G20 Flyering Starting on Monday?
(BTW, their logo is a frikkin' upside down cross. So, we probably have Satanists running NORAD, who are running the 10,000 member "security" forces for the G20 Summit in June, including 1000 "private contractors", but not the kind that finish your basement, the kind that are above the law and kill people in New Orleans and IraqAfghanistan. And why they hell are these idiots scrambling jet fighters to handle a political protest in the middle of downtown in a big city anyway? What's next, threatening people with nukes? This is nuts. These people are crazy. - Ed.)




G20 Flyering Starting on Monday?
Subject: [TorontoTruthSeekers] NORAD begins air exercises over Toronto for G8 G20
NORAD begins air exercises for G8, G20
Canwest News Service: Thursday, May 6, 2010 10:02 AM
Canadian Forces CF-18 Hornet on the flight line during the Brant United Way Airshow at the Brantford Municipal Airport, in a file photo from August 27, 2008.
'allo G20ologists! :-P
this is absolutely crazy stuff folks, but it's also very visible, which gives us targets to aim for. this naked show of force is crazier than the giant communist russian and chinese parades through red squares, so here in (communist?) canada, it shouldn't be hard to make the connection for anyone over 30, who shouldn't have a hard time making the connection with anyone under-30. it's on.
let's try to get some shots of the pre-game G20 weirdness too, or photos, videos, descriptions and reports of the preparations, much like PFT is doing. we have 360 TTS members, so we have enough eyes to keep an eye on things across toronto. it's a passive process unless you're actively looking for stuff, but even passively, we can catch new security signs, vehicles, drills and more.
if we have a chance, we can just pull out our cameraphone or similar device, or even a pen and paper to write something notable down, then share it somehow anonymously or not online with fellow TTS members and/or others. by documenting these changes on a regular basis and asking the right questions in advance, we can find out what's going on, publicize and affect their plans.
for example, in his recent PFT article on bryan law's arrest for filming in public during preparations for a summit, dan dicks wrote about how steve davies asked the police authorities if private military firm personnel would be held accountable here in toronto in ways they're not elsewhere. the answer was yes. that's fantastic news. and: it's on film for anyone to refer to if they want to.
PFT may have even "given" the cops a chance to have authority over this just by asking the question.
this is ground-breaking and incredible stuff, especially before an international summit this large.
way to go everyone, we're having victories all the time, and that feels awesome! :-)
Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit
Written by Dan Dicks
... At a town hall meeting for the G20 summit we questioned Constable George Tucker who is in charge of the Toronto Police Unit and is working with the Integrated Security Unit which is an amalgamation of RCMP, OPP, Toronto Police Service, Military and CSIS. PFT reporter Steve Davies asked Constable Tucker if in the case of an abuse of authority by one of the many private security firms who will be present at the G20 summit, who will hold them accountable? Constable Tucker assured us that private security will not have the same powers as the police and if a situation were to arise, he stated on the record, that the offending firm will be held accountable.
"V.F.R under Canadian flight regs are no jet aircraft under 300m over built up areas (Cities, Towns.) Exeptions are take off and landings for helicopters. Police Helicopters. ect.
Fighter jets are a noise violation, not to mention a moderate safety risk. Check out Air show crashes. There is no reason for them to buzz over towns when they can simply fly around. Canada has LOTS of space.
I was Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, and Commando, Canadian Airborne. In the 90's."
heya [redacted],
thanks for your insights, this is great stuff and i've been meaning to get some formal answers. the few i've got so far include one from a buddy who worked in the industry, he said the airlines lobbied for lower flight patterns to save fuel and it was seen as a better need in this bad economy than peace and quiet for communities. i'd say there are more angles to these decisions as well.
fyi, i've been tracking low-flying air traffic (getting us used to martial law?) for years and seen (and shot) some crazy stuff. i've even taken a bunch of youtube videos before my sites were pulled, but one that i re-uploaded has over 20,000 views and hundreds of comments of people seeing them across north america too. can you cite any regulations i can look up to build a paper trail?
much obliged, i wanna quote some regulations on this too, that makes it tougher for people to argue.
i mean, i don't want to help us to look crazy, i want to help us make them look crazy!
p.s. the 30 second video and comments...
