TRUTH SONIA vs. BIG EVERYTHING: The Truther Girls Live on CKLN Radio, 88.1 FM, Wednesday, July 28th, 6:30 - 7:00 am EST

Canola Oil... Will Kill You
Lock Step: Our Future
Oil Spill Update: Truther Girl Utterly Confused by MSM
Haiti Quake, HAARP and the NWO
Hating on The Truther Girls
July 26, 2010
The Truther Girls Radio Show hosted by Sonia and Karen
How To Tell The Truth in the 21st Century
Featuring: Black Krishna
This episode: Truther Girls Radio welcomes fellow activist and radio host Black Krishna (BK) for a conversation about how to tell the truth in the 21st Century. How can we share "heavy" stuff in cultures that respect our discipline more than our passion? How can we politely discuss serious issues and share information with people who haven't learned as much? How do most people react today? What does the success of Toronto Truth Seekers on the streets of Toronto prove to the world? How do we win?
The Truther Girls Radio Show hosted by Sonia and Karen
Showtime: M-W-F, 5:00 PM CST
The Truther Girls on YouTube
Subscribers: 9,214
Sonia and her friends bring you the truth about H1N1, vaccination, chemtrails and more.
If we make you laugh while we're at it, all the better. You gotta keep a sense of humor, even at a time like this.
Come visit our blog for updates on false flags, the police state, and other man-made calamities, etc.
See my homegirl Truther Girl Karen's Youtube channel here:
We have a LIVE radio show on AFR Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 6:00-8:00 EST.
Listen in or download archived shows. Call in to talk to Sonia, Karen and guests live!
Chat room for listeners during our radio show:
Welcome to The Truther Girls' Website
If you are not a paranoid nut when you arrive, you will be by the time you leave or we'll give you your worthless fiat money back!
This website was formerly known as 'Natural Baby' and most topics discussed here pertain to child care. However, The Truther Girls like to wade into current affairs, corruption, corporatism and conspiracy topics as well so please check out The Truther Girls Youtube channel for lots of informative and entertaining videos:
We also have a radio show on American Freedom Radio, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST (3:00-4:00 pm PST, 5:00-6:00 pm CST). Our show features a variety of interesting guests including scientists, authors, radio personalities, freemen, and many more. Frequent topics include exposing mainstream media propaganda, the police state, government corruption, and the lies of the medical/pharmaceutical industry.
Our program archive can be found at:
For more news updates, articles, and links to articles discussed on the radio show, see our blog at:
How this website was born
When I had my son, I did everything 'by the book'- the popular book on childcare that I bought at the pharmacy, that is. But as time went on, I found that a lot of things we take for granted are not necessarily what they seem. So I started to explore various alternative parenting topics and found, to my great amazement, that formula is not a safe alterative to mother's milk, vaccinations are not as 'safe and effective' as Big Pharma would have us believe, and babies don't even necessarily need diapers. I was, of course, very skeptical at first. How could it be, that everything I ad always assume to be true, wasn't necessarily true at all? By the time I had dug into these topics to a depth necessary to get some decent information, my son had already had his formula, vaccinations, and diapers, but I decided that it would be worth it to share with others what I had discovered.
Maybe you are a parent or soon-to-be parent and, like a growing number of people, you have concerns about conventional North American childcare practices. Or possibly, you have never questioned conventional practices, but are simply looking for information that will enable you to make better decisions on how to care for your child.
Either way, I hope you find the information here interesting and helpful.
Truthergirl Sonia
Disclaimer: The material on this website is for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your doctor regarding any concerns you have before making decisions about your or your child's health.
CKLN's Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Black Krishna (BK) Mondays to Thursdays from 6 - 7 am; as well as CKLN's Word of Mouth Mondays from 7 - 8 pm, on 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Public domain mp3's to hear, use or share are available after 8 am at, and Please feel free to get in touch at with any questions, answers, suggestions, tips, news, stories, whistleblowers, music and more.
Bonus: Old CKLN Radio Show with co-host Mark Bills from March 8, 2008
CKLN Rude Awakening: International Women's Day Show... If They Shecide To Win It's NWOver! :-)
::: ((( CKLN.FM ))) :::
A special edition of CKLN Rude Awakening with BK and Mark Bills for International Women's Week on March 4, 2008 (International Women's Day is on March 8th) dives deep into our collectivised psyches. Various issues are discussed including the purpose of our socialization and ways to combat it. Virtual guests including Connie Fogal, Devvy Kidd, Bev Harris, Katherine Albrecht, Carol Brouillet, Charlotte Iserbyt and favourite caller Mara adding her shiniest of nickel's worth to round out the hour.
