FYI - The Chemtrails Are Baaaack...

FYI - The Chemtrails Are Baaaack...
FYI, while I've been bumming around using new magical home internet access, as I walked outside to get a coffee yesterday evening, there were more chemtrails than I've seen in a month. I've also been suggesting that TTS members help take pictures and video and post them for a few months.
I did this 5 weeks in a row, or pretty much every week when the "Regular Chemtrail Attacks on the City of Toronto Started in the Spring of 2010", followed usually by 4 days of rain. Their weakness is we love patio season. We should show Torontonians the evidence of who's ruining their summer.
Toronto Chemtrails vs. Toronto Patio Season - Round 5 - April 12, 2010 - Pt 25
I only put up 25 videos in a row because, after a while, it became clear to me that that many people were determined to "be cool" regardless of this happening. That's just suicidal. So, I continue to encourage people to "do stuff" to document this often, and I haven't seen heavy spraying since April 12th.
FYI, this is also why the loss of my rep and TTS - AO spot hits us hard at this time. By thinking of many worthwhile things that anyone could easily do (i.e. take pictures of chemtrails) I could then help us do some. But, more people had faith in these ideas when they were coming from a position of authority.
Meh. Anyway, I don't like it either. That's just how we's raised. People often prefer to agree with "authority" figures instead of evaluating what they say. (See: "Change!" from Fauxbama). Of course, we can each get past this and do stuff if we want to; no problem that two people may have should stop anyone else.
BTW, the "flyering" email for Monday onwards is still out there, please respond if you'd like. Since I've been removed as a TTS - AO I haven't had any success in getting anything posted as a meet-up . I'm sure they're supportive, it's just nobody wants to upset anybody by posting one, etc. It's all ridiculous stuff.
Finally, all that being said, we're actually in pretty good shape. We have interest, but we need to have more "drivers" of "actions" as well. Otherwise we'll just be a "conspira-gossip" or "conspira-trivia" listserve. Informally, I'd like to see potential TTS - AO's step up and speak up to help drive these processes right now.
Incidentally, sorry to make the "TTS - AO" situation "public" again, but I didn't make it "public" in the first place.
My "name" as a TTS - AO was "publicly" removed from the TTS meet-up site first, so people saw that happening.
Then I made a private phone call to ask for it back, then two private emails, but I got no response, so I went public.
Going "public" was only to tell people who could "publicly" see the organizational change how I was feeling about it.
People can see my emails, I've been mostly right about what's "going to happen" for a few years, including here at TTS.
While there will be lots of discussion on TTS listserve and elsewhere, if I'm not an AO, we'll get a hell of a lot less done.
I don't think this is "arrogant", I think it's logical, or spending more time thinking about something gets better conclusions.
Since I think about what TTS can do a lot (see my emails), I can say for sure that we need more AO's to drive more actions.
With just a few weeks before the G20, we should prioritize.
BTW, by "actions", I mean we should avoid the temptation to just get stuff off our chest, but rather focus on how to tell people who don't know what's happening what's happening. Otherwise we'll just be satisfied by telling other people who already know.
Habits are formed by practice. So, instead of "informing the informed", we should focus on "informing the uninformed" as well, or we'll just develop bad habits. We'll also get much more fulfillment from informing the uninformed than informing the informed.
Our discussions should involve each of us finding information, sharing it, then figuring out how we can share that information with people who normally have no interest in this. Otherwise we're like any other "sub-culture" of sci-fi fans, pop-culture junkies, etc.
Since we have the mass media developing "public" interest in different topics at different times, we should focus on giving more people who don't know what's going on better answers than they get. We'll only help and get respect from people if they hear us.
Today, nobody can say there's "nothing wrong" with a straight-face. They can only say they don't want to talk about it. But, that means that the traditional "I talk about it with people all the time" approach that many truthers randomly use won't work anymore.
Our brains are all getting whacked by stuff that makes it harder to discuss or focus on "heavy" stuff. Even internally at TTS and elsewhere, most "9/11 truthers" treat "me" like the "public" treats "them" because of how "serious" I am. The irony is amusing.
However, as fairly well-spoken and exceptionally out-spoken person, I've dealt with this a lot and developed ways on how to that I'd like to share. Hand someone a piece of paper. Most people will be too-intimidated to argue with you. They'll see you're serious.
