Blog Classic: Bootlegs, Babes, Beats and Beating The Bloody Hands of Time

Black Krishna - Death To The New World Order
Bootlegg Recordingue Sessione - 20Feb10
Note: I just checked my Reverbnation music account and noticed the page for this song was in the search listings. I just listened to it again. It's f--king awesome. I guess I really felt like saying it. I think me'n'D were working on a lot of music at the time so I was in great rapping shape and I killed this no-mix bootleg version (stuff was busted) straight through after a long day of street actioning, freemason interviewing, smokey-smoking and almost being arrested for trying to defend free speech outside City Hall. I re-recorded a cleaner version at a buddy's shiny studio, but this is a great raw one. There's something about the pace and intensity of barking out our frustrations over beats that makes it the ballsiest form of music, so it has amazing possibilities.
I really love music, it's the last place to express honest emotion freely.
Plus, I think I've been having trouble with my shiny new microphone. It's great for recording high notes, but not so good for low ones. It makes my voice sound higher than it should be in my headphones and on the track. I think I'll use the new one for singing and go back to my old one for rapping, it's got a grimier feel and sound to it. I used it on arguably my best recent track, an expansive stadium anthem called "On To The Next: No One World Government" which got played 2500 times on HipHopDX too. I was ahead of my time with some bizarro un-autotune thingy going on. I don't know how it got there, but it sounds even grittier, crazier and ballsier than it would have. They're both below, I can't wait to play it this way if straight don't git 'er done.
I also met a beautiful young lady today who said I should be a comedian. I found that flattering, but it also really pissed me off. I wasn't pissed at her, but I was pissed off. I realized that I might have to re-write my website to make it funnier, which I just don't have time to do, so I'm thinking of other options. After years of fighting to win arguments quickly, sometimes I fight like a boxer in a world where we're supposed to be soft as baby poo. I'm trying to save people time, but it's hard to figure out what people will like -- and -- react to, as opposed to just enjoy and forget about like a Twit, YouTube video, Txt, etc. Afterwards, we talked about relationships, a common topic. I've also known for years that I can easily obliterate most crappy relationship advice.
I only know this because I've done it a bunch of times with people who appreciate what they've heard getting the snot kicked out of it, so hopefully I'll come up with another one that sticks like a giant post-it note in the sky. I'm mostly a creative idea guy who needs others to help him execute in a timely fashion. I always thought ideas'd come in handy just in case "we" wanted to fight back against the bad guys messing with us. I knew I couldn't take them out on my own. The only things we'd worry about are our job and our friends. So, don't do anything to threaten either. Avoid it at work and get along with friends by maintaining who you are and getting respect for it. If you're all frustrated, then you won't be good company no matter what you believe.
But, if you're cool with the world, then you can be cooler with everything in it.
Sorry, it's the only answer I've seen and the only one I've got, and I've been looking.
Once we feel like handling what we're scared of, we'll feel like we can handle anything.
Fortunately, millions of people around the world get it in some way, so we're fairly close.
P.S. Incidentally, Google (and I guess Scroogle) is censoring the crap out of my stuff. I had a ton of stuff online over the last few years and most of it has disappeared even though you can still find lots of other stuff by other people from the 90's. My YouTube channel never comes up in searches for "black krishna" either, among other weird things. I'm not crying or complaining or scared or anything, this is just the world we live in and it's irritating. However, all their scams are based on lies, including subtly "Orwellizing" information, or "disappearing" or changing articles and more to change us over time. This is why I have a lot of videos of internet surfing from a while back too. Anyway, I couldn't Google for the lyrics or this song either. But here they are.
P.P.S. I also think I may have been had. Or, a lot of my time was either spent or wasted, which delayed me and broke my concentration on my work. Like most men, I have a weakness for women and chldren. And the elderly too. My guard is down since I don't thnk it needs to be up, so who knows? But, while it's rare, I've seen it before. I don't think I'm paranoid, mostly because I'm not. But, I am aware of things in my environment and how they impact us, plus I've seen this sort of thing with me before. As I said, my posters were getting targeted and ripped-down during the G20 Martial Law, plus after, so the system definitely doesn't want people to see me saying "Anybody But SmitherFord!" and other catchy stuff that exposes lies and opens people's minds.
