Bloggagia Finale -- Bravissimo! :-)







Bloggagia Finale -- Bravissimo! :-)
"Everything just is what it is.
Once you figure out what it is.
That keeps happening all the time.
Individuals will say what they mean.
Others will often ask why they do.
They do because they are different human beings.
Get your inspiration whenever you can.
Use your inspiration for whatever you can.
Deal with things like only you can.
Don't make anything into anything else.
Don't let your fear be your guide.
Don't let jealousy be your motivation.
Don't let laziness rob you of your life.
Don't tear down instead of understand.
That's a waste of your own truth and time.
That's how you might ruin your own mind.
There are many ways to deal with things today.
There are many options to choose from.
There are many more to figure out soon.
Figure out your local logic and logistics.
Focus on discussing them with others.
Focus on developing your creativity.
Work on things for and by yourself.
Work on things for and with others.
Choose your own adventure.
Try to be happy doing so.
Try to make others happy too.
That should work."
- Quote
Small army to protect Toronto during G20 summit
Demonstrators march in protest at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh on Sept. 25, 2009. Carlos Barria/Reuters
Number of security personnel expected to exceed those at the Vancouver Olympics
Colin Freeze | From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published on Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2010 5:00AM EDT Last updated on Tuesday, May. 11, 2010 9:04AM EDT
Police forces have entered into an alliance to deal with the threat of violent protest at Toronto’s G20 summit with as many as 10,000 uniformed officers and 1,000 private security guards teaming up to protect world leaders.
G8/G20 security bill to approach $1-billion
Military helicopters fly, April 20, 2010, in and out of a DZ right beside the doors of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in preparation for the June 26/27 meetings of the G20 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Norm Betts/Special to the Globe and Mail
Spending dwarfs previous summits, but Ottawa argues no country has ever hosted both summits at once
Steven Chase, Ottawa — From Tuesday's Globe and Mail Published on Tuesday, May. 25, 2010 9:49PM EDT Last updated on Wednesday, May. 26, 2010 8:28AM EDT
The Harper government is preparing to spend close to $1-billion on security for world leaders gathering in Ontario this summer – meetings in which one of the top items on the agenda is reining in state profligacy.
The soaring security bill for safeguarding the late June Group of Eight and Group of 20 summits is now several orders of magnitude greater than the costs of similar meetings in Japan and Britain.
Anti-G20 vandals hit Toronto ATMs
CBC News | May 28, 2010
At least one suspect has been arrested after vandals spray-painted a handful of ATMs in downtown Toronto, marking some with anti-G20 slogans.
The banking machines at a Scotiabank and a TD Canada Trust branch at the corner of Dundas Street West and Spadina Avenue were vandalized overnight, Toronto police said Friday morning.
The suspect was seen being handcuffed in the Dundas and Spadina area.
CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists
Steve Watson | | May 24th, 2010
A primetime CBS show that aired last week featured a notable example of so called “propaganda placement”, where a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception, often at the behest of the government.
CSI NY’s episode entitled “Point of View” featured a character who researches “conspiracy theories”, such the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous chemtrails into the atmosphere.
First the character, a professor, is labeled”odd”, then “anti-American”, before finally he is revealed to be a “domestic terrorist” hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New York.
Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest
CBC News | Last Updated: Thursday, August 23, 2007
Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que.
Stop SPP Protest - Union Leader stops provocateurs
Toronto Chemtrails vs. Toronto Patio Season - Round 5 - April 12, 2010 - Pt 25
Police warn of Facebook Little Girl parties
Fri May 28, 5:50 AM
By KRISTEN THOMPSON, Metro Vancouver
Chilliwack police are warning parents about a group of high school boys who have been trying to lure pre-teen girls via Facebook to parties where they would get them drunk and sleep with them.
They are called LG parties, which stands for Little Girl parties, said RCMP Const. Tracy Wolbeck.
This is something that has recently come to our attention and we are trying hard to monitor, Wolbeck said.
The intent of these parties and the group mentality that goes along with them is what makes them very frightening for parents and police alike.
Its not the first time Facebook has been used recently by local teenage boys to try to lure younger girls.
Last week, RCMP in Surrey warned parents that Grade 11 and Grade 12 boys at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School in Cloverdale had started a Facebook page to seduce eighth-grade girls.