Pre-Game Show
Cynthia McKinney questioning Donald Rumsfeld at a 2006 House Armed Services Committee Meeting about the $2.3 trillion admittedly "missing" from the Pentagon, DynCorp running child-sex slavery rings and NORAD wargames taking place that may have helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks:
McKinney Grills Rumsfeld
8 mins
A special CAP - Connie Fogal vs. Black Krishna musical mash-up and an interview clip of Mr. Alan Watt from speaking on "Heroes, Values, Men and Women" excerpted from the full interview on October 4, 2007 add some history and context.
MARCH 8TH: International Women's Day... If They Shecide To Win It's NWOver! :-)
Full version available at:
The good news is women hate the women they're sold in the mass media.
The good news is women hate the women they're told to emulate.
The good news is women have the women they need to admire.
Sibel Edmonds, Indira Singh, Wendy Callahan, Devvy Kidd, Karen Kwiatkowski, Deborah Stevens, Bev Collins, Naomi Wolf, Charlotte Iserbyt, Vickie Karp, Karen Renick, Afua Cooper, Janice Matthews, Sara A. Carter, Phylis Schlafly, Cindy Sheehan and many more.
CONNIE FOGAL: Leader of the Canadian Action Party, the only federally registered Canadian political party telling the truth about every truth they find. If they're smart and lucky she'll be the next Prime Minister too. CAP was founded by former Deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellyer who reached the second highest position in government, took at look around and said: "Holy corrupted crap! I've gotta start a new party!" As a former lawyer and professor who's lead CAP for 10 years, Ms. Fogal and the primarily female leadership are the ultimate advocates against the ultimate powers running the world into the ground by defending our health, economy and sovereignty against Gardasil, Central Banksters and the / North American Union. If we accurately aim our criticism "up" we'll stop the same people who control our socialization and give us the problems most of us worry about, stop worrying and start controlling our lives -
KATHERINE ALBRECHT: Co-author with Liz McIntyre of "Spychips" and the world's foremost expert on the dangers of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, the former California valley girl and Harvard educated PhD hosts a daily radio show Monday to Friday from 9 - 11 am CST on the We The People Radio Network at, with downloadable archives and syndication near you. While most people remain unaware, RFID chips are openly discussed in circles Dr. Albrecht dares to enter and question, including tracking every single product on earth to give corporate-fascist governments complete profiles on our shopping habits, which is happening with the dot in the "i" on a Bic razor for example. The goal of implanting "Spychips" in people that contain all our information which can be shut-off at the whim of the state is being slowed thanks to her efforts, they've been proven to cause cancer too, so give her a hand before yours has a chip in it -
BEV HARRIS: Founder of, star of HBO's "Hacking Democracy" and the premier expert on the dangers of electronic voting machines that helped steal the U.S. Presidential election in 2004 as proven by the two Ohio men recently jailed for it. While elections have always been stolen, the rise of the machines make it much easier to steal them today, so by exposing the massive security risks Ms. Harris and her often female teams across America are providing an incredible public service to safeguard democracy worldwide. After noticing electoral-count irregularities as an ordinary citizen in 2004, Ms. Harris started doing some math, figured out the official numbers didn't add up, asked questions and found herself taking action when no one else would. With the focus on "change" in the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections among others, the best one would be changing the voting system to make sure we get the change we want -
CAROLE BROUILLET: Energizing anti-globalization activist and organizer who created the clever "Deception Dollars" with over 6 million copies distributed exposing the lies surrounding the 9/11 attacks, central banksters and their control over our lives and money and more. Ms. Brouillet has been at the forefront of efforts to change America and the world's political systems for years with a tireless and infectious enthusiasm, including running for Congress, arranging for events and street-actions and hosting a radio show on Mondays from 10 pm to Midnight CST on the We The People Radio Network at, with downloadable archives and syndication near you. Coming from a fairly comfortable background and working with many journalists and activists, she was surprised to find their reluctance to tackle the biggest issues related to the deepest and darkest truths she uncovered, but pressed-on nonetheless for the benefit of humanity -
CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: Former Congresswomen (D-GA) for 6-terms before a vicious attack by both Democrats and Republicans working together finally ousted her from her seat, she questioned the official story of 9/11 early and suffered for her efforts to protect us from the "War on Terror" and unprecedented levels of government control. As an African-American woman, star of the Sundance Award-Winning "American Blackout" documentary, unwavering populist and advocate, Ms. McKinney has suffered the slings and arrows of those with outrageous fortunes including many death threats to continue her efforts to wake-up and shake-up the "system" by questioning Donald Rumsfeld at a 2006 House Armed Services Committee Meeting on the $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon, Dyncorp running child-sex slavery rings and NORAD wargames thwarting the 9/11 response. Ms. McKinney is currently running for U.S. President for the Green Party -
McKinney Grills Rumsfeld
8 mins
Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America
47 mins
Charlotte Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
45 mins - Starts 25 minutes into video
Oct. 4, 2007
Alan Watt on "Rude Awakening" with Black Krishna, CKLN 88.1 FM - Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
(Recorded Oct. 2, 2007)
Black Krishna's Write-Up: A special CKLN Radio interview with Alan Watt, a Canadian National Treasure and Gift to the World. This wide-ranging conversation provides answers to the major questions facing humanity today, including how we got here and where we can go. Please immunize yourself, your family, friends, city and country against the propaganda by downloading and sharing his work for free from and other websites dedicated to promoting his exceptional knowledge base to effectively battle for a better planet.
(Songs: Hour 1 - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears, "As Long As We Stand" by Melanie. Hour 2 - "No Apologies" by Joni Mitchell, "A Little Help From My Friends" by Joe Cocker.)
Topics include:
How We Got Here - The Shadow Government - The British Empire - The American Empire - The Hollywood Empire - The Global Empire - Can We Keep What We Like? - CIActivism - Getting People Inside Out - The Media - Propaganda - Global Warming Taxes - Changing Your Environment - Guilt - Television - Left vs. Right - Globalization - Can We Save The Matrix? - UN Weather Warfare Treaty - Chemtrails - Political Parties - Banks - Housing Agenda 21.
Topics include:
A Peek At Oil - Why Alan Watt Figures It Out - Why Cultures Are Targeted - Cultures Outside The System - War and Videogames - Gandhi - Heroes and Values - Women - Getting Political Self-Help - Relationships - Dehumanization - Cops and Soldiers - Canada - China - Soldiers of Misfortune - Winning Everything Is Everything For Everyone.
1. Speak by trading your suspicions about vaccines, fluoride, aspartame and more and realizing everyone else has them too.
2. Speak by sharing tons of rare articles, flyers, interviews, CD's and DVD's and more (anonymously or not) with everybody.
3. Speak by reminding people the media lies so they are open to new information, or "learning", like they were as children.
4. Speak by researching specific topics - health issues are popular - and developing simple problem / solution bullet points.
5. Speak by showing people how they only really know what's going on in their own neighborhoods so they can agree and act.
6. Speak by running for the 469 U.S. Congress and Senate and 303 Canadian Member of Parliament seats or others near you.
7. Speak by having opinions that require thinking to beat the propaganda sold everywhere and validate yourself as an individual.
8. Speak by laughing at the "But what can we do?" question since it makes no sense if one hasn't looked into the possibilities.
9. Speak by aiming all criticism "up" instead of left or right beside you so that you only get angry at those who really deserve it.
10. Speak by giving people the big picture so their small problems make sense and we can all relax and take care of business.
::: ((( MUST SEE MOVIES ))) :::
Esoteric Agenda
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
These movies have great content, pacing and sound as their consistent top rankings on Google Video suggest.
Zeitgeist covers religion, the war on terror and central bankers; Esoteric Agenda includes symbolism, health risks and the scientific connections between our consciousness and our power as individuals; while Endgame deals with the elite's history of eugenics and plans to centralize power and de-populate the planet with wars, poverty and the poisoning of our food, air, water, minds, bodies and souls.
The reason people stick with this stuff despite our culture's tendency to dismiss them is because learning is satisfying and questioning the official myths gives you the power to think for yourself and handle life's nonsense easier. There is no prophecy involved that can't be changed, only plans made by people in power that will either be pulled-off or not based on whether we act out of fear or love.
::: ((( MUST DOWNLOAD AUDIO ))) :::
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.
2008 - Alan Watt - A Course in Deprogramming
Interview + Transcript = World Explained
THE ECONOMY: Before Rising Prices Eat Your Lunch, Hear Ben Fulford Explain Their Appetite For Destruction
Peace, (NOW!!!)

