PLANS: G20 Related

PLANS: G20 Related
FYI, nobody wants to be given problems without being given reactions and solutions too. People think they have enough problems as it is, so that's not very nice. So, the ideas included below are just in case anybody is freaked out about what to do about this new age of "globalization" putting everything we have under "global" control. Besides just attending the G20 Summit protest on June 26th to pick and lose a $1 billion fight with riot police that is clearly being staged by the government. People can see the planning and hear the media conversations about it. These type of protests are always staged to make "protesters" or "dissenters" look bad. They always get a bunch of people together to yell abnormally loudly so they can carefully select footage to try and convince the mainstream public that these people are irrational and stupid.
It's not true, of course.
But, that's what happens anyway.
The protesters presence and actions are also being used to justify the existence-of and use-of tons of new militarized riot police with tons of new toys. See: previous protests and how the cops got what they have now. Just yelling angrily at cops who are just doing the job they were given to do isn't necessarily the only good idea Who knows what 100,000 people willing to brave tear gas and arrest could do if they just tried to talk to people instead? Or: if they passed out carefully researched and organized information on posters, flyers and dvd's to people who don't know why anybody would bother protesting G20 globalist policies and how they really affect everybody? Or: perhaps any or all of the above? BTW, this is probably what all-a that a-preachin' and-a singin' and-a prayin' was about for the last few thousand years or so. Or something like it.
It's up to the individual, of course.
But, how do we show we're individuals?
16 Plans for the G20 (1of2)
16 Plans for the G20 (2of2)
Audioblog - G20 vs. P16 Things We Can Do Before It Happens
Written on the TTC after the TTS street action April 3, 2010. Recorded the next day. Public domain ideas for Torontonians and others to act before the June 26 - 27 summit. See: Pittsburgh last year.
Public Domain MP3 Download Links
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The Caribana Police Report: NLE '09 Martial Law Drills in Toronto?
... There were dozens of police in bright yellow vests who were, for the most part, friendly and relatively unobtrusive. Then there were dozens of SWAT teams dressed in all-black with extra-gear who cleared random areas quickly, aggressively and for no reason. They had small red, green and blue flashing lights on their backs. Like robots.
They also walked on the sidewalk in groups of 6 - 8, literally casually clearing people out of the way, unlike the cops in yellow vests who mingled easier with the crowd. Years ago: they were a half-block back in little groups every second street off Yonge. We looked up and saw 50 SWAT cops standing on the north-west corner of Yonge and Dundas. Together in a bunch.
It was insane.
What's next, tanks?
No tanks.
Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up Live In Dortmund, Germany
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Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
FYI, some of my favourite hip hop websites...
FYI, if you're interested, these two interviews can help us understand the world.
BONUS: Do we pay around 60% of our income back to the government if you add up all the taxes?
agreed on the taxes, just add 'em up, it's a nice round conservative number to reference. regardless of the actual number, the point is after giving these bastards a bunch of our money for years to make sure they used it well and that we'd have a return on our investment, now they're saying we're broke, or the institutions they managed managed to blow all of our money. if anyone else did that to you with your money, or took a bunch to guarantee you more or at least that you'd break even later, then you'd be pissed. not-so incidentally, that's why we should be pissed at these guys and get real answers before they tell us we're even broker. while chilling out, of course.
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