That's the easiest thing to do, hence my idea for the "TTS Toolkit", or many small flyers on different topics that anyone can keep with them. Instead of having a forgettable argument about vaccines: make sure they can go to to get exemption forms.
Fortunately, it's not very hard to be taken seriously today in a culture where we're being taught to act silly. The problem is we're supposed to act silly, so if we're serious, we might kill someone's buzz. Therefore: just hand them a piece of paper, then act silly.
That's the easiest thing to do, or just help people go "at their own speed" to evaluate the info they want to. FYI, when truthers tell "me" to "slow-down" or "you have to let people take time" to get where I'm at, they're often referring to fellow truthers. Seriously.
Since we're all in the same boat, let's try to make the ride easier on each other.
Black Krishna Brand
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SiLSa! Productions
The Freedom Link
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Aw crap, sorry, I never said anything and don't think this way so it skips my mind to deal with it, but some people might think this has something to do with "who" the TTS - AO's are now. Nothing could be further from the truth. Please disregard that thought.
My issue is that "many hands make light work", that sort of thing. Plus, I know after a year in business that "growing" and not "shrinking" the number of people running the organization make sense, especially because of what we're supposed to stand for
Our biggest problem in conspiracy-ville is that this line of research often destroys our faith in people, or in ourselves and others. Not giving more people the power to help run TTS is a mistake in that vein that I or anyone else should be chastised for making.
Psychologically, we want to protect what "power" we have, so that might come up. However, having been a TTS - AO, I can say that it's really no big a deal. You just individually suggest stuff and people do whatever they want anyway, plus the odd meeting.
After working with Cathy, Mark and Junior for months at the expense of doing anything else, I know they're all good people, so that doesn't even factor. I see this "chess" game as T.O. vs. the NWO, so that's the game to play, and imho, we need more "knights".
Because of all this stupid untimely pre-G20 craziness, I have no idea what will happen, but I do know that unless we "speak up" we can't ever see our good ideas manifest, so it's a shot. Regardless, leadership and innovation is welcome anytime from everyone.

FYI - The Chemtrails Are Baaaack...
FYI, while I've been bumming around using new magical home internet access, as I walked outside to get a coffee yesterday evening, there were more chemtrails than I've seen in a month. I've also been suggesting that TTS members help take pictures and video and post them for a few months.
I did this 5 weeks in a row, or pretty much every week when the "Regular Chemtrail Attacks on the City of Toronto Started in the Spring of 2010", followed usually by 4 days of rain. Their weakness is we love patio season. We should show Torontonians the evidence of who's ruining their summer.
Toronto Chemtrails vs. Toronto Patio Season - Round 5 - April 12, 2010 - Pt 25
I only put up 25 videos in a row because, after a while, it became clear to me that that many people were determined to "be cool" regardless of this happening. That's just suicidal. So, I continue to encourage people to "do stuff" to document this often, and I haven't seen heavy spraying since April 12th.
FYI, this is also why the loss of my rep and TTS - AO spot hits us hard at this time. By thinking of many worthwhile things that anyone could easily do (i.e. take pictures of chemtrails) I could then help us do some. But, more people had faith in these ideas when they were coming from a position of authority.
Meh. Anyway, I don't like it either. That's just how we's raised. People often prefer to agree with "authority" figures instead of evaluating what they say. (See: "Change!" from Fauxbama). Of course, we can each get past this and do stuff if we want to; no problem that two people may have should stop anyone else.
BTW, the "flyering" email for Monday onwards is still out there, please respond if you'd like. Since I've been removed as a TTS - AO I haven't had any success in getting anything posted as a meet-up . I'm sure they're supportive, it's just nobody wants to upset anybody by posting one, etc. It's all ridiculous stuff.
Finally, all that being said, we're actually in pretty good shape. We have interest, but we need to have more "drivers" of "actions" as well. Otherwise we'll just be a "conspira-gossip" or "conspira-trivia" listserve. Informally, I'd like to see potential TTS - AO's step up and speak up to help drive these processes right now.
Incidentally, sorry to make the "TTS - AO" situation "public" again, but I didn't make it "public" in the first place.