Canola Oil... Will Kill You
Lock Step: Our Future
Oil Spill Update: Truther Girl Utterly Confused by MSM
Haiti Quake, HAARP and the NWO
Hating on The Truther Girls
July 26, 2010
The Truther Girls Radio Show hosted by Sonia and Karen
How To Tell The Truth in the 21st Century
Featuring: Black Krishna
This episode: Truther Girls Radio welcomes fellow activist and radio host Black Krishna (BK) for a conversation about how to tell the truth in the 21st Century. How can we share "heavy" stuff in cultures that respect our discipline more than our passion? How can we politely discuss serious issues and share information with people who haven't learned as much? How do most people react today? What does the success of Toronto Truth Seekers on the streets of Toronto prove to the world? How do we win?
The Truther Girls Radio Show hosted by Sonia and Karen
Showtime: M-W-F, 5:00 PM CST
The Truther Girls on YouTube
Subscribers: 9,214
Sonia and her friends bring you the truth about H1N1, vaccination, chemtrails and more.
If we make you laugh while we're at it, all the better. You gotta keep a sense of humor, even at a time like this.
Come visit our blog for updates on false flags, the police state, and other man-made calamities, etc.
See my homegirl Truther Girl Karen's Youtube channel here:
We have a LIVE radio show on AFR Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 6:00-8:00 EST.
Listen in or download archived shows. Call in to talk to Sonia, Karen and guests live!
Chat room for listeners during our radio show:
Welcome to The Truther Girls' Website
If you are not a paranoid nut when you arrive, you will be by the time you leave or we'll give you your worthless fiat money back!
This website was formerly known as 'Natural Baby' and most topics discussed here pertain to child care. However, The Truther Girls like to wade into current affairs, corruption, corporatism and conspiracy topics as well so please check out The Truther Girls Youtube channel for lots of informative and entertaining videos:
We also have a radio show on American Freedom Radio, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST (3:00-4:00 pm PST, 5:00-6:00 pm CST). Our show features a variety of interesting guests including scientists, authors, radio personalities, freemen, and many more. Frequent topics include exposing mainstream media propaganda, the police state, government corruption, and the lies of the medical/pharmaceutical industry.
Our program archive can be found at:
For more news updates, articles, and links to articles discussed on the radio show, see our blog at:
How this website was born
When I had my son, I did everything 'by the book'- the popular book on childcare that I bought at the pharmacy, that is. But as time went on, I found that a lot of things we take for granted are not necessarily what they seem. So I started to explore various alternative parenting topics and found, to my great amazement, that formula is not a safe alterative to mother's milk, vaccinations are not as 'safe and effective' as Big Pharma would have us believe, and babies don't even necessarily need diapers. I was, of course, very skeptical at first. How could it be, that everything I ad always assume to be true, wasn't necessarily true at all? By the time I had dug into these topics to a depth necessary to get some decent information, my son had already had his formula, vaccinations, and diapers, but I decided that it would be worth it to share with others what I had discovered.
Maybe you are a parent or soon-to-be parent and, like a growing number of people, you have concerns about conventional North American childcare practices. Or possibly, you have never questioned conventional practices, but are simply looking for information that will enable you to make better decisions on how to care for your child.
Either way, I hope you find the information here interesting and helpful.
Truthergirl Sonia
Disclaimer: The material on this website is for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your doctor regarding any concerns you have before making decisions about your or your child's health.
CKLN's Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Black Krishna (BK) Mondays to Thursdays from 6 - 7 am; as well as CKLN's Word of Mouth Mondays from 7 - 8 pm, on 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Public domain mp3's to hear, use or share are available after 8 am at, and Please feel free to get in touch at with any questions, answers, suggestions, tips, news, stories, whistleblowers, music and more.
Bonus: Old CKLN Radio Show with co-host Mark Bills from March 8, 2008
CKLN Rude Awakening: International Women's Day Show... If They Shecide To Win It's NWOver! :-)
::: ((( CKLN.FM ))) :::
A special edition of CKLN Rude Awakening with BK and Mark Bills for International Women's Week on March 4, 2008 (International Women's Day is on March 8th) dives deep into our collectivised psyches. Various issues are discussed including the purpose of our socialization and ways to combat it. Virtual guests including Connie Fogal, Devvy Kidd, Bev Harris, Katherine Albrecht, Carol Brouillet, Charlotte Iserbyt and favourite caller Mara adding her shiniest of nickel's worth to round out the hour.
