3 Days Left Until The Vancouver Olympics: 3 Things That Canadians Can Do 2 Beat The New World Order

TerrorStorm: A De-Classified History of Government Sponsored Terrororism
3 Days Left Until The Vancouver Olympics: 3 Things That Canadians Can Do 2 Beat The New World Order
Hello TTS Family and Friends,
With just 3 days left until potential false flag attacks and guaranteed police state conditions at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, Canadians should know how to defend themselves against our own government blowing stuff up. While the attacks may not happen, we know for sure the NWO wants them, so that's enough to act on.
Mind control is the crucial and crippling factor in our drugged and brainwashed "Brave New World" culture, but as long as we can still read, think, speak and type, then we can fight through it. The solutions below can be developed further by individuals or me upon request, but keeping it short, here are some ways to share the big picture:
1. Send Jack Layton and his NDP supporters natural cancer cures as part of anti-New World Order information packages. G. Edward Griffin's "A World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17" and Dr. Max Gerson's work seen in "The Beautiful Truth" are good bets on DVD or Google Video, among many other great sources.
This would show them the practical value of our deeper anti-NWO investigations and info and probably sway a few hardcore NDP supporters into looking into the NWO more. We can also say that we don't want Jack or anyone else to die of cancer, among many other health risks we learned of, so we share this info anyway.
Finally, we can say that Jack may be the best mainstream political hope to stop the New World Order. He's already mentioned he's against the North American Union and has questions about 9/11, at least to some people, so this "health" part of the anti-NWO puzzle might finally do the trick in bringing others in the NDP over.
2. Give all of your City Councilors a copy of "Endgame" or "TerrorStorm" in a nice package with some printed info. Let them know they're all receiving it at once, and ask them to compete to get back to you with their thoughts ASAP. After giving them jobs with $100,000 a year salaries, they can give us their opinions on a DVD.
Just 3 - 5 people (est.) can design and bankroll this, especially in every city in Canada that has a "truth" group. For example, if TTS did this, we'd say that 300 members, mostly in Toronto, want their opinions on this. By doing it this way, and at the same time, we increase our chances of getting a response from more people.
Alex Jones says taking back "local" politics is vital. While they're controlled, if they have an excuse to break-free, like reacting to hundreds of people, they might. MP Libby Davies did when she read a 9/11 Truth petition in Parliament, but only because she could say "500 people are bugging me", which is the excuse politicians need.
3. Make a list of the best points that convince people on the topics you know best, from "global warming" to the "global war on terror", plus everything else. Since the NWO is globally standardizing the culture of the whole world, it must be possible to beat the same brainwashing with the same counter-psyop techniques worldwide.
New people "waking up" should be guided through the process quicker by veteran truthers, but nobody has the time to be a "big brother" to someone waking up to "Big Brother". However, if veteran truthers spell-out the learning curves and best ways to handle arguments they've found, new truthers will have an easier time of it.
Everyone should work to clarify their thoughts. But, when it comes to "waking people up" to the "New World Order" plans to kill them, it may be worth the extra effort for extra clarification. People can compare points and learn a lot from each other; plus the distillation process could produce the ultimate weapons in the info-war.
Bonus: Good golly Miss Molly, there's a whole lot o' terror goin' on...
The Toronto 18 Terror Case: A Story of Unfair Dealing with David Weingarten and Black Krishna
30 mins: small emailable 7 MB .mp3 file
Interview (9/Jan/08) about the release of the documentary film "Unfair Dealing".
1 - Unfair Dealing: The Toronto Homegrown Terror Threat 1/6
CKLN Rude Awakening: Yougenics vs. Cellphones vs. Flee Speech vs. Toronto 18 Terrrists - February 9, 2010
February 9, 2010
CKLN Rude Awakening hosted by Black Krishna
Feat: Historic analysis of cellphones and their danger to our health courtesy of Anthony DiPasquale, or a reminder that we know they're bad for us with suggestions to protect our branez from being brokun, plus our immune systems from being weakened which affects overall health; it also doesn't appear that we're very concerned about our future, even though we're very concerned about our future, so a populist poke at eugenics by poking around the innernets and sharing what you know to save the people you know just might work better than not; another brilliant active-activist exercise by the legendary Mark Dice, who asks feducated Americans if they'll help to ban the 1st Amendment, or the "right to free speech", which is admittedly less important if we jst txt frm nw on; a bit about not donating to the Red Cross, UNICEF and other big Haiti Relief charitable rganizations, we've done that for a while and nobody but them has much to show for it; they're vaccinating kids their as a priority too, while here The Metro Snewspaper also reports that older mothers are more at risk for having children with "autism", while failing to report that they're generally more at-risk and this is just risky propaganda pushing the "safety" of vaccines while ignoring the "risks" that we know exist and are talking a lot more about -- DON'T GET SHOT -- Thx!; mind control as grind control; journalist David Weingarten on "Unfair Dealing", his historic documentary film exposing the "Toronto 18 Terrorists" case as a federally engineered fraud, as the lack of convictions in the case also later proved, just in time to remind us that the Canadian Shadow Government just might pull some crap at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics Feb 12 - 28th; plus amuzak to let loose at.
