Heya Truth Seekers and Defenders,
This is a guy we interviewed live on air named Aaron James who was racially profiled on a U.S. flight with his mom, tasered, detained and since harassed in Canada by U.S. Federal authorities while Canadian authorities say they can do nothing.
His situation is now getting worse as he and his mom have been attacked again in their home and they need people to hear about their case or they could be dead or disappeared.
Our interview with him is a half-hour below, please forward this message to everyone you can.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
CKLN: BK and Mark Bills w. Aaron James Live Interview - 16Oct07
Interview Only - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BFJTBIHW
Show copy:
THE AARON JAMES STORY: A Special Live Rude Awakening on CKLN Radio Interview
Listen - http://www.nowpublic.com/politics/aaron-james-story-special-live-rude-awakening-ckln-radio-interview
Download - http://www.archive.org/details/BK_MarkBills_TheAaronJamesStory_16Oct07_836
We have full permission to go public with this information; I spoke to Aaron, who called me today in the office. He's keeping under the radar as best as he can. Forward this along to whoever you think would be interested.
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 19:48:28 +0800
Oct 27/07 Aaron James (http://justiceforjamesfamily.blogspot.com )
attacked by Winnipeg police (Canada) at his own home as an illicit sadistic extension of the Jan 18/2006 Northwest Airlines Profiling attack in Minneapolis United States, demonstrating collusion between Canadian and U.S. 'authorities' in the same likeness as the Air India scandal, the Maher Arar extraordinary rendition and others.
Details of the Oct 27th attack: Without charges, police came to Aaron's home Saturday morning Oct 27/07 and told him to open his door or they would kick it down. Aaron took some time to make some quick phone calls to associates advising him of his situation for his safety. Police then ominously pronounced, "Come out with your hands up" in hollywood fashion. Aaron opened the door to find between 6 and 8 police (read thugs in uniform) outside his door in the hallway of his apartment, all with guns drawn and pointed at him with arms extended.
Aaron was instructed to turn around, get down on his knees and was handcuffed, while police raided his home and stole property and documents. Aaron's pockets were emptied, his usb stick (complete with his web site pass codes) wallet and keys were all seized. Aaron was walked out of his home handcuffed in broad daylight placed in the back of their car (a first rate illicit abduction) and taken down to the downtown police station, where police held him for 12 hours interrogation. (DO A GOOGLE SEARCH ON THE WINNIPEG POLICE UNDER 'Winnipeg Police Chief's Right hand Man" and see what you find-Aaron has an entry in the comments section of this url, a fact that Winnipeg police are surely sensitive to...)
During this 12 hour illicit detention, Aaron was subject to police threats of extradition to the United States, and warned that they had contacted U.S. Authorities to inquire about extraditing him. "Our boss thinks maybe we should keep you locked up here long enough for the U.S. Marshalls to come and get you" Not withstanding the fact that this is illegal process, the reader should note that this is a direct carbon copy of the threat Judge David S. Doty made against the James family in the Minneapolis trial- that he would send the marshals into Canada to get them, but that he wasn't very worried, because they "have a very good relationship with Canada right now", while going on to compare the U.S. Marshals to hollywood and bloodhounds.
Moreover, for the record, extradition for a minor alleged offense (false though the verdict was, it was only a verdict of a misdemeanor) is illegal under legal terms, which is evidence for further collusion and illicit threats/intimidation! This clearly has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with silencing and harming a family diligently exposing top level federal judicial and governmental corruption in both the United States and Canada, as an extension of the heinous attack upon them.
At 10pm that night, Aaron was released, but not before police had threatened further that they would be returning for him later the next week. Aaron is now in hiding at an undisclosed location.
Conspicuously, the attack occurred in sync with and only shortly following significant government interaction that Aaron had publicly amongst certain high level government officials, suggesting foul play and collusion. The attack, moreover, also took place only days prior to the Nov 1st/07 release of the Canadian Dimension magazine publication highlighting the James family's ordeal through Lesley Hughes article appearing as the back article of the publication.
AARON'S MOTHER IN SEVERE DANGER!: While Aaron is in hiding, Aaron's mother remains in extreme danger at the hands of potential illicit attack/ abduction from Winnipeg police or illegal FBI intervention (FBI were illegally outside of Aaron's home in Jan 2006 in Canada only 2 days after the U.S. Profiling attack, constituting only one of over 135 documented illegal unauthorized FBI entries into Canada- the 51st State...) Aaron is justly of the opinion, as are others, including Michelle Gross of Communities United Against Police Brutality in Minneapolis, that these goons (Winnipeg police, FBI etc) would stoop to any low in order to protect their interests and hide their crimes, even including going after Aaron's very mother. (They have done this very kind of thing before in other cases.)
