Toronto: Bored of Mayor SmitherFord?



Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Note: We have bigger issues than those often discussed, like Smitherman's $50 a year tax rebate to renters, Rossi's bike lanes flip-flop, Pantalone's corporate green micro-management, and Ford's flamboyant threats of cutting "waste" or "theft" while nickel and diming voters on the substance. Charities say 40% of us wll get cancer. The Globe and Mail says 60% of us live paycheque to paycheque. A new 27-acre CAMH mental hospital going up. Let's try to address this stuff too.
Five Key Platform Issues in Vijay Sarma's 2010 Mayor of Toronto Campaign
1. G20 Martial Law at the Summit in June was the most traumatic event in Toronto's history. We saw how our police and others acted before and after it, but we also saw they will follow orders during it just like most of us "do our jobs". We're all in the same boat in the same City, so let's make sure this never happens again by exposing the truth about what the Federal and G20 "world government" leaders forced on our City. If we don't, it could happen again. Let's make sure it doesn't. This is why the big picture is more important than the small issues we're often told of.
2. Stop big corporations from poisoning us. We know they are, it's in the news all the time. The City can test any food, air, water and more things that people are suspicious of like the media often does for news stories, then come up with solutions. We can just refer to the work of many whistleblowers and others who give us more options to improve our health in our environments and make better choices. People can still do whatever they want, but we can do it with more options in a cleaner and safer Toronto if we want. Before we get sicker and broker, let's try this approach.
3. If most people find it tough to deal with serious issues of corruption that threaten all of us, then I believe that men should help defend this City on behalf of women, chilren and the elderly. There would be no official policy on this, just encouragement from the top. Toronto tough guys shouldn't be afraid to look at what millions of nerds do, including the truth about how power works that's been re-discovered by more and more people for decades, then act on it. There's a reason "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer", we just have to see if it's good or bad and what we can do.
4. Government waste is an issue every election, But, a lot of that "waste" is really "theft" since the money doesn't just disappear or get thrown away. Somebody gets it, even though we have City ombudspeople who should catch it. Whie it's tough to untangle, since it's bad for us, I'd start by removing the fluoride from our water supply to save $450 million a year since it's bad for us and Montreal and Vancouver don't use it, cutting down on City ads, cops at construction sites where they don't need protection and more common sense. Then we can just audit everything publicly.
5. Finally, I'd like the people of Toronto to spend just one hour a week staying in touch with their City elected officials and employees to help them resist the influence of corporate lobbyists. The good people on the inside will appreciate it. All the City has to do is ensure that communication is made easy and normal and that different people and groups from different wards can keep in touch with who they elect. City politicians aren't part of any parties, they're controlled by the people who elect them, if they continue to control them after the election. I hope we decide to this election.
Feel free to run these ideas by current candidates so they can get done no matter who wins.
With Mayor Miller's "strong mayor" office powers, all of the above is possible right now.
More shortly, knowledge is power and we can find answers to everything.
Thanks for your time and consideration, please pass it on.
Warm regards,
CTV News / CP24 Video Interiew Transcript, September 15, 2010.
Where Vijay Sarma stands on the big issues facing Toronto:
1. Transit City is an important and controversial part of Toronto. What are your thoughts on the proposed plan?
"I think that large infrastructure problems are not something we need right now when we already have problems with existing transit lines. We should fix those first, otherwise taking on a new project might just weaken our ability to facilitate the current TTC projects."
2. Bike lanes have become a topic in the last few weeks. Do you plan on implementing them on Jarvis, University and the other locations?
"Definitely for it, but it has to be done with the participation of the community where those bike lanes are going to be. If people in the community want bike lanes, great. If they don't, then they shouldn't have them and so it would take community involvement to approve a bike lane."
3. How do you feel about the idea of charging road tolls?
"I'm against road tolls. With our budgets right now, and our tax rates sky rocketing over the last couple years, I think the last thing we need is toll roads slowing down the pace of the business in this city and make life more inconvenient for the people of Toronto."
4. How do you feel about the crime level in Toronto? How do you plan on addressing it?
"If there is persistent corruption or crime that is something our government and media, should deal with. Men should deal with it on behalf of women and children just how men have defended their culture for thousands of years before this."
5. How do you plan on cleaning up the city?
"First of all the pollution in the environment on a daily basis is something I want to deal with. The CBC had a story called The Disappearing Male, talking about how the male sperm count is going down. So I think there are things that affect our daily lives in terms of pollution that we have to deal with as well. Garbage pickup I would double to triple a week, as oppose to once a week to make it more convenient for businesses to operate in this city."
