"Ultimately it's 'populist' language, which means everybody gets it, so 'smart' people have."
"Ultimately it's 'populist' language, which means everybody gets it, so 'smart' people have no damned excuse."


FYI, there's a list of green events in T.O. below, for those who believe it, and for those who know it's bullsh-t.
Either way... enjoy! ;-)
We can go to activist meetings near us to see if they're open to the anti-NWO position; document why if they're not; then use that straightforward explanation to show ordinary people how activism is controlled by people at the top who obviously brainwash their followers into ignoring information -- even stuff that may help their cause -- which is exactly why sh-t keeps getting worse.
Unless we stop them, the UN-franchisee NGO's will grow ridiculously powerful. Then, the people who work there will enjoy their power way too much to listen to anybody questioning their ways; just like rich people with normal activism. This is the exact same system "they" used in Communist Russia. That's why it's showing up here in Communist Canada. We need to stop it.
Now: the good news is "fluoride" is finally back on the environmentalists radar after jumping off their movement.
We can hit it on Saturday.
Vote Out Fluoride Campaign Meeting
Saturday, January 30th, 7 p.m.
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor Peace Lounge (Bloor, at St.George Station)
Join us for a brief introduction to our campaign and learn how you can get involved in the fight against fluoridation in our public water supply. This is a strategy and implementation meeting for the campaign.
Sponsored by the Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter.
Ph: (416) 979.5554 | 1.800.208.7156
Visit www.canadians.org for the latest news and action alerts.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bischoff Angela
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM
Subject: TO. Greenspiration Events
To: greenspiration toronto
Toronto Greenspiration Events
Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands
Shot primarily from a helicopter, Peter Mettler's visionary flimmaking offers an unparalleled view of the world's largest industrial, capital and energy project. This bird's eye view offers a staggering and unique perspective on how some of the world's dirtiest oil is produced—and how much we're willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of unsustainable and destructive energy sources. From the poisoning of downstream First Nations communities and the total assimilation of wildlife habitats, to the contamination of critical waterways and the clear cutting of the Boreal Forest, the tar sands have become the poster child of where our global addiction to dirty fuels has taken us. "Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands" seeks to expose the true nature of this fiercely destructive project by taking the viewer deep into the oily belly of the beast.
Royal Theatre, Toronto (608 College St.)
Sunday 24th January - 4:30pm and 7:00pm
Monday 25th January - 7:00pm
Tuesday 26th January - 7:00pm
Wednesday 27th January - 7:00pm
In conjunction with the screenings there will be a Q+A with a host of speakers, including film-maker Peter Mettler and Greenpeace Canada's Executive Director, Bruce Cox.
Tickets will be available at the Royal on the day of performance, 30 minutes before each screening, so arrive early to ensure entry. Ticket price is $10. Students and seniors $8.
Find out more about the film: http://www.petropolis-film.com/#
Presented by Cinema Politica
Free film screening
Wed. Jan. 27, 6 p.m.
Hart House, Arrbor Room, U of T
This is one of the best environmental films ever made. An incredibly, moving, inspiring and fantastically political film that will make you want to be a better steward of this planet.
SYNOPSIS: How much unspoiled nature should we preserve and what do we sacrifice for clean, renewable energy? Dreamland gradually turns into a disturbing picture of corporate power taking over small communities.
Dreamland is a film about a nation standing at cross-roads. Leading up to the country’s greatest economic crisis, the government started the largest mega project in the history of Iceland, to build the biggest dam in Europe to provide Alcoa cheap electricity for an aluminum smelter in the rugged east fjords of Iceland. Today Iceland is left holding a huge dept and an uncertain future.
In Dreamland a nation with abundance of choices gradually becomes caught up in a plan to turn its wilderness and beautiful nature into a massive system of hydro-electric and geothermal power plants with dams and reservoirs. Clean energy brings in polluting industry and international corporations. It’s the dark side of green energy.
This event is FREE and OPEN TO EVERYONE.
Brought to you by:
University of Toronto Students' Union (http://www.utsu.ca)
University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network (http://www.utern.org)
Cinema Politica ( http://www.cinemapolitica.org)
A Conversation Cafe for COP15
Wednesday, January 27, 8 p.m.
The Buttery, Larkin Building, Trinity College, 15 Devonshire Place
In mid-December 2009, thousands of people from around the world gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for COP15 - the largest climate negotiations in history. Twelve University of Toronto students attended the conference as a student delegation and want to share their experiences, impressions and concerns from their time in Copenhagen.
Join us on January 27 at 8:00 for an informal and interactive discussion of COP15. What happened? What have we learned? Where can we go from here?
Tea and coffee and home-made treats will also be provided. We hope to see you all there.
CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW: Report-back from UN Climate Change Talks in Copenhagen
Thursday, January 28, 7pm
United Steelworkers Hall
25 Cecil Street
(south of College, east of Spadina)
On January 28 Toronto Climate Campaign is hosting a report-back from the UN Climate Change Talks in Copenhagen, Denmark. Join us as we hear participants from different delegations discuss the negotiations and the "Copenhagen Accord", the 100,000-strong demonstration, the shameful role of the Canadian Government which won the "Fossil of the Day" award ten times throughout the conference and what we can do to build a vibrant movement for Climate Justice in Toronto.
Speakers include:
CLAYTON THOMAS MULLER Tar sands organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network
CAROLYN EGAN President, Steelworker Toronto Area Council
DAVE MARTIN Energy coordinator, Greenpeace Canada
KIMIA GHOMESHI Member, Canadian Youth Delegation
(Moderator) BRETT RHYNO Organizer, Toronto Climate Campaign
Help build the report-back. Posters, leaflets and supplies are available at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre (2nd floor), 427 Bloor Street West (just west of Spadina).
web: www.torontoclimatecampaign.org
e-mail: info@torontoclimatecampaign.org
Lecture by Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Ulric (Neville ) Trotz on the outcome of COP15
Thur. Jan. 28, 7 p.m.
Hart House, Debates Room, U of T
Hosted by CARSSU
DIRT – The Movie
Thu, Jan 28, 6:30-8:30 PM (Reception at 6:30 PM, movie at 7 PM)
Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor St Wat Bathurst)
You can buy sprouts, vegetable earrings or memberships during the reception.
Advance tickets are available online (http://bit.ly/5mvEPT) and at the door on a sliding scale of $10-20 (fundraiser for FoodCycles).
DIRT! The Movie, tells the amazing and little known story of the relationship between humans and living dirt. The film offers a vision of a sustainable relationship between Humans and Dirt through the stories of global champions who are determined to fix the damage we've done before it's too late. There are many ways we can preserve the living skin of the earth for future generations. If you care about your food, water, the air you breathe, your health and happiness... it's time to see DIRT! the Movie, roll up your sleeves for action and Get Dirty.
FoodCycles, a new Toronto urban farm and host of the evening, will give an introduction to the night talking about how you can take action here in Toronto.http://foodcycles.org
Debat sur les changements climatiques
EcoAmbassadeurs du Monde vous invite a sa soirée débat:
Avec l’aimable participation d’experts membres d’ONGs présentes à Copenhague
Débats décontracté et inclusif sur le thème :
« Les Défis des Changements Climatiques de la Décennie »
Vendredi 29 Janvier 2010 à 18h00
Au Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Avenue, 4ème étage
Plan d’accès, cliquez ici
Vous désirez réserver une place ou nous rejoindre ?
Téléphone au (416) 840-6052, poste 222,
Courriel a communication@ecoambassadeurs.org
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer !
L’équipe d’EcoAmbassadeurs du Monde et de JustEarth
Vote Out Fluoride Campaign Meeting
Saturday, January 30th, 7 p.m.
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor Peace Lounge (Bloor, at St.George Station)
Join us for a brief introduction to our campaign and learn how you can get involved in the fight against fluoridation in our public water supply. This is a strategy and implementation meeting for the campaign.
Sponsored by the Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter.
Ph: (416) 979.5554 | 1.800.208.7156
Visit www.canadians.org for the latest news and action alerts.
Haiti - Training For Solidarity
- a day for the running community to come together for an up to 20km training run in support of our friends in Haiti
Saturday January 30, 9:00 am registration – Training Runs start at 9:30am
At the Palais Royal, 1601 Lake Shore Boulevard West
This will be a “pay what you can” event.
Sponsored by Running Free and Runners Den, two independent southern Ontario running shops.
For more info and to register, http://www.runningfree.com/missionhaiti.aspx
Email Nick Capra at missionhaiti@runningfree.comfor more information.
Making green jobs happen: A governance forum for leaders in Ontario
Saturday, January 30, 12:00pm
Direct Energy Centre, Toronto
How do we make green jobs happen in Ontario? Support for a green economy is universal. Now it’s time to look at the practical strategies for creating real green jobs on the ground. Meet with leaders in all sectors to hear about how Green Jobs can go from vision to reality.
Municipal Financing for Green Retrofits
Learn how municipalities can promote and finance green energy projects and energy efficiency retrofits for homes and make money at the same time
Green Schools
Schools can be leaders in green energy and in the learning that supports it. Hear about how schools across the country are showing the way forward
Creating Green Jobs Strategies for Ontario
Strategies to move communities into a green economic future are being created by leaders from all sectors. Learn about the latest strategies for green jobs,
Cost: $75, includes refreshments, presentations and workshops
Register online at: www.civicgovernance.ca/ontario
For more information, contact the Centre for Civic Governance at the Columbia Institute
416-531-7265 | ontarioforum@columbiainstitute.ca | www.civicgovernance.ca/ontario
Beit Zatoun
Opens Wed. Jan. 27
612 Markham St. (Bathurst subway)
Inaugural Performance:
A dramatic reading to commemorate the first anniversary of Gaza bombing
Saturday, January 30 @ 6:00 pm
This performance piece for three voices is adapted from a diary kept during the Israeli assault on Gaza
in December 2008 into January 2009. The diarist is Khulood Ghanem, a 27 year-old woman living
in Khan Younis in central Gaza. Written in Arabic, the first seven days were translated into rough
but clear English by the diarist.