According to Roche Tasse, head of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group "the United States has become the land of the Wild Wild West where anything goes." Certainly in keeping with this is their current policy on condoning the use of torture and their crimes against the Geneva convention globally abroad in the spirit of oil profiteering and military conquest. Steps are and have been taken to secure Aaron's mother's safety from these loathsome entities. Aaron's mother may be reached at 204 889 9134 or 204 632 5598.
Aaron questioned Stephan Dione, leader of the Liberal Party and the Official Opposition, directly during question period at the Oct 20th /07 Liberal Convention in Winnipeg, concerning his position on their ordeal and strategies to correct it. In response to Aaron's concerns, Mr Dione would only defer to having one of his MP's deal with his case, despite the fervent appeals from another member of the audience during question period attesting to the urgent need for Mr Dione to speak directly to Aaron before departing the conference.
It is interesting to note that it has been brought to Aaron's attention by third party, that both the Progressive Conservatives and the Liberals have very similar policies concerning homeland security inittiatives and foreign policy. Moreover, it has also been brought to the James family's attention that due to the loss of confidence in the PC party in years past given their scandals, many PC's joined on as Liberals in order to be able to be more successful in propagating their initiatives. PC Stockwell Day, it should also be noted, minister of 'public safety' is a strong supporter of the vague offensive and affrontive so called 'terror lists' that have and continue to ensnare so many innocents, and has grown into a monstrosity amongst the devices of the fascist New World Order.
Still at the Oct 20/07 Liberal convention, Aaron was approached by Gian Luca Cairo, executive assistant to Stephane Dione. Mr. Cairo extended his card at the time, instructing that Aaron should contact him for follow up. Despite Aaron's repeated attempts and messages left, Mr. Cairo has failed to respond or return calls.
A Liberal MP Meeting one Day, Attacked By police the Next Day...
Liberal MP Raymond Simard met with Aaron and his mother Oct 26th /07 to discuss matters. After a lengthy discussion Mr Simard finally stated "Well this would have to be something that only the RCMP could investigate in the end. I'm just the go between." He had deferred and offloaded responsibility and authority to a police faction that has shown itself corrupt and complicit in a number of virulent crimes against humanity. RCMP- complicit in the Air India scandal and deaths-RCMP-complicit with U.S. Authorities in the abduction of Maher Arar unto torture- and more recently, RCMP, responsible for the heinous taser attack Oct 14th at Vancouver airport that has left a 40 year old polish man dead as a result of yet another airport profiling attack, coming only 2 short weeks after a police brutality attack at Phoenix airport that left a 45 year old woman dead in police custody.
***The following morning after his meeting with Raymond Simard, Aaron was attacked at his home by Winnipeg police, abducted at gun point, had his home raided and spent 12 hours in interrogation-AGAIN-while police threatened him with illicit extradition to the United States (where torture and worse are likely candidates according to current U.S. Judicial bararianism.)
Aaron has also recently been in contact, by phone, with members of the NDP, including Glenn, legislative assistant to MP Penny Priddy, the public safety critic. Aaron and Glen had spoken amicably and twice at length, the week prior to the Saturday Oct 27 police attack at Aaron's home. Plans were in place to continue discussions on the Monday, of Oct 29th, however, as Aaron in an undisclosed location, he is no longer able to follow up with Glen of his own accord. The system has failed and collapsed in on itself leaving justice in rags. Others must continue discussion with Glen where Aaron has left off if justice is to be served.
Several resources towards advocacy and representation for Aaron and his mother Linda James, present themselves as follows:
Roche Tasse, head of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (613 241 5298 email: rocht (at) iclmg.ca has monitored the James family's ordeal for over 1 year now and has also, a very good relationship with Joe Comartin, the justice critic MP (613 947 3445 e: comartin.j (at) parl.gc.ca
Also, as stated before, Glen, legislative assistant to Penny Priddy, MP and public safety critic, has been amenable to talks with the James family and can be reached at 613 992 2922 and by email at pennyp0 (at) parl.gc.ca or penny.p (at) parl.gc.ca
Further still, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives member Erika Shaker has spoken with Aaron at length and is also frequently in communication with Roche Tasse. She is also able to relay information directly on to the Arar family with the hopeful prospect that the Arars would be amenable to drawing media attention to the James family immediate illicit and shameful persecution. Erika can be reached at 613 563 1341.
*Chris Andre at KBOO radio (971 645 5232) must also be apprised and instructed that she should now go ahead with broadcast of the latest developments of the James family's persecution as a matter of urgency in that neither Aaron James or his mother are safe and Aaron remains hunted by thugs in uniform remeniscent of the Police State now rampant in the United States making its presence felt in Canada.
Michelle Gross of Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) (612 703 1612-evening calls) Email: mgresist (at) minn.net, has indicated she will soon be releasing a feature article in the context of her monthly newsletters on line, dealing with airport profiling, highlighting as central, the James family's ordeal, with other cases included.
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