6. How do you plan on bringing "new life" to the city? (ex: people, business, events, parades etc.)
"I think we should have a strong cultural funding but I think that it should be community based. So the communities themselves is where the artists develop from, should chose whom they wish to find as opposed to the centralized process we currently have now where the city, provincial, or even the federal government does it. I'd like to see the people do it and chose which artists they would like their tax dollars to support."
7. How important is accountability while you are in office and how do you plan on monitoring this?
"I'd like the citizens of Toronto to communicate with the city employees, city bureaucracies and our elected officials for one hour a week to make that conversation continue. We're not part of one political party so we don't take any direction directly from them. We only take direction from the people or from the people who talk to us which are often corporate lobbies, special interest groups and so on. I'd like to make sure that we have a transparent system and let the people work for an hour a week to help maintain that."
8. What are your plans for the city's budget including taxes?
"I'd like to borrow from the Bank of Canada which any municipal, provincial, or federal government can do if the right people are in charge of each of the governments. I plan to cut taxes. No more extra taxes, eco fees, property taxes. We pay approx 60% of our income in total taxes and I think that the government has enough money. They're just not using it as well as they should."
9. What "big idea" do you have that will be part of your platform?
"I think that millions of people online are looking for the truth and I think that the media does a great job of covering issues rarely once in a while. I think that it would be a great idea if we were open to the work of whistle blowers, scientists, doctors, and others who questioned the main stream orthodox issues like fluoride and vaccines which are two keys for me. And so I'd like to see those re-visited by our city. So if we have the campaign like the H1N1 campaign, where we promote the vaccine, we also promote the risk of the vaccine and where you can get legal vaccines and exemption forms. It's part of the 1997 Immunization of School People's Act."
CP24 Link:
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Sometimes I ask people who they admire since I think it can help us live in a world worth admiring. Sometimes I get a sports star or celebrity. Sometimes others. Sometimes I get historical figures. Sometimes no answer. Today, many people think there aren't people worth admiring, at least not the way we used to. That's too bad. But, it's not too late to find some. Even in Toronto.
Below are people I admire in Toronto, so hopefully other people can at least appreciate their work. This also gives voters an idea of how my opinions were formed and why they might be different from other candidates. No two people agree on everything all the time, so I don't agree with everything they say, but I still admire what they say and do and I hope that you do too.
Warm regards,
Victor Fletcher, Publisher, "Toronto Street News"
The Chairman Emeritus of Toronto Truth who's spent the last 12 years putting over $1 million in the pockets of Toronto's homeless years while sharing all the truth he can find. Victor's our best bet to get good news to improve our health, wealth and relationships, plus some good karma by giving $2 to the homeless to get it.
Barrie Zwicker, Professor, TV Host, Author "The Great Conspiracy"
On Vision TV, Barrie was one of the first journalists in the world to question the official story of the 9/11 attacks, something most of us now do (while the TV mostly ignores it). He helped organize the second international inquiry into them in Toronto in 2004. His accolades over a distinguished career go on and on.
Ian Woods, Publisher, "Global Outlook Magazine"
Many deserve credit, but Ian is a big reason why many in Toronto get it, or know how the people behind globalization affect us and what we can do about it. His massive magazines with great articles and where to order hundreds of books and dvd's on 9/11 Truth, health, money and more gave us a great chance to.
Sydney White, Professor, "Studies in Propaganda" (U of T)
A fiery speaker and great teacher, Sydney has been a fixture on the scene for years while hosting classes on a variety of world issues at University of Toronto, speaking at rallies, advising young and old alike and proving that we might be in a better mood if we're mad about the right things. Her course can be found at:
Terry Burrows, Project Coordinator, "Skeptics Inquiry for Truth (SIFT)"
A founding member of SIFT, Terry along with Norman Thackeray and others help give younger Toronto truth seekers a sense of our history and this "conspiracy" stuff more credibility. They're nice, normal, Canadian old white guys who just happen to be able to handle it well. Terry's recent G20 provocateur expose is below.
Dan Dicks, Journalist, Filmmaker, Owner of "Press For Truth"
One of the nicest and most normal guys you'll meet has a tattoo of a giant exploding pyramid on his arm. Dan learned who "they" are years ago, researched it, and now owns one of the most respected indie media companies in Toronto. Their latest film is called "United We Fall" and they're hard at work on a G20 expose.
Patrick Whyte, Owner of the "Conspiracy Culture" Book, DVD and More Store
After partying in the underground rave scene, Patrick and I re-connected years later and discovered we both got older, more mature and into figuring out how we can share the truth we all need to know with our fellow Canadians. His beautiful store on Queen Street is admired by his customers and the media. Check it out.
