A Few Things To Consider Considerately Considering

Ed note: BTW, here are a few things to consider considerately considering on behalf of those you consider considerate. Fortunately, most of us live places where we're not in constant danger of being killed. So, we should probably be grateful for that and try to keep it that way. Unfortunately, there are groups of people who want to try and change it. So, we have to set aside a little time to stop them. Men should locally take the lead on this because we're bigger and stronger and always have.
With Maclean's articles like "Are we raising our boys to be underachieving men?" (18/Nov/10) we can either live with our emasculation being normalized or try to fight it. Women should be supportive and everyone should help out where they can. We can all focus on good stuff most of the time, but healthy cultures don't have the type of crazy stuff happening that we accept, so we should try to deal with it too. Nobody can dispute the fact that we need to deal with globalization, just how to.
We're being encouraged to learn to live with things getting a lot worse worldwide in a variety of ways. These include our New Age "Keep it happy!" socialization; our quick-change of topic in conversations when we get uncomfortable far-too easily; our own politely increasing self-censorship and "safe" focus only on what we're supposed to talk about; our own getting fed-up with talking to people and giving up on it; the media feeding us stupid explanations for all this that we can't challenge, etc.
Since the baseline for dealing with all this is understanding it, I thought I'd highlight a few things I've worked on that haven't got the type of socio-shine I think they deserved. First we have a few interviews to choose from with a variety of smart and compassionate experts; next a bunch of thoughts on common topics, kind of like "Super-Tweets" if you'd prefer, that can help add to everyday understanding of the world around us. Enjoy, share and use them as you'd like, they might be of use.
Prologue: Random Articles of Interest
Why you're poorer than your parents
*Staring at us for a couple of days straght on the Yahoo Canada main page, this is a classic example of how they convince us to accept that we were screwed, are screwed and will be screwed in the future. It has big words and stuff. But it's mostly crap.*
CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride
*We're now at a point where so many people know that fluoride is bad for us that tons of people are buying fluoride-filters. Next is dealing with governments that are willing to poison most of us with it. After all... what else are they up to?*
UK to boost vaccination rates by pumping babies with six vaccines at once
*Most mainstream "political talk" is like talking about a bankrobbers shoes instead of his guns. Or, the problem with ignoring the eugenics aspect is you end up dead. See VRAN.org for vaccine info and legal exemption forms, and help stop this crap.*
TSA Gestapo Empire
*The rebellion against naked body-scanners and perverted government groping and the media coverage is awesome, but using their Hegelian "problem + reaction = solution" technique, they'll use it to introduce "chips" and other biometric options. Oops.*
Are we raising our boys to be underachieving men?
*If you don't know you're being punched in the head, you might suffer brain damage. That's what's happening. Since we're all starting to notice, we'll get explanations to help us accept it. So, if we don't fight back, do you think we'll win or lose?*
Presenting: Interviews That Can Save Your Life
August 2010
Host: Black Krishna (BK) aka Vijay Sarma
CKLN Word of Mouth Mondays Interview Collection:
Conspiracies, Health, The Congo, Relationships and Our Energy Explained
Featuring: Patrick Whyte, Yaa Lengi Ngemi, Dee Nicholson, Henry Makow, Christopher Holmes
http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/45253 (first interview)
http://www.archive.org/details/CklnWordOfMouthMondaysInterviewCollectionConspiraciesHealthThe (all interviews)
Proprietor Patrick Whyte, owner of the Conspiracy Culture store in Toronto on how we can find reality; Professor Yaa Lengi Ngemi on Canadians in The Congo and what nations and corporations are up to; Executive Director Dee Nicholson on Canadians fighting for our health freedom against corrupt international bodies passing local laws; Dr. Henry Makow on the propaganda assault on our relations and traditions and how we can improve them; Dr. Christopher Holmes on getting the energy to fight back.
CKLN's Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Vijay Sarma, aka Black Krishna, aka BK, Mondays to Thursdays from 6 - 7 am EST; who also filled-in on CKLN's Word of Mouth Mondays from 7 - 8 pm, on 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or CKLN.fm online. Public domain mp3's to use, share and re-post are available after 8 am at radio4all.net, archive.org and blackkrishna.blogspot.com. Please contact blackkrishna@gmail.com with questions, answers, suggestions, tips, news, stories, whistleblowers, music and more.
