
sorry dunny, i don't want know either, but i know we see greece going up in riots and flames, so i know that we can see that not-knowing and not-doing something can be worse than knowing. (sigh) i miss the old days of hip hop when "knowledge" was seen as valuable and asking questions instead of ignoring or arguing was normal. this could have been done a lot easier.
now a n-gga like me gotta come through and get sh-t on for a couple of years until the world gets sh-tty and everybody realizes he's right, along with others who were saying it. anyway, it's happening now, so that's the good news. fyi, you'll see hip hop and other sub-culture leaders in the global one try to "normalize" all this soon when they used to avoid mentioning it.
i was just outside now to grab a coffee and i feel it's getting cold and rainy, the same thing that happened the day after they sprayed the last few times, it's on my youtube channel. this stuff is not hard at all to break it down today for the people you like and trust. if you give 'em good stuff, they'll like and trust you more, but don't overwhelm anybody, try different stuff.
finally, i'd say "do what i say and not what i do", but not because i'm an arrogant prick, because i "say" stuff to help other people, while i "do" stuff, like getting this coffee and chocolate chip muffin, just for me. i think we're getting pretty close to "them" or "us" winning the "world" forever, so i'm just trying to break down the big picture while giving everybody options.
peace out homie, good luck and stay up... :-)
p.s. the continued conversation, seeing what the "resistance" to this is up to can help others see "it" too...
yo [redacted],
i agree meng, good call, the listserve needed to be cleaned up and focused, but we can move on. still, we're not moving as well as we can with 350 TTS members and all that's happening, so i'd like to add to the TTS discussions with my next-level conspira-sh-t. we can all see greece going up in riots and flames, so we can all see that not-knowing and not-doing stuff can be a problem.
many of us have accomplished the first part, so many of us should move on to the second. i'm sorry if i intimidate people, but i've also inspired them, so i'll try and figure out the right formula. now, you'll see lots of people taught to encourage us to make each other happy for not doing something when we should be, so i'd rather not be one of them. we need to "do stuff" to feel happy too.
that's why we should expand the TTS - AO's to 7 to 9 people to help facilitate more action and discussion. we can be there to help post meet-ups suggested by other members, to lead initiatives, and to give weight to our words beyond the randomness of emails. that's not for our ego's, it's because if more people take more suggestions seriously for whatever reason, we'll get more stuff done.
people can also relate to different people in charge and contact them; we can look more professional to more groups we contact, the media and so on; it will help validate the hard work done by people who we've worked with who deserve a chance to help become leaders themselves by being given a TTS leadership position; this would show us "growing" when we need to see it; etc.
no worries, the past is the past, i'm looking at what we can do today so we can do it, that's more empowering.
FYI, for everyone, I think we've exhausted this "AO" issue publicly with enough arguments presented for anyone who wants to understand it. Now we should probably just get some good work done and let it run its course. We'll see what happens later.
For now, I'm still planning on starting flyering runs to help people figure out what this whole "G20" spectacle represents, or "global governance" leadership on display with 10,000 police, military and private security forces protecting them in downtown Toronto.
Finding ways to show people the existence of a "new WORLD order" today isn't very hard. But, there still has to be a reason to do so. The only reason would be if people could do something about it. Otherwise most people just won't want to worry about it.
For now, we can certainly share details of our victories when people spoke up, like Thunder Bay City Council voting 6 - 5 with the Mayor and people's support to reject fluoridation of their water supply, the roll-back of Ontario sex education, and more examples.
Figuring out how people can relate to their potential role in pushing back the plans of politicians will probably be a key to giving them faith in any possibilities at this time. Our memories are short, so it helps to show "people" what other "people" have done.
For now, we can also take the mass-engineered concerns of people and share simple laundry lists they'll benefit from. We can make flyers warning about fluoride, aspartame and vaccines, and also share what people can do to change habits to avoid them.
Finding the "right" options for a "normal" lifestyle in a confusing world is what most "experts" in the media do for people all the time. If people who learn "conspiracy" stuff can provide better "normal" options and answers, people will gravitate towards them.
For now, we should probably resist the urge to just talk about how big and awful the "conspiracy" is. That might just shut people down. We'll be tempted as it grows fast, but our best bet may be in handling it well by having simple common sense solutions.
Figuring out how to reverse-engineer the "real" world with "conspiracy" stuff may be help us peak interest, or sharing a deeper understanding of what people usually encounter. However, it has to go beyond just conversations. Otherwise it's just interesting.
