart enough to be rich but not smart enough to be happy.
An informant (sometimes informer) is someone existing inside a closed system who provides information of that system to a figure or organization who exist outside of that system. Most notably these organizations include law enforcement agencies, but also informants are utilized by others such as social scientists.
OGG: "Look, me find grapes!"
GROGG: "Oooh, me want, where grapes?"
OGG: "Me not tell you, me give you grapes if me sex your wife!"
GROGG: "???"
The Secret History of the World
The original people who learned the power of keeping information a secret, like telling lies and hiding food, got power.
The original people who learned how to get power got lots of stuff, became rich, and got other people to provide security.
The original people who learned how to get rich made sure they bribed and blackmailed their people into acting loyal.
The original people who learned how to get rich dressed-up like Kings and Queens, and gave their kids wealth and power.
The rich learned the value of using secrets and lies to control masses of people, and formed secret societies to discuss how.
The rich learned the value of secret rituals, gang-signs, tests, bribes, blackmail and other ways to bind members together.
The rich learned to invest heavily in the first banks, holding people's assets and debt, and issuing money and credit.
The rich learned they could lend out and collect interest on more money than they held, increasing their wealth at no-cost.
The rich learned people would invest in the future value of assets, so they promoted theirs, and increased their wealth.
The rich learned countries would borrow any amount of money to win wars, so they funded and promoted them.
The rich learned people would only kill a bunch of people they learn to hate, so they invented racism to sell war.
The rich learned countries would accept their system of debt and credit, solidifying their control over local economies.
The rich learned people could be bribed into living lies thanks to the bottomless pile of money they create that's backed by nothing.
The rich learned countries could be run by their compartmentalized international network of spies and secret societies.
The rich learned people could work for the secret government, or the layer of liars running everything between them and the people.
The rich learned countries could be run by these snitches selling-out their people to push the banks and financiers' agenda.
The rich learned people in power would accept being run by snitches if they could snitch too.
So they do.
For now.
"Emails are bullet-proof."
- Vij for Vendetta
"Don't ask me why, thank God, and ask me how..."
- Tupac Shakur, "Mama's Just A Lil' Girl"
RON PAUL vs. THE FED - If We Can't Do It, It Can't Be Done!
President Ron Paul is The White Gandhi!
Prime Minister Connie Fogal vs. The Corporate North American Union
Global Warming 7.7.7 Concert - Knowledge Is A Gift
NY Times - April Fools 2007 - The Global Warming Rapture
The Secret History of Evil
The rich buy lots of space away from people.
The rich don't know they need people to be happy like the poor do.
The rich at the very top meet only with competitors trying to steal their money and power.
The rich become isolated, paranoid and crazy.
That's why we live in a paranoid and crazy world full of snitches killing innocent people.
That's why they want to kill a bunch of us before we throw a bunch of them in jail.
That's why a bunch of us have to throw a bunch of them in jail.
The End.
The Beginning?
"Heeey... ya gotta believe... ya gotta believe... let's get it!"
- Young Jeezy, "Thug Motivation 101: Let's Get It"
... - Family Guy on 9/11
The Secret History of Time
Time is money.
Time is life.
Time is sold as money so we work like dogs instead of figuring out we're not dogs.
Time is supposed to be life so we remember to get more.
Time to assume the rich spend most of their time acquiring more wealth and power.
Time to assume the rich spend most of their time persuading people to help them.
Time waits for no man.
Time to see how.
"Every time I do it, I do it for my, hood; every time I do it I do it for your, hood; every time I do it I do it for they', hood; it's understood, I do it for the hood..."
- Young Jeezy, "My Hood"
Why Is The Housing Market Collapsing?
The Secret to Life
No matter what happens: Be Cool, Have Balls.
No matter what happens: Be Cool, Have Eggs.
No matter what happens: Be Cool, Have Guts.
No matter what happens: Be Sure To Remember This.
No matter what happens: This Is The Answer.
"All the gangsta's, they gon' ride to this, they gon' grind to this, they gon' shine to this, aye, this is gangsta music (Jeah!), this is gangsta music (Jeah!), this is gangsta music (Jeah!), this is gangsta music (Yeeaaah!); All the hustlers, they gon' ride to this, they gon' grind to this, they gon' shine to this, aye, this is hustler music (Jeah!), this is hustler music (Jeah!), this is hustler music (Jeah!), this is hustler music (Yeeaaah!)..."
- Young Jeezy, "Gangsta Music"
Dreams of Better Dayz
The Secret to Love
No matter what happens: Love Thyself.
No matter what happens: Love Thy Knowledge.