Proprietor Patrick Whyte
Conspiracy Culture Book, DVD and More Store
Reference Articles
Professor Yaa Lengi Ngemi
Congo Coalition Online
Reference Articles
Executive Director Dee Nicholson
Reference Articles
Dr. Henry Makow
Reference Articles
Dr. Christopher Holmes
Reference Articles
Suggested Resources
Endgame Bibliography
Daily News
Health News
Wealth News
Philosophy Blog
What You Want To Believe In
SOURCE - http://www.archive.org/details/CklnWordOfMouthMondaysInterviewCollectionConspiraciesHealthThe
Presenting: Different and Differing Thoughts On Life
We shouldn't be afraid to learn and evaluate new things, stay calm and think for ourselves. If something is stupid, we can laugh at it. If it's smart, we can enjoy it and pass it on. Fear is based on ignorance. In an unstable world, if we worry about the present and future, it's because we're being misinformed now. Once we know what's going on, we can focus on what we can do about it more than what others are doing for our self-worth. We can connect better with the people we care about by seeing what they have to lose and fighting for it.
We're all in the same system, so we can all be forgiven for only being able to make the choices we've been given. If we we learn the truth about our choices, we won't feel guilty anymore. We can just work on making sure we get to make better ones in the future. If we don't ask for better, then we'll be given worse as part of the bigger agenda to dumb-down, dehumanize, rob and murder us. It's happening right now, but slow enough to stop it. But, if we don't try to stop it, then it won't be stopped by anyone else. That's the "big deal" if people ask.
We're in the latter stages of a 100 year plan to create a scientifically perfected and run permanent global dictatorship and reduce the worlds population. The reason most people feel powerless to resist is because of our chemical and psychological mind control, or cultural hand-cuffs. Central banks who control the "global" financial system control think tanks that control our culture and choices. We can see what they're up to by looking at the world we're in with a fresh perspective to make sense of it. These thoughts are meant to help us do that.
We're all compromised by this system, including who we are, where we work, where we shop and so on. We need to change this system and change the jobs of the people asked to enforce the globalist agenda at all levels, including in our city when our local government is implementing UN policies like others are worldwide. Fascism always happens after an economic collapse, so the expected new version should be no different. Between now and 2012, the world is supposed to get so crazy that we all beg for security from a fascist world government.
We're all capable of thinking for ourselves and doing stuff to inform others of what's important with the modern culture and technology we have. The only reason we know what's happening and can fight back is because of what's been done successfully worldwide, including the timeless practice of postering and flyering, plus now sharing websites and dvd's with important info and more. But all that is just to keep educating each other fast. The next step is using the info to help us pressure the system. We have enough info, so we're in a great position to win.
We can protect ourselves and still enjoy our culture.
But we can enjoy it more if we understand it ask for more.
And we can all feel better if we try to change it for the better.
Note: There are just samples of thoughts since there's obviously a lot more to say on each topic. Please keep in mind these thoughts are pro-human and anti-control by corrupt people in power, so feel free to see if they can help us make sense or give us more options to improve our choices.
Many ideas heavily promoted in our culture aren't promoted by corrupt institutions all at once for our benefit. Many are meant to change our culture over time for the worse. If you think I'm wrong about something here, please let me know so that I can learn a better way to think about it.
Incidentally, I think "thinking for yourself" is being able to think about the things you are given to think about, including everything, including these thoughts. So, I'm not trying to tell people how to think. I'm merely saying here are things I think that are better to think. So, we can think about it.
Warm regards,
Men - Guys, Dudes, Brohams - Males need to be in charge of a relationship with a female or they lose their damn minds or escape into fantasy. Fortunately, we're lazy. So, we'll let women make 90% of the decisions, we just want some respect when we disagree. Modern women have been raised to compete with men, but neither sex likes this at all. People should still feel free, but most men want power and most women want security. If they both of sexes recognize this, they can figure out how to be happy, support and protect each other.
Women - Girls, Chicks, Ladies - Females need to feel they're with a man who can help protect, teach and lead them, otherwise she won't respect him and will feel trapped and miserable. They need to stop learning how to make "complaining" normal, or how to "Keep it happy!" while doing so like on TV. They need to stop pressuring each other to become corporate cartoons and fitness obsessed mind-controlled sex-slaves. They need to help each other think of how to beat their daily brainwashing. It's hard to do for both sexes, but it's worth it.
Couples - Friends With Benefits - Traditional relationships have been attacked for 100 years now because the establishment knows men used to want to defend their families from danger. So, they used social, chemical and scientific indoctrination to try to make sure that doesn't happen today when they're going for control of the world. Our governments want us broken up, depressed, selfish and isolated so they can control us easier. We're trapped in a puzzle of what we're "supposed to" say and do. So, we just have to help each other try to solve it.
