2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful on Men, Women and the Film "Toronto G20 Exposed"

2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful on Men, Women, Feminism and Chivalry
CKLN 88.1 FM Radio interviews by host Vijay Sarma (aka BK) on gender relations.
For 100 years men and women were taught to compete instead of complement each other so we care less and are easier to control. Both sexes have to smarten up to be happier, so we should know the super-rich people who promoted feminism didn't want to help women at all. They saw half the population wasn't working for the companies they own, nor paying taxes to the governments they control. So, they changed that and got the kids in school early to brainwash them into being good consumers and producers. Below are interviews and clips to help us understand this, but keep in mind that shows like "Lost Girl" about a "succubus" and the giant posters have an effect on us. After all, advertising and psychology work unless we know how to resist it, so it's a good to know we can.
FEMINISM: Dr. Henry Makow On The Problem With The People Who Give Us Our Problems - June 12, 2007
Note: This orignal interview from 2007 is more relevant than ever in 2010.
Who Started The Battle of the Sexes - with Dr. Henry Makow - July 12, 2010
Note: The audio quality and levels are better on the smaller MP3 file.
Who Started The Battle of the Sexes 2 - with Dr. Henry Makow - August 23, 2010
Note: This interview sequel has better audio levels than the previous one.
Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society
NOTE: Hollywood producer Aaron Russo was a friend of lawyer Nick Rockefeller, a member of one of the richest American families. In this 3 minute clip he explains what Rockefeller told him about feminism, including why they promoted it on television, in education and entertainment so much, including giving us false reasons for their ends.
Gloria Steinem Exposed: Feminist Spy for The CIA!
NOTE: Ms. Steinem admitted Ms. Magazine was funded by the CIA. It's been known but suppressed for 30 years. Betty Friedan, another early feminist pioneer, was a communist spy. Regardless of how much we like them, once we find this out, it's probably better to re-examine their ideas. We all need to know this stuff to finally deal with it.
"The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman illustrates how men and women relate. We all know that a woman can open a door herself. But when a man does it, he is affirming her femininity, beauty and charm. When she graciously accepts, she is validating his masculine power.
This trade, a woman surrendering physical power in exchange for a man's protection (i.e. love) is the essence of heterosexuality. In order to develop emotionally, men and women need this mutual validation as much as sex itself. Sex is an expression of this exclusive contract.
Under the toxic influence of feminism, women open their own doors. Neither sexual identity is validated; neither sex matures emotionally. Men feel redundant and impotent; women feel rejected and unloved."
People can do whatever they want, but historically men have defended their tribe under attack. So, as a traditional option, women can take care of everything inside the house, while men can take care of everything outside the house, or hit the streets with others to secure their neighbourhoods. Times have changed, but since this has worked for thousands of years, we should keep it as an option.
There are no bragging rights with being born bigger and stronger, like most men are, just advantages and responsibilities. Men can empower women by giving them more personal space in our crowded City. Women can empower men by being thankful and reinforcing male strength. Chivalry goes back centuries because healthy cultures wanted to respect and protect women, children and the elderly.
- Vijay Sarma, campaign website main page
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
Vijay.Sarma@gmail.com | 647-857-5755

2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful Interviews "Toronto G20 Exposed" Director
Film "Toronto G20 Exposed" Website
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Bored By Mayor SmitherFord?
What Do We Want For The Next 4 Years?
Hi, my name is Vijay Sarma, my number is 647-857-5755, and I’d like to be your next Mayor of Toronto, or at least share good ideas with us like any lifelong resident can. I hope people support me to encourage others to run for office and show we want the truth from our City Hall. We can all be happier and healthier if we get it.
Millions worldwide show they know about the banks, corporations, foundations and others working to control us. They do a great job online with articles, videos and more. The good news is the bad guys got caught, but don’t think we have the will to fight back. I do.
Since I started campaigning in April 2009, I’ve worked on how to deal with this in Canada with Toronto Truth Seekers and Press For Truth exposing the H1N1 pandemic, then G20 Martial Law, then Caribana Martial Law Lite, plus my CKLN Radio news show.
Toronto has a great market for truth, so we can know it, we just need to practically use it to affect things like elections before we forget our daily debating topics and settle for less. We can poster, flyer, share dvd’s and work with our neighbours on specific issues.
Discussing what governments are really up to is not new. It’s not in style, but corporations won’t promote it for us. We just have to care about our families, friends and future. Check my site, I think we’ll be happier if we can confidently listen to what we can all say.
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
Vijay.Sarma@gmail.com | 647-857-5755