No matter what happens: Love Thy Power.
No matter what happens: Love Thy Time.
No matter what happens: Be Sure To Remember This.
No matter what happens: This Is The Answer.
"I ain't got time for bitches, gotta keep my mind on my muthaf--kin' riches, and even if I die, they don't worry me, mama don't cry, bury me a G..."
- Tupac Shakur, "Bury Me A G"
A Deal With The Devil For An Angel
The Secret to Sex
No matter what happens: Be Cool, Have Balls.
(see above)
Biggest Bank In The World Says Depression???
MSNBC's Keith Olberballs - "Hey Bush, Do What Nixon Did - Resign!!!"
People need to understand there's a way out of the hell on earth in North America that they're living in Iraq and Afghanistan, or in New Orleans for that matter.
So, in honor of the smartest man in the world, or rogue-academic, summa cum laude and multi-lingual badass Webster Tarpley; the best rapper in the world, or the rogue-gangsterrific, make 'em cum laude and multi-layered badass, Young Jeezy; and the hardest working man in the Save The World biz, or rogue-ranteriffic, make us all-proud and multi-disciplined badass Alex Jones, among several others, coming up is a list of 101 solutions to Get Snitch Or Die Trying, which isn't just advice, it's the only thing that will work. You can all it Jeezyology or Jonesology or anything else about anyone else you want, we can all dissect brilliant minds and balls to figure out the truth, and I'm easy.
However, for now I'll remind you that if your house was on fire you wouldn't wait for anyone to tell you how to put it out, and with the world on fire the same principle applies, so get to work figuring out how to put it out.
If I sound smart this is where I got it from.
If I sound stupid you're an idiot.
"Class in session, when I talk, they listen, (yup!), but you know how it go, real n-ggas pay attention, (aye!), (if you) ain't talkin' money we speakin' a different language, (yeaah!), the hatin' n-ggas callin' me the translator, (let's go!), they move too-slow, when I think too quick, (yup!), that's why I Flash like Gordon, (daaamn!), I'm light-years ahead of you n-ggas, (jeeaah!), that's why I forgot more than you ever learn, (that's riiight!), it's my spot now, you better wait your turn, and that yayo sh-t, that's irrelevant, aye!, you can't hide the fact that I'm intelligent, (haha!), street-smart, with a little book-sense, a young n-gga with a lot of common sense, (hey!), they say I'm shallow but I think so deep, how deep?, deep as the abyss, (jeeaah!), so when you get a minute take a look at my wrist (watch), whassup?... Hymotize you, I hypmotize, hypmotize you, I hypmotize, hypmotize you, I hypmotize, hypmotize you, I hypmotize... Now I command you n-ggas to get money, (Hey!), Now I command you n-ggas to get money, (Hey!), Now I command you n-ggas to get money, (Hey!), Now I command you n-ggas to get money, (Hey!)..."
- Young Jeezy, "Hypnotize"
The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
People need to understand Mr. Tarpley has figured out how snitches run the world and how to save it; Mr. Jeezy has figured out the best way to motivate people into becoming a "movement" against snitches; and Mr. Jones has figured out exactly what snitches are up to, and has yelled about it publicly every day in every way for over 10 years. Put away the chocolate and peanut butter, there's a new flava in town, or go ahead and cook up your own "Truth + The Balls To Handle It = Winning" formula to handle your business, and to keep your business, job, family and friends safe from violent governments, banks, financiers and corporations. (See: The World.)
"At night I can't sleep, we livin' in hell, (jeah!), first they, give us the work, then they throw us in jail, (ayye!), road-trip, yeah, I'm traffickin' the white, Please Lord, don't let me go to jail tonite, (yeeaah!), who me?, I'm a soul survivor, ask about 'im in the street, the boy Jeezy 'a rider..."
- Young Jeezy feat. Akon, "Soul Survivor"
People need to understand I've got over 1000 videos online at proving this, and am just one of many people who've independently gone the extra-mile to figure out the truth in a world of lies for no obvious hidden reasons, and for no obvious profit relative to my intelligence and ability like others who could sell-out and buy-in easily. You can get all paranoid and make one up, but that's stupid-suicide, and you can't ask me to sell-out to get credibility. You're just snitching on the wrong person, and it's better to expose and hate the proven snitches, or the proven liars for profit who help kill people every day through sins of commission or omission.
You know who they are.
"Won't stop, 'til my whole team in Thug Mansions, (jeah!), and I sell like 'Pac, now that's a thug's passion, (haha!), and this' the realest sh-t I ever wrote, and All Eyez On Me, like a microscope..."