Pre-Game Show
Cynthia McKinney questioning Donald Rumsfeld at a 2006 House Armed Services Committee Meeting about the $2.3 trillion admittedly "missing" from the Pentagon, DynCorp running child-sex slavery rings and NORAD wargames taking place that may have helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks:
McKinney Grills Rumsfeld
8 mins
A special CAP - Connie Fogal vs. Black Krishna musical mash-up and an interview clip of Mr. Alan Watt from speaking on "Heroes, Values, Men and Women" excerpted from the full interview on October 4, 2007 add some history and context.
MARCH 8TH: International Women's Day... If They Shecide To Win It's NWOver! :-)
Full version available at:
The good news is women hate the women they're sold in the mass media.
The good news is women hate the women they're told to emulate.
The good news is women have the women they need to admire.
Sibel Edmonds, Indira Singh, Wendy Callahan, Devvy Kidd, Karen Kwiatkowski, Deborah Stevens, Bev Collins, Naomi Wolf, Charlotte Iserbyt, Vickie Karp, Karen Renick, Afua Cooper, Janice Matthews, Sara A. Carter, Phylis Schlafly, Cindy Sheehan and many more.
CONNIE FOGAL: Leader of the Canadian Action Party, the only federally registered Canadian political party telling the truth about every truth they find. If they're smart and lucky she'll be the next Prime Minister too. CAP was founded by former Deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellyer who reached the second highest position in government, took at look around and said: "Holy corrupted crap! I've gotta start a new party!" As a former lawyer and professor who's lead CAP for 10 years, Ms. Fogal and the primarily female leadership are the ultimate advocates against the ultimate powers running the world into the ground by defending our health, economy and sovereignty against Gardasil, Central Banksters and the / North American Union. If we accurately aim our criticism "up" we'll stop the same people who control our socialization and give us the problems most of us worry about, stop worrying and start controlling our lives -
KATHERINE ALBRECHT: Co-author with Liz McIntyre of "Spychips" and the world's foremost expert on the dangers of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, the former California valley girl and Harvard educated PhD hosts a daily radio show Monday to Friday from 9 - 11 am CST on the We The People Radio Network at, with downloadable archives and syndication near you. While most people remain unaware, RFID chips are openly discussed in circles Dr. Albrecht dares to enter and question, including tracking every single product on earth to give corporate-fascist governments complete profiles on our shopping habits, which is happening with the dot in the "i" on a Bic razor for example. The goal of implanting "Spychips" in people that contain all our information which can be shut-off at the whim of the state is being slowed thanks to her efforts, they've been proven to cause cancer too, so give her a hand before yours has a chip in it -
BEV HARRIS: Founder of, star of HBO's "Hacking Democracy" and the premier expert on the dangers of electronic voting machines that helped steal the U.S. Presidential election in 2004 as proven by the two Ohio men recently jailed for it. While elections have always been stolen, the rise of the machines make it much easier to steal them today, so by exposing the massive security risks Ms. Harris and her often female teams across America are providing an incredible public service to safeguard democracy worldwide. After noticing electoral-count irregularities as an ordinary citizen in 2004, Ms. Harris started doing some math, figured out the official numbers didn't add up, asked questions and found herself taking action when no one else would. With the focus on "change" in the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections among others, the best one would be changing the voting system to make sure we get the change we want -
CAROLE BROUILLET: Energizing anti-globalization activist and organizer who created the clever "Deception Dollars" with over 6 million copies distributed exposing the lies surrounding the 9/11 attacks, central banksters and their control over our lives and money and more. Ms. Brouillet has been at the forefront of efforts to change America and the world's political systems for years with a tireless and infectious enthusiasm, including running for Congress, arranging for events and street-actions and hosting a radio show on Mondays from 10 pm to Midnight CST on the We The People Radio Network at, with downloadable archives and syndication near you. Coming from a fairly comfortable background and working with many journalists and activists, she was surprised to find their reluctance to tackle the biggest issues related to the deepest and darkest truths she uncovered, but pressed-on nonetheless for the benefit of humanity -
CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: Former Congresswomen (D-GA) for 6-terms before a vicious attack by both Democrats and Republicans working together finally ousted her from her seat, she questioned the official story of 9/11 early and suffered for her efforts to protect us from the "War on Terror" and unprecedented levels of government control. As an African-American woman, star of the Sundance Award-Winning "American Blackout" documentary, unwavering populist and advocate, Ms. McKinney has suffered the slings and arrows of those with outrageous fortunes including many death threats to continue her efforts to wake-up and shake-up the "system" by questioning Donald Rumsfeld at a 2006 House Armed Services Committee Meeting on the $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon, Dyncorp running child-sex slavery rings and NORAD wargames thwarting the 9/11 response. Ms. McKinney is currently running for U.S. President for the Green Party -
McKinney Grills Rumsfeld
8 mins
Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America
47 mins
Charlotte Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
45 mins - Starts 25 minutes into video
Oct. 4, 2007
Alan Watt on "Rude Awakening" with Black Krishna, CKLN 88.1 FM - Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
(Recorded Oct. 2, 2007)
Black Krishna's Write-Up: A special CKLN Radio interview with Alan Watt, a Canadian National Treasure and Gift to the World. This wide-ranging conversation provides answers to the major questions facing humanity today, including how we got here and where we can go. Please immunize yourself, your family, friends, city and country against the propaganda by downloading and sharing his work for free from and other websites dedicated to promoting his exceptional knowledge base to effectively battle for a better planet.
