The TTS 2010 To-Do List Meet-Up: Sat, Jan 30th, 1 pm, Dundas Square

Announcing a new Meetup for Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)!
What: The TTS 2010 To-Do List Meet-Up: Sat, Jan 30th, 1 pm, Dundas Square
When: Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Dundas Square
Yonge & Dundas
Toronto, ON
The TTS 2010 To-Do List Meet-Up: Sat, Jan 30th, 1 pm, Dundas Square
Hello TTS Family and Friends,
Here in Canada, as we leave the first month of the year 2010, TTS should look forward to warmer weather and a great year of getting the word out about what to do about what we talk about. We have access to more information and better communications technology than any group of people under attack by oligarchs in history. A thousand years ago... they had poster and flyers. A thousand years later, we have better ones. And dvd's.
People are "waking up" to the corruption at the highest levels in record numbers. This is thanks to the work of many great truth seekers worldwide. However, it's also thanks to the fact that the "elite" are acting crazier than ever. Or, they're killing more people and stealing more stuff. Now that the "truth" about them is getting so easy to find, we have to understand why. We shouldn't all learn who's really in charge and just "learn" to live with it.
Last Saturday, in a coordinated effort thanks to the good folks at, thousands of Canadians across the country showed their frustration with our federal government -- and -- their own willingness to hit the streets in the cold weather. There were even 2000 of us in Toronto at the Dundas Square rally. People are looking for answers. People are looking for something to do. They'll definitely find something. The question is: what?
Many of us know the "establishment" tries to co-opt and control all revolutionary feelings and ideas for their own ends. This is happening with the "tea parties" held across America; and the work of Alex Jones thanks to Fox News creating a fake mainstream doppelganger in Glenn Beck. The big problem with just saying everything is "bad" is that now everyone can see it. So, the "bad guys" are saying it too. So, people get confused. So, now what?
Last year, we saw what happened to all the energy from two years ago around the 2008 Obama "CHANGE!" campaign: it fizzled out. However, it still means that people will get "political" and "do stuff" today for a good cause. They will take to the streets, go door-to-door, put up posters, hand-out flyers and more. When people say "nobody wants to do anything" today, they're forgetting what just happened in 2008, and for centuries before that.
While "apathy" is obviously in style, recent history shows that when confronted with both the knowledge of corruption -- and -- a reasonable plan for what to do about it, people will respond by taking action. Sometimes good people take action with good intentions, but too many are being mis-directed by the "establishment" system. However, unless there are alternate actions for them to choose from, then people will take whatever action they can get.
Last year, TTS had a fantastic run of weekly street actions. We handed out thousands of flyers and dvd's. Nobody ever came back and said we were wrong. Many people came back to get more info. When it comes to sharing information about the "New World Order", we can do it around here without anybody blinking an eyelash. Most people will admit that, yes, there's "something" going on, and they either want to learn more or not. That's fantastic news.
From here on in, we need to make sure that people are not confused into supporting activism that will only increase the banks, governments and corporations' control over all of us. Otherwise: we see what will happen. That means the people who know about the New World Order have to let others know that they can get past the 'shock' of understanding it and can figure out how to deal with it. But, not by ignoring it, by actually doing something about it.
Last week, we were (finally?) joined by thousands of our fellow Canadians at Dundas Square, mostly from the GTA, who were in the mood to protest what the Canadian federal government is (not?) up to with respect to the "prorogue". Many of them seemed to really want our elected officials to get back to work. This was despite the fact that they don't seem to work for us. This week, we have to try and tap into that energy with another explanation of what to do today.
Based on who RSVP's, we'll see what to do on Saturday. If enough people RSVP, then we'll have a street action confident in our numbers with smaller satellite teams taking turns flyering and checking back in with home-base. Please RSVP, dress warmly, bring flyers, dvd's, etc. Be polite and courteous. If anybody wants to contribute any (developed!) ideas, materials and/or funding with respect to having a successful Saturday, please share them on the listserve or contact us directly.
Note: when talking to over 200 people on the listserve, please be considerate and put some thought, and perhaps even some heart and soul into it. Thx! :-)
Warm regards,
Vijay Sarma
Assistant Organizer
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
P.S. This is some video and pictures of our January 16th brunch at Jack Astor's.
P.P.S. This is something we can go to after Saturday's street action if we feel like it.
Vote Out Fluoride Campaign Meeting
Saturday, January 30th, 7 p.m.
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor Peace Lounge (Bloor, at St.George Station)
Join us for a brief introduction to our campaign and learn how you can get involved in the fight against fluoridation in our public water supply. This is a strategy and implementation meeting for the campaign.
Sponsored by the Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter.
Ph: (416) 979.5554 | 1.800.208.7156
Visit for the latest news and action alerts.
P.P.P.S. What the heck, this is a short song and video explaining why we should go.
P.P.P.P.S. FYI, with "false flag" possibilities around the Vancouver Olympics, this may be a clue.
CBC News
Last Updated: Saturday, January 16, 2010 | 7:54 AM PT
RCMP hasn't closed book on missing chemical
RCMP in B.C. say they are still not convinced that two tonnes of a potential explosive that was believed missing in a rail shipment from Alberta to Vancouver has been accounted for.
The chemical manufacturer Kinder Morgan notified the RCMP on Jan. 6 that it had determined a clerical error was responsible for the apparent loss or theft of two one-tonne bags of ammonium nitrate.
Learn more here:
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