"You ain't gotta like a n-gga, just respect my mind, and this is how I'm eatin' now, so respect my grind..."
- Young Jeezy, "Go Crazy"
... and post and link to dozens of isolated mainstream stories a day that completely contradict the propaganda deliberately repeated everywhere. You can tell what propaganda is because it reaches even people who never watch the news who excitedly babble about the only thing they feel they should know because we all know it, and reinforce it's impact. The truth is out there fighting against it, and it's inspiring stuff that's worth celebrating, but it isn't discussed much by the same people lying to us, go figure. While print isn't much better, except for rare and thus largely forgotten moments, TV's are now just giant radioactive garbage cans beating the hell out of our brains, so whatever you do don't trust them to define your reality. The internet gave us the gift of memory and communication, and the same Anglo-American elite who sold us the ironically-evil and racist term "Indian-giver" are taking it back, unless we stop them.
The same way's still the best way, everyone knows it, and everyone should show it.
"In the hearts of those, who grind with o's, they feel my pain, they' at my shows, (jeah!), that's why I got this glass pot, and some triple-beam, (what!), I tell 'em money-talks, like Charlie Sheen..."
"These are more than words, this is more than rap, this is the streets, and I am the trap... Standing Ovation..."
- Young Jeezy, "Standing Ovation"
People need to understand that, and their friends don't use "conspiracy theories" that involve pure theorizing about historical events or unverifiable information, unlike less-effective websites. Alex Jones and his team have millions of independent fans because they makes more sense of the world we live in than most others, including taking real issues and events we're all aware of and making sense of them, and having a variety of credible experts and whistleblowers confirm it. When people have strong negative opinions about stuff they know nothing about, it's strange since they shouldn't have any opinion at all. They are simply and ignorantly repeating smear campaigns launched by snitches in the establishment against those who threaten them, that's the only way this happens.
If someone doesn't know anything about someone else, they should shut up.
"I'm the author of the book, yeah a genius wrote it, (jeah!), there's a message in my words, you gotta de-code it, (ayye!), I seen it all, every gram, every 'burb, (what!), I spit the truth, every noun, every verb, (that's riiight!), I never exaggerated one-line, one-dime, never lied to the people, not one-time, (never!), a hard-head make' a soft-ass, (ayye!), and hard-white'll get you straight cash, (haha!)..."
"Ayye... ayye... ayye... you gotta believe... you gotta believe... "
- Young Jeezy, "Thug Motivation 101: Let's Get It"
People need to understand that,,, and use the best formula for convincing people, or showing us rare stories from the mainstream sources people say they trust anyway to contradict what most of the others are saying. It worked for me and millions of others, and I ain't stupid. I understand good journalists struggle to put this stuff out, and they deserve to have their efforts to save us rewarded by actually finding their work on a website that collects it. FYI - it's good for us to be "saved" too, preferably before the "Rapture", just in case you've been cheering for it and are going to hell.
"Psychopathic word-play, schizophrenic-flow, I guess it's safe to say, I got, schizophrenic-dough, (daaamn!), f--k bad b-tches, smoke big-blunts, who am I to tell you different, you only live once, (let's get it!)..."
- Young Jeezy, "Standing Ovation"
People need to understand "this" email and other random acts of dissent are not "propaganda", the people can do it, and this information can't be, especially when dissent is actively discouraged.
People already intuitively understand these actions - even in the shadows - are remarkably effective against what we're sold on a daily basis, especially considering Bush's 20%, Cheney's 9% and Congress' 14% approval ratings, the Democrats winning in November 2006 without campaigning, the 70% of Americans in polls against the War in Iraq, and the 60% of Americans in polls who don't "believe" in the Global Warming death-by-taxing fraud.
People need to understand that disseminating information exposing the daily brainwashing certainly works, but it's not propaganda, it can't be.
"Just 'cause I'm fly like a helicopter, the federales on my tail, call 'em bird watchers, (ayye!), minus the bullsh-t, life's great, I just got a camera on the peach, of my licence plate, (yeeaah!)..."
"What it do? What the bizness is? Word on the street', Jeezy known to handle-his, b-tch, get ya mind right, let me talk to 'em, b-tch, get ya mind right, let me talk to 'em..."
- Young Jeezy, "Get Ya Mind Right"
People need to understand - a bizarre Orwellian term on it's own - that when they say anything "political" said by anybody at anytime is propaganda, they are just repeating propaganda, and they don't know what they're talking about.