(Songs: Hour 1 - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears, "As Long As We Stand" by Melanie. Hour 2 - "No Apologies" by Joni Mitchell, "A Little Help From My Friends" by Joe Cocker.)
Topics include:
How We Got Here - The Shadow Government - The British Empire - The American Empire - The Hollywood Empire - The Global Empire - Can We Keep What We Like? - CIActivism - Getting People Inside Out - The Media - Propaganda - Global Warming Taxes - Changing Your Environment - Guilt - Television - Left vs. Right - Globalization - Can We Save The Matrix? - UN Weather Warfare Treaty - Chemtrails - Political Parties - Banks - Housing Agenda 21.
Topics include:
A Peek At Oil - Why Alan Watt Figures It Out - Why Cultures Are Targeted - Cultures Outside The System - War and Videogames - Gandhi - Heroes and Values - Women - Getting Political Self-Help - Relationships - Dehumanization - Cops and Soldiers - Canada - China - Soldiers of Misfortune - Winning Everything Is Everything For Everyone.
1. Speak by trading your suspicions about vaccines, fluoride, aspartame and more and realizing everyone else has them too.
2. Speak by sharing tons of rare articles, flyers, interviews, CD's and DVD's and more (anonymously or not) with everybody.
3. Speak by reminding people the media lies so they are open to new information, or "learning", like they were as children.
4. Speak by researching specific topics - health issues are popular - and developing simple problem / solution bullet points.
5. Speak by showing people how they only really know what's going on in their own neighborhoods so they can agree and act.
6. Speak by running for the 469 U.S. Congress and Senate and 303 Canadian Member of Parliament seats or others near you.
7. Speak by having opinions that require thinking to beat the propaganda sold everywhere and validate yourself as an individual.
8. Speak by laughing at the "But what can we do?" question since it makes no sense if one hasn't looked into the possibilities.
9. Speak by aiming all criticism "up" instead of left or right beside you so that you only get angry at those who really deserve it.
10. Speak by giving people the big picture so their small problems make sense and we can all relax and take care of business.
::: ((( MUST SEE MOVIES ))) :::
Esoteric Agenda
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
These movies have great content, pacing and sound as their consistent top rankings on Google Video suggest.
Zeitgeist covers religion, the war on terror and central bankers; Esoteric Agenda includes symbolism, health risks and the scientific connections between our consciousness and our power as individuals; while Endgame deals with the elite's history of eugenics and plans to centralize power and de-populate the planet with wars, poverty and the poisoning of our food, air, water, minds, bodies and souls.
The reason people stick with this stuff despite our culture's tendency to dismiss them is because learning is satisfying and questioning the official myths gives you the power to think for yourself and handle life's nonsense easier. There is no prophecy involved that can't be changed, only plans made by people in power that will either be pulled-off or not based on whether we act out of fear or love.
::: ((( MUST DOWNLOAD AUDIO ))) :::
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.
2008 - Alan Watt - A Course in Deprogramming
Interview + Transcript = World Explained
THE ECONOMY: Before Rising Prices Eat Your Lunch, Hear Ben Fulford Explain Their Appetite For Destruction
Peace, (NOW!!!)
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