For now, we should understand we're being "muted" when it comes to "this" stuff and taking it "seriously", even though we should be. Since we're into socially policing each other to "chill out", that's fine. Just pass on a flyer or dvd so people can see it later.
Finding ways to maintain our creativity and individuality will be important in this socio-political climate. If one can get passionate enough about a subject, then they can think of great things. If one can't, then they can't. Conspiracy theories are the same way.
For now, we should understand that if we just succumb to the "chill out" and "keep it happy" elimination of our "survival instincts" with no response, we'll be politically and intellectually neutered. People should find ways to express how they "feel" about this.
Figuring out that we can't just absorb horrible images and info and practice a "relaxed" non-response is necessary. Many people treat "conspiracy theories" just like "Saw movies", or they just "get off" on how crazy everything is. That should change soon.
For now, we can see what our "production" could be relative to a) what's happening; b) what other conspirienced people are doing; c) what we are capable of doing; d) what we're currently doing. If we're not "doing" stuff, then we're just "programming" ourselves.
Finding new ways to integrate with our communities will also probably be important. With "truthers" being demonized more, it's time to show everyone that we do have something for everyone, or macro and micro understandings of the world that are better.
For now, we should probably just respect where people are coming from and avoid challenging it directly. We've all been raised in this "system" and have a million valuable neutral facts to improve everyone's health, wealth and relationships to share instead.
FYI, just some thoughts.
I thought we might need them today.
Heya [redacted],
I've already answered a lot of this stuff, some of it's true, but most of it's nonsense. As a guy who pushes for "flyers" and "flyering" a lot, of course I don't think that "flyering" is "useless" and I never said so. I was misquoted. I only said that individuals flyering on their own won't beat the new world order - or - get enough people involved since they wouldn't want to do that. Nobody disagrees.
The only issue I haven't dealt with recently is this "Levii" part. Many TTS members saw him arguing with people who didn't take the flyers he offered at Dundas Square right after he joined us. I spoke to other TTS members to confirm it, warned him twice, and even took some video of it. I don't know whether he could help us or not, but I knew he was hurting us, so I asked him to leave.
A stranger coming by, disrespecting us, making us look like jerks and me asking him to leave is (imho) a non-issue. While [redacted] sent him, I don't think he knows him well. As the owner of a store he'll meet and pass on a lot of people. As for what I "should" be doing, since I can do many things I will, but regardless, you'll find that opinion varies a fair bit and it's not "objective".
You can try to spin history like everything I did is all "bad" now, but I've made enough correct judgment calls in front of others to be sure that they were correct. You say you don't read my emails, so you don't know that they're not just "self-indulgent", they're advice for truthers to help them deal with and beat the new world order. I can't really lie about this since I've sent them. It's there.
Regardless, I've suggested ways to move past this, including diffusing the influence of any one individual -- including myself -- by sharing more power at the top. That way when [redacted] (e.g.) makes a suggestion, then he can also post a meet-up, form groups, etc. My opinions are just that, "opinions", and people have always taken what they want and left the rest, but it's good stuff.
So, hopefully we can accept that we can each agree, disagree, think differently and still move forward on behalf of this city, it's better than group-think. Most of the issues with people have already been addressed. The people who left should have. The others stayed. Meanwhile, I think you've been a great leader, I just think you, like anyone in your role, would need more help.
Anyway, I'm glad to see we're moving forward on this issue.
No worries guys, I'm sorry you feel that way. I still don't see why the people who don't read my emails should be bothered by their existence, but regardless, for practical reasons, I'll just agree with the people who are upset. All this stuff is getting in the way.
For my detailed thoughts, please see below. What happened is consistent with what I wrote earlier. [redacted] and others don't have to read my suggestions. [redacted] was censured as part of the listserve clean-up after avoiding repeated public warnings we all saw.
[redacted], I've noticed a pattern on message boards and listserves of some people who consistently follow my posts seconds later to distract from what I'd say. It was written in the email you cited. That's all I wrote and all I meant. Otherwise please post freely.
No worries, this is just history being distorted to justify dehumanizing me now, but there's a solid e-paper-trail of truth. This whole thing was a mistake. If I'd been called or emailed and told to chill-out privately by anyone I respect, then I would have as usual.