Low-Flying Planes Getting Us Used To Martial Law? (1)
G20 Flyering Starting on Monday?
Heya TTStulin's!
(As in Daniel Estulin's, The Anti-Bilderberg Guy ;-)
I was speaking with Brad about this recently, we're about to start flyering pre-G20 on a regular basis starting on Monday, both in groups and as individuals, so we're hoping that others can join us and join in on the efforts generally on a regular basis. More details to come. Everybody in Canada, and especially the 360 TTS members who really know what's going on, are also encouraged to keep some info on them just in case they run into an open mind who might be more open to a piece of paper or dvd than an argument.
Trust me, most people are too intimidated to start arguing with you if you've actually taken the time to care about something enough to research it and regularly warn people about it. Who can sincerely knock your sincerity? Maybe they'll ignore it, or think you're wrong, but if you take it seriously, they might feel they should too. While DVD's are still the ultimate weapon in the Infowar, since flyers are cheap and can be quickly adapted for new topics, they are traditionally one of the best ways to warn people quickly.
On the G20 preparations, right now, many people in Toronto will actually try to "get used to" or "normalize" in their minds the intimidating and ceremonial use of military force by foreign forces and our own working together in our city. It's not their fault. It's a perfectly honest and normal coping mechanism when dealing with naked fascism. That's the only thing that many people will be able to do unless they learn more about it than many of them will. That's why we'll start flyering several days a week starting Monday.
Please share any thoughts you'd like, everything may help.
Warm regards,
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com
Music - http://www.reverbnation.com/blackkrishna
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
SiLSa! Productions
The Freedom Link
If you only listen to one thing this week...

(BTW, their logo is a frikkin' upside down cross. So, we probably have Satanists running NORAD, who are running the 10,000 member "security" forces for the G20 Summit in June, including 1000 "private contractors", but not the kind that finish your basement, the kind that are above the law and kill people in New Orleans and IraqAfghanistan. And why they hell are these idiots scrambling jet fighters to handle a political protest in the middle of downtown in a big city anyway? What's next, threatening people with nukes? This is nuts. These people are crazy. - Ed.)




G20 Flyering Starting on Monday?
Subject: [TorontoTruthSeekers] NORAD begins air exercises over Toronto for G8 G20
NORAD begins air exercises for G8, G20
Canwest News Service: Thursday, May 6, 2010 10:02 AM
Canadian Forces CF-18 Hornet on the flight line during the Brant United Way Airshow at the Brantford Municipal Airport, in a file photo from August 27, 2008.
'allo G20ologists! :-P
this is absolutely crazy stuff folks, but it's also very visible, which gives us targets to aim for. this naked show of force is crazier than the giant communist russian and chinese parades through red squares, so here in (communist?) canada, it shouldn't be hard to make the connection for anyone over 30, who shouldn't have a hard time making the connection with anyone under-30. it's on.
let's try to get some shots of the pre-game G20 weirdness too, or photos, videos, descriptions and reports of the preparations, much like PFT is doing. we have 360 TTS members, so we have enough eyes to keep an eye on things across toronto. it's a passive process unless you're actively looking for stuff, but even passively, we can catch new security signs, vehicles, drills and more.
if we have a chance, we can just pull out our cameraphone or similar device, or even a pen and paper to write something notable down, then share it somehow anonymously or not online with fellow TTS members and/or others. by documenting these changes on a regular basis and asking the right questions in advance, we can find out what's going on, publicize and affect their plans.
for example, in his recent PFT article on bryan law's arrest for filming in public during preparations for a summit, dan dicks wrote about how steve davies asked the police authorities if private military firm personnel would be held accountable here in toronto in ways they're not elsewhere. the answer was yes. that's fantastic news. and: it's on film for anyone to refer to if they want to.