More shortly...
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Note: We have bigger issues than those often discussed, like Smitherman's $50 a year tax rebate to renters, Rossi's bike lanes flip-flop, Pantalone's corporate green micro-management, and Ford's flamboyant threats of cutting "waste" or "theft" while nickel and diming voters on the substance. Charities say 40% of us wll get cancer. The Globe and Mail says 60% of us live paycheque to paycheque. A new 27-acre CAMH mental hospital going up. Let's try to address this stuff too.
Five Key Platform Issues in Vijay Sarma's 2010 Mayor of Toronto Campaign
1. G20 Martial Law at the Summit in June was the most traumatic event in Toronto's history. We saw how our police and others acted before and after it, but we also saw they will follow orders during it just like most of us "do our jobs". We're all in the same boat in the same City, so let's make sure this never happens again by exposing the truth about what the Federal and G20 "world government" leaders forced on our City. If we don't, it could happen again. Let's make sure it doesn't. This is why the big picture is more important than the small issues we're often told of.
2. Stop big corporations from poisoning us. We know they are, it's in the news all the time. The City can test any food, air, water and more things that people are suspicious of like the media often does for news stories, then come up with solutions. We can just refer to the work of many whistleblowers and others who give us more options to improve our health in our environments and make better choices. People can still do whatever they want, but we can do it with more options in a cleaner and safer Toronto if we want. Before we get sicker and broker, let's try this approach.
3. If most people find it tough to deal with serious issues of corruption that threaten all of us, then I believe that men should help defend this City on behalf of women, chilren and the elderly. There would be no official policy on this, just encouragement from the top. Toronto tough guys shouldn't be afraid to look at what millions of nerds do, including the truth about how power works that's been re-discovered by more and more people for decades, then act on it. There's a reason "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer", we just have to see if it's good or bad and what we can do.
4. Government waste is an issue every election, But, a lot of that "waste" is really "theft" since the money doesn't just disappear or get thrown away. Somebody gets it, even though we have City ombudspeople who should catch it. Whie it's tough to untangle, since it's bad for us, I'd start by removing the fluoride from our water supply to save $450 million a year since it's bad for us and Montreal and Vancouver don't use it, cutting down on City ads, cops at construction sites where they don't need protection and more common sense. Then we can just audit everything publicly.
5. Finally, I'd like the people of Toronto to spend just one hour a week staying in touch with their City elected officials and employees to help them resist the influence of corporate lobbyists. The good people on the inside will appreciate it. All the City has to do is ensure that communication is made easy and normal and that different people and groups from different wards can keep in touch with who they elect. City politicians aren't part of any parties, they're controlled by the people who elect them, if they continue to control them after the election. I hope we decide to this election.
Feel free to run these ideas by current candidates so they can get done no matter who wins.
With Mayor Miller's "strong mayor" office powers, all of the above is possible right now.
More shortly, knowledge is power and we can find answers to everything.
Thanks for your time and consideration, please pass it on.
Warm regards,
CTV News / CP24 Video Interiew Transcript, September 15, 2010.
Where Vijay Sarma stands on the big issues facing Toronto:
1. Transit City is an important and controversial part of Toronto. What are your thoughts on the proposed plan?
"I think that large infrastructure problems are not something we need right now when we already have problems with existing transit lines. We should fix those first, otherwise taking on a new project might just weaken our ability to facilitate the current TTC projects."
2. Bike lanes have become a topic in the last few weeks. Do you plan on implementing them on Jarvis, University and the other locations?
"Definitely for it, but it has to be done with the participation of the community where those bike lanes are going to be. If people in the community want bike lanes, great. If they don't, then they shouldn't have them and so it would take community involvement to approve a bike lane."
3. How do you feel about the idea of charging road tolls?
"I'm against road tolls. With our budgets right now, and our tax rates sky rocketing over the last couple years, I think the last thing we need is toll roads slowing down the pace of the business in this city and make life more inconvenient for the people of Toronto."
4. How do you feel about the crime level in Toronto? How do you plan on addressing it?
"If there is persistent corruption or crime that is something our government and media, should deal with. Men should deal with it on behalf of women and children just how men have defended their culture for thousands of years before this."
5. How do you plan on cleaning up the city?
"First of all the pollution in the environment on a daily basis is something I want to deal with. The CBC had a story called The Disappearing Male, talking about how the male sperm count is going down. So I think there are things that affect our daily lives in terms of pollution that we have to deal with as well. Garbage pickup I would double to triple a week, as oppose to once a week to make it more convenient for businesses to operate in this city."