People need to check any description (George Orwell's "1984") or manifestation (Nazi Germany) in history, and they'll see it's simple lies and slogans repeated endlessly across every communications medium by corporate-fascist governments for more power and control over the masses, or the only people who control them, or the only people who can consistently reach enough people to define their message as propaganda.
People must understand that no one else can do this, therefore no one else can disseminate propaganda. Making anyone's "political" statements magically equal to the brainwashing power of the state is sheer miscalculated lunacy, so stop acting like a stupid lunatic, that's just the brainwashing power of the state.
"I don't under, 'cause I over-stand, no time for mistakes, so I over-plan..."
- Young Jeezy feat. R. Kelly, "Go Getta"
People need to overstand that the top-snitches in the media understand what their job is: to promote the same frauds all at once to create "propaganda", or what's mysteriously "hot" in the press for a few weeks at a time to get us to accept evil hidden agendas. Individuals can act in various ways at various times, but when they all act at once it's really the secret government snitches pushing the agenda of the London and Wall Street bankers and financiers (Webster Tarpley) who run the world.
People need to see this is a big reason the dirty-word "spy" became the cool word "intelligence", and while half of them fight "terror" the other half provoke it, and keep them all invested in growing a profitable business. They've been placed in key positions in the media around the world, including as part of the CIA's "Operation Mockingbird" launched in the 1950's among others, and their job is to control what can and should be discussed.
People need to know how journalists can work in a world where everyone says the media lies, and it's the same way the rest of us do: their bosses give them horrible justifications they meekly accept to keep their jobs thanks to their debts.
" I used to give a damn, but I never gave a f--k..."
- Young Jeezy, "Still On It"
People need to understand that getting "political" isn't anything special or horrible, it just means understanding the world you live in and what's going to happen in the future, which isn't a bad idea considering who we have in charge and what they've done to the world.
People need to know our leaders are genocidal maniacs who want to kill most people on earth, including in the Western world. They beat us and their Third World dogs for years, and after killing millions they aren't exactly nice folks: would YOU run Chinese slave-labor factories? Launch Hitlerian pre-emptive wars of aggression against defenseless Third World countries? (Don't answer that, I don't wanna know.)
People need to understand they've always cut education and increased military spending, which is always the exact opposite of what we want them to do.
People need to find out who the snitches are and why they're doing this to us.
People need to find nice people, trust nice people, and be nice people.
People need to find their friends and family.
"Everybody on the block, got the same agenda, hustle from January, to the end of December..."
- Young Jeezy, "My Hood"
People need to understand the six weeks of "global warming" hysteria that drove everyone crazy as a perfect example of propaganda at work. I was even consistently getting accused of being a "Bush supporter" despite my years of public activism against his regime, and mostly because it was the "thing to say" at the time to anyone who didn't believe in the global religious awakening of governments and corporations who suddenly wanted to do the opposite of everything they've been doing so far. Go figure.
People who were totally different were all saying the same thing, and when even people who weren't "political" were getting in my face, I knew I found "propaganda", or what even people who don't watch the news excitedly repeat because they can't avoid hearing it somewhere, including ignorant anger as a cheap way to feel smart.
People need to understand that neither I nor others fighting to save the world have the means nor reach to produce "propaganda", except via email and other "Committees of Correspondence" style efforts similar to the 10 years of activism that preceded the American Revolution in 1776, ensuring people were informed and educated enough to act when the time came.
People need to understand that if we just trusted people more than governments and corporations then this global nightmare of endless wars, police states and death by taxes could end in a week. It would be awesome. Without control of the media people consume it's an impossible dream to realize.
For now.
"If you dont like it, do something n-gga, (jeah!), where I'm from, if we don't like it, we do something n-gga..."
- Young Jeezy, "Bang"
People need to understand that hanging out with liars in the media is making them too paranoid to trust anyone else, and it's the same thing as constantly hanging out with criminals hiding their agendas and never learning to trust people. I'm shocked at the number of people who would eat the food I give them and yet refuse to accept the information I have, and I can't boil toast.
People don't figure out why their TV and newspapers are lying, why they get away with it, or even what the lies are, which means they become part of our vocabulary and make us liars too. With respect to "politics", we defiantly defend our "right" to an opinion instead of embracing our "opportunity" to evolve it thanks to our friends, which means we don't trust our friends, and suddenly get paranoid about hidden agendas with people we've known and liked forever (like the 2004 elections "red and blue" households) while defending proven liars, looters and murderers.
People need to stop simply use their biases and experience to guess about what's true from the daily piles of crap we're given, and allowing the genocidal poisoning of our food, air, water and minds to move forward while the people screaming to stop it are ignored.
