"fortunately, it's not hard to see what's happened in nearly every human interaction..."

Book Comments and Adam Interview
Check out Joshua Kors interview with Adam here at the Huffington Post, hit the link below! Adam Carolla interview on the Huffington Post ‘How Dare You!’
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution - 1962
MP3 Download
Aldous Huxley in a speech given to Berkley in which he admits that dystopic novels "Brave New World" and "1984" were not just fiction, but blueprints for two types of controlled and enslaved societies.
i feelz ya dood, i was just listening to joel skousen on the alex jones show (22.nov.10) re-explaining stuff his dad figured out 50 years ago, i don't think info is the problem, not here in communist canada, not with so many of us (est. 10%?) who know what's going on. from what i can tell, we've all been neuro-linguistically neutered, or nobody wants to talk about "what to do" about what's going on because it's seen as impolite, or as putting too much pressure on oneself or others. we can talk a bit about what's going on, it's no big deal. ask your friends about the TSA controversy. almost everybody knows about it, has an opinion, accepts it and leaves it at that.
we're not natural scrappers here in canada, but we'll cheer for them just like on TV, so if anyone feels like scrappin' (e.g. yours unruly for drum major), we usually get some love and very little hate. at this time in history, with this technology, your group email on truthers being good online date(r)s should be a perfectly normal one as part of a constant stream of ideas for us to use, consider or adapt, especially since in our land of sexual predators and socialist editors, it's a good angle to take to break into the mainstream and show them we're cool. keep in mind that i've sent out a bunch of ideas to people who know what's going on, so that's not the issue.
fortunately, it's not hard to see what's happened in nearly every human interaction on a daily basis. of course, we're nice people, so that's good. but, that's also being used against us. here in communist canada, we've been conversationally constipated, just like our british forefathers were. since "politeness" is an enemy of "truth" and collectively agreed on, our social engineers just change the definition of what that is. notice how many people are scared to offend others in our "politically correct" (an old soviet communist term) culture, or are scared to be offended, or who prefer to communicate online instead of dealing "live" with unpredictable people.
this collective scarring of our canadian psyche is how they keep us from being truly optimistic about what we can accomplish as a people. that's why we see so much written and said over and over again about the "new world order" behind "globalization" and so little about what we can do about it. i saw dr. henry makow post an article recently on how we can mentally build up to being able to deal with this stuff, but those articles are rare and without them i'm afraid our individual isolated fascination with conspira-stuff is no better than a dan brown novel. randomly talking about it won't work either. it's getting tougher and is just faux-karmically killing time.
many people still proudly say they randomly talk about it, which is (of course) better than nothing. but, settling for that approach is exactly why we're in the position we're in. now we're becoming more aware that the only solution we want to try (i.e. randomly talking about it) is being taken away, which makes us want to use it less too. for example, if someone asks you about 9/11 and they don't know about it, you probably now have a maximum of 2 minutes to make 2 points about it. however, just a few years ago, you might have been allowed 20 minutes to talk about it. randomly talking about it was never the best solution, but it accomplished more before.
just see how quickly we (i.e. as a general collective mindset in groups) get uncomfortable at the slightest sign of conflict. if you say you don't like or disagree with something that someone else thinks, you'll quickly try to find a polite compromise to avoid offending them, or soften your opinions to succumb to the programmed group-think. this destroys our B.S. detectors; doesn't let us call B.S. on behalf of each other as individuals who've learned different things; destroys the classic socratic dialectic process used for 2000 years that enabled us to discuss the pro's and con's of something in-depth by disagreeing in-depth to learn, teach and figure out things, etc.
the only guaranteed way out of this is to have "something going on" that we can objectively look at to define the truth. otherwise my "let's go!" will lose to your "chill-out!" every time in this culture while it completely ignores any serious thinking about any of the serious issues we care about. of course, we're actually both right as long as we're talking about doing nothing. but, if we act like truth-ops are business plans, or anything else worth doing with real metrics for success and failure, we can actually produce evolving processes to have opinions about. we won't be agreeing and disagreeing just because of our mood, we'll be seeing what ideas are working or not.
anyway, since millions of people can explain what's happening by now, how to react and why we need to is what i've been working on and warning of for a while now. as long as i can still work on it, i think it's worthwhile. but, if we're finally brainwashed into thinking there's nothing we can do, it probably won't be. i say we have about a year. that's why we need to reach people besides conspiracy theorists who look at this stuff for interests sake just like normal people watching TV. i'd rather have normal people who care about their families spend an hour a week flyering then to try and create more conspiracy theorists spend 20 hours a week surfing the 'net.
canadians can talk all they want about the idea of "love" vs. "hate" or "fear", but unless we see more conspiracy theorists, truthers, anti-globalization activists and others actually try to help people with the info instead of just scaring them, then it won't be the "truth" anyway. people are always looking for simple solutions to their problems. what most of us don't know is they're caused by the new world order. but, just learning about them doesn't solve their problems. learning how they cause specific ones and how to individually and collectively solve them is key. we have enough info to think of enough ways, we just need to find the will to. that's the last step.
Muse - Uprising
Views: 20,993,394
"They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
We will be victorious,
So come on!"