People might not believe it, but it's happened before. Right now, we should have many TTS Execs posting many meet-ups and helping people do stuff. Instead, we have willful apathy based on the idea that we shouldn't suggest people consider doing stuff.
Since TTS is bigger than us, on behalf of the city, we should make our approach as broad and inclusive as possible. People can believe what they want; it shouldn't stop others from taking action. Fatalists can work with optimists to achieve something now.
No worries, if people read my emails they can see I'm just trying to facilitate opportunities for us to help more people in Toronto, or to help us grow into something like WeAreChangeNY, who have weekly community meetings and feed the homeless, and so on.
As two Christians running TTS, you might personally feel most of what the "NWO" does is pre-ordained and that it has to go down the way you think. But, you shouldn't stop people who feel differently from trying to help beat the NWO and get more done now.
Since that's the case, after a year in business, I can't imagine why you'd want to keep TTS the way it is, or to stop us from having more leaders, or stop people from trying out their ideas. Nobody's belief system should be threatened by extra anti-NWO activism.
No worries, I guess this is what "resistance" movements in the 21st "Me!" Century go through. Before, more people would try to take the "people" in "danger" too-seriously to let "personal" stuff be a problem, or argue about what they're "working" on instead.
Brad and I are going flyering starting at 10 am on Monday morning. While I'd like to post meet-ups and invite others, I can't and nobody who's in charge will post them for me. That's just wrong. We should have more TTS execs facilitate more TTS actions.
This is a no-brainer, or more people suggesting positive "actions" to counter the steady-flow of negative "bad news" posted. One would think that people would be happy to see a lot of activity happening regardless of whether or not they wanted to get involved.
Anyway, I've answered these questions many times, including that stupid "flyering" misquote, but since you don't read my emails, I don't know what to do. And, while I'd rather this "AO" vote not be a referendum on "me", that mistake can just be corrected later.
I hope that'll do, but as an "individual" in a scientific dictatorship that demands "global group-think", I'll try to keep thinking of what might. FYI, I just saw this great concert by "Muse", so one idea is to watch it, get inspired, then read my emails for what to do.
By Michael Sheffield on May 5, 2010
British rock outfit -- and former SPIN cover stars -- Muse traversed the States earlier this year with the extravagant stage spectacle of the Resistance Tour. Now, they've posted an entire 90-minute concert for online viewing, recorded at Seattle's Key Arena. Watch it below!
Muse "The Resistance Tour - Live"
MUSE | MySpace Music Videos
P.S. Continued on your specifics and the situation...
All this is nothing personal. It's the result of a largely wasted winter when we could have been planning, a "public" rebuke of me that should've first been preceded by a personal warning, etc. Wasting time on this is bad, but so is not improving our efforts.
These may be "my" opinions, but hopefully members of "truth" groups like TTS worldwide will still allow members to have their own opinions. Once that stops and we just desperately try to make each other happy no matter how bad things get... then it's over.
Seeing all this as "my" fault is easy to do, but only by making me look a lot worse than I should. Of course, I have my faults. But, mostly because I'm a guy who thinks of how to "do stuff" and wants that stuff taken seriously so "we" can be safe and successful.
People can do whatever they want, of course. Agree or disagree. But, for some people to feel so threatened by a "fear" of what I write that they deny fellow TTS members a chance review my new ideas * specifically meant for TTS members * is a big mistake.
I know that I can be used as an excuse for whatever, but adults should be responsible for themselves and I don't stop anyone else from doing anything they want. I just try to facilitate opportunities, agree and disagree. That's it. People should be okay with that.
Since other TTS members can agree and disagree, why should I get in trouble when I do? Our group is supposed to be focused on doing stuff, so when I take time to carefully craft and contribute ideas, I shouldn't get in trouble for it. Just ignore whatever you'd like.
I don't want to be forced into "re-education camp" to learn to "lie" and how to blow sunshine up anyone's butt. When it comes to activism and everything else, being able to "disagree" in conversations was normal. Why do "truthers" now think it's a bad idea?
Most humans trying to do anything in groups besides attend "12 step programs" (etc.) can disagree with each other until they find the best approach. While the "group" can do whatever it decides, if it decides that "group think" is the answer, it will get old fast.
People don't have to "read" what I write. Just like I don't have to read what anyone else writes. However, since they know it may help us "do stuff", the people who want to should read what they want to. If it doesn't help "them" do stuff, then they can avoid it.