They called the group the LGS Club the Little Girl Slayers Club.
I cant tie a definitive connection between whats going on in the (two schools), Wolbeck said.
At this point we havent formally engaged in any investigation ... We dont have specific people or events to tie to it.
Wolbeck said police are cautioning parents to be vigilant about where their teenagers are going and with whom.
She suggests if kids are heading to a party that parents call ahead to make sure there will be adult supervision.
Dont allow your kids to use the family computer in private, she said.
Be aware of their Facebook contacts and the content of that contact.
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'RapeLay' video game goes viral amid outrage
By Kyung Lah, CNN | March 31, 2010 3:08 a.m. EDT
Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The game begins with a teenage girl on a subway platform. She notices you are looking at her and asks, "Can I help you with something?"
That is when you, the player, can choose your method of assault.
With the click of your mouse, you can grope her and lift her skirt. Then you can follow her aboard the train, assaulting her sister and her mother.
As you continue to play, "friends" join in and in a series of graphic, interactive scenes, you can corner the women, rape them again and again.
Pentagon and CIA enlist video games
Simulations developed for training and recruitment
By Matt Slagle
updated 11:10 a.m. ET, Fri., Oct . 3, 2003
Oct. 3 - Hunched with his troops in a dusty, windswept courtyard, the squad leader signals the soldiers to line up against a wall. Clasping automatic weapons, they inch single-file toward a sandy road lined with swaying palm trees. The squad leader orders a point man to peer around the corner, his quick glance revealing several foes lying in wait behind a smoldering car. A few hand signals, a quick flash of gunfire, and it’s over. The enemy is defeated, but no blood is spilled, no bullet casings spent: All the action is in an upcoming Xbox-based training simulator for the military called “Full Spectrum Warrior.”
"Every b-tch a model, every n-gga a soldier, see it written down, in a Pentagon folder..."
- Black Krishna, "If We Can't Do it" (2007)
6 - G20 vs. Nuclear 9/11 Flyers - Public Domain - 17Apr10
G20 Summit vs. Nuclear 9/11 Flyer - 6 flyers per 8.5" x 11" page, dbl-sided, or one-sided mini-posters, print at 3-cents a copy (many places), 6 cents dbl-sided, plus $1 a cut at Kinko's. I made 500 copies, or 3000 flyers, for $36. Public domain, please adapt, use, share.
[Front Text:]
What Will People In Toronto Do Before The G20 June 26 – 27th?
[Back Text:]
G20 SUMMIT vs. A NUCLEAR 9/11?
Why do our “world” leaders and “intelligence” agencies say we’re in more danger of a “nuclear” terrorist attack than ever? What do they do with the trillions of tax-dollars they’ve been paid since 9/11 (‘01!) to “keep us safe” and stop this from happening? Why does NATO make Canadian soldiers guard “poppy” fields for the global “heroin” trade? Why will “1000” private “contractors” or ”killers” (like Blackwater in Iraq - or - New Orleans) be allowed in Toronto during the G20 from June 26 - 27th? If they kill us, will they just be flown out of Canada on military planes? Why are huge G20 “entourages” being given “diplomatic immunity” so they’re “above the law” in Toronto? Why should we accept the G20 Summit scaring us with “10,000” soldiers on our streets? After what they’ve done so far: should anybody object to what our G20 leaders are up to? Should we just trust what they say? Since this can be heavy stuff: should Canadian men age 25 - 45 deal with this on behalf of women, children and the elderly? :-)
Additional downloadable poster and flyer files on many topics, adaptable design templates and more:
The Planifesto: 2009 Survival Strategy
FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna
Black Krishna - On to the Next: No One World Government
Additional great websites:
Daily News
Health News
Wealth News
Relationship News
Philosophical News
Environment News
Censored News
Activist News
Additional great websites and groups in Toronto:
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
Toronto Change
SiLSa! Productions
The Davies Channel
Statism Watch
The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
CBC's "The National" news program was looking into why some Canadians are against the idea of taking swine flu vaccines. They recently asked Toronto Truth Seekers to hold our Dundas Square meet-up on a Wednesday afternoon, instead of our usual Saturdays, so they could film it and interview us for that evening's broadcast. Our good friends Dan Dicks and Steve Davies at documented everything. To see what happened, please visit the links below for the YouTube videos.
