Happy days are always here for Canadians vs. Toronto the most miserable city in Canada vs. Boys Sex Toys


Ed note: This is an interesting juxtaposition of "news" stories that I saw on Yahoo Canada's main page on Friday evening, then again on Saturday morning. Outside of the news just being the news and being "normal", in the big picture of controlled and directed corporate media, the reason these stories may have been left on Yahoo Canada's main page for over 12 hours and seen by millions of Canadians could be varied.
Perhaps we know (or perhaps we ought) that in the long-predicted Alduous Huxley (et al) "Brave New World" style of future scientific dictatorship, our rulers would want to make us feel happy no matter how crappy they treat us. This can help us deal with the other more George Orwell (et al) "1984" aspects of physically locking us up and beating us down. Basically, to quote the great Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry, be happy!"
Canadians are often victimized by this thinking. We're taught to feel that we're better than Americans so that we ignore our own and our country's faults; plus we're taught to be happy to be polite all the time to avoid making anyone else uncomfortable, including avoiding potentially cathartic and revealing conversations that people in other countries with issues have to deal with them; and more generic "Keep it happy!" stuff.
While of course it's great to be happy, if that's all we insist on doing - and then - that's all we can handle, then we're screwed. We'll devolve into children unable to deal with our own problems or anyone else's, leaving us feeling isolated and useless and prey to the state. Even with family and friends we won't be able to "open up to" them for fear of making them unhappy. We should understand why popular ideas promoted.
Then we add-on the (now) heavily promoted the male sex toy stuff, which is funny and acceptable probably in-part because the movie "American Pie" showed a guy having sex with an apple pie. With that world-famous extreme example planted in the back of our minds, "The Fleshlight" fake vagina (sponsor of the JoeRogan.net podcast) doesn't seem so out of hand. Apparently it's all the rage in France, so we've got the green light to grab it.
One thing hard to fathom in our future version of Sodom and Gomorrah is what the cause and effects of all this might be and how (or if) to deal with them. Through NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and "repetition" we've been taught to associate any new forms of "sex" we hear about with "freedom", including making up creative ways to advance that agenda in conversations. We feel guilty or ashamed for NOT endorsing everything.
Tying it all together, we can easily see how the modern idea of personal freedom is being tied to our - potential - consumer-freedom to consume pleasure, assuming we can afford it, albeit even briefly. But, it's supposed to be good to know we're making progress in our land of sexual predators and socialist editors in-training here in Communist Canada. Long-term goals to aim for would be better than gadgets to (maybe...) get.
Finally, we should figure out what's happening and why, plus what we should and then can do about it. Below the articles is the MP3 download of a 44 min speech from author Alduous Huxley at Berkeley University in 1962 that may reveal some of what's happening now 50 years later. He warns us of governments historically faking terrorism to control people - plus - in the future why they might not even need to. Here we are. We'll see.
Yahoo Main Page
Happy days are always here for Canadians
Ottawa Citizen – Tue, 23 Nov 7:00 PM EST
Canadians are a stubbornly happy bunch, a study on life satisfaction has revealed.
A steady drumbeat of gloomy economic news doesn't appear to be bumming out the vast majority of Canadians. And one of the authors of the study says that's because, as the old saying goes, money can't always buy happiness.
Last year, 92.1 per cent of Canadians over age 12 considered themselves satisfied or very satisfied with their lives, according to the study, which was conducted by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Living Standards, in tandem with the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity.
Andrew Sharpe, the centre's executive director, said the data show Canadians have remained relatively happy over time. In 2008, 91.4 per cent were satisfied or very satisfied, while five years earlier, in 2003, 91.3 per cent declared themselves happy.
"This will surprise some people, but Canadians in general are pretty happy," he said.
Yahoo Main Page
Toronto the most miserable city in Canada: study
Michael Bolen - Yahoo! Canada News - Fri Nov 26, 1:51 PM
Bigger may not be better after all.
A study conducted by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Living Standards has concluded what many Canadians have long believed: That Toronto is the most miserable city in the country.
Despite having the country's largest GDP and population, the megacity ranks lowest on the happiness scale. The study used data from the Canadian Community Health Survey for 2007 and 2008 to determine the happiness of various regions of Canada and the factors which contribute to the variation.