When the TTS listserve was getting out of hand with a few people filling up our inboxes with conspira-trivia, I sent plenty of PUBLIC warnings so people didn't just use the listserve as their own "twitter" account. When people didn't heed them, then I told them so.
That's what I said in my last email too: "I never attacked anyone directly, except for cleaning up the listserve, which most agree had to be done". There's weekly e-paper trail of all of this. Since I'm often tasked with the TTS dirty work, sometimes I get dirty.
Anway, hopefully this settles things, otherwise I'll be happy to keep answering until it does. Mistakes and miscommunication were made by all parties, including myself, so that can be moved past. We should be talking about anything except for this stuff soon.
That's a sweeping generalization and it doesn't necessarily apply to me.
We also know that "Thinking" can require many words to explain things.
"Fraud, lies and manipulation" is uncharacteristic slander and incorrect.
My specifics stand because you're resorting to character attacks to win.
No worries, a good idea is a good idea, and trying to grow TTS is one.
The means I suggest would dilute all of our individual influences as well.
Fortunately this should be over with soon and we'll be more successful.
On behalf of the waiting people of Toronto, that's probably a good thing.
Incidentally: nothing bad at all will happen if this timely TTS - AO expansion happens.
You still own the TTS listserve and have the master password for your account. While you gave it to me a long time ago to help clean-up the TTS listserve ( * without necessarily endorsing my methods* ), I haven't tried to use it out of respect for your decision to remove me (even though I want to update the main meet-up page). But, you can also just change that too if you want to.
You will still have the power to do exactly "this" again, or remove any AO's who act up or out of line. You'll just have more people to help you make that decision. You're a great guy (as is [redacted]), so there are no issues there, but it would help for anyone to have more council. I think I could do a great job of running TTS, but only with more people around me to help, same as anyone else.
You can probably expect nothing at first. Saturday's meet-ups will happen and you'll be in charge as usual. But, you might also see more being posted to support them too. Plus, we can encourage TTS members to contact different Execs to help push their ideas. And, people will start to become happier seeing more TTS meet-ups (etc.) are happening as part of their daily info-digest.
Therefore: imho, there is nothing to fear from this change as part of our shared aspirations.
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter -
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
YouTube -
Radio -
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
SiLSa! Productions
The Freedom Link
If you only listen to one thing this week...

sorry dunny, i don't want know either, but i know we see greece going up in riots and flames, so i know that we can see that not-knowing and not-doing something can be worse than knowing. (sigh) i miss the old days of hip hop when "knowledge" was seen as valuable and asking questions instead of ignoring or arguing was normal. this could have been done a lot easier.
now a n-gga like me gotta come through and get sh-t on for a couple of years until the world gets sh-tty and everybody realizes he's right, along with others who were saying it. anyway, it's happening now, so that's the good news. fyi, you'll see hip hop and other sub-culture leaders in the global one try to "normalize" all this soon when they used to avoid mentioning it.
i was just outside now to grab a coffee and i feel it's getting cold and rainy, the same thing that happened the day after they sprayed the last few times, it's on my youtube channel. this stuff is not hard at all to break it down today for the people you like and trust. if you give 'em good stuff, they'll like and trust you more, but don't overwhelm anybody, try different stuff.
finally, i'd say "do what i say and not what i do", but not because i'm an arrogant prick, because i "say" stuff to help other people, while i "do" stuff, like getting this coffee and chocolate chip muffin, just for me. i think we're getting pretty close to "them" or "us" winning the "world" forever, so i'm just trying to break down the big picture while giving everybody options.
peace out homie, good luck and stay up... :-)
p.s. the continued conversation, seeing what the "resistance" to this is up to can help others see "it" too...
yo [redacted],
i agree meng, good call, the listserve needed to be cleaned up and focused, but we can move on. still, we're not moving as well as we can with 350 TTS members and all that's happening, so i'd like to add to the TTS discussions with my next-level conspira-sh-t. we can all see greece going up in riots and flames, so we can all see that not-knowing and not-doing stuff can be a problem.
many of us have accomplished the first part, so many of us should move on to the second. i'm sorry if i intimidate people, but i've also inspired them, so i'll try and figure out the right formula. now, you'll see lots of people taught to encourage us to make each other happy for not doing something when we should be, so i'd rather not be one of them. we need to "do stuff" to feel happy too.
that's why we should expand the TTS - AO's to 7 to 9 people to help facilitate more action and discussion. we can be there to help post meet-ups suggested by other members, to lead initiatives, and to give weight to our words beyond the randomness of emails. that's not for our ego's, it's because if more people take more suggestions seriously for whatever reason, we'll get more stuff done.
people can also relate to different people in charge and contact them; we can look more professional to more groups we contact, the media and so on; it will help validate the hard work done by people who we've worked with who deserve a chance to help become leaders themselves by being given a TTS leadership position; this would show us "growing" when we need to see it; etc.
no worries, the past is the past, i'm looking at what we can do today so we can do it, that's more empowering.
