STREET ACTION: Sat, Aug 22nd, 1 - 9 pm, Dundas Square

Hi TTS Members & Affiliates,
This is a reminder of our weekly street action public outreaches taking place every Saturday until 9/12/09 at the south-west corner of Dundas Square from 1 - 9 pm. There are two informal shifts from 1 - 5 pm and from 5 - 9 pm. Please RSVP if you can make it for either one, that way others will feel secure in knowing their fellow Canadians are committed to coming out and may decide to join as well. Anybody can show up any time for as long as they want, and many TTS members do, so if you don't feel like RSVP'ing then you are still free to join as well. Bringing DVD's, flyers and anything else worthwhile is optional.
Right now, our steady group of 6 - 12 people is gaining momentum weekly, with many fellow Canadians sincerely thanking us for being there. Many are coming up and taking flyers or donating for DVD's, or just reading the signs, but overall the vibe is very positive and we have a very comfortable relationship with the public space. For the most part, we're also having a great time near the table joking around and enjoying the weather while spreading the truth. Afterwards we go to Fran's diner just south of Dundas Square where we enjoy a nice dinner, chat about the day and the future, and get to know each other better.
If we continue to hand out thousands of flyers and hundreds of DVD's for the next 4 weeks, a huge percentage of downtown Toronto will be "awake" and prepared to resist the mandatory "swine flu" vaccines being planned, plus other changes. For those who don't know, our governments don't set policy anymore, they merely implement directives from international bodies like the UN and WHO (World Health Organization) often in line with treaties like GATT, WTO, Rio, Kyoto, and others. Therefore, when the "birthplace of democracy" doesn't have a say in whether or not they should get shot by the government, we're in line too.
Greece to vaccinate entire population for new flu
Reuters | July 31, 2009
Nearly five billion doses of swine flu vaccine possible: WHO
Associated Press | May 19, 2009
Since the WHO says they want to vaccinate 5 billion people over 1 1/2 years as part of a program they're developing, which they would only do if there was a chance of using it, this is a major concern. According to polls, even people who believe vaccines work see this as overkill, many healthcare and other workers are refusing to take it, and so on. The institutional resistance by courageous people working in different jobs should be supported by the grassroots efforts of ordinary Canadians like the Toronto Truth Seekers. Between our fellow Canadians fears about vaccines and questions about 9/11, we're in good shape to share.
Warm regards,
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