Tel: 647-726-9500 ; more about the play
By donation - suggested $20; unwaged $5 - no one turned away
Proceeds shared with a fund for Khulood Ghanem
Housed in a beautiful, large space with a terrific location at Bathurst and Bloor, Beit Zatoun looks to fulfill its mission to be an art and culture venue.
Beit Zatoun (translates as "House of Olive") is a gallery and performance space for the justice and human rights community in Toronto. It aims to raise awareness and create greater understanding as ultimate means to peace through art and culture by hosting exhibits, talks, screenings, plays, music, dance, workshops, and a resource centre.
Although at the core, the question of Israel/Palestine is but an intersection point for many struggles and human dimensions. Beit Zatoun invites and welcomes all communities resisting oppression and affirming the rights of individuals everywhere to live in dignity and freedom. Beit Zatoun is also the global office and centre for Project Hope, a long-time partner of Zatoun. All Zatoun products will be available for sale at Beit Zatoun.
Regular Hours:
Wednesday, 12 noon to 6 pm
Thursday & Friday, 12 noon to 8 pm
Saturday & Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm
Monday & Tuesday, Closed
Events will extend beyond the posted times. Please visit us during these hours and attend our special events.
For more info: www.beitzatoun.org
The Catalyst Centre is pleased to announce the launch of
A School of Activism
A series of workshops to support activists, community development practitioners and anyone interested in social change.
All our workshops and courses are based on a recommended fee with a Pay What You Can option.
See list of workshops here: http://www.catalystcentre.ca/Catalyst_Centre/A_School_of_Activism.html
Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
Join our email list by emailing us at:
Write "subscribe" in the subject line
and tell us what city/country you live in
| To subscribe to this list: send mail to greenspirationto-l-request@list.web.ca, no subject,
| with the following message (and no other text): subscribe
| To unsubscribe: send mail to greenspirationto-l-request@list.web.ca, no subject, with the
| following message (and no other text): unsubscribe
| Your password is assigned to you automatically on subscription,
| and mailed to you periodically.
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com
Music - http://www.reverbnation.com/blackkrishna
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Well, that's silly.
Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)
TTS Communist Canada Crackdown 2: Don't Post Any Sh-t Unless It's Sh-t To Do. Thx! :-)
Hello TTS Family and Friends,
My sincerest apologies for using obscenities in the "Subject" field, but like most people, I will resort to using them if I am frustrated into having to repeat myself: if only for efficiency's sake. Plus, ultimately it's 'populist' language, which means everybody gets it, so 'smart' people have no damned excuse for misunderstanding it. If you're not smart enough to understand the point of this group and listserve: then please don't post, just appreciate the work of the smart people who do.
Meanwhile, we're starting to see more useful posts bubbling to the surface: let's try to make a habit of it for the benefit of anyone willing to join TTS and take the time to read them. These include Luch's suggestion of a rushing a "climate change" event and Junior's enthusiasm in trying to help organize it. That is the beginning of something, so we shouldn't let nothin' kill it. We should not be wasting anybody's time with random crap: just email the individuals; or use the forums; or go somewhere else.
From here on, I'm just going to respect the fact that I'm too busy to keep doing this; plus the fact that people are too busy to be watching it. So, if somebody posts something on this listserve that completely disregards the 15 or-so repeated and repetitive warnings and explanations that preceded it: they will be banned immediately. If somebody else does the same thing: then the same thing will happen to them; and so on. If you want to know what's been said: please read the TTS mailing list online.
The TTS website, meet-up and mailing list may be seen by people worldwide based on what we've done and what we are trying to do. That could help people worldwide do the same where they live. Now, to put it mildly: the self-indulgent nonsense and repeated need crack down on it make us look bad. To avoid this happening again, when it happens, the people who make it happen will be banned immediately. I hope that settles things. Now: let's focus on the stuff being posted that we can do something about.