FYI, for everyone, I think we've exhausted this "AO" issue publicly with enough arguments presented for anyone who wants to understand it. Now we should probably just get some good work done and let it run its course. We'll see what happens later.
For now, I'm still planning on starting flyering runs to help people figure out what this whole "G20" spectacle represents, or "global governance" leadership on display with 10,000 police, military and private security forces protecting them in downtown Toronto.
Finding ways to show people the existence of a "new WORLD order" today isn't very hard. But, there still has to be a reason to do so. The only reason would be if people could do something about it. Otherwise most people just won't want to worry about it.
For now, we can certainly share details of our victories when people spoke up, like Thunder Bay City Council voting 6 - 5 with the Mayor and people's support to reject fluoridation of their water supply, the roll-back of Ontario sex education, and more examples.
Figuring out how people can relate to their potential role in pushing back the plans of politicians will probably be a key to giving them faith in any possibilities at this time. Our memories are short, so it helps to show "people" what other "people" have done.
For now, we can also take the mass-engineered concerns of people and share simple laundry lists they'll benefit from. We can make flyers warning about fluoride, aspartame and vaccines, and also share what people can do to change habits to avoid them.
Finding the "right" options for a "normal" lifestyle in a confusing world is what most "experts" in the media do for people all the time. If people who learn "conspiracy" stuff can provide better "normal" options and answers, people will gravitate towards them.
For now, we should probably resist the urge to just talk about how big and awful the "conspiracy" is. That might just shut people down. We'll be tempted as it grows fast, but our best bet may be in handling it well by having simple common sense solutions.
Figuring out how to reverse-engineer the "real" world with "conspiracy" stuff may be help us peak interest, or sharing a deeper understanding of what people usually encounter. However, it has to go beyond just conversations. Otherwise it's just interesting.
For now, we should understand we're being "muted" when it comes to "this" stuff and taking it "seriously", even though we should be. Since we're into socially policing each other to "chill out", that's fine. Just pass on a flyer or dvd so people can see it later.
Finding ways to maintain our creativity and individuality will be important in this socio-political climate. If one can get passionate enough about a subject, then they can think of great things. If one can't, then they can't. Conspiracy theories are the same way.
For now, we should understand that if we just succumb to the "chill out" and "keep it happy" elimination of our "survival instincts" with no response, we'll be politically and intellectually neutered. People should find ways to express how they "feel" about this.
Figuring out that we can't just absorb horrible images and info and practice a "relaxed" non-response is necessary. Many people treat "conspiracy theories" just like "Saw movies", or they just "get off" on how crazy everything is. That should change soon.
For now, we can see what our "production" could be relative to a) what's happening; b) what other conspirienced people are doing; c) what we are capable of doing; d) what we're currently doing. If we're not "doing" stuff, then we're just "programming" ourselves.
Finding new ways to integrate with our communities will also probably be important. With "truthers" being demonized more, it's time to show everyone that we do have something for everyone, or macro and micro understandings of the world that are better.
For now, we should probably just respect where people are coming from and avoid challenging it directly. We've all been raised in this "system" and have a million valuable neutral facts to improve everyone's health, wealth and relationships to share instead.
FYI, just some thoughts.
I thought we might need them today.
Heya [redacted],
I've already answered a lot of this stuff, some of it's true, but most of it's nonsense. As a guy who pushes for "flyers" and "flyering" a lot, of course I don't think that "flyering" is "useless" and I never said so. I was misquoted. I only said that individuals flyering on their own won't beat the new world order - or - get enough people involved since they wouldn't want to do that. Nobody disagrees.
The only issue I haven't dealt with recently is this "Levii" part. Many TTS members saw him arguing with people who didn't take the flyers he offered at Dundas Square right after he joined us. I spoke to other TTS members to confirm it, warned him twice, and even took some video of it. I don't know whether he could help us or not, but I knew he was hurting us, so I asked him to leave.