10 real doctors questioning the effectiveness of vaccines:
Dr. Shiv Chopra, Microbiologist, Health Canada Whistleblower -
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, MD -
Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD -
Dr. Barbara Loe-Fischer, MD -
Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD -
Dr. Rima Laibow, MD -
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD -
Dr. Rebecca Carly, MD -
Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD -
Dr. Gary Null, MD -
Franklin child prostitution ring allegations
The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations were a series of allegations and legal actions surrounding an alleged child sex ring serving high-level U.S. politicians. The scandal centered around the actions of Lawrence E. King, a prominent member of the Republican Party[1][2] and former official at the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska. King was eventually arrested and convicted of embezzlement charges. ...
Paul A. Bonacci won a default judgment of $800,000 in compensatory damages and $200,000 in punitive damages in the civil action against Lawrence E. King in which the petition alleged kidnapping, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse, and various alleged personal injuries, both physical and psychological. The judge did not rule on these allegations, but merely ruled on the motion for default judgment.[13] ...
On June 29, 1989, six months after the Franklin story was reported in the New York Times, claims of a child sex ring with ties to high-level U.S. politicians was reported by the Washington Times in an article bearing the headline "Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush."[4] The Washington Times article, by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, alleged that key officials of the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations were connected to an elaborate Washington, D.C. male prostitution ring, and reported that two of these prostitutes even entered the White House late at night. The allegations included, among other things, charges of "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion." ...
Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Coverup Scandal
Added: 15 Oct 2006 | Comments: 1 | Total Plays: 422
Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Coverup Scandal
Black Krishna | MySpace Music Videos
Slavery Today by Kevin Bales
Added: 2 Jan 2007 | Comments: 0 | Total Plays: 1,276
Slavery Today by Kevin Bales - Snowshoe Films (2005)
Black Krishna | MySpace Music Videos
Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
EndGame HQ full length version
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter -
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
YouTube -
Radio -
FYI, if you're interested, these interviews can help us understand the world.







Bloggagia Finale -- Bravissimo! :-)
"Everything just is what it is.
Once you figure out what it is.
That keeps happening all the time.
Individuals will say what they mean.
Others will often ask why they do.
They do because they are different human beings.
Get your inspiration whenever you can.
Use your inspiration for whatever you can.
Deal with things like only you can.
Don't make anything into anything else.
Don't let your fear be your guide.
Don't let jealousy be your motivation.
Don't let laziness rob you of your life.
Don't tear down instead of understand.
That's a waste of your own truth and time.
That's how you might ruin your own mind.
There are many ways to deal with things today.
There are many options to choose from.
There are many more to figure out soon.
Figure out your local logic and logistics.
Focus on discussing them with others.
Focus on developing your creativity.
Work on things for and by yourself.
Work on things for and with others.
Choose your own adventure.
Try to be happy doing so.
Try to make others happy too.
That should work."
- Quote
Small army to protect Toronto during G20 summit
Demonstrators march in protest at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh on Sept. 25, 2009. Carlos Barria/Reuters
Number of security personnel expected to exceed those at the Vancouver Olympics
Colin Freeze | From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published on Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2010 5:00AM EDT Last updated on Tuesday, May. 11, 2010 9:04AM EDT
Police forces have entered into an alliance to deal with the threat of violent protest at Toronto’s G20 summit with as many as 10,000 uniformed officers and 1,000 private security guards teaming up to protect world leaders.
G8/G20 security bill to approach $1-billion
Military helicopters fly, April 20, 2010, in and out of a DZ right beside the doors of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in preparation for the June 26/27 meetings of the G20 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Norm Betts/Special to the Globe and Mail
Spending dwarfs previous summits, but Ottawa argues no country has ever hosted both summits at once
Steven Chase, Ottawa — From Tuesday's Globe and Mail Published on Tuesday, May. 25, 2010 9:49PM EDT Last updated on Wednesday, May. 26, 2010 8:28AM EDT
The Harper government is preparing to spend close to $1-billion on security for world leaders gathering in Ontario this summer – meetings in which one of the top items on the agenda is reining in state profligacy.