People need to understand that our willful ignorance or existential agnosticism when it comes to figuring out the truth - or - accepting that it's impossible to do is fine for now, but it won't save us from devolving into animals, from being taxed to death, or from the retarded psychopaths with guns hired to shoot us
"Look up in the sky, and tell me what you see, the clouds, naw n-gga, not me, (yeeaah!), I see opportunity, I'm a' opportunist, n-gga you heard what I said?, I'm a' opportunist!, (jeah!), soft or hard, white or green, all these free-agents, you'd better build your team..."
"The world is yours, and everything in it, is out there, get on ya grind and get it, (Heeey!), hands in the air, sky's the limit n-gga, hands in the air..."
"You can do anything you put your mind to, put your grind to, forgetful-ass n-gga?, must I remind you?"
- Young Jeezy, "Sky's The Limit"
People who make excuses for not putting out their own house-fire are idiots.
People who set the fire want them to be idiots.
People who choose to believe they'll lose will lose.
People who lose the First World will live in the Third World.
People who lost the First World live in New Orleans.
9/11 Synthetic Terror - Made in U.S.A.
Iraq - Ron Paul vs. Yahoo News
Do Cops And Soldiers Like Alex Jones?
Talk To Cops and Soldiers
Ask them questions even though you have some answers, ask them for the time, ask them for what's happening, ask them how they're doing, share your take on things, and help chill them out when they're being militarized and turned into a paranoid occupying army.
The local police are carrying M5 machine-guns on the streets of London despite the gun-bans and over four-million surveillance cameras, which apparently don't work to reduce crime or the "terror" we feel at all.
Or do they?
After all, none of this stuff is scary, right?
The British cops, including many Masons now recruiting as the British press reported, are implementing martial law against the people, just like they are in North America and around the world, or "Red Dawn in slow motion" as Alex Jones calls it.
We can see the bits and pieces, but we'd better see the whole thing before we're inside it, they don't call it "" for nothing.
When cops walk around with M-16's in Montreal and Minneapolis, you'll know we're all caught up.
We we walk the streets with the cops against the elite, you'll know we're all caught up.
Good night, and good luck.
Peace, (NOW!!)
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Greeks stole the Egyptian, Trojan, Roman and Venetian empires to benefit
their hideous decadent merchantilism. They invented capitalism along with
perfidiously decadent sexual, "philosophical", and commercial mores. Greeks
are not courageous enough to fight, but prefer commerce, witch alchemy
"science" and literature as instruments of domination. Greeks invented
globalization three thousand years ago. The perfidy of the Trojan Horse
betrays how perfideously Greeks fight. During the Depression, Casavis
betrayed how masons are beholden to the Greeks. The Greeks have always been
behind the Satan's religion of Secular Humanism. Greeks invented masonism
long before Christ and now control the core conspiracies of the CIA and CFR.
Gorbachev, who bears the mark of the antiChrist on his forehead, is a member
of the Greek politburo, called Archons of Constantinople. They are the
secret controllers of the Federal Reserve (from their Delian League), using
board of directors like Brademas, Hatsopoulos, Patrikis, and Jamie Dimon.
Russia was always controlled by Greeks, originally for the wheat, and the
first Russian governor of Alaska was a Greek named Delaros. Jefferson and
Franklin were controlled in the writing of our Constitution by a guy straight
from Greece named Paradise at the same time as Russia had a Greek foreign
minister, who had lured the greatest scientists of Europe to work in Russia.
A Greek named Peter Peterson replaced David Rockefeller at the helm of the
Council on Foreign Relations. The CIA has long been controlled by Greeks like
Tenet and Negroponte. Arab countries are controlled by the Greeks who ship
their oil. Greeks are still intent on consummating their Chanuka crimes.
Greeks are so aware they are the devils' answer to the Jews, that when the
Greeks first tried to be Christians they started calling themselves Romans
instead. American slave trade was controlled by a Greek family named
Benakis. Greek diners are oil ship money laundries - what do they do when we
are not eating? Those diner boys do so well in those filthy colleges,
because the colleges are Greek instruments of world domination established by
the guy named Paradise who controlled Jefferson and Franklin. This is why
colleges all look like Greek temples and have those depraved Greek
fraternities. The devil General Grant admitted to being a Byzantine emperor.
The Greek devil Papnichlau invented the sex "liberating" pap smear. The USA
movie industry was invented by Spyros Scouras, friend of Stalin. The Greek
devils carelessly caused Atlantis to disappear when they arrived on earth.
Turks are just Trojans avenging millenia of occupation. We must liberate
humanity from three millenia of Greek domination.
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