A stranger coming by, disrespecting us, making us look like jerks and me asking him to leave is (imho) a non-issue. While [redacted] sent him, I don't think he knows him well. As the owner of a store he'll meet and pass on a lot of people. As for what I "should" be doing, since I can do many things I will, but regardless, you'll find that opinion varies a fair bit and it's not "objective".
You can try to spin history like everything I did is all "bad" now, but I've made enough correct judgment calls in front of others to be sure that they were correct. You say you don't read my emails, so you don't know that they're not just "self-indulgent", they're advice for truthers to help them deal with and beat the new world order. I can't really lie about this since I've sent them. It's there.
Regardless, I've suggested ways to move past this, including diffusing the influence of any one individual -- including myself -- by sharing more power at the top. That way when [redacted] (e.g.) makes a suggestion, then he can also post a meet-up, form groups, etc. My opinions are just that, "opinions", and people have always taken what they want and left the rest, but it's good stuff.
So, hopefully we can accept that we can each agree, disagree, think differently and still move forward on behalf of this city, it's better than group-think. Most of the issues with people have already been addressed. The people who left should have. The others stayed. Meanwhile, I think you've been a great leader, I just think you, like anyone in your role, would need more help.
Anyway, I'm glad to see we're moving forward on this issue.
No worries guys, I'm sorry you feel that way. I still don't see why the people who don't read my emails should be bothered by their existence, but regardless, for practical reasons, I'll just agree with the people who are upset. All this stuff is getting in the way.
For my detailed thoughts, please see below. What happened is consistent with what I wrote earlier. [redacted] and others don't have to read my suggestions. [redacted] was censured as part of the listserve clean-up after avoiding repeated public warnings we all saw.
[redacted], I've noticed a pattern on message boards and listserves of some people who consistently follow my posts seconds later to distract from what I'd say. It was written in the email you cited. That's all I wrote and all I meant. Otherwise please post freely.
No worries, this is just history being distorted to justify dehumanizing me now, but there's a solid e-paper-trail of truth. This whole thing was a mistake. If I'd been called or emailed and told to chill-out privately by anyone I respect, then I would have as usual.
People might not believe it, but it's happened before. Right now, we should have many TTS Execs posting many meet-ups and helping people do stuff. Instead, we have willful apathy based on the idea that we shouldn't suggest people consider doing stuff.
Since TTS is bigger than us, on behalf of the city, we should make our approach as broad and inclusive as possible. People can believe what they want; it shouldn't stop others from taking action. Fatalists can work with optimists to achieve something now.
No worries, if people read my emails they can see I'm just trying to facilitate opportunities for us to help more people in Toronto, or to help us grow into something like WeAreChangeNY, who have weekly community meetings and feed the homeless, and so on.
As two Christians running TTS, you might personally feel most of what the "NWO" does is pre-ordained and that it has to go down the way you think. But, you shouldn't stop people who feel differently from trying to help beat the NWO and get more done now.
Since that's the case, after a year in business, I can't imagine why you'd want to keep TTS the way it is, or to stop us from having more leaders, or stop people from trying out their ideas. Nobody's belief system should be threatened by extra anti-NWO activism.
No worries, I guess this is what "resistance" movements in the 21st "Me!" Century go through. Before, more people would try to take the "people" in "danger" too-seriously to let "personal" stuff be a problem, or argue about what they're "working" on instead.
Brad and I are going flyering starting at 10 am on Monday morning. While I'd like to post meet-ups and invite others, I can't and nobody who's in charge will post them for me. That's just wrong. We should have more TTS execs facilitate more TTS actions.
This is a no-brainer, or more people suggesting positive "actions" to counter the steady-flow of negative "bad news" posted. One would think that people would be happy to see a lot of activity happening regardless of whether or not they wanted to get involved.
Anyway, I've answered these questions many times, including that stupid "flyering" misquote, but since you don't read my emails, I don't know what to do. And, while I'd rather this "AO" vote not be a referendum on "me", that mistake can just be corrected later.
I hope that'll do, but as an "individual" in a scientific dictatorship that demands "global group-think", I'll try to keep thinking of what might. FYI, I just saw this great concert by "Muse", so one idea is to watch it, get inspired, then read my emails for what to do.