Trust - Advice, Power, Control - We often learn from our media "how" to "trick" our partners into doing what we want. This assumes we all think alike, can't trust and should selfishly manipulate each other. But, once you're close to someone, they can tell when you're playing mind-games, so they will too. This weakens relationships so we don't learn to trust ourselves or each other enough to be comfortable. Instead of assuming you have to manipulate who you're with, tell them what you want so they want to give it to you. Then you'll know too.
Pretty vs. Sexy - Cute, Hot, Slutty - Girls should like how everyone thinks are pretty and like how the man they're with thinks they're sexy. Girls who get this confused often lose self-respect and have trouble finding a guy who doesn't think they're selling what's his to everyone and he should keep looking. Girls who post sexy pictures online should know boys degrade them. Girls who sell sex a lot don't get much respect from buyers. Girls used to warn each other not to tease guys. Now they teach each other how to. Dial "sexy" back.
Skin - Short Shorts, Cleavage - Guys look for hot girls or pictures all the time. The more girls show in person, the more guys look as part of how we're distracted and controlled. Girls can't complain unless they have no idea where they live. Guys are trained to see if you're hot even if you don't show much. If we see some skin and see there's more: we'll look for it. If not, we'll stop. You can show off your figure, but the world shouldn't see exactly what your ass looks like. Cover up more to avoid being stared at by strangers and feeling vulnerable.
Dance - Fitness, Sex, Fun - The slogan "Shut up and dance!", shows and movies are to help turn us into mindless sex-slaves. Erotic moves are taught to children by adults. Fitness and freedom are a disguise. Youthful rebellion is co-opted into erotic moves. With few new jobs, many men and women will use their skills for stripping or prostitution. That's why modern dancing is so sexualised and different partners promote polygamy. Of course, it can be innocent fun, but just look at what's promoted to see if it is. Or, "So Can You Think And Dance?"
Porn - Industry, Home Videos, Everywhere - Why is porn so addictive and lucrative despite being boring, repetitive and free online? It combines "sex" and "violence" perfectly to stimulate the most basic or "reptile" parts of the brain we use for survival. Today, frustrated and emasculated men will vicariously enjoy violent, forced and degrading sex with examples of women who constantly tempt them in our culture, then demand it from girlfriends who get used to it and demand it too. Cut back on it. See ThePinkCross.org for ex-porn stars explaining this.
Slang - Bling, Fresh, Hot - The infusion of adult language with kid hipsterism destroys our history, civility and maturity and turns adults into children. Except we get less satisfaction from playing than children, so adults have to play more to compensate, which leads to more dissatisfaction, consumerism, selfishness, helplessness and infantilization so we're easier to control by the state. Watch for the promotion of "cool" terms for adults and more from youth culture to protect yourself. You can still enjoy it, just be "adult" cool about it to stay an adult.
Fashion - High, Low, Men's, Women's, Children's - In ancient Egypt, the slaves were forced to go naked while their royal owners wore tons of fabric. It's the same today. See how "The" Queen, The Pope and other global rulers dress compared to most of us told to wear and use less. Plato coined the term "fashion industry" in his classic fascist control manual "The Republic" 2300 years ago to help the people in charge separates us by class and social circles, destroy individuality and make us self-conscious Value corporate fashion less to value you more.
Advertising - Posters, Commercials - The psychology behind modern advertising is based on old ways to control people. Kings and dictators often put up giant posters of themselves to make their people feel small and powerless. Today, big corporations do it with 12-foot tall super-models so we worship them and buy stuff. We often feel inadequate and powerless, so we should know why. Once we know how the magicians do their tricks, we can laugh at them to get our power and self-esteem back and control our desires for what they offer us.
Programming - TV, Music, Movies - We're nearing the end of a 100 year establishment "business plan" to control us forever. Regardless of what you think, you have to wonder why we're apathetic even though most of us are worried about the future. Our culture creation industry sells a dystopic mess of small problems to help justify an apocalyptic big picture they'll engineer so we accept it. Anti-human ideas are common, so make sure do something pro-human to compensate for them. We can keep our culture if we learn what ideas to reject.
Smartphones - Blackberry, Txt, Chat - The more smart phones we get, the dumber we get as part of the Orwellian double-speak reality we live in. It's hard to explain things using "txt" or "Twitter" in 140 characters, so we get worse at it, can't understand the world and each other and often don't want to. Then we lose patience and fear speaking with and hearing each other. Then we lose our historical ability to appreciate each other and feel like no one understands us. That's the reason it's so heavily promoted. Cut back and talk to people instead.
