AIDS: Boyd Graves Lies on The Alex Jones Radio Show

hey guys,
sorry about this because i would've believed it too, but since i found out the truth about AIDS, as in a smarter explanation i've reviewed several times with people who researched it and who deal with AIDS patients who've benefited from finding out they were had, i know boyd graves is lying and that - like with everything else - we should expose the truth.
i'm doing a detailed analysis of his fumbling convo with mr. jones who probably doesn't know better, or he's been told not to touch this one, which i'd accept since his life is worth living to work on what he's doing.
i love jones and am riding hard for him, but when you work on rare "mainstream news!" and "official documents!" provided by the same liars you're chasing sometimes you get fooled by the people who created them, especially by a "black doctor" who admits "they" are used to sell it selling us icelandic sheep as the cause - and poorly as even the interview showed.
the six years boyd graves has been cured is because he never had any disease and the "patent" number he blurted every two minutes is repeated propaganda like "flow chart" and "greatest lie in history" and most of what he made sure to repeat until it stuck in our heads. his lawsuit result was the first item on a google news search of his name in the "un observer", which is odd if they want to suppress this info so badly.
most AIDS conspiracy theories work on the assumption that there is an "AIDS" or "HIV" virus when there isn't one and it's never been isolated. they just target people with low-immune systems or "aids-related illnesses" or various cell particles floating around with completely different tests and give them toxic drugs which the people who don't take do fine without, proving it's a fraud, but not in the way we're told to think.
interviews and a detailed explanation are below and worth hearing since they're just nice pissed-off and confused people who aren't even anti-NWO junkies. they're just practically dealing with people and the research as opposed to the "smoking gun" conspiracy theories put out by cbc news in their "the origin of AIDS" special and others that keep the myth alive and billions of dollars flowing to corrupt drug companies.
i'm cool with blaming govts and corps for a lot, but they only make money off us validating the AIDS myth with conspiracy theories and everything else unless we expose the truth as usual.
couples have sex for years and don't give it to each other, people are fine off the toxic drugs the others die from taking, prostitutes are a low-risk group, south africa's president kicked big pharmacide out because lemon-water worked better for "AIDS" patients who were really just suffering from something and more... it's a big, huge fraud.
more details are below including the interviews you can download and listen to and they're worth checking out to get the real story from people who sound way better than "boyd graves", which is a funny sounding name too...
AIDS CAN'T BE FOUND OR CURED: David Crowe Turns Thousands Of Hours Into A Simple Explanation
DAVID CROWE: The Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society, What We Don't Know Can Chill Us
AIDS: Robin Scovill and Christine Maggiore on The Other Side of AIDS
:::: (((( BIG PHARMACIDE )))) ::::
Western medical practices are a fraud, and while many Eastern ones are as well, the ones we're sold most often are the most dangerous because so many people make so much money off our misery.
We all know cases where this is true, so all we have to do is believe others who've found the ones we don't know yet to figure this mess out and get real healthcare that actually makes us healthier.
We can still trust scientists, doctors and nurses, but not more than we trust ourselves, each other and their critics, or people who don't make millions off making people sick and then curing them.
AIDS is one of the biggest Foundation Funded frauds in history complete with it's own tortured slander in "AIDS denialists" despite the fact that billions of dollars in research and 25 years later it still just scares the hell out of us and few know why.
AIDS has destroyed millions of lives, but supporting the lies and killing more people instead of understanding the scam would be worse.
AIDS tests are being ordered for everyone and any of us could test positive for "AIDS!!!" soon, so learning the truth is ultimately self-defense.
AIDS tests are now conducted on many pregnant women, whose naturally weaker immune systems can be easily diagnosed as AIDS, leading to them taking toxic drugs that stop human DNA from developing which deforms the fetus.
AIDS kills, but it's better to learn why then to close your eyes and let more people die and perhaps even yourself.
Incidentally, if you don't believe in listening to "people" who question this, what government or corporate or foundation info are you blindly defending instead?
What have they done to earn your faith over people who don't make billions off this?
I've seen Dr. Gary Null's documentary "The AIDS Myth" on Google Video, interviewed Robin Scovill and Christine Maggiore from and David Crowe from "The Alberta Re-Appraising AIDS Society" at twice.
They all make more sense of the world than we're supposed to, which isn't a bad idea.
They all talk about the same world we live in, but take the evidence we see and provide better explanations than we get, including why people only die from "AIDS-related" illnesses and never from AIDS.
We need to stop wasting time and money, stop making Big Pharmacide rich, and stop forcing brainwashed researchers to go in endless circles like an "M.C. Escher spiral-staircase painting" in this "Kafkaesque" nightmare (not "Machiavellian" which is where Mr. Crowe quoted here and I agree to disagree) perpetrated on the world.