By Michael Sheffield on May 5, 2010
British rock outfit -- and former SPIN cover stars -- Muse traversed the States earlier this year with the extravagant stage spectacle of the Resistance Tour. Now, they've posted an entire 90-minute concert for online viewing, recorded at Seattle's Key Arena. Watch it below!
Muse "The Resistance Tour - Live"
MUSE | MySpace Music Videos
P.S. Continued on your specifics and the situation...
All this is nothing personal. It's the result of a largely wasted winter when we could have been planning, a "public" rebuke of me that should've first been preceded by a personal warning, etc. Wasting time on this is bad, but so is not improving our efforts.
These may be "my" opinions, but hopefully members of "truth" groups like TTS worldwide will still allow members to have their own opinions. Once that stops and we just desperately try to make each other happy no matter how bad things get... then it's over.
Seeing all this as "my" fault is easy to do, but only by making me look a lot worse than I should. Of course, I have my faults. But, mostly because I'm a guy who thinks of how to "do stuff" and wants that stuff taken seriously so "we" can be safe and successful.
People can do whatever they want, of course. Agree or disagree. But, for some people to feel so threatened by a "fear" of what I write that they deny fellow TTS members a chance review my new ideas * specifically meant for TTS members * is a big mistake.
I know that I can be used as an excuse for whatever, but adults should be responsible for themselves and I don't stop anyone else from doing anything they want. I just try to facilitate opportunities, agree and disagree. That's it. People should be okay with that.
Since other TTS members can agree and disagree, why should I get in trouble when I do? Our group is supposed to be focused on doing stuff, so when I take time to carefully craft and contribute ideas, I shouldn't get in trouble for it. Just ignore whatever you'd like.
I don't want to be forced into "re-education camp" to learn to "lie" and how to blow sunshine up anyone's butt. When it comes to activism and everything else, being able to "disagree" in conversations was normal. Why do "truthers" now think it's a bad idea?
Most humans trying to do anything in groups besides attend "12 step programs" (etc.) can disagree with each other until they find the best approach. While the "group" can do whatever it decides, if it decides that "group think" is the answer, it will get old fast.
People don't have to "read" what I write. Just like I don't have to read what anyone else writes. However, since they know it may help us "do stuff", the people who want to should read what they want to. If it doesn't help "them" do stuff, then they can avoid it.
When the TTS listserve was getting out of hand with a few people filling up our inboxes with conspira-trivia, I sent plenty of PUBLIC warnings so people didn't just use the listserve as their own "twitter" account. When people didn't heed them, then I told them so.
That's what I said in my last email too: "I never attacked anyone directly, except for cleaning up the listserve, which most agree had to be done". There's weekly e-paper trail of all of this. Since I'm often tasked with the TTS dirty work, sometimes I get dirty.
Anway, hopefully this settles things, otherwise I'll be happy to keep answering until it does. Mistakes and miscommunication were made by all parties, including myself, so that can be moved past. We should be talking about anything except for this stuff soon.
That's a sweeping generalization and it doesn't necessarily apply to me.
We also know that "Thinking" can require many words to explain things.
"Fraud, lies and manipulation" is uncharacteristic slander and incorrect.
My specifics stand because you're resorting to character attacks to win.
No worries, a good idea is a good idea, and trying to grow TTS is one.
The means I suggest would dilute all of our individual influences as well.
Fortunately this should be over with soon and we'll be more successful.
On behalf of the waiting people of Toronto, that's probably a good thing.
Incidentally: nothing bad at all will happen if this timely TTS - AO expansion happens.
You still own the TTS listserve and have the master password for your account. While you gave it to me a long time ago to help clean-up the TTS listserve ( * without necessarily endorsing my methods* ), I haven't tried to use it out of respect for your decision to remove me (even though I want to update the main meet-up page). But, you can also just change that too if you want to.
You will still have the power to do exactly "this" again, or remove any AO's who act up or out of line. You'll just have more people to help you make that decision. You're a great guy (as is [redacted]), so there are no issues there, but it would help for anyone to have more council. I think I could do a great job of running TTS, but only with more people around me to help, same as anyone else.
You can probably expect nothing at first. Saturday's meet-ups will happen and you'll be in charge as usual. But, you might also see more being posted to support them too. Plus, we can encourage TTS members to contact different Execs to help push their ideas. And, people will start to become happier seeing more TTS meet-ups (etc.) are happening as part of their daily info-digest.
Therefore: imho, there is nothing to fear from this change as part of our shared aspirations.
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