The Gift of Truth Meet-Up: Merry Christmas! Sat, Dec 19th, 12 - 6 pm, Dundas Sq.

Announcing a new Meetup for Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)!
What: The Gift of Truth Meet-Up: Merry Christmas! Sat, Dec 19th, 12 - 6 pm, Dundas Sq.
When: December 19, 2009 @ 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Dundas Square
Yonge & Dundas
Toronto, ON
Merry Christmas TTS Family & Friends! :-)
I hope all are well and looking forward to the holiday season. With our final TTS meet-up of 2009 at Dundas Square on Saturday, December 19th, from 12 - 6 pm, it might be a good time to reflect on the great year we've had. Hundreds of thousands of people may have been reached by our flyers and dvd's. Well done.
People often need to be "tipped" to think of asking questions in certain situations. A senior friend who got the regular flu shot for years didn't take it this year after reading something in a magazine. He didn't take the H1N1 shot either. In fact, unless something drastic happens, he's probably never getting shot again. That's great.
Many people say that people "shouldn't tell people what to do", but if we don't, then who does? We all receive similar (diss?) information from our big institutions, but we also manage to learn more about certain things beneath the surface. Fortunately people often pass on various helpful tips about health, wealth, relationships, and so on.
Still, if a person knows a lot about something, another person has to decide if they want to hear a lot about it. In many cases, many people don't. But, if it's something really important, perhaps they can look into it on their own at their own pace and into areas they're interested in. Today, in our culture, once people know what to look for, they can find it.
That's where TTS and groups like us come in. Over the last 6 months we've taken our own time, money and energy and handed out thousands of small pieces of paper and dvd's giving people access to information on Saturdays, sometimes well into the night. People can think whatever they want, but at least they get a chance to. Otherwise they wouldn't know.
We've proven that it's "normal" to do this, or at least it can be, in the sense that you can do it without any real social disapproval. Having conversations where someone is cornered is a lot different then showing your commitment to informing and warning people in a less self-indulgent and more organized and serious way. Since we know times are getting serious, we should.
As we head into 2010, we also know that we've all been messed with in some way by the New World Order, or by the "establishment" power structure. The question is: who's been messed up? Our ability to deal logically and effectively with the world as we understand it, on behalf of ourselves and others, will answer that question. If some of us don't have it, others have to have more.
Once more people show they can think of and physically handle doing something practical about our problems, either as individuals or in groups, then as our problems get bigger by-design, more people will know exactly what they can do wherever they live. Ultimately, doing this very publicly also reminds people of what we're doing: trying to reach them. Once the surreality of that reality finally sets in: we'll win.
Please RSVP when you can, dress warmly and be polite and courteous as usual. Bring flyers, dvd's, well designed signs and anything else that might come in handy. There are a number of timeless topics, plus ones in the news, that people could get another perspective on. It's cold so we can try different things. If people want, we can Christmas party it up. Frankly we deserve it, so let's celebrate our wins and get more.
Merry Truthy Christmas! :-)
Vijay Sarma
Assistant Organizer
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