2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful on Men, Women, Feminism and Chivalry
CKLN 88.1 FM Radio interviews by host Vijay Sarma (aka BK) on gender relations.
For 100 years men and women were taught to compete instead of complement each other so we care less and are easier to control. Both sexes have to smarten up to be happier, so we should know the super-rich people who promoted feminism didn't want to help women at all. They saw half the population wasn't working for the companies they own, nor paying taxes to the governments they control. So, they changed that and got the kids in school early to brainwash them into being good consumers and producers. Below are interviews and clips to help us understand this, but keep in mind that shows like "Lost Girl" about a "succubus" and the giant posters have an effect on us. After all, advertising and psychology work unless we know how to resist it, so it's a good to know we can.
FEMINISM: Dr. Henry Makow On The Problem With The People Who Give Us Our Problems - June 12, 2007
Note: This orignal interview from 2007 is more relevant than ever in 2010.
Who Started The Battle of the Sexes - with Dr. Henry Makow - July 12, 2010
Note: The audio quality and levels are better on the smaller MP3 file.
Who Started The Battle of the Sexes 2 - with Dr. Henry Makow - August 23, 2010
Note: This interview sequel has better audio levels than the previous one.
Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society
NOTE: Hollywood producer Aaron Russo was a friend of lawyer Nick Rockefeller, a member of one of the richest American families. In this 3 minute clip he explains what Rockefeller told him about feminism, including why they promoted it on television, in education and entertainment so much, including giving us false reasons for their ends.
Gloria Steinem Exposed: Feminist Spy for The CIA!
NOTE: Ms. Steinem admitted Ms. Magazine was funded by the CIA. It's been known but suppressed for 30 years. Betty Friedan, another early feminist pioneer, was a communist spy. Regardless of how much we like them, once we find this out, it's probably better to re-examine their ideas. We all need to know this stuff to finally deal with it.
"The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman illustrates how men and women relate. We all know that a woman can open a door herself. But when a man does it, he is affirming her femininity, beauty and charm. When she graciously accepts, she is validating his masculine power.
This trade, a woman surrendering physical power in exchange for a man's protection (i.e. love) is the essence of heterosexuality. In order to develop emotionally, men and women need this mutual validation as much as sex itself. Sex is an expression of this exclusive contract.
Under the toxic influence of feminism, women open their own doors. Neither sexual identity is validated; neither sex matures emotionally. Men feel redundant and impotent; women feel rejected and unloved."
People can do whatever they want, but historically men have defended their tribe under attack. So, as a traditional option, women can take care of everything inside the house, while men can take care of everything outside the house, or hit the streets with others to secure their neighbourhoods. Times have changed, but since this has worked for thousands of years, we should keep it as an option.
There are no bragging rights with being born bigger and stronger, like most men are, just advantages and responsibilities. Men can empower women by giving them more personal space in our crowded City. Women can empower men by being thankful and reinforcing male strength. Chivalry goes back centuries because healthy cultures wanted to respect and protect women, children and the elderly.
- Vijay Sarma, campaign website main page
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
Vijay.Sarma@gmail.com | 647-857-5755

2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful Interviews "Toronto G20 Exposed" Director
Film "Toronto G20 Exposed" Website
Find me on Twitter:
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Bored By Mayor SmitherFord?
What Do We Want For The Next 4 Years?
Hi, my name is Vijay Sarma, my number is 647-857-5755, and I’d like to be your next Mayor of Toronto, or at least share good ideas with us like any lifelong resident can. I hope people support me to encourage others to run for office and show we want the truth from our City Hall. We can all be happier and healthier if we get it.
Millions worldwide show they know about the banks, corporations, foundations and others working to control us. They do a great job online with articles, videos and more. The good news is the bad guys got caught, but don’t think we have the will to fight back. I do.
Since I started campaigning in April 2009, I’ve worked on how to deal with this in Canada with Toronto Truth Seekers and Press For Truth exposing the H1N1 pandemic, then G20 Martial Law, then Caribana Martial Law Lite, plus my CKLN Radio news show.
Toronto has a great market for truth, so we can know it, we just need to practically use it to affect things like elections before we forget our daily debating topics and settle for less. We can poster, flyer, share dvd’s and work with our neighbours on specific issues.
Discussing what governments are really up to is not new. It’s not in style, but corporations won’t promote it for us. We just have to care about our families, friends and future. Check my site, I think we’ll be happier if we can confidently listen to what we can all say.
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
Vijay.Sarma@gmail.com | 647-857-5755
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