* For the last time: don't post random half-witted broken sentences about random stuff. *
* For the last time: do post things that we can plan on doing about what we are learning. *
What: Dave Martin, Greenpeace
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 7:00 PM
Medical Sciences Building
1 King’s College Circle, Room 2172 University of Toronto Campus
Toronto, ON M3B 0A3
Dave Martin, Climate and Energy Coordinator of Greenpeace Canada will present a report on the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
Re: Hey TTSers!
this was going to be a personal email: but it applies to everybody. so, on this issue: once you get some interest, or even before, you can go ahead and post a new TTS meet-up. anybody can ask mark, cathy, junior or i to post a new meet-up for them.
then we can talk about it on the listserve to generate interest in attending. then maybe a dozen TTS members can make it there at 7 pm on wednesday to share info, then meet afterwards to have a laugh figuring out how to mock the propaganda they saw.
there is only one way to find out if any of these "green" people really "care" about the "planet" and "people" on it too. if they do: we should be able to convince them to at least look at what we have. if they don't: then at least we can confidently say that.
thankfully, it's at 7 pm on a wednesday 2 weeks from now. so, we should be able to organize and plan before attending it. if we discuss it, then we'll come up with the best strategy to compassionately reach people under the "mind control" we talk about.
should we go in hard? soft? with science? emotion? flyers? dvds? which ideas will work? this type of "think tank" analysis is what we can use to improve our efforts. then we won't be frustrated when people won't listen. we'll just get better at saying it.
incidentally: this is where SPECIFIC articles related to how to communicate with people with at least enough individual analysis to explain that are welcome. don't just fire off web-links. don't just post anything. tell us how it can help us reach other people.
keep in mind, we're "building" on this and other ideas.
Sarnia and Suggestions: We Can Fit Into Productive Roles Since We Already Have
Heya TTS Family and Friends,
We've been mulling ideas around for a while, but first: Ed in Sarnia is looking for local friends, please be in touch if you might be one:
That's where individual requests and random discussions about random stuff should go: on the TTS Message Boards at our meet-up site.
You can talk about anything you want there. Nobody will censor you unless you do something illegal. You can ask people to join you there.
On this TTS daily real-time listserve: we should have ongoing options for people to consider taking action on their own or with others. Just posting random conspira-stuff won't do. All that does is normalize the information-flow. Then it gets crowded and messy as people post or argue about anything in front of everybody. We've seen it happen.
IMHO, too many truthers treat all this just like it's "gossip" or "fashion" on Yahoo's "OMG!" page. They just want to catch up and see or chat about the "latest video" or whatever. That's fine, but they can do that on their own and don't need to post everything they find. Or: simply use the TTS message boards, or the new ways of chatting TBA soon.
This TTS daily real-time listserve is meant to help TTS members reach out to the people who don't know what's going on. That means the 300 people who only joined TTS because they know "We have to do something!" can choose their opportunities from a TTS truther-email buffet available on a daily basis. That way, every day, they have options to choose from.
Human beings only get stuff done when they get organized. Truthers should operate in the exact same way. That means roles, responsibilities and positive peer-pressure to make sure that we can get things done. It's been done by others before, so TTS members can do it too. We've already seen it happen over the last 6 months naturally as we've taken action.
Mark brings the table, truthbrella and dvd's that he spends hours burning; Cathy brings flyers, dvd's and new TTS business cards she spends hours making; Mississauga Mark'n'Mike bring flyers and schwag; Junior brings the megaphone; Brad, Dan and Danny spend hours making classy videos of us; and many more contribute a lot of time, money effort to the cause.
When we decide to focus our efforts and energy in consistently productive ways -- that rationally react to the times that we say we live in -- and the challenge we're undertaking -- then people respect us. We saw it for 6 months at Dundas Square and grew from 200 to 300 members. We should focus on doing stuff that people besides us can understand and respect.
Therefore, since this email is already too long for our "Twitter-bot Talk" generation, in the future:
Note: don't get any knickers in a knot; if it's not true then no problem; if it is then we have to work to beat it.
Roles like specific outreaches to specific groups will be developed for people to take on. TTS members will volunteer to act like account managers on a sales-team and will liaise with groups or individuals who they have an interest in. They will communicate with their contacts at different organizations. They will use the 300-strong TTS membership as muscle to convince people to at least take a look at the information they are sharing and perhaps to give their members (or whatever) a chance to as well.
For example: if you are a Christian who wants to beat the New World Order, then don't tell other truthers: go be a good truther and tell other Christians who are being deceived by the Devil on a daily basis. Your job will be to liaise with a dozen (e.g.) Christian organizations in a certain area. You can expand your operation, or simply develop new ways of communicating the anti-NWO message with Christian groups that others can use as well. The same formula will work for every area we use it on.
Note: don't start any "But truthers need to know too!" crap, you can talk to them individually, or in the TTS forum.
Note: this idea is something that can be applied to any demographic by any TTS member who chooses to.
Note: more ideas later, too much info will boggle minds, so let's just work on this concept for a minute.
the NWO just crapped thier pants
"Ultimately it's 'populist' language, which means everybody gets it, so 'smart' people have no damned excuse."


FYI, there's a list of green events in T.O. below, for those who believe it, and for those who know it's bullsh-t.
