Poster and Flyers To Stand For Something * Before * The G20 June 26 - 27th and Canada Day on July 1st, 2010

Heya [redacted],
Hope ya good and it was great seeing you at the flick on Friday, sorry we didn't have a chance to catch up, I was stolen by a couple of old-school Italian women and they don't play around. No worries, I just wanted to know if you could pass on the following to the TTS listserve so people can defend this city before the G20. Thanks! :-)
Poster and Flyers To Stand For Something * Before * The G20 June 26 - 27th and Canada Day on July 1st, 2010
Public domain and open source posters and flyers in MS PowerPoint (All Files: HTTP - recommended for higher-resolution printing) and PDF format (in case of formatting issues). To help people stand for something * before * the G20 "protest" at what looks like half a concentration camp built through the heart of downtown Toronto on June 26 - 27th, and before Canada Day, July 1st, 2010.
Anyone can print the 8.5" x 11" pages in black and white for just 3-cents a copy many places in Toronto, while "cuts" to separate the 2, 3 and 4 per-page flyers can be done separately at Kinko's for $1 each. They can be used, adapted or shared anywhere. This is the most effective model from Epicurus and the ancient Greeks to the American Revolution in 1776 for sharing info.
Today, the super-rich families' tax-exempt foundation-funded (by "grants") idea of well-informed and compassionate people just getting together to yell and go home is wrong. We're just yelling at cops annoyed by trying to keep straight faces; at politicians inside who know how we feel, who can't hear us yelling, who don't care anyway, and who know when we're going to stop after inviting us.
For thousands of years, whenever a village was threatened, the people who heard what was happening would run and tell others in the village so they could deal with it too. If the "king" was sending his men to confiscate gold, they'd help each other by letting each other know they should hide a bunch first. It's the same thing today. Protests never plan to achieve anything and never do. So, here we are.
Since this is hitting the City and People of Toronto hard with fear of 10,000 cops, troops, spooks and "private contractors" (mercenaries), traffic and business disruptions, people out of work and a cost of $1 billion to the taxpayers after our governments said they were "broke" and raised TTC public transit fares, it might be time to expose this nonsense once and for all. This shouldn't be allowed to happen in a big city.
People who really want to do this stuff should go to a remote location, like in Montebello, Quebec in 2007 at the protest against the SPP.Gov / North American Union summit, where muscle-bound cops got caught with rocks and masks posing as skinny under-fed anarchists and dove behind a police line for protection. "Police provocateurs" and "false flag attacks" like "9/11" are related threats to this insanity to expose.
After all, they can't justify "$1 billion" for "security" unless they try to make us all look "crazy", right?
Would be better if nobody played their game and showed up to their stupid "Hollywood set" for the media?
Could people simply calmly, confidently and compassionately explain our issues to their neighbours so they know?
Should Canadian men age 25 - 45 feel they should help deal with "heavy stuff" on behalf of women, children and the elderly?
I guess we'll see, best of luck dealing with issues wherever you live! :-)
Finally, this understanding of the world can be new to some, so two CKLN radio interviews that explain most of it are included.
MP3 -
Transcript -
g20 toronto ontario canada montreal vancouver calgary st. john french english activist protest journalism media urban music culture flyer poster war peace police military soldier private contractor corporation politics religion spirituality men women children people camp fence army intelligence service bureaucracy information neighbour friend family vaccine gmo fluoride state celebrity sex money power bank finance foundation left liberal right conservative quebec british columbia grant donation charity fake 911 inside job false flag terror new world order conspiracy destroyed
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FYI, if you're interested, these interviews can help us understand the world.
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