P.P.P.S. Flattery is very dangerous, so it's best to downplay it whenever possible before you get addicted. It's how people near the top are controlled. Be careful, in a world where we know what to say to each other we are more easily controlled by each other in witting and unwitting ways. Oh well, no biggie, there's time left and I've got plans and a history, so hopefully people look at what I'm offering and get hip to their choices on October 25th for Mayor of Toronto and get hip to what's happening and why the race has been such a joke so far. Otherwise it's best to keep an open mind, keep on your grind and enjoy life while you can while getting stuff done. That way we don't just live for the moment, we make sure we're in better shape later to have more moments.
P.P.P.P.S. I got some great advice and encouragement though, so I'm guessing it's legit.
And now back to your regularily scheduled de-programming.
Black Krishna - Death To The New World Order
Bootlegg Recordingue Sessione - 20Feb10
Death To The New World Order
"Enough dirt on you, to murder you!
This is what the fuck I do!"
Death to the New World Order!
They say money talks,
Fuck money: I talk more!
My girls say chill,
But: I want war!
My boys say:
Let's get a beer, then more!
My balls say:
'Fuck you sayin' that for?
My conscience,
Is constantly conscious,
New World Orders upon us!
Who fuckin' wants us?
Your choice, your voice, your noise,
To make, 'fore they take, away your toys!
Give a fuck, who you rollin' with!
"Free The Masons!"
Fuck what you holdin', shit,
I'm into facin' --
A thousand year plan,
Or a thousand year sentence in hell,
For not taking a stand!
'Fuck you mean?
Will be fine?
'Fuck you mean?
We can't do shit?
Stop lyin'!
Who preppin' us for dyin'?
Skulls everywhere, we wear?
So we all stare?
At death right there?
In front of your eyes,
Lies in "The Matrix"!
Bitch-made snitches,
Tryin'a play tricks!
Fuck them bitches,
I'm built for this!
Instead of gettin' pissed-on,
Motherfucker: I get pissed!
"Enough dirt on you, to murder you,
This is what the fuck I do!"
Death to the New World Order!
All Lies On Me!
Fuck all you bitches,
Haters, seeyalaters and critics,
Snitches, debatin' semantics like cynics!
This ain't a fuckin', picnic,
Ya tongue, get slit-quick!
You fuckin' nit-wit,
You can Twitter that shit!
Fuckin' "Twit",
Do you get it yet?
Who said it better yet?
Bar none, better bet, on a veteran!
No bars, no scars,
So far, no one!
Rip a new asshole,
In, a fuckin' pyramid!
I'm fuckin' sick of this!
Motherfucker --
I'm'a finish this!
'Til nobody --
Can't say shit!
Banks get shanks,
Pharma get shots!
Cops and troops,
Can aim and cock!
What happened to ya cock'n'ballz?
Smooth like a G.I. Joe!
And ya Underoos,
Is gettin' real small!
Gadget-Godzilla gonads!
So, bad motherfuckers,
Ain't fall, for bad ads!
Juries of peers,
See I see, past they' fears!
Can't cry no more,
Can't waste no tears --
Of joy, as I enjoy,
A chance to destroy!
Armies of toy soldiers,
A club, of old boys!
Oh boy!
We on the run now,
And we runnin',
A race against time,
For your mind,
Who gunnin'?
Down dreams,
I clown fiends,
Addicted to corporate-crack,
Fat-sack of truth,
Nut-sack to match!
"Enough dirt on you to murder you,
This is what the fuck I do!"
Death to the New World Order!
Black Krishna: "On to the Next: No One World Government"
posted December 15, 2009 at 7:12AM EST
HipHopDX Download: 2,747 plays
On To The Next: No One World Government
I got a million ways to get it,
Choose one,
It's going down,
The New World Order's getting clowned...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Hold up...