Either way... enjoy! ;-)
We can go to activist meetings near us to see if they're open to the anti-NWO position; document why if they're not; then use that straightforward explanation to show ordinary people how activism is controlled by people at the top who obviously brainwash their followers into ignoring information -- even stuff that may help their cause -- which is exactly why sh-t keeps getting worse.
Unless we stop them, the UN-franchisee NGO's will grow ridiculously powerful. Then, the people who work there will enjoy their power way too much to listen to anybody questioning their ways; just like rich people with normal activism. This is the exact same system "they" used in Communist Russia. That's why it's showing up here in Communist Canada. We need to stop it.
Now: the good news is "fluoride" is finally back on the environmentalists radar after jumping off their movement.
We can hit it on Saturday.
Vote Out Fluoride Campaign Meeting
Saturday, January 30th, 7 p.m.
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor Peace Lounge (Bloor, at St.George Station)
Join us for a brief introduction to our campaign and learn how you can get involved in the fight against fluoridation in our public water supply. This is a strategy and implementation meeting for the campaign.
Sponsored by the Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter.
Ph: (416) 979.5554 | 1.800.208.7156
Visit www.canadians.org for the latest news and action alerts.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bischoff Angela
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM
Subject: TO. Greenspiration Events
To: greenspiration toronto
Toronto Greenspiration Events
Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands
Shot primarily from a helicopter, Peter Mettler's visionary flimmaking offers an unparalleled view of the world's largest industrial, capital and energy project. This bird's eye view offers a staggering and unique perspective on how some of the world's dirtiest oil is produced—and how much we're willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of unsustainable and destructive energy sources. From the poisoning of downstream First Nations communities and the total assimilation of wildlife habitats, to the contamination of critical waterways and the clear cutting of the Boreal Forest, the tar sands have become the poster child of where our global addiction to dirty fuels has taken us. "Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands" seeks to expose the true nature of this fiercely destructive project by taking the viewer deep into the oily belly of the beast.
Royal Theatre, Toronto (608 College St.)
Sunday 24th January - 4:30pm and 7:00pm
Monday 25th January - 7:00pm
Tuesday 26th January - 7:00pm
Wednesday 27th January - 7:00pm
In conjunction with the screenings there will be a Q+A with a host of speakers, including film-maker Peter Mettler and Greenpeace Canada's Executive Director, Bruce Cox.
Tickets will be available at the Royal on the day of performance, 30 minutes before each screening, so arrive early to ensure entry. Ticket price is $10. Students and seniors $8.
Find out more about the film: http://www.petropolis-film.com/#
Presented by Cinema Politica
Free film screening
Wed. Jan. 27, 6 p.m.
Hart House, Arrbor Room, U of T
This is one of the best environmental films ever made. An incredibly, moving, inspiring and fantastically political film that will make you want to be a better steward of this planet.
SYNOPSIS: How much unspoiled nature should we preserve and what do we sacrifice for clean, renewable energy? Dreamland gradually turns into a disturbing picture of corporate power taking over small communities.
Dreamland is a film about a nation standing at cross-roads. Leading up to the country’s greatest economic crisis, the government started the largest mega project in the history of Iceland, to build the biggest dam in Europe to provide Alcoa cheap electricity for an aluminum smelter in the rugged east fjords of Iceland. Today Iceland is left holding a huge dept and an uncertain future.
In Dreamland a nation with abundance of choices gradually becomes caught up in a plan to turn its wilderness and beautiful nature into a massive system of hydro-electric and geothermal power plants with dams and reservoirs. Clean energy brings in polluting industry and international corporations. It’s the dark side of green energy.
This event is FREE and OPEN TO EVERYONE.
Brought to you by:
University of Toronto Students' Union (http://www.utsu.ca)
University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network (http://www.utern.org)
Cinema Politica ( http://www.cinemapolitica.org)
A Conversation Cafe for COP15
Wednesday, January 27, 8 p.m.
The Buttery, Larkin Building, Trinity College, 15 Devonshire Place
In mid-December 2009, thousands of people from around the world gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for COP15 - the largest climate negotiations in history. Twelve University of Toronto students attended the conference as a student delegation and want to share their experiences, impressions and concerns from their time in Copenhagen.
Join us on January 27 at 8:00 for an informal and interactive discussion of COP15. What happened? What have we learned? Where can we go from here?
Tea and coffee and home-made treats will also be provided. We hope to see you all there.
CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW: Report-back from UN Climate Change Talks in Copenhagen
Thursday, January 28, 7pm
United Steelworkers Hall
25 Cecil Street
(south of College, east of Spadina)
On January 28 Toronto Climate Campaign is hosting a report-back from the UN Climate Change Talks in Copenhagen, Denmark. Join us as we hear participants from different delegations discuss the negotiations and the "Copenhagen Accord", the 100,000-strong demonstration, the shameful role of the Canadian Government which won the "Fossil of the Day" award ten times throughout the conference and what we can do to build a vibrant movement for Climate Justice in Toronto.
