The 2010 Happy No New Fear Meet-Up: Sat, Jan 16th, 12 pm, Dundas Square

Announcing a new Meetup for Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)!
What: The 2010 Happy No New Fear Meet-Up: Sat, Jan 16th, 12 pm, Dundas Square
When: Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Dundas Square
Yonge & Dundas
Toronto, ON
Hello TTS Family and Friends,
It's still very cold out, so last week with small numbers, instead of staying at Dundas Square, we kept it moving early with a little flyering and then mostly called it quits. We can discuss what we want to do on Saturday in advance, or perhaps have a meeting instead of a street action. Please offer up any suggestions ASAP.
With respect to dealing with the bigger picture, everyone we respect says that we need to work together as individuals in groups. When people RSVP early, we have the confirmed numbers that let others know it's worth their time to attend too. When that happens, we have a group. Let's try to make that happen in 2010.
Fear is primarily what keeps any individual in the world from taking action, or from speaking their mind or acting on their thoughts. Both self-identified truthers and those allied with them are controlled by the same thing that everyone else is: fear. We should not fear fellow human beings who discovered the NWO on the internet.
While many individuals and groups have accomplished many great things, in 2010, perhaps it's also time to remember the 9/11 attacks were 8 years ago, the 9/11 myth is still driving public policy, and the offline response is not increasing proportionally. If a lot of people "wake up" and "do nothing", then it won't matter anyway.
Online, we can facilitate the building of crucial offline relationships we need to have at this time. A guy from [redacted] contacted me recently because he saw a TTS YouTube video. He's lonely out there and thinks nobody understands. I gave him suggestions, including finding others who live near [redacted] using the TTS listserve.
Fear of whackjobs is not an issue: we've met 'em before, if we meet 'em again, we can say seeya later. Fear of committing to do stuff is not an issue: we've failed at that before, but we tried again, that's just what we do. Fear of the NWO is not an issue: unless you're a whistle-blower, or sometimes even if, the loudest truthers provide your cover fire.
Local solutions need to develop out of the TTS meet-ups, or people seeing how "Toronto Truth Seekers" can hang out, get along and get some stuff done. Then they can realize they can do that with nearly everyone who's conspirienced. You don't have to hit the streets like a lunatic yet, just meet at a Tim Horton's and talk a little conspira-shop.
The oft-repeated (propagandistic?) "people don't have time" theory is simply not true. At least not if you ask people what they do with their time, at which point they'll sheepishly admit it's not true. We always make time for what we like to do, so we can inevitably like to "chill-out" with other truthers and speak freely wherever we live.
However, right now TTS is also in the middle of a free speech 'holding action' at the corner of Yonge and Dundas. They took away our table and truthbrella, but still have a truth-buggy and true voices. With a few days left, neo-nudezi airport scanners and more nonsense to deal with daily, we should all think of how to deal with it.
Please RSVP - ASAP so we know in a cold January who's interested in attending. Please also suggest any ideas for what we should do in advance, that way we can all decide on the best ones. Bring design or download and print any flyers or bring dvd's anyway, we might approach local businesses in two's to make sure they kNWO too.
Vijay Sarma
Assistant Organizer
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
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