Copies of the interviews are above, but in a big nutshell:
1. Nobody can "find" the HIV virus and it's never been purified, isolated or photographed on it's own. There are cartoon illustrations but no pictures. There is no "proof" that HIV exists let alone that it's transmitted by blood or semen or anything else. If you can find the AIDS or HIV virus then Robin Scovill and Christine Maggiore will give you $50,000 and perhaps $1 million if they can raise it, so grab that young research student and get it! (It's not possible so good luck! ;-)
2. Because nobody can "find" the AIDS or HIV virus that means no "government" or "scientist" created it. They do lots of horrible stuff, but if anyone created a virus then we could obviously find it. Stop repeating fake conspiracy theories and news stories that maintain the myth with fake documents, reports and movies. Realize that couples have un-protected sex for years without one "HIV-postive" partner giving it to their AIDS-free spouse, that prostitutes are a low-risk group in South Africa and elsewhere, that HIV-positive people feel "better" or "normal" without taking AIDS drugs and feel "worse" or "die" taking them, etc.
3. AIDS and HIV tests look for everything but "AIDS" or "HIV" as they admit right on the bottle. They check for "AIDS-related" illnesses or signs including tuberculosis and other diseases, un-related cell particles and anything else they say could be a sign someone has AIDS. They test for weak-immune systems that can be caused by stress, sun tanning, pregnancy and lots of other stuff. More AIDS tests just mean more AIDS cases are be found even though the disease doesn't exist. This money-making scam is designed to corrupt people taking part in it and weaken, control and eliminate populations just like the poisoning of our food, air, water, minds, bodies and children we never talk about, so we need to understand, discuss and resist it.
4. AIDS clinics use completely different tests even in the same cities, meaning you can test "positive" in one and "negative" in another. Countries with the most AIDS cases are told anything could be AIDS-related to give people expensive AIDS drugs that just sicken, weaken and eventually kill people. Thabo Mbeki, the President of South Africa kicked them out and was ripped by the lying New York Times and others for it. Don't take an AIDS test because you could walk out with AIDS, which you can't have because it doesn't exist.
5. Groups like gays and blacks were first-targeted for the fraud by the U.S. CDC (Center for Disease Control) and others who knew the public, government and media wouldn't stand-up for them, making them an easy scapegoat who's "lifestyles" could be blamed. As the "epidemic" spread everyone else was scared by propaganda making it mysteriously deadly and got used to the idea that you could catch AIDS by having sex just "once" making any "sex" scary too. This is part of the Hegelian Dialectic, or "Problem + Reaction = Solution" elites use to fool us by controlling the whole process, with their media creating a "free love" society and then scaring us for acting on it. Using "protection" may help you avoid other diseases, but you don't have to worry about getting AIDS from any kind of sex or anything else because it doesn't exist.
6. The psychological impact of being diagnosed with AIDS weakens, stigmatizes and isolates people, which alone can be fatal. Losing your frightened family and friends and thinking you're responsible for you're your illness and going to die is depressing, which also depresses your immune system. Dying of "AIDS-related" illnesses always means something else killed you, which is why the scam works, so we need to stop it from working.
7. AIDS drugs only make Big Pharmacide rich. Drugs like "AZT" are toxic and were banned in the 1960's from being used on animals because it killed them too. The people who avoid using AIDS drugs do better than people who do. Many clinics confirm the remarkable changes in their appearance and appetite, from being skinny, weak and covered in sores on AIDS drugs, to being healthy, strong and "normal" off them. AIDS doesn't exist, but taking toxic drugs always makes you sick and weak before they eventually kill you. The best thing we can do is stop people from taking them, which includes us if the people behind this nightmare have their way, so spread the word.
The best solution to all this CIActivism nonsense is proudly promoting the truth to everyone you can, helping them ignore and laugh at the lies and stopping people from being corrupted into committing acts of evil against the rest of us.
Once again, the last refuge of public political will is general strikes, just like the Spanish had in March 2004 after their fake 3/11 Madrid Bombings. After being sick of fake ETA terrorism for years they were in no mood for a new wave of fake Al-CIAda attacks.
The Spanish people exposed their "inside job" fraud, stopped their leader from becoming a dictator and got their troops out of Iraq, a nice trifecta.
Then they had a nap. (Siesta.)
Get ready to march with people on the inside and out who are sick of being played for fools by the paranoid psychopaths with no friends who run the world.
Take to the streets like your city's favorite sports team won a championship and celebrate the chance to tear the nightmare down and re-build a dream.
We have a chance to throw a party where we have enough stuff, intelligence and technology to create a world where we can all do what we want when we want and live happily ever after.
It's now or never and never is a long, long time.
Let's get it.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
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Who the fuck r you to question Boyd Graves He was an intelligent educated man.. who had irrefutable evidence (documentation) proving the U.S.A created the virus... Your comments are just ignorant.
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