While Toronto came in at the bottom of the list (Sherbrooke, Que., was at the top), citizens of the megacity can take comfort in the fact, on average, they remain a fairly happy bunch. Toronto scored a 4.15 out of 5 on the happiness scale while Sherbrooke scored a 4.37. This means citizens in the happiest city were only about 5.5 per cent happier than in the least contented.
Yahoo Main Page
Boy's toys the new frontier for erotica industry
By Emma Charlton | Agence France-Presse – Thu, 25 Nov 7:01 PM EST
It took the erotica industry a decade to turn the sex toy from seedy gadget to sassy lady's accessory, from vibrating rubber ducks to dolphin-shaped dildos. But men were largely left out of the fun -- until now that is.
Once the stuff of garish sex shops, vibrators underwent a small revolution in the mid-2000s, as quirky, colourful playthings flooded the market and the rotating "Rabbit" was immortalised in the US series "Sex and the City".
These days dildos in cheerful hues of pink or blue, picked up in lingerie shops or department stores across the West, nestle in the bedside tables of suburban pensioners or trendy urban singles -- barely raising an eyebrow.
But now the industry's creative labs have taken on a mightier challenge: the male sex toy.
"The market has really opened up in terms of sex toys for women -- and now it's opening up for men too," Patrick Pruvot, owner of a Paris chain of upmarket sex shops, told AFP.
"But it's still a real step for a man to go out and buy a sex toy -- it's still much more of a taboo than for women."
The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
New York City, April 27, 1961
MP3 Download: 19:11 mins
"... For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution
Berkeley - 1961 Speech
MP3 Download: 44:02 mins
"... And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing ⦠a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."
"fortunately, it's not hard to see what's happened in nearly every human interaction..."
"... from what i can tell, we've all been neuro-linguistically neutered, or nobody wants to talk about "what to do" about what's going on because it's seen as impolite, or as putting too much pressure on oneself or others."


Ed note: This is an interesting juxtaposition of "news" stories that I saw on Yahoo Canada's main page on Friday evening, then again on Saturday morning. Outside of the news just being the news and being "normal", in the big picture of controlled and directed corporate media, the reason these stories may have been left on Yahoo Canada's main page for over 12 hours and seen by millions of Canadians could be varied.
Perhaps we know (or perhaps we ought) that in the long-predicted Alduous Huxley (et al) "Brave New World" style of future scientific dictatorship, our rulers would want to make us feel happy no matter how crappy they treat us. This can help us deal with the other more George Orwell (et al) "1984" aspects of physically locking us up and beating us down. Basically, to quote the great Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry, be happy!"
Canadians are often victimized by this thinking. We're taught to feel that we're better than Americans so that we ignore our own and our country's faults; plus we're taught to be happy to be polite all the time to avoid making anyone else uncomfortable, including avoiding potentially cathartic and revealing conversations that people in other countries with issues have to deal with them; and more generic "Keep it happy!" stuff.
While of course it's great to be happy, if that's all we insist on doing - and then - that's all we can handle, then we're screwed. We'll devolve into children unable to deal with our own problems or anyone else's, leaving us feeling isolated and useless and prey to the state. Even with family and friends we won't be able to "open up to" them for fear of making them unhappy. We should understand why popular ideas promoted.
Then we add-on the (now) heavily promoted the male sex toy stuff, which is funny and acceptable probably in-part because the movie "American Pie" showed a guy having sex with an apple pie. With that world-famous extreme example planted in the back of our minds, "The Fleshlight" fake vagina (sponsor of the JoeRogan.net podcast) doesn't seem so out of hand. Apparently it's all the rage in France, so we've got the green light to grab it.
One thing hard to fathom in our future version of Sodom and Gomorrah is what the cause and effects of all this might be and how (or if) to deal with them. Through NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and "repetition" we've been taught to associate any new forms of "sex" we hear about with "freedom", including making up creative ways to advance that agenda in conversations. We feel guilty or ashamed for NOT endorsing everything.
