SATURDAY STRATEGY V5: Check The Links and 30 Minute Interview For More

SATURDAY STRATEGY V5: Check The Links and 30 Minute Interview For More
sounds good man, everyone has theories about this, i've heard them for years and made up a bunch myself. some of them are good because we learn a lot about what we consume. however, there is a reason why "everything" is getting crappier and we don't feel like we have any future, so we're told to indulge in the past, or what we liked as kids, which turns us into kids. the artists are just playing the game. i'm not. that's why i just say stuff. when you have others eatin' off you, then you always factor that in.
once more people learn about the NWO control over the music industry and the big picture, then they won't take it out on the artists themselves so much, which only causes division on our level. can they be blamed? of course. but: if we ever want a "music industry" that doesn't try to control and dehumanize us, then we can't just pick-on the artists that it produces that we don't like and choose to ignore the same criticisms when applied to artists we do like or it will just continue. check the links and 30 min interview for more.
p.s. ironically, even with the G20 to discuss, this "pop culture" topic will generate more interest, even among conspiracy theorists, in part because it's something worth learning because it's something that's easier to share. that's why the most "hardcore" info that will only impress the most "hardcore" conspiracy theorist isn't as valuable as something that more people have an interest in and can relate to. while in anyone can make any theory sound reasonable, here on earth, we can really see what can really work.
April 29, 2008 Website Posting of:
(Recorded April 8, 2008)
Alan Watt on "Rude Awakening" with Black Krishna,
CKLN 88.1 FM - Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
A special interview for CKLN Radio with Alan Watt from about music and the culture creation industry, also featured on Tuesday morning's "Rude Awakening" show with BK and Mark Bills.
(Voice a bit hoarse due to sore throat and flu. Alan.)
00:00 - 0:57 . Sex, Drugs, The Charleston and Rock'n'Roll.
01:41 - 5:00 . Starmakers, The Beatles and Michael Jackson.
05:26 - 6:42 . Theodore Adorno and the Science of Music.
06:52 - 9:01 . Teenagers, Writers, Rebels and Role Models.
09:06 - 10:45 . Powerful People Wearing Masks Like Jason...
10:45 - 11:55 . ...Make Me Wanna Throw Up Gang Signs Like A Mason!
11:55 - 12:56 . Why Parents Just Don't Understand.
12:56 - 13:49 . Is Rap Meant For Humanity To Wrap It Up?
13:49 - 15:04 . Producers Will Produce Your New Image.
15:04 - 16:14 . Why Do Old White People Sell Offensive Music?
17:16 - 18:24 . How Music Can Communicate With Everyone.
18:24 - 18:41 . Can You Get On TV By Being Real?
18:52 - 20:22 . How Artists and Fans Can Make A Difference.
21:02 - 23:18 . The Future of the World Needs Good Music.
24:13 - 26:43 . Artists vs. Experts for the 21st Century.
26:50 - 30:06 . Cut Off Their Moves By Playing Music To Win.
(Write-Up by Black Krishna.)
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