On to the next --
No, one world government,
No thanks, crooks, kooks'n'spooks,
Start shovin' it,
Al Gore, hockey-stick shovelin',
Man-Bear-Pig, so serial,
Imperial, bumblin',
Big Gay Al?
So cold?
Since March 0-7?
So puzzling!
UN launch then,
Hunch when, tax comin' in,
Like Pavlov, they treat us like dogs,
To use less than them,
Rockefellers at the top,
Pledge allegiance to the Roc,
Eyes Wide Shut, doc?
PhD's make disease,
For, militaries,
Don't think they wouldn't lie?
For, the IPCC?
Can't get the weather,
For the weekend, please,
Tellin' me in 20 years?
We guaranteed to freeze?
Newsweek Cover,
For a 70's scheme,
Global cooling back then?
Global warming now?
Cease and desist,
This is a citizens arres--
ted development,
Finally rebelling, yes!
Pumpin' out CO2,
With the way, I speak free,
Green Hitler youth,
Can't say ---- to me!
Can't quit 'til we free,
Of the insanity,
Sayin' carbon dioxide,
Is bad for trees...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Hold up...
Eugenics behind,
Control freak, soul weak,
Boot-lickin' menace,
Yuppie puppy dog,
Recycled commie rottweilers,
Socialists with a fist,
Up your assets, smilin',
Like they savin' the earth,
By, enslavin' the earth,
Copenslavin' pavin' graves,
In the third world first,
First world got a thirst,
Greenwashing won't work,
I'm not working on a problem,
I'm a problem at work,
On bein' a problem for jerks,
Who lie, spy and tax,
And increase the attacks,
'Til there's no going back,
There's always going back,
Piece of paper don't mean jack,
Blue-bin that,
Like Bin Laden, been found back --
When the "War on Terror Rapture!"
Was taking all our rights,
Now the "Global Warming Rapture!"
Takes our stuff, gotta fight,
Tough-love, don't bite,
But, don't get bitten,
By the hardcore, mind-control,
Victims in a Prison --
Planet dot-com, drop bombs,
Paul Joe blow,
Up another scandal,
Climategate show,
They know they lyin',
Admit they' emails tryin',
East Anglia U --
Findin' angles all the time and --
Caught just in time,
To stop us Copen' with enslavement,
Better flyer-up and hit the pavement,
Straight up.
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Hold up...
De-pop plan?
I pop carbon-bubbles,
Before you double your money,
I cause trouble,
Before you double our trouble,
I'm gonna hustle,
Harder than the bards of B.S.,
Let's rumble.
Can't be stopped,
Plans poppin' off a lot,
Lick a shot, for your bin-laden block,
P(eace), stop, and think --
If they really cared?
Wouldn't they try to stop?
GMO food, mercury?
And real toxic slop?
Waste mind, on disaster predictions,
Based on fiction,
This' no movie, dereliction of duty,
The prescription,
Let's see the uniformed,
Learn, what's going on,
Attack like Voltron,
'Til the Gore-bots, gone!
Get an addiction for freedom,
You keep, for you and your children,
Can't be chillin' when it's chilly,
And green villains say it isn't,
Or, no matter what, it's our fault!
Earth-worship, death-cult!
To heck with people now!
What about the weather later!
You got this...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
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Vijay Sarma - 2010 Toronto Mayor Candidate
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5 | 647-857-5755
Bonus: This album was released a year and a half ago, but we've caught up.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna
by Jake Paine | posted April 06, 2009 at 12:04PM EDT | 6 comments
Activist, radio journalist and emcee Black Krishna [click to read] has offered HipHopDX the chance to premier his exclusive new collection of songs, entitled Obamacide: The Album.
Based in Toronto, Canada, the social and poltical-minded man, who also goes by "BK," said the following of his Barack Obama Administration-inspired work. "What Obama supporters want to believe in is great; it's the same thing as nearly everyone who wants peace and prosperity, but there were and are people behind the scenes who influence decisions that we have to know about, including the political "system" that Obama is currently President of. All we have to do to stop the global recession and move forward is to see who's behind it, or who's getting money when we're not supposed to, which is not right."
[Click Here] to download.
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