Tying it all together, we can easily see how the modern idea of personal freedom is being tied to our - potential - consumer-freedom to consume pleasure, assuming we can afford it, albeit even briefly. But, it's supposed to be good to know we're making progress in our land of sexual predators and socialist editors in-training here in Communist Canada. Long-term goals to aim for would be better than gadgets to (maybe...) get.
Finally, we should figure out what's happening and why, plus what we should and then can do about it. Below the articles is the MP3 download of a 44 min speech from author Alduous Huxley at Berkeley University in 1962 that may reveal some of what's happening now 50 years later. He warns us of governments historically faking terrorism to control people - plus - in the future why they might not even need to. Here we are. We'll see.
Yahoo Main Page
Happy days are always here for Canadians
Ottawa Citizen – Tue, 23 Nov 7:00 PM EST
Canadians are a stubbornly happy bunch, a study on life satisfaction has revealed.
A steady drumbeat of gloomy economic news doesn't appear to be bumming out the vast majority of Canadians. And one of the authors of the study says that's because, as the old saying goes, money can't always buy happiness.
Last year, 92.1 per cent of Canadians over age 12 considered themselves satisfied or very satisfied with their lives, according to the study, which was conducted by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Living Standards, in tandem with the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity.
Andrew Sharpe, the centre's executive director, said the data show Canadians have remained relatively happy over time. In 2008, 91.4 per cent were satisfied or very satisfied, while five years earlier, in 2003, 91.3 per cent declared themselves happy.
"This will surprise some people, but Canadians in general are pretty happy," he said.
Yahoo Main Page
Toronto the most miserable city in Canada: study
Michael Bolen - Yahoo! Canada News - Fri Nov 26, 1:51 PM
Bigger may not be better after all.
A study conducted by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Living Standards has concluded what many Canadians have long believed: That Toronto is the most miserable city in the country.
Despite having the country's largest GDP and population, the megacity ranks lowest on the happiness scale. The study used data from the Canadian Community Health Survey for 2007 and 2008 to determine the happiness of various regions of Canada and the factors which contribute to the variation.
While Toronto came in at the bottom of the list (Sherbrooke, Que., was at the top), citizens of the megacity can take comfort in the fact, on average, they remain a fairly happy bunch. Toronto scored a 4.15 out of 5 on the happiness scale while Sherbrooke scored a 4.37. This means citizens in the happiest city were only about 5.5 per cent happier than in the least contented.
Yahoo Main Page
Boy's toys the new frontier for erotica industry
By Emma Charlton | Agence France-Presse – Thu, 25 Nov 7:01 PM EST
It took the erotica industry a decade to turn the sex toy from seedy gadget to sassy lady's accessory, from vibrating rubber ducks to dolphin-shaped dildos. But men were largely left out of the fun -- until now that is.
Once the stuff of garish sex shops, vibrators underwent a small revolution in the mid-2000s, as quirky, colourful playthings flooded the market and the rotating "Rabbit" was immortalised in the US series "Sex and the City".
These days dildos in cheerful hues of pink or blue, picked up in lingerie shops or department stores across the West, nestle in the bedside tables of suburban pensioners or trendy urban singles -- barely raising an eyebrow.
But now the industry's creative labs have taken on a mightier challenge: the male sex toy.
"The market has really opened up in terms of sex toys for women -- and now it's opening up for men too," Patrick Pruvot, owner of a Paris chain of upmarket sex shops, told AFP.
"But it's still a real step for a man to go out and buy a sex toy -- it's still much more of a taboo than for women."
The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
New York City, April 27, 1961
MP3 Download: 19:11 mins
"... For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution
Berkeley - 1961 Speech
MP3 Download: 44:02 mins
"... And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing ⦠a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."
"fortunately, it's not hard to see what's happened in nearly every human interaction..."
"... from what i can tell, we've all been neuro-linguistically neutered, or nobody wants to talk about "what to do" about what's going on because it's seen as impolite, or as putting too much pressure on oneself or others."
I like the point you made with people associating laxness with sexual dialog and attention as new freedoms. I really don't think more access to sex toys or being able to see more skin in mainstream movies as a new freedom. I see it as placation, that people who have unhealthy behaviors can continue to indulge themselves in self destruction, distracting them from the real freedoms at risk throughout the country and the world. You got it right, it's the brave new world emerging.
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