Speakers include:
CLAYTON THOMAS MULLER Tar sands organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network
CAROLYN EGAN President, Steelworker Toronto Area Council
DAVE MARTIN Energy coordinator, Greenpeace Canada
KIMIA GHOMESHI Member, Canadian Youth Delegation
(Moderator) BRETT RHYNO Organizer, Toronto Climate Campaign
Help build the report-back. Posters, leaflets and supplies are available at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre (2nd floor), 427 Bloor Street West (just west of Spadina).
web: www.torontoclimatecampaign.org
e-mail: info@torontoclimatecampaign.org
Lecture by Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Ulric (Neville ) Trotz on the outcome of COP15
Thur. Jan. 28, 7 p.m.
Hart House, Debates Room, U of T
Hosted by CARSSU
DIRT – The Movie
Thu, Jan 28, 6:30-8:30 PM (Reception at 6:30 PM, movie at 7 PM)
Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor St Wat Bathurst)
You can buy sprouts, vegetable earrings or memberships during the reception.
Advance tickets are available online (http://bit.ly/5mvEPT) and at the door on a sliding scale of $10-20 (fundraiser for FoodCycles).
DIRT! The Movie, tells the amazing and little known story of the relationship between humans and living dirt. The film offers a vision of a sustainable relationship between Humans and Dirt through the stories of global champions who are determined to fix the damage we've done before it's too late. There are many ways we can preserve the living skin of the earth for future generations. If you care about your food, water, the air you breathe, your health and happiness... it's time to see DIRT! the Movie, roll up your sleeves for action and Get Dirty.
FoodCycles, a new Toronto urban farm and host of the evening, will give an introduction to the night talking about how you can take action here in Toronto.http://foodcycles.org
Debat sur les changements climatiques
EcoAmbassadeurs du Monde vous invite a sa soirée débat:
Avec l’aimable participation d’experts membres d’ONGs présentes à Copenhague
Débats décontracté et inclusif sur le thème :
« Les Défis des Changements Climatiques de la Décennie »
Vendredi 29 Janvier 2010 à 18h00
Au Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Avenue, 4ème étage
Plan d’accès, cliquez ici
Vous désirez réserver une place ou nous rejoindre ?
Téléphone au (416) 840-6052, poste 222,
Courriel a communication@ecoambassadeurs.org
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer !
L’équipe d’EcoAmbassadeurs du Monde et de JustEarth
Vote Out Fluoride Campaign Meeting
Saturday, January 30th, 7 p.m.
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor Peace Lounge (Bloor, at St.George Station)
Join us for a brief introduction to our campaign and learn how you can get involved in the fight against fluoridation in our public water supply. This is a strategy and implementation meeting for the campaign.
Sponsored by the Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter.
Ph: (416) 979.5554 | 1.800.208.7156
Visit www.canadians.org for the latest news and action alerts.
Haiti - Training For Solidarity
- a day for the running community to come together for an up to 20km training run in support of our friends in Haiti
Saturday January 30, 9:00 am registration – Training Runs start at 9:30am
At the Palais Royal, 1601 Lake Shore Boulevard West
This will be a “pay what you can” event.
Sponsored by Running Free and Runners Den, two independent southern Ontario running shops.
For more info and to register, http://www.runningfree.com/missionhaiti.aspx
Email Nick Capra at missionhaiti@runningfree.comfor more information.
Making green jobs happen: A governance forum for leaders in Ontario
Saturday, January 30, 12:00pm
Direct Energy Centre, Toronto
How do we make green jobs happen in Ontario? Support for a green economy is universal. Now it’s time to look at the practical strategies for creating real green jobs on the ground. Meet with leaders in all sectors to hear about how Green Jobs can go from vision to reality.
Municipal Financing for Green Retrofits
Learn how municipalities can promote and finance green energy projects and energy efficiency retrofits for homes and make money at the same time
Green Schools
Schools can be leaders in green energy and in the learning that supports it. Hear about how schools across the country are showing the way forward
Creating Green Jobs Strategies for Ontario
Strategies to move communities into a green economic future are being created by leaders from all sectors. Learn about the latest strategies for green jobs,
Cost: $75, includes refreshments, presentations and workshops
Register online at: www.civicgovernance.ca/ontario
For more information, contact the Centre for Civic Governance at the Columbia Institute
416-531-7265 | ontarioforum@columbiainstitute.ca | www.civicgovernance.ca/ontario
Beit Zatoun
Opens Wed. Jan. 27
612 Markham St. (Bathurst subway)
Inaugural Performance:
A dramatic reading to commemorate the first anniversary of Gaza bombing
Saturday, January 30 @ 6:00 pm
This performance piece for three voices is adapted from a diary kept during the Israeli assault on Gaza
in December 2008 into January 2009. The diarist is Khulood Ghanem, a 27 year-old woman living
in Khan Younis in central Gaza. Written in Arabic, the first seven days were translated into rough
but clear English by the diarist.
