World mayors sign climate change pact (Yahoo News) + The Club of Madrid? + The Carbonn Registry? + The Endgame?

Ed note: with all this going on behind the scenes, perhaps it's time to spread the word about how "climate change" is really "climate eugenics and communism" before we're all sick and broke and dead. That's the plan anyway. Check out the movie "Endgame" from 2007. We won't see this on the news, or at least not put together in ways we can understand. However, as long as human beings can get it, we can get out.
EndGame HQ full length version
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While the phony "war on terror" is bad enough and ignoring 9/11 Truth is leading to us being irradiated and/or molested at the airports and soon nearly everywhere else, plus more horrible stuff, the phone "war on weather" is even more insidious as we'll see entire bureaucracies full of green zombies merge with entire activist groups full of green zombies to eat the brains of anyone who questions this climate crap.
The Club of Madrid
Mission - Democracy that delivers
The Club of Madrid responds to the demand for leader-to-leader support to confront today’s global, regional and national democratic leadership challenges.
It is an independent organization dedicated to strengthening democratic values and leadership around the world by drawing on the unique experience and resources of its Members –more than 70 democratic former Heads of State and Government from 50 countries who contribute their time, experience and knowledge to this mission.
The Club of Madrid’s membership constitutes the world’s largest forum of ex-Presidents and ex-Prime Ministers and offers today’s leaders an unequalled body of knowledge and political leadership.
Carbonn Cities Climate Registry
The carbonn Cities Climate Registry will be launched on 21 November 2010 in Mexico City at the World Mayors Summit on Climate (WMSC / CCLIMA).
Under the auspices of the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and with the endorsement of United Cities and Local Governments and Club of Madrid, the carbonn Cities Climate Registry (cCCR) has been developed with support from ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and Government of Mexico City. The cCCR will be operated by the Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting – carbonn.
The carbonn Cities Climate Registry is a mechanism for cities and local governments that ensures transparency and accountability of local climate action through a commitment of regular reporting.
Yahoo News
World mayors sign climate change pact
by Guillermo Barros Guillermo Barros – AFP - Sun Nov 21, 7:25 pm ET
MEXICO CITY (AFP) – Mayors from around the world signed a voluntary pact Sunday in Mexico City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a meeting meant as a precursor to UN-sponsored climate talks in Cancun opening next week.
The gathering in one of the world's most polluted cities assembled thousands of local and regional leaders to discuss a wide range of economic and social issues, including climate change.
Participants from some 135 cities and urban areas -- including Buenos Aires, Bogota, Johannesburg, Los Angeles, Paris and Vancouver -- signed the pact which states their intention to adopt a slate of measures to stem climate change.
Each city "will have to register its climate data (commitments as well as performance) in the city climate record" during the next eight months, said Gabriel Sanchez, president of Think Foundation, a Mexican non-profit.
Residents will be able to track their cities' performance online, officials said.
The pact will be presented at UN talks in the Mexican resort of Cancun from November 29 to December 10.
That's when top climate scientists from around the world hope to break the deadlock on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and channeling aid to poor, vulnerable countries after the widely regarded failure of the last climate summit, in Copenhagen.
Sunday's signing came a day after the close of the third conference of the United Cities and Local Governments, attended by mayors, legislators and officials from more than 1,000 cities and towns in 114 countries.
Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said his counterparts should seize the opportunity ahead of Cancun to highlight their key roles in the fight to put the brakes on climate change.
"We have to tell the international community that it's in the cities that the battle to slow global warming will be won," Ebrard said in the lead-up to the meeting.
And he has brought the battle to his doorstep; the leftist Ebrard pledged last week that Mexico City, with its teeming population of more than 20 million, would reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions by around 14 percent.
The mayors emphasized the vital role that cities, where more than half the world's population now live, can play in the fight against climate change.
Urban areas consume up to 80 percent of global energy production and emit 60 percent of greenhouse gases, according to Christiana Figueres, head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The pact sent a "clear signal" to countries that will sit at the negotiating table in Cancun that it is possible to reach agreement, Figueres said.
Meanwhile, a new study released on Sunday found that fossil-fuel gases edged back less than hoped in 2009, as falls in advanced economies were largely outweighed by rises in China and India.
Annual global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of oil, gas and coal were 30.8 billion tonnes, a retreat of only 1.3 percent in 2009 compared with 2008, a record year, they said in a letter to the journal Nature Geoscience.
The decrease was less than half what had been expected, because emerging giant economies were unaffected by the downturn that hit many large industrialized nations.
In addition, they burned more coal, the biggest source of fossil-fuel carbon, while their economies struggled with a higher "carbon intensity," a measure of fuel-efficiency.
Emissions of fossil-fuel gases in 2009 fell by 11.8 percent in Japan, by 6.9 percent in the United States, by 8.6 percent in Britain, by 7.0 percent in Germany and by 8.4 percent in Russia, the paper said.
In contrast, they rose by eight percent in China, the world's number one emitter of fossil-fuel CO2, which accounts for a whopping 24 percent of the total.
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