On To The Next: No One World Government (Jackbootleg Version)

Heya TTSperados! ;-)
Just a head's up, I wrote, recorded and mixed this last night after a long day of street actioning, smoking, drinking coffee and yelling on a megaphone in the cold weather. So, I might re-record another version with some changes tonite, I think I finally got the hang of this track. We'll see. Regardless, beyond thinking of many things that anyone can do to make sure that everyone can do something, and then proving they work so that anyone can try them, I'm going to focus more on a few more things that only I can do.
For example, because of my unique goals and background, I'm the only person on earth who can or will write songs like this. Not just "the man is bad" but "here's how to beat him". If I practice and keep making better ones, the balls, funk and info-combo could help reach people fast in unique ways. I will continue working on TTS stuff, but I want to see more people start driving the process more. FYI, yes it can be a pain in the ass to bug or beg people who should know better, but when you succeed, it's rewarding.
No worries, we're in the game and playing for the win, the MP3 download link and lyrics are below.
On To The Next: No One World Government
I got a million ways to get it,
Choose one,
It's going down,
The New World Order's getting clowned...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
On to the next --
No one world government,
No thanks, crooks, kooks, spooks,
Start shovin' it,
Al Gore, hockey-stick, shovelin',
Man-Bear-Pig, so serial,
Imperial, bumblin',
Triple-chin, Big Gay Al,
So cold, since March 0-7?
So puzzling!
UN launch then,
Hunch when, tax comin' in,
Like Pavlov, they treat us like dogs,
To use less than them,
Rockefellers at the top,
Pledge allegiance to the Roc,
Eyes Wide Shut, doc?
PhD's make disease,
For the military,
Don't think they wouldn't lie?
For the IPCC?
Can't get the weather,
For the week-end, please,
Tellin' me in 20 years?
We guaranteed to freeze?
Newsweek Cover,
For a 70's scheme,
Global cooling back then?
Global warming now?
Cease and desist,
This is a citizens arres--
ted development,
Finally rebelling, yes,
Pumpin' out CO2,
With the way I speak free,
Green Hitler youth,
Can't say ---- to me,
Can't quit, 'til we free,
Of the insanity,
Sayin' carbon dioxide,
Is bad for trees...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Eugenics behind,
Control freak, soul weak,
Boot-lickin' menace,
Yuppie puppy-dog,
Recycled, rottweilers,
Socialists with a fist,
Up your assets, smilin',
Like they savin' the earth,
By, enslavin' the earth,
Copenslavin' pavin' graves,
In the third world first,
First world got a thirst,
Greenwashing won't work,
I'm not a problem,
I'm a problem at work,
On bein' a problem for jerks,
Who lie, spy, and tax,
And increase the attacks,
'Til there's no going back,
There's always going back,
Piece of paper don't mean jack,
Blue-bin that,
Like Bin Laden, been found back --
When the "War on Terror Rapture",
Was taking all our rights,
Now the "Global Warming Rapture",
Takes our stuff, gotta fight,
Tough-love, don't bite,
But, don't get bitten,
By the hardcore, mind-control,
Victims in a Prison --
Planet dot-com, drop bombs,
Paul Joe, blow,
Up another scandal,
Climategate show,
They know they lyin',
Admitted emails tryin',
East Anglia U --
Findin' angles all the time and --
Caught just in time,
To stop us Copen with enslavement,
Better flyer-up and hit the pavement,
Straight up...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
De-pop plan?
I pop carbon-bubbles,
Before you double your money,
I cause trouble,
Before you double our trouble,
I'm gonna hustle,
Harder, than the bards of B.S.,
Let's rumble.
Can't be stopped,
Plans poppin' off a lot,
Lick a shot, for your bin-laden block,
Please stop and think --
If they really cared?
Wouldn't they try to stop?
GMO food, mercury?
And real toxic slop?
Waste mind, on disaster predictions,
Based on fiction,
This' no movie, dereliction of duty,
The prescription,
Let's see the uniformed,
Learn, what's going on,
Attack, like Voltron,
'Til the Gore-bots gone!
Get an addiction for freedom,
You keep for you and your children,
Can't be chillin', when it's chilly,
And green villains say it isn't,
Or, no matter what, it's our fault,
Earth-worship, death-cult,
To heck with people now,
Worry about the weather later... what?
Are you crazy?
You got this...
Let's go...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com/
Music - http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/blackkrishna.htm
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Well, that's silly.
Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)

Heya TTSperados! ;-)
Just a head's up, I wrote, recorded and mixed this last night after a long day of street actioning, smoking, drinking coffee and yelling on a megaphone in the cold weather. So, I might re-record another version with some changes tonite, I think I finally got the hang of this track. We'll see. Regardless, beyond thinking of many things that anyone can do to make sure that everyone can do something, and then proving they work so that anyone can try them, I'm going to focus more on a few more things that only I can do.
For example, because of my unique goals and background, I'm the only person on earth who can or will write songs like this. Not just "the man is bad" but "here's how to beat him". If I practice and keep making better ones, the balls, funk and info-combo could help reach people fast in unique ways. I will continue working on TTS stuff, but I want to see more people start driving the process more. FYI, yes it can be a pain in the ass to bug or beg people who should know better, but when you succeed, it's rewarding.
No worries, we're in the game and playing for the win, the MP3 download link and lyrics are below.
On To The Next: No One World Government
I got a million ways to get it,
Choose one,
It's going down,
The New World Order's getting clowned...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
On to the next --
No one world government,
No thanks, crooks, kooks, spooks,
Start shovin' it,
Al Gore, hockey-stick, shovelin',
Man-Bear-Pig, so serial,
Imperial, bumblin',
Triple-chin, Big Gay Al,
So cold, since March 0-7?
So puzzling!
UN launch then,
Hunch when, tax comin' in,
Like Pavlov, they treat us like dogs,
To use less than them,
Rockefellers at the top,
Pledge allegiance to the Roc,
Eyes Wide Shut, doc?
PhD's make disease,
For the military,
Don't think they wouldn't lie?
For the IPCC?
Can't get the weather,
For the week-end, please,
Tellin' me in 20 years?
We guaranteed to freeze?
Newsweek Cover,
For a 70's scheme,
Global cooling back then?
Global warming now?
Cease and desist,
This is a citizens arres--
ted development,
Finally rebelling, yes,
Pumpin' out CO2,
With the way I speak free,
Green Hitler youth,
Can't say ---- to me,
Can't quit, 'til we free,
Of the insanity,
Sayin' carbon dioxide,
Is bad for trees...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Eugenics behind,
Control freak, soul weak,
Boot-lickin' menace,
Yuppie puppy-dog,
Recycled, rottweilers,
Socialists with a fist,
Up your assets, smilin',
Like they savin' the earth,
By, enslavin' the earth,
Copenslavin' pavin' graves,
In the third world first,
First world got a thirst,
Greenwashing won't work,
I'm not a problem,
I'm a problem at work,
On bein' a problem for jerks,
Who lie, spy, and tax,
And increase the attacks,
'Til there's no going back,
There's always going back,
Piece of paper don't mean jack,
Blue-bin that,
Like Bin Laden, been found back --
When the "War on Terror Rapture",
Was taking all our rights,
Now the "Global Warming Rapture",
Takes our stuff, gotta fight,
Tough-love, don't bite,
But, don't get bitten,
By the hardcore, mind-control,
Victims in a Prison --
Planet dot-com, drop bombs,
Paul Joe, blow,
Up another scandal,
Climategate show,
They know they lyin',
Admitted emails tryin',
East Anglia U --
Findin' angles all the time and --
Caught just in time,
To stop us Copen with enslavement,
Better flyer-up and hit the pavement,
Straight up...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
De-pop plan?
I pop carbon-bubbles,
Before you double your money,
I cause trouble,
Before you double our trouble,
I'm gonna hustle,
Harder, than the bards of B.S.,
Let's rumble.
Can't be stopped,
Plans poppin' off a lot,
Lick a shot, for your bin-laden block,
Please stop and think --
If they really cared?
Wouldn't they try to stop?
GMO food, mercury?
And real toxic slop?
Waste mind, on disaster predictions,
Based on fiction,
This' no movie, dereliction of duty,
The prescription,
Let's see the uniformed,
Learn, what's going on,
Attack, like Voltron,
'Til the Gore-bots gone!
Get an addiction for freedom,
You keep for you and your children,
Can't be chillin', when it's chilly,
And green villains say it isn't,
Or, no matter what, it's our fault,
Earth-worship, death-cult,
To heck with people now,
Worry about the weather later... what?
Are you crazy?
You got this...
Let's go...
On to the next --
No one world government!
Take your carbon tax --
And start shovin' it!
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter - http://twitter.com/BlackKrishna
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com/
Music - http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/blackkrishna.htm
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/BlackKrishnaverse
Radio - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Black%20Krishna
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
If you only listen to one thing this week...
Well, that's silly.
Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)
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