Tel: 647-726-9500 ; more about the play
By donation - suggested $20; unwaged $5 - no one turned away
Proceeds shared with a fund for Khulood Ghanem
Housed in a beautiful, large space with a terrific location at Bathurst and Bloor, Beit Zatoun looks to fulfill its mission to be an art and culture venue.
Beit Zatoun (translates as "House of Olive") is a gallery and performance space for the justice and human rights community in Toronto. It aims to raise awareness and create greater understanding as ultimate means to peace through art and culture by hosting exhibits, talks, screenings, plays, music, dance, workshops, and a resource centre.
Although at the core, the question of Israel/Palestine is but an intersection point for many struggles and human dimensions. Beit Zatoun invites and welcomes all communities resisting oppression and affirming the rights of individuals everywhere to live in dignity and freedom. Beit Zatoun is also the global office and centre for Project Hope, a long-time partner of Zatoun. All Zatoun products will be available for sale at Beit Zatoun.
Regular Hours:
Wednesday, 12 noon to 6 pm
Thursday & Friday, 12 noon to 8 pm
Saturday & Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm
Monday & Tuesday, Closed
Events will extend beyond the posted times. Please visit us during these hours and attend our special events.
For more info: www.beitzatoun.org
The Catalyst Centre is pleased to announce the launch of
A School of Activism
A series of workshops to support activists, community development practitioners and anyone interested in social change.
All our workshops and courses are based on a recommended fee with a Pay What You Can option.
See list of workshops here: http://www.catalystcentre.ca/Catalyst_Centre/A_School_of_Activism.html
Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
Join our email list by emailing us at:
Write "subscribe" in the subject line
and tell us what city/country you live in
| To subscribe to this list: send mail to greenspirationto-l-request@list.web.ca, no subject,
| with the following message (and no other text): subscribe
| To unsubscribe: send mail to greenspirationto-l-request@list.web.ca, no subject, with the
| following message (and no other text): unsubscribe
| Your password is assigned to you automatically on subscription,
| and mailed to you periodically.
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com
Music - http://www.reverbnation.com/blackkrishna
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Well, that's silly.
Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)
TTS Communist Canada Crackdown 2: Don't Post Any Sh-t Unless It's Sh-t To Do. Thx! :-)
Hello TTS Family and Friends,
My sincerest apologies for using obscenities in the "Subject" field, but like most people, I will resort to using them if I am frustrated into having to repeat myself: if only for efficiency's sake. Plus, ultimately it's 'populist' language, which means everybody gets it, so 'smart' people have no damned excuse for misunderstanding it. If you're not smart enough to understand the point of this group and listserve: then please don't post, just appreciate the work of the smart people who do.
Meanwhile, we're starting to see more useful posts bubbling to the surface: let's try to make a habit of it for the benefit of anyone willing to join TTS and take the time to read them. These include Luch's suggestion of a rushing a "climate change" event and Junior's enthusiasm in trying to help organize it. That is the beginning of something, so we shouldn't let nothin' kill it. We should not be wasting anybody's time with random crap: just email the individuals; or use the forums; or go somewhere else.
From here on, I'm just going to respect the fact that I'm too busy to keep doing this; plus the fact that people are too busy to be watching it. So, if somebody posts something on this listserve that completely disregards the 15 or-so repeated and repetitive warnings and explanations that preceded it: they will be banned immediately. If somebody else does the same thing: then the same thing will happen to them; and so on. If you want to know what's been said: please read the TTS mailing list online.
The TTS website, meet-up and mailing list may be seen by people worldwide based on what we've done and what we are trying to do. That could help people worldwide do the same where they live. Now, to put it mildly: the self-indulgent nonsense and repeated need crack down on it make us look bad. To avoid this happening again, when it happens, the people who make it happen will be banned immediately. I hope that settles things. Now: let's focus on the stuff being posted that we can do something about.
* For the last time: don't post random half-witted broken sentences about random stuff. *
* For the last time: do post things that we can plan on doing about what we are learning. *
What: Dave Martin, Greenpeace
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 7:00 PM
Medical Sciences Building
1 King’s College Circle, Room 2172 University of Toronto Campus
Toronto, ON M3B 0A3
Dave Martin, Climate and Energy Coordinator of Greenpeace Canada will present a report on the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
Re: Hey TTSers!
this was going to be a personal email: but it applies to everybody. so, on this issue: once you get some interest, or even before, you can go ahead and post a new TTS meet-up. anybody can ask mark, cathy, junior or i to post a new meet-up for them.