The soaring security bill for safeguarding the late June Group of Eight and Group of 20 summits is now several orders of magnitude greater than the costs of similar meetings in Japan and Britain.
Anti-G20 vandals hit Toronto ATMs
CBC News | May 28, 2010
At least one suspect has been arrested after vandals spray-painted a handful of ATMs in downtown Toronto, marking some with anti-G20 slogans.
The banking machines at a Scotiabank and a TD Canada Trust branch at the corner of Dundas Street West and Spadina Avenue were vandalized overnight, Toronto police said Friday morning.
The suspect was seen being handcuffed in the Dundas and Spadina area.
CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists
Steve Watson | | May 24th, 2010
A primetime CBS show that aired last week featured a notable example of so called “propaganda placement”, where a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception, often at the behest of the government.
CSI NY’s episode entitled “Point of View” featured a character who researches “conspiracy theories”, such the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous chemtrails into the atmosphere.
First the character, a professor, is labeled”odd”, then “anti-American”, before finally he is revealed to be a “domestic terrorist” hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New York.
Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest
CBC News | Last Updated: Thursday, August 23, 2007
Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que.
Stop SPP Protest - Union Leader stops provocateurs
Toronto Chemtrails vs. Toronto Patio Season - Round 5 - April 12, 2010 - Pt 25
Police warn of Facebook Little Girl parties
Fri May 28, 5:50 AM
By KRISTEN THOMPSON, Metro Vancouver
Chilliwack police are warning parents about a group of high school boys who have been trying to lure pre-teen girls via Facebook to parties where they would get them drunk and sleep with them.
They are called LG parties, which stands for Little Girl parties, said RCMP Const. Tracy Wolbeck.
This is something that has recently come to our attention and we are trying hard to monitor, Wolbeck said.
The intent of these parties and the group mentality that goes along with them is what makes them very frightening for parents and police alike.
Its not the first time Facebook has been used recently by local teenage boys to try to lure younger girls.
Last week, RCMP in Surrey warned parents that Grade 11 and Grade 12 boys at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School in Cloverdale had started a Facebook page to seduce eighth-grade girls.
They called the group the LGS Club the Little Girl Slayers Club.
I cant tie a definitive connection between whats going on in the (two schools), Wolbeck said.
At this point we havent formally engaged in any investigation ... We dont have specific people or events to tie to it.
Wolbeck said police are cautioning parents to be vigilant about where their teenagers are going and with whom.
She suggests if kids are heading to a party that parents call ahead to make sure there will be adult supervision.
Dont allow your kids to use the family computer in private, she said.
Be aware of their Facebook contacts and the content of that contact.
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'RapeLay' video game goes viral amid outrage
By Kyung Lah, CNN | March 31, 2010 3:08 a.m. EDT
Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The game begins with a teenage girl on a subway platform. She notices you are looking at her and asks, "Can I help you with something?"
That is when you, the player, can choose your method of assault.
With the click of your mouse, you can grope her and lift her skirt. Then you can follow her aboard the train, assaulting her sister and her mother.
As you continue to play, "friends" join in and in a series of graphic, interactive scenes, you can corner the women, rape them again and again.
Pentagon and CIA enlist video games
Simulations developed for training and recruitment
By Matt Slagle
updated 11:10 a.m. ET, Fri., Oct . 3, 2003
Oct. 3 - Hunched with his troops in a dusty, windswept courtyard, the squad leader signals the soldiers to line up against a wall. Clasping automatic weapons, they inch single-file toward a sandy road lined with swaying palm trees. The squad leader orders a point man to peer around the corner, his quick glance revealing several foes lying in wait behind a smoldering car. A few hand signals, a quick flash of gunfire, and it’s over. The enemy is defeated, but no blood is spilled, no bullet casings spent: All the action is in an upcoming Xbox-based training simulator for the military called “Full Spectrum Warrior.”
"Every b-tch a model, every n-gga a soldier, see it written down, in a Pentagon folder..."
- Black Krishna, "If We Can't Do it" (2007)
6 - G20 vs. Nuclear 9/11 Flyers - Public Domain - 17Apr10
G20 Summit vs. Nuclear 9/11 Flyer - 6 flyers per 8.5" x 11" page, dbl-sided, or one-sided mini-posters, print at 3-cents a copy (many places), 6 cents dbl-sided, plus $1 a cut at Kinko's. I made 500 copies, or 3000 flyers, for $36. Public domain, please adapt, use, share.
