Since We Have Just 9 - 11 Days To Stop False Flag Attacks in Vancouver: What Can We Do?

Incidentally, I recommend saving any voicemails by recording them since Fido just re-set mine for no reason. I lost messages that I was saving since I was too busy or lazy to record them, like the guy from the City of Toronto confirming my attendance at the February 25th Toronto mayoral candidate info-session. Emails are probably worth saving too. Since the NWO isn't stopping no matter what we've done, we should do more, plus do more to protect the information that we have now from electronic Orwellization.
Heya TTS Family and Friends,
Since we all know what's going on, to some degree, and that it's "2010", or fairly close to "2012" when really wacky stuff is supposed to happen, it's safe to say a fair amount of wackiness has begun and will certainly intensify this year. That includes at the Vancouver Winter Olympics starting just 11 days from now. Check this nicely crafted article:
Could Vancouver 2010 be the next 9/11?
Dprogram | January 29, 2010
WARNING: I now believe I have reasonable grounds to suspect there may be a “false flag” attack carried out during the Olympics in Canada. The games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler from Feb. 12th until Feb. 28th. Below, I have compiled the following suspicious activity by searching and analyzing the news from various media sources and by speaking with citizens in Canada themselves.
Since we all have enough time and energy to look into and communicate about these issues, to some degree, just like all Canadians, it's only reasonable to expect some of our time to be devoted towards making sure that our shadow government doesn't kill some of us and screw the rest of us with new false flag attacks and anti-terror laws.
Since we're working with 21st Century technology, an awakening and particularly patriotic public, tons of anxious truthers and more, it should be easy. There's a lot of "Proh-Canada!" hoopla going on, so let's see who's wearing the (gang) "colours" and why; plus what they'll do when confronted with new info about the NWO threat to their country.
Since many people want to do little or nothing and/or rely on "God's Life Insurance" policies, they should know that if their religion isn't helping them get stronger and better at fighting the New World Order, then it either sucks, or they're doing it wrong. People can't make any "God's Life Insurance" claims when they die unless they've paid their dues anyway.
Since we know we only get out of something what we put into it, we should know we'll get out of people what we put into them. Many conspiracy theorists act like frustrated quackademics who just want to be told they're "right" by other conspiracy theorists. If we focus instead on the people who don't kNWO, then we can finally "use" our knowledge to empower them.
Since we have just 9 - 11 days to stop potential false flag attacks from happening at the Vancouver Olympics during Harper's Prorogue, when he has full control of the federal government, we should do whatever it takes to get ourselves in the proper frame of mind to deal with it. That means listening to music, talk radio, reading great patriots and anything it takes.
Since we can figure out and do all of the above quickly, some suggestions to act on going forward:
We can become lists of local Canadians who pledge to write their elected officials at specific times with specific -- but -- shared fair questions and requests. We can then compare the responses we all get. Most of the federales are on vacation anyway: so surely they or their staff have time to respond. With just 100 people committing to doing this anywhere, we'll get a good idea of how our civil servants respond to our questions as a whole; how they respond individually; who to follow-up with; and how to simply organize ourselves and others into bugging politicians collectively.
We need to know that taking action as a "group" is more effective than writing politicians "individually" like we're told to. Many citizens lobby-groups are formed by people who'd petitioned politicians for years on their own, so we can get this quickly. If we decide to share our responses, we'll have enough evidence to share with others as well. Handfuls of us can even get petitions signed by our neighbours to ask our civil servants to watch "Terrorstorm" or another DVD and to share their thoughts with us. If they don't share our thoughts: they shouldn't be our elected representatives.
We can also start to work together more to help give politicians and others a chance to "react" to something instead of just complaining that they won't "act" on their own, especially when many of them are under more surveillance and pressure than we are. The same with the media, healthcare system, police and so on. While it's in style to complain about everything, it's only "in style" because it's depressing and gets nothing done. That's why it's promoted everywhere. So, we should find alternatives when it comes to explaining our country's situation with respect to the New World Order.
We can start Community Campaigning vs. Communist Canada, or fighting our socialization in groups which is easier than doing it individually. We can take our individual and shared concerns and work together to reach out to the increasingly atomized individuals in our culture. The "gang" mentality is the only thing people respect. Or: to quote Jay-Z, "We don't believe you, you need more people." Or: individuals just Googling stuff and yelling at people won't work. It's been done for years and has only got us so far. In 2010, we can build on what we've each proven to ourselves and work with others.
We have some timely options to discuss on a national level, please advise.
February 1, 2010
CKLN Rude Awakening with host Black Krishna
Feat: Analysis of the potential for a false flag terrorist attack at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics from February 12th - 28th courtesy of (29/Jan/10) and; analysis of the overbearing police actions against columnist Joe Fiorito from his write-up in The Toronto Star (29/Jan/10) courtesy of; a breakdown of what The Metro daily newspaper is saying instead of this stuff.
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Amore Amuzak
They Comin' 4 Ya Guns, Guns (2 Minute Warning)
Whatcha gonna do?
They comin' for ya guns, guns...
Don't know yet?
Dead men, don't sweat,
How'd it get, this bad?
Who knows, who said?
Been right, like a rifle-sight,
Aimed, in the night,
At the Bill of Rights, right?
Cross, to ya hindsight,
Can't stand the sight? Raised as a pet,
Bred for the slaughter,
'Why, everything sorta --
Bad for us, I guess,
Feducation, little jails,
No bail, little kids set sail,
For combat, comeback,
And chase tales,
Of Katrina,
Gun-takin', no soldiers, got shooken,
Hey good-lookin',
Guess what ya boss, got cookin'?
Barack H., Bush 3,
New star, same drama,
Comin' for ya guns,
Better get some armor,
Better get some knowledge,
They won't teach you in college,
With a commie collage of garbage,
You can finally acknowledge,
Self-defense, common sense,
The recession, got you stressin',
Home-invasion situation,
Call-waitin', got you guessin',
Cops solve crimes, they, don't stop 'em,
You gotta cop, what you cop, to drop-drop 'em,
You gotta stop, what you thought, about robbin',
You gotta gun, then a robber, got a problem,
We gotta problem, the government is full of robbers,
We gotta solve it, raisin' hell, with our revolvers,
Take 'em away, that'll solve, all their problems,
They'll treat us like Hitler, Mao, and Joseph Stalin...
Whatcha gonna do?
They comin' for ya guns, guns...
Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA)
CKLN Radio Presents Guns'n'Hosers:
BK and Tony Bernardo (CSSA)
How To Get 'Em and Why To Have 'Em
20 min stream or download
Gun Owners of America (GOA beats the NRA)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO beats the NRA)
* The NRA Selling Americans (and the world) Out:
NRA On Texas Gun Shows: It Was a “Self-imposed Regulation”
January 24, 2010
(Editor’s note: No mention of APD and ATF chicanery.)
NRA has received many inquiries about reports that the Austin, Texas Police Department and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives tried to stop private gun sales at an Austin gun show.
* The NRA Lies Exposed By Darwin Boedeker
Texas Gun Shows Organizer Targeted by the ATF Makes His Case on the Alex Jones Show
Kurt Nimmo
January 18, 2010
Darwin Boedeker of Texas Gun Shows appeared on the Alex Jones Show today and provided details of the criminal conspiracy by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (abbreviated ATF) and the Austin police to shut down the show last week.
In a classic case of Mafia intimidation, the ATF in league with the Austin Police Department leaned on Boedeker in a brazen and illegal attempt to scare away participants and ultimately close down his business.
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
The Canadian Army Predicts The Future
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