Race - Black, White, Etc. - The establishment is killing black people with aggression and white people with depression using our culture creation industry while everyone else chooses from it too. Discussing what "those" people should do is often part of divide and conquor strategies used for years. The most promoted advocates are rarely consistent in their concerns. Most groups that make "race" an issue instead of "poverty" or "class" like Martin Luther King are controlled. Stick to classic "people vs. power" issues to avoid the trap set by power.
Power - Mind, Muscle, Meaning - There are two kinds of power: how much you have over someone and how much they have over you. To feel your own power, you can choose to give or take power from others. We're encouraged to dominate weaker people to make us paranoid and weak. That makes us easier to control by the establishment like their main minions are. Giving other people power makes us feel safer and stronger. If you use power well, then you'll get more power. If you fight with stronger powers, then you get stronger, just like working out.
Condos - Apartments, Boxes in the Sky - While there are nice ones, their popularity is part of the UN Agenda 21 plan to use the "green" idea of "sustainability" take control of all the land on earth. Slowly. They even convinced Canadians that we're overcrowded and have no land or that it's too expensive. But we have a lot for just 30 million people. They say soon we won't be able to have houses, cottages, golf courses and more. The super-rich want us to use less so they can steal everything. Learn more to get more of what we own instead of less.
Cameras - Surveillance, Facebook - The "Big Brother" state can only be created by selling all of us the "Big Brother" TV shows and tons of other propaganda. The more we see other people's privacy violated the less we value our own. People say they have nothing to hide and don't care. The problem is corporations and the state are gathering tons of info on us to figure out how to brainwash and control us better. The more we get used to it, the more we enslave ourselves and others. People need to fight for their privacy or lose it and more.
How Close Are We To The End? - The south side of the Toronto police station near Yonge and College has a statue of a hermaphrodite cop finishing off a pyramid with 3 - 5 bricks left sculpted in 1988. So, according to the public admissions of Freemasonry, we're close to the "great work" of their goal to put their leaders in control forvever being finished. There's also a kid pulling an obelisk on a trolley and a man with bricks and books on his shoulders. There's many more esoteric clues we can find, but just know we're close to winning or losing forever.
Medicine - Pharma, Doctors, Nurses - There's a reason so many dangerous mistakes are allowed in medicine, or why unlike your mechanic, they can fix you less than half the time and we accept it. After Hitler made "eugenics" a bad word, the globalists changed the word to "bioethics", kept going and control the industry. Many people try to do good work, but they can't figure out why they can't, or why all the bad work isn't stopped. (Yet.) "Re- search" has them looking but rarely finding stuff. Figure out why we need to save our healthcare workers.
Television - CSI: Everywhere, Nurse Whoever - The greatest "programming" tool of all time is now going 3D. Cops, spooks, doctors and lawyers are promoted so we trust these "services", which become "authorities" over the other stereotypes we see and emulate. Fiction is used to implant ideas in our heads wrapped in timeless emotional stories. Unlike watching the news, our guard is usually down, so we don't expect to be told how to think. Nobody who gives up TV is unhappy. So, watch less of it. You'll feel better and stronger and know why.
Music - Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Emo - The hypnotic power of repeated words with emotions over music has often been scientifically calculated to program our behaviour. Well-paid handlers tell signed artists to follow trends that were created by think tanks to move our culture along a certain path. Every artists knows what to say, but not always why. Instead of just getting used to what our artists are forced to give us, we can just use the energy from most music as a tool to work on something noble instead. Otherwise it will destroy our brains.
Movies - Hollywood, Bollywood - Where our modern idols are made to worship and we follow the "stars" like the ones in the sky. The industry often promotes the lone hero who saves the day to destroy our ability to think us "normal" people can do stuff. They use sex and violence to stimulate the primitive parts of our brain. They use "predictive programming" to plant ideas in our heads so we accept them later. They sell stupidity, misery, sex, violence, paranoia and dystopia until we accept their apocalypse. Figure out what ideas to reject.
Sports - NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, UFC - Plato wrote 2300 years ago in "The Republic" that the elite should use sports to co-opt male aggression normally used to defend their families against the corrupt government. It's used the same way today. Being a fan of someone else often prevents us from doing anything to get fans of our own. Like our wives. Fake tough guys want to watch guys beat each other up instead of trying to beat up real bad guys for a real good reason. Use sports to inspire you to do more. Otherwise you'll just feel like less.