CKLN 88.1 FM's "Rude Awakening" morning news show is hosted by philosopher Black Krishna (BK) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am in Toronto, Canada. It is also available streaming online at CKLN.fm or locally on Rogers Cable 947. Copies of the show in .mp3 format will be posted online at Archive.org daily by 8:00 AM EST on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. See - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com/ - for updates or search Archive.org. Feel free to download, use, re-post and share copies or clips of this public domain and open source radio show. Please contact blackkrishna@gmail.com with any questions, answers or suggestions, or to send songs you want played or short (1 - 3 min) audio clips of what you have to say.
Rude Awakening on CKLN Radio: Black Krishna and Mark Bills - The New World Ordained Files
5) Anthony DiPasquale.com - Interview - Real Health and Holistic Medicine
6) Anthony DiPasquale.com - Interview - Cellphone radiating evil
Anthony DiPasquale Dot Com!
Thank you for visiting my site! This site is constantly being updated and expanded, so expect more great information, as I keep trucking! Here, you can share the knowledge and experience from my 17 years of professional nutrition work with people, getting results with their goals in health. If you have topics that are of interest, see if they are in one of the menu buttons; if not, try typing in some search terms in the search box above.
And please; let us remember . .
Experience that I can share with you includes my real life experience with clients, and all the research I have done in designing and teaching courses, both in holistic and conventional post-secondary institutions.
My hope is that this site, and all information on it, is useful in opening up our choices, knowledge, and action towards our health!
The Alex Jones Radio Show with Mark Dice - January 28, 2010
Alex welcomes back to the show Mark Dice, the Christian conservative political activist based in San Diego, California. Dice's latest culture jamming effort consisted of a petition to repeal the First Amendment. A surprising number of people signed the petition. Mark's latest book is The New World Order Facts & Fiction. He is also the author of The Resistance Manifesto. Both are available at the Infowars store.
Alex also talks with Darwin Boedecker about the latest on the Texas Gun Shows shut down, Kurt Haskell the underwear bomber eye witness, and Debra Medina, who is running to replace Rick Perry as Governor of Texas. Alex talks with Dr. Francis Boyle, author of Breaking All the Rules: Palestine, Iraq, Iran and the Case for Impeachment. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
The Toronto 18 Terror Case: A Story of Unfair Dealing with David Weingarten and Black Krishna
January 9, 2008
Just before the release of his documentary film "Unfair Dealing", journalist and filmmaker David Weingarten gave his first significant interview to CKLN Radio host Black Krishna (BK) outlining some of the initial, puzzling and worrying questions surrounding "The Toronto 18" terror case of 18 young muslim men, two RCMP informants and a ton of cash and fertilizer.
Please feel free to share and re-use this historic 30 minute public domain and open source interview and see and share the film "Unfair Dealing" here:
1 - Unfair Dealing: The Toronto Homegrown Terror Threat 1/6
Learn more about the "Toronto 18" at:
Contact the producers of "Unfair Dealing" at: BridgeheadProductions@gmail.co m
Purchase "Unfair Dealing" on DVD by emailing: BridgeheadProductions@gmail.co m
Or by visiting: http://weingarten.ca
As of this writing, 17 of the 18 young muslim men have been let go after being held for years because there was never enough evidence to convict them; another languishes in jail while his character is assassinated on the outside; the RCMP informants were revealed to have received millions of dollars to engineer this which far exceeds anything justifiable in law-enforcement; and the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are about to start on February 12th with potential "false flag" terrorist attacks expected to ramp up the domestic Canadian police state, or ones possibly engineered by criminals inside the Canadian government who'd pull at stunt like framing "The Toronto 18", or a bunch of brown Canadians kids alive at the wrong place at the wrong time who started mouthing off on the wrong federally monitored chatrooms online. At least as far as we can tell. However, there's a lot more that we can tell each other to stop all this nonsense, so we should.
Could Vancouver 2010 be the next 9/11? (UPDATED 5pm EST 2-7-10)
Posted by sakerfa on January 25, 2010
Global tension is escalating at an alarming rate, and yes, this idea that there could be a false-flag attack during the Olympics is purely speculation based on factual current events and historical precedent, but I feel the mention of it is justified in the interest of our national security to keep an eye on potentially dangerous overlapping occurrences. The games will take place in Vancouver, Richmond and Whistler from Feb. 12th until Feb. 28th. Below, I have compiled the following suspicious activity and coincidences by searching and analyzing the news from various media sources and by speaking with my own contacts.
Author: Marc Stinebaugh
Email: MarcStinebaugh@yahoo.com
Facebook page: The Anti-New World Order Group
Special thanks to:
- Alex Jones @ www.InfoWars.com
- Shahin Pahlavan @ www.Dprogram.net
- Everyone @ www.MTL911Truth.org
- Ryan Robert Pennington @ www.engagementofthemind.blogspot.com
- and to the rest of you who have contributed your own research through e-mails
In my opinion, an attack during the Olympics while it is being highly guarded would be the perfect way to bring in more police state measures and to more fully integrate the US and Canada into a functioning North American Union; I will provide some evidence of this taking place already but there may be another motive at work here to expand the "war on terror" into more nations while blaming an attack on their scapegoat for everything, Al-Qaeda; however, the question remains, is that what will happen? In more recent news, it looks as if Iran may be the one to take the blame.
I hope you will look at the information and make up your own mind as to what pattern you see unfolding, this could really go any number of ways. Any information provided is for analytical and educational purposes only and is meant to raise public awareness of current events and the potential dangers they could present. Linked sources will be provided at the bottom of the article for reference and additional information, please do follow the links and check my information. If you see any mistakes, please feel free to point them out by contacting me through email or comments.
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