Monday, June 14, 2010

"WeAreChange Radio Project, Urgent"




- you would be perfect here:

"WeAreChange Radio Project, Urgent"

(you probably recieved the sane facebook message as I, but you should check it out)


"WeAreChange Radio Project, Urgent ..Greetings fellow humans!"

I want to inform you all about the latest project We Are Change is working on!

As you all understand by now, it's imperative that the media gets competition in spreading information / reaching people at home and work. A lot of other groups and organizations are already active on the internet with streaming media. Last month, the founding chapter in New York debuted the first We Are Change Television broadcast, a nice kick-off for even more to come.

The next stage is creating an international internet radio station based on the beliefs and goals of We Are Change.

The need is clearly visible for a platform that offers people a way to spread information (video/pictures/text) with the intention to reach millions. This all is possible if we work together cohesively. We are currently working on all details for the station itself, for example- music / programming / etc. All chapters are encouraged to participate, because we indeed need lots of help getting it up and running.

At the moment, we have open spots for radio hosts, producers, graphical artists, IT developers, web developers, content suggestions, but the main thing we need is capacity. Our server in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, can maintain +/-1000 concurrent connections. And that does not quite cut it. But there is a simple way people can contribute to this project. Run an Icecast (Shoutcast) relay servers for We Are Change where more listeners can connect to. You can even do this with a small connection, every possible listener counts!

College students are especially encouraged to help due to their access to fast net connections.

Please do what you can and pass this message on.

If you happen to own your own server, get in contact with us ASAP.

And yeah, Donations are also appreciated!

Please do what you can and pass this message on.

In Solidarity,

Colleen Harding

We Are Change Wilkes-Barre-Scranton, United States

We Are Change radio website (just a basic setup that will absolutely change, input welcome)

information about used programs/services:


IceCast introduction:

Streaming basics:

Debian GNU/Linux:

WeAreChange believes in FREE Software, so we choose to use Debian GNU / Linux as our core platform"





thanks dood, i'll chizz-eck the chizz-ange in a sec, it's always good to connect with others to get stuff done.

imho, i'd guess most we are change'rs would be open to new anti-nwo ideas that can work in the 21st century, worrrd.

as 4 me, don't worry meng, i'm going nuts plastering the hood, making music, posting last weeks radio shows now, etc. it's cool, the reaction i'm getting is really positive, so i'm good. i have to do what people have told me for years anyway, or think of myself more when it comes to these issues. except i always thought that was retarded. that's like the "protest" model, or stuff that the smart americans who were serious about problems in 1776 would have laughed at.

imho, i think it's better if everyone thinks of ways for everyone to take action: we'd have all the variables, no excuses, more ways to do stuff, more ways to convince people and a real chance to win. while many people are acting like abuse victims just waiting to get hit by the g20, we should hit back first and destroy their credibility before they get here. no worries, i can take care of this city if i have to. all of this is "normal" to me after thinking about it this way.

since we're all worried anyway, the g20 is a great chance to let everybody in toronto know about the new world order.

fyi, i'm just installing the conspiracy os right now, that way when i campaign, it'll be a lot easier to talk to people.







looks good dood, but it's hard to say what will happen. brad and the guys did stuff like this and had fans, but based on what most of them did, they might as well have been fans of a sports team instead. i might try a show, but tactically, i'm a much bigger fan of getting locally vocal instead.

you can check, the world cup and all sorts of crap. our minds are being manipulated to value "global" solutions more than "local" ones as part of the "new world order". i'm not "against" the WAC idea in any stupid binary "good" or "bad" way. i just hope it leads to local solutions or it won't work.

btw, on that whole "permanent vacation" thing, it's a hella-fun concept and i'm not averse to realizing it long before i'm supposed to. you also know how i feel about the power of music to give us the power to lose it to win it, so i'll say that jay-z has a great line about this that's only great for a great reason...


"I am on permanent va-cay,
Life is like a beach chair,
Song's like a Hallmark card,
Until you reach here..."

- Jay-Z and Coldplay, "Beach Chair"


Beach Chair - Jay-Z Ft. Chris Martin





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