[Front Text:]
What Will People In Toronto Do Before The G20 June 26 – 27th?
[Back Text:]
G20 SUMMIT vs. A NUCLEAR 9/11?
Why do our “world” leaders and “intelligence” agencies say we’re in more danger of a “nuclear” terrorist attack than ever? What do they do with the trillions of tax-dollars they’ve been paid since 9/11 (‘01!) to “keep us safe” and stop this from happening? Why does NATO make Canadian soldiers guard “poppy” fields for the global “heroin” trade? Why will “1000” private “contractors” or ”killers” (like Blackwater in Iraq - or - New Orleans) be allowed in Toronto during the G20 from June 26 - 27th? If they kill us, will they just be flown out of Canada on military planes? Why are huge G20 “entourages” being given “diplomatic immunity” so they’re “above the law” in Toronto? Why should we accept the G20 Summit scaring us with “10,000” soldiers on our streets? After what they’ve done so far: should anybody object to what our G20 leaders are up to? Should we just trust what they say? Since this can be heavy stuff: should Canadian men age 25 - 45 deal with this on behalf of women, children and the elderly? :-)
Additional downloadable poster and flyer files on many topics, adaptable design templates and more:
The Planifesto: 2009 Survival Strategy
FREE DOWNLOAD: Obamacide by Black Krishna
Black Krishna - On to the Next: No One World Government
Additional great websites:
Daily News
Health News
Wealth News
Relationship News
Philosophical News
Environment News
Censored News
Activist News
Additional great websites and groups in Toronto:
Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS)
Press For Truth
Conspiracy Culture Store (Queen & Roncesvalles)
Toronto Street News
Toronto Change
SiLSa! Productions
The Davies Channel
Statism Watch
The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
CBC's "The National" news program was looking into why some Canadians are against the idea of taking swine flu vaccines. They recently asked Toronto Truth Seekers to hold our Dundas Square meet-up on a Wednesday afternoon, instead of our usual Saturdays, so they could film it and interview us for that evening's broadcast. Our good friends Dan Dicks and Steve Davies at documented everything. To see what happened, please visit the links below for the YouTube videos.
10 real doctors questioning the effectiveness of vaccines:
Dr. Shiv Chopra, Microbiologist, Health Canada Whistleblower -
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, MD -
Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD -
Dr. Barbara Loe-Fischer, MD -
Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD -
Dr. Rima Laibow, MD -
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD -
Dr. Rebecca Carly, MD -
Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD -
Dr. Gary Null, MD -
Franklin child prostitution ring allegations
The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations were a series of allegations and legal actions surrounding an alleged child sex ring serving high-level U.S. politicians. The scandal centered around the actions of Lawrence E. King, a prominent member of the Republican Party[1][2] and former official at the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska. King was eventually arrested and convicted of embezzlement charges. ...
Paul A. Bonacci won a default judgment of $800,000 in compensatory damages and $200,000 in punitive damages in the civil action against Lawrence E. King in which the petition alleged kidnapping, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse, and various alleged personal injuries, both physical and psychological. The judge did not rule on these allegations, but merely ruled on the motion for default judgment.[13] ...
On June 29, 1989, six months after the Franklin story was reported in the New York Times, claims of a child sex ring with ties to high-level U.S. politicians was reported by the Washington Times in an article bearing the headline "Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush."[4] The Washington Times article, by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, alleged that key officials of the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations were connected to an elaborate Washington, D.C. male prostitution ring, and reported that two of these prostitutes even entered the White House late at night. The allegations included, among other things, charges of "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion." ...
Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Coverup Scandal
Added: 15 Oct 2006 | Comments: 1 | Total Plays: 422
Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Coverup Scandal
Black Krishna | MySpace Music Videos
Slavery Today by Kevin Bales
Added: 2 Jan 2007 | Comments: 0 | Total Plays: 1,276
Slavery Today by Kevin Bales - Snowshoe Films (2005)
Black Krishna | MySpace Music Videos
Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
EndGame HQ full length version
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
Black Krishna Brand
Twitter -
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
YouTube -
Radio -
FYI, if you're interested, these interviews can help us understand the world.
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