My "name" as a TTS - AO was "publicly" removed from the TTS meet-up site first, so people saw that happening.
Then I made a private phone call to ask for it back, then two private emails, but I got no response, so I went public.
Going "public" was only to tell people who could "publicly" see the organizational change how I was feeling about it.
People can see my emails, I've been mostly right about what's "going to happen" for a few years, including here at TTS.
While there will be lots of discussion on TTS listserve and elsewhere, if I'm not an AO, we'll get a hell of a lot less done.
I don't think this is "arrogant", I think it's logical, or spending more time thinking about something gets better conclusions.
Since I think about what TTS can do a lot (see my emails), I can say for sure that we need more AO's to drive more actions.
With just a few weeks before the G20, we should prioritize.
BTW, by "actions", I mean we should avoid the temptation to just get stuff off our chest, but rather focus on how to tell people who don't know what's happening what's happening. Otherwise we'll just be satisfied by telling other people who already know.
Habits are formed by practice. So, instead of "informing the informed", we should focus on "informing the uninformed" as well, or we'll just develop bad habits. We'll also get much more fulfillment from informing the uninformed than informing the informed.
Our discussions should involve each of us finding information, sharing it, then figuring out how we can share that information with people who normally have no interest in this. Otherwise we're like any other "sub-culture" of sci-fi fans, pop-culture junkies, etc.
Since we have the mass media developing "public" interest in different topics at different times, we should focus on giving more people who don't know what's going on better answers than they get. We'll only help and get respect from people if they hear us.
Today, nobody can say there's "nothing wrong" with a straight-face. They can only say they don't want to talk about it. But, that means that the traditional "I talk about it with people all the time" approach that many truthers randomly use won't work anymore.
Our brains are all getting whacked by stuff that makes it harder to discuss or focus on "heavy" stuff. Even internally at TTS and elsewhere, most "9/11 truthers" treat "me" like the "public" treats "them" because of how "serious" I am. The irony is amusing.
However, as fairly well-spoken and exceptionally out-spoken person, I've dealt with this a lot and developed ways on how to that I'd like to share. Hand someone a piece of paper. Most people will be too-intimidated to argue with you. They'll see you're serious.
That's the easiest thing to do, hence my idea for the "TTS Toolkit", or many small flyers on different topics that anyone can keep with them. Instead of having a forgettable argument about vaccines: make sure they can go to to get exemption forms.
Fortunately, it's not very hard to be taken seriously today in a culture where we're being taught to act silly. The problem is we're supposed to act silly, so if we're serious, we might kill someone's buzz. Therefore: just hand them a piece of paper, then act silly.
That's the easiest thing to do, or just help people go "at their own speed" to evaluate the info they want to. FYI, when truthers tell "me" to "slow-down" or "you have to let people take time" to get where I'm at, they're often referring to fellow truthers. Seriously.
Since we're all in the same boat, let's try to make the ride easier on each other.
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter -
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
YouTube -
Radio -
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
SiLSa! Productions
The Freedom Link
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Aw crap, sorry, I never said anything and don't think this way so it skips my mind to deal with it, but some people might think this has something to do with "who" the TTS - AO's are now. Nothing could be further from the truth. Please disregard that thought.
My issue is that "many hands make light work", that sort of thing. Plus, I know after a year in business that "growing" and not "shrinking" the number of people running the organization make sense, especially because of what we're supposed to stand for
Our biggest problem in conspiracy-ville is that this line of research often destroys our faith in people, or in ourselves and others. Not giving more people the power to help run TTS is a mistake in that vein that I or anyone else should be chastised for making.
Psychologically, we want to protect what "power" we have, so that might come up. However, having been a TTS - AO, I can say that it's really no big a deal. You just individually suggest stuff and people do whatever they want anyway, plus the odd meeting.
After working with Cathy, Mark and Junior for months at the expense of doing anything else, I know they're all good people, so that doesn't even factor. I see this "chess" game as T.O. vs. the NWO, so that's the game to play, and imho, we need more "knights".
Because of all this stupid untimely pre-G20 craziness, I have no idea what will happen, but I do know that unless we "speak up" we can't ever see our good ideas manifest, so it's a shot. Regardless, leadership and innovation is welcome anytime from everyone.
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