6. How do you plan on bringing "new life" to the city? (ex: people, business, events, parades etc.)
"I think we should have a strong cultural funding but I think that it should be community based. So the communities themselves is where the artists develop from, should chose whom they wish to find as opposed to the centralized process we currently have now where the city, provincial, or even the federal government does it. I'd like to see the people do it and chose which artists they would like their tax dollars to support."
7. How important is accountability while you are in office and how do you plan on monitoring this?
"I'd like the citizens of Toronto to communicate with the city employees, city bureaucracies and our elected officials for one hour a week to make that conversation continue. We're not part of one political party so we don't take any direction directly from them. We only take direction from the people or from the people who talk to us which are often corporate lobbies, special interest groups and so on. I'd like to make sure that we have a transparent system and let the people work for an hour a week to help maintain that."
8. What are your plans for the city's budget including taxes?
"I'd like to borrow from the Bank of Canada which any municipal, provincial, or federal government can do if the right people are in charge of each of the governments. I plan to cut taxes. No more extra taxes, eco fees, property taxes. We pay approx 60% of our income in total taxes and I think that the government has enough money. They're just not using it as well as they should."
9. What "big idea" do you have that will be part of your platform?
"I think that millions of people online are looking for the truth and I think that the media does a great job of covering issues rarely once in a while. I think that it would be a great idea if we were open to the work of whistle blowers, scientists, doctors, and others who questioned the main stream orthodox issues like fluoride and vaccines which are two keys for me. And so I'd like to see those re-visited by our city. So if we have the campaign like the H1N1 campaign, where we promote the vaccine, we also promote the risk of the vaccine and where you can get legal vaccines and exemption forms. It's part of the 1997 Immunization of School People's Act."
CP24 Link:
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Sometimes I ask people who they admire since I think it can help us live in a world worth admiring. Sometimes I get a sports star or celebrity. Sometimes others. Sometimes I get historical figures. Sometimes no answer. Today, many people think there aren't people worth admiring, at least not the way we used to. That's too bad. But, it's not too late to find some. Even in Toronto.
Below are people I admire in Toronto, so hopefully other people can at least appreciate their work. This also gives voters an idea of how my opinions were formed and why they might be different from other candidates. No two people agree on everything all the time, so I don't agree with everything they say, but I still admire what they say and do and I hope that you do too.
Warm regards,
Victor Fletcher, Publisher, "Toronto Street News"
The Chairman Emeritus of Toronto Truth who's spent the last 12 years putting over $1 million in the pockets of Toronto's homeless years while sharing all the truth he can find. Victor's our best bet to get good news to improve our health, wealth and relationships, plus some good karma by giving $2 to the homeless to get it.
Barrie Zwicker, Professor, TV Host, Author "The Great Conspiracy"
On Vision TV, Barrie was one of the first journalists in the world to question the official story of the 9/11 attacks, something most of us now do (while the TV mostly ignores it). He helped organize the second international inquiry into them in Toronto in 2004. His accolades over a distinguished career go on and on.
Ian Woods, Publisher, "Global Outlook Magazine"
Many deserve credit, but Ian is a big reason why many in Toronto get it, or know how the people behind globalization affect us and what we can do about it. His massive magazines with great articles and where to order hundreds of books and dvd's on 9/11 Truth, health, money and more gave us a great chance to.
Sydney White, Professor, "Studies in Propaganda" (U of T)
A fiery speaker and great teacher, Sydney has been a fixture on the scene for years while hosting classes on a variety of world issues at University of Toronto, speaking at rallies, advising young and old alike and proving that we might be in a better mood if we're mad about the right things. Her course can be found at:
Terry Burrows, Project Coordinator, "Skeptics Inquiry for Truth (SIFT)"
A founding member of SIFT, Terry along with Norman Thackeray and others help give younger Toronto truth seekers a sense of our history and this "conspiracy" stuff more credibility. They're nice, normal, Canadian old white guys who just happen to be able to handle it well. Terry's recent G20 provocateur expose is below.
Dan Dicks, Journalist, Filmmaker, Owner of "Press For Truth"
One of the nicest and most normal guys you'll meet has a tattoo of a giant exploding pyramid on his arm. Dan learned who "they" are years ago, researched it, and now owns one of the most respected indie media companies in Toronto. Their latest film is called "United We Fall" and they're hard at work on a G20 expose.
Patrick Whyte, Owner of the "Conspiracy Culture" Book, DVD and More Store
After partying in the underground rave scene, Patrick and I re-connected years later and discovered we both got older, more mature and into figuring out how we can share the truth we all need to know with our fellow Canadians. His beautiful store on Queen Street is admired by his customers and the media. Check it out.
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Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
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