Book Comments and Adam Interview
Check out Joshua Kors interview with Adam here at the Huffington Post, hit the link below! Adam Carolla interview on the Huffington Post ‘How Dare You!’
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution - 1962
MP3 Download
Aldous Huxley in a speech given to Berkley in which he admits that dystopic novels "Brave New World" and "1984" were not just fiction, but blueprints for two types of controlled and enslaved societies.
i feelz ya dood, i was just listening to joel skousen on the alex jones show (22.nov.10) re-explaining stuff his dad figured out 50 years ago, i don't think info is the problem, not here in communist canada, not with so many of us (est. 10%?) who know what's going on. from what i can tell, we've all been neuro-linguistically neutered, or nobody wants to talk about "what to do" about what's going on because it's seen as impolite, or as putting too much pressure on oneself or others. we can talk a bit about what's going on, it's no big deal. ask your friends about the TSA controversy. almost everybody knows about it, has an opinion, accepts it and leaves it at that.
we're not natural scrappers here in canada, but we'll cheer for them just like on TV, so if anyone feels like scrappin' (e.g. yours unruly for drum major), we usually get some love and very little hate. at this time in history, with this technology, your group email on truthers being good online date(r)s should be a perfectly normal one as part of a constant stream of ideas for us to use, consider or adapt, especially since in our land of sexual predators and socialist editors, it's a good angle to take to break into the mainstream and show them we're cool. keep in mind that i've sent out a bunch of ideas to people who know what's going on, so that's not the issue.
fortunately, it's not hard to see what's happened in nearly every human interaction on a daily basis. of course, we're nice people, so that's good. but, that's also being used against us. here in communist canada, we've been conversationally constipated, just like our british forefathers were. since "politeness" is an enemy of "truth" and collectively agreed on, our social engineers just change the definition of what that is. notice how many people are scared to offend others in our "politically correct" (an old soviet communist term) culture, or are scared to be offended, or who prefer to communicate online instead of dealing "live" with unpredictable people.
this collective scarring of our canadian psyche is how they keep us from being truly optimistic about what we can accomplish as a people. that's why we see so much written and said over and over again about the "new world order" behind "globalization" and so little about what we can do about it. i saw dr. henry makow post an article recently on how we can mentally build up to being able to deal with this stuff, but those articles are rare and without them i'm afraid our individual isolated fascination with conspira-stuff is no better than a dan brown novel. randomly talking about it won't work either. it's getting tougher and is just faux-karmically killing time.
many people still proudly say they randomly talk about it, which is (of course) better than nothing. but, settling for that approach is exactly why we're in the position we're in. now we're becoming more aware that the only solution we want to try (i.e. randomly talking about it) is being taken away, which makes us want to use it less too. for example, if someone asks you about 9/11 and they don't know about it, you probably now have a maximum of 2 minutes to make 2 points about it. however, just a few years ago, you might have been allowed 20 minutes to talk about it. randomly talking about it was never the best solution, but it accomplished more before.
just see how quickly we (i.e. as a general collective mindset in groups) get uncomfortable at the slightest sign of conflict. if you say you don't like or disagree with something that someone else thinks, you'll quickly try to find a polite compromise to avoid offending them, or soften your opinions to succumb to the programmed group-think. this destroys our B.S. detectors; doesn't let us call B.S. on behalf of each other as individuals who've learned different things; destroys the classic socratic dialectic process used for 2000 years that enabled us to discuss the pro's and con's of something in-depth by disagreeing in-depth to learn, teach and figure out things, etc.
the only guaranteed way out of this is to have "something going on" that we can objectively look at to define the truth. otherwise my "let's go!" will lose to your "chill-out!" every time in this culture while it completely ignores any serious thinking about any of the serious issues we care about. of course, we're actually both right as long as we're talking about doing nothing. but, if we act like truth-ops are business plans, or anything else worth doing with real metrics for success and failure, we can actually produce evolving processes to have opinions about. we won't be agreeing and disagreeing just because of our mood, we'll be seeing what ideas are working or not.
anyway, since millions of people can explain what's happening by now, how to react and why we need to is what i've been working on and warning of for a while now. as long as i can still work on it, i think it's worthwhile. but, if we're finally brainwashed into thinking there's nothing we can do, it probably won't be. i say we have about a year. that's why we need to reach people besides conspiracy theorists who look at this stuff for interests sake just like normal people watching TV. i'd rather have normal people who care about their families spend an hour a week flyering then to try and create more conspiracy theorists spend 20 hours a week surfing the 'net.
canadians can talk all they want about the idea of "love" vs. "hate" or "fear", but unless we see more conspiracy theorists, truthers, anti-globalization activists and others actually try to help people with the info instead of just scaring them, then it won't be the "truth" anyway. people are always looking for simple solutions to their problems. what most of us don't know is they're caused by the new world order. but, just learning about them doesn't solve their problems. learning how they cause specific ones and how to individually and collectively solve them is key. we have enough info to think of enough ways, we just need to find the will to. that's the last step.
Muse - Uprising
Views: 20,993,394
"They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
We will be victorious,
So come on!"
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