PFT may have even "given" the cops a chance to have authority over this just by asking the question.
this is ground-breaking and incredible stuff, especially before an international summit this large.
way to go everyone, we're having victories all the time, and that feels awesome! :-)
Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit
Written by Dan Dicks
... At a town hall meeting for the G20 summit we questioned Constable George Tucker who is in charge of the Toronto Police Unit and is working with the Integrated Security Unit which is an amalgamation of RCMP, OPP, Toronto Police Service, Military and CSIS. PFT reporter Steve Davies asked Constable Tucker if in the case of an abuse of authority by one of the many private security firms who will be present at the G20 summit, who will hold them accountable? Constable Tucker assured us that private security will not have the same powers as the police and if a situation were to arise, he stated on the record, that the offending firm will be held accountable.
"V.F.R under Canadian flight regs are no jet aircraft under 300m over built up areas (Cities, Towns.) Exeptions are take off and landings for helicopters. Police Helicopters. ect.
Fighter jets are a noise violation, not to mention a moderate safety risk. Check out Air show crashes. There is no reason for them to buzz over towns when they can simply fly around. Canada has LOTS of space.
I was Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, and Commando, Canadian Airborne. In the 90's."
heya [redacted],
thanks for your insights, this is great stuff and i've been meaning to get some formal answers. the few i've got so far include one from a buddy who worked in the industry, he said the airlines lobbied for lower flight patterns to save fuel and it was seen as a better need in this bad economy than peace and quiet for communities. i'd say there are more angles to these decisions as well.
fyi, i've been tracking low-flying air traffic (getting us used to martial law?) for years and seen (and shot) some crazy stuff. i've even taken a bunch of youtube videos before my sites were pulled, but one that i re-uploaded has over 20,000 views and hundreds of comments of people seeing them across north america too. can you cite any regulations i can look up to build a paper trail?
much obliged, i wanna quote some regulations on this too, that makes it tougher for people to argue.
i mean, i don't want to help us to look crazy, i want to help us make them look crazy!
p.s. the 30 second video and comments...
Low-Flying Planes Getting Us Used To Martial Law? (1)
G20 Flyering Starting on Monday?
Heya TTStulin's!
(As in Daniel Estulin's, The Anti-Bilderberg Guy ;-)
I was speaking with Brad about this recently, we're about to start flyering pre-G20 on a regular basis starting on Monday, both in groups and as individuals, so we're hoping that others can join us and join in on the efforts generally on a regular basis. More details to come. Everybody in Canada, and especially the 360 TTS members who really know what's going on, are also encouraged to keep some info on them just in case they run into an open mind who might be more open to a piece of paper or dvd than an argument.
Trust me, most people are too intimidated to start arguing with you if you've actually taken the time to care about something enough to research it and regularly warn people about it. Who can sincerely knock your sincerity? Maybe they'll ignore it, or think you're wrong, but if you take it seriously, they might feel they should too. While DVD's are still the ultimate weapon in the Infowar, since flyers are cheap and can be quickly adapted for new topics, they are traditionally one of the best ways to warn people quickly.
On the G20 preparations, right now, many people in Toronto will actually try to "get used to" or "normalize" in their minds the intimidating and ceremonial use of military force by foreign forces and our own working together in our city. It's not their fault. It's a perfectly honest and normal coping mechanism when dealing with naked fascism. That's the only thing that many people will be able to do unless they learn more about it than many of them will. That's why we'll start flyering several days a week starting Monday.
Please share any thoughts you'd like, everything may help.
Warm regards,
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com
Music - http://www.reverbnation.com/blackkrishna
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
SiLSa! Productions
The Freedom Link
If you only listen to one thing this week...

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