then we can talk about it on the listserve to generate interest in attending. then maybe a dozen TTS members can make it there at 7 pm on wednesday to share info, then meet afterwards to have a laugh figuring out how to mock the propaganda they saw.
there is only one way to find out if any of these "green" people really "care" about the "planet" and "people" on it too. if they do: we should be able to convince them to at least look at what we have. if they don't: then at least we can confidently say that.
thankfully, it's at 7 pm on a wednesday 2 weeks from now. so, we should be able to organize and plan before attending it. if we discuss it, then we'll come up with the best strategy to compassionately reach people under the "mind control" we talk about.
should we go in hard? soft? with science? emotion? flyers? dvds? which ideas will work? this type of "think tank" analysis is what we can use to improve our efforts. then we won't be frustrated when people won't listen. we'll just get better at saying it.
incidentally: this is where SPECIFIC articles related to how to communicate with people with at least enough individual analysis to explain that are welcome. don't just fire off web-links. don't just post anything. tell us how it can help us reach other people.
keep in mind, we're "building" on this and other ideas.
Sarnia and Suggestions: We Can Fit Into Productive Roles Since We Already Have
Heya TTS Family and Friends,
We've been mulling ideas around for a while, but first: Ed in Sarnia is looking for local friends, please be in touch if you might be one:
That's where individual requests and random discussions about random stuff should go: on the TTS Message Boards at our meet-up site.
You can talk about anything you want there. Nobody will censor you unless you do something illegal. You can ask people to join you there.
On this TTS daily real-time listserve: we should have ongoing options for people to consider taking action on their own or with others. Just posting random conspira-stuff won't do. All that does is normalize the information-flow. Then it gets crowded and messy as people post or argue about anything in front of everybody. We've seen it happen.
IMHO, too many truthers treat all this just like it's "gossip" or "fashion" on Yahoo's "OMG!" page. They just want to catch up and see or chat about the "latest video" or whatever. That's fine, but they can do that on their own and don't need to post everything they find. Or: simply use the TTS message boards, or the new ways of chatting TBA soon.
This TTS daily real-time listserve is meant to help TTS members reach out to the people who don't know what's going on. That means the 300 people who only joined TTS because they know "We have to do something!" can choose their opportunities from a TTS truther-email buffet available on a daily basis. That way, every day, they have options to choose from.
Human beings only get stuff done when they get organized. Truthers should operate in the exact same way. That means roles, responsibilities and positive peer-pressure to make sure that we can get things done. It's been done by others before, so TTS members can do it too. We've already seen it happen over the last 6 months naturally as we've taken action.
Mark brings the table, truthbrella and dvd's that he spends hours burning; Cathy brings flyers, dvd's and new TTS business cards she spends hours making; Mississauga Mark'n'Mike bring flyers and schwag; Junior brings the megaphone; Brad, Dan and Danny spend hours making classy videos of us; and many more contribute a lot of time, money effort to the cause.
When we decide to focus our efforts and energy in consistently productive ways -- that rationally react to the times that we say we live in -- and the challenge we're undertaking -- then people respect us. We saw it for 6 months at Dundas Square and grew from 200 to 300 members. We should focus on doing stuff that people besides us can understand and respect.
Therefore, since this email is already too long for our "Twitter-bot Talk" generation, in the future:
Note: don't get any knickers in a knot; if it's not true then no problem; if it is then we have to work to beat it.
Roles like specific outreaches to specific groups will be developed for people to take on. TTS members will volunteer to act like account managers on a sales-team and will liaise with groups or individuals who they have an interest in. They will communicate with their contacts at different organizations. They will use the 300-strong TTS membership as muscle to convince people to at least take a look at the information they are sharing and perhaps to give their members (or whatever) a chance to as well.
For example: if you are a Christian who wants to beat the New World Order, then don't tell other truthers: go be a good truther and tell other Christians who are being deceived by the Devil on a daily basis. Your job will be to liaise with a dozen (e.g.) Christian organizations in a certain area. You can expand your operation, or simply develop new ways of communicating the anti-NWO message with Christian groups that others can use as well. The same formula will work for every area we use it on.
Note: don't start any "But truthers need to know too!" crap, you can talk to them individually, or in the TTS forum.
Note: this idea is something that can be applied to any demographic by any TTS member who chooses to.
Note: more ideas later, too much info will boggle minds, so let's just work on this concept for a minute.
the NWO just crapped thier pants
Die wetter bericht wird von staatlichen und privaten flughafen wetter geleistet. Die Voraussetzung dazu liefert die Meteorologie als Naturwissenschaft.
Ziel der better wetter ist die Prognose eines Zustandes der Atmosph?re zu einer bestimmten Zeit an einem bestimmten Ort oder in einem bestimmten Gebiet. Dabei sind tats?chlich nicht nur drei wetter, die sich am Boden auswirken gemeint, sondern es wird die gesamte Atmosph?re betrachtet.
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