Politics - Left vs. Right - The fake "democracy" dialectic was also used by the ancient Greeks to enslave their people. It keeps half the population thinking the other half stupid instead of working with them to see how the top controlling both sides is taking away everyones rights and stuff. The U.S. "republic" form of government is supposed to guarantee individual rights, but nothing works when politicians are just left alone to be controlled by the super-rich. We have keep our politicians busy or others will while shills give us rubbish to argue about.
Corruption or. Incompetence? - Why They Screw Up - When you hear millions, billions or trillions of dollars went "missing", or the government paid too much for stuff, it's not "incompetence", it's "corruption" in disguise. The people who control our governments get away with it by convincing others to think they're just stupid. They tell us to laugh at them while they laugh at us. Nobody who makes a fortune off this system is stupid. Anyone who believes they're stupid might be stupid. Note: as the cops will tell you, to find the crime, follow the money.
Money - Cash, Digits, Gold, Property - The world's central banks print "fiat" money out of thin-air and loan it to governments who circulate it and tax people to pay it back. Now they're hyper-inflating it and destroying it's buying-power in the global system. If we "believe" in their currency and go along with this, we'll all be told we're broke. If we try to figure out the scam and alternative mediums of exchange, or use our Bank of Canada to print money debt and interest-free, we'll be fine. Gold maintains timeless value, that's why it's being bought up fast now.
Skulls - Tattoos, Fashion, Symbology - As children, we learned this timeless symbol of "death" is put on bottles of chemicals so we avoid drinking them. Now we wear skulls or "death" as a fashion statement and see them hundreds of times a day. This dehumanizes us so we accept "death" easier in all it's forms. It's also an occult symbol used by secret societies like "Skull and Bones" at Yale University, whose members Bush and Kerry during the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections. We should make the connection to reduce their influence on our culture.
Tattoos - Body Accents, Body Replacements - From old world cultures, to tattooed jews during WW2, to soldiers and prisoners, to selling it to pop-culture, this is part of a plan to make us feel less happy in our own skin, cover increasingly more of it and accept big future technological changes to our bodies. Tattoos are not "addictive" either, that's a sales-myth. The transhumanist movement wants to turn us into cyborgs. But not for our benefit. So, we can get tattoos, but we have to reject the next stages of this. They're cool, but we need to be too.
God - Religion, Spirituality, The Boss - The globalists have been trying to destroy "God" so that the "Science" and "Experts" they control are the new boss. Then we'll have no higher power to use for strength or wisdom. If your boss asks you to torture someone at Gitmo for 5 years, you won't say no because God wouldn't like it, you'll probably say yes to your boss. Religions can be used for good or bad ends, so when they're used for bad, we need to figure out why and clean them up. God has been around for a reason, so we should try to keep Him alive.
Economics - Money, Stocks, Debt - The global economic "system" is a based on fraud. Former economics professors and many others exposed it. Super-rich globalists control it with an agenda. Rich insiders do insider-trading. The rest of us guess about their plans. Banks and billionaires are rarely affected by economic ups and downs. Today, they want to tell us we have nothing on earth just because they made it too expensive to buy so they could steal it. That's what the global depression is about. Don't go along with the business baby-talk about this.
Recession - Downturn, Double-Dip - The global super-rich always use "recessions" to consolidate their power by making people broke and things cheap, then using their money to buy companies, land, shares and more. They fatten us up like sheep up during "booms" so we generate wealth, then sheer us during "busts" as part of a "natural" cycle that's really just their ongoing plan to own the world, or the "rich get richer", etc. We're in the last stages of a 100 years of this. We can't accept their reasons why we should go broke while they're richer than ever.
Mass Media - Papers, TV, Radio - Read a week-old newspaper. You might be able to use 10% of what you read. The rest is useless. That's the point. We're being bombarded with trivia that our conscious can't process fast enough, but our subconscious absorbs it. This changes the way we think over time without us knowing how. They control our conversations until we agree on updated realities. Sex, serious, stupid and silly stories are all mixed together until we can't take anything seriously for long. Stop repeating lies until you become a liar. Find better.
Military - War, Peacekeeping - Generals are not "stupid" when it comes to military action. They plan huge campaigns with tons of money, intelligence and think tanks. When their armies fail miserably, it's because they planned to. Long wars justify martial law at home, theft abroad and huge profits for the "defence" or war industry that controls and supplies armies worldwide and keeps them fighting for their profit. The establishment knows people will do what they say during a war, so they use them to socially engineer our cultures quicker. We have to resist.
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful
1512-C Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
Vijay.Sarma@gmail.com | 647-857-5755
SOURCE - http://www.whatyouwanttobelievein.com/26701.html
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