GENERAL STRIKE APRIL 15TH? " Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes" (AFTF Blog/WTOP Radio)

Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes
Jan 17th - 10:26am
Mark Segraves, WTOP Radio
WASHINGTON - As the 2006 tax season approaches, the federal government is still trying to recover nearly $3 billion from its own employees who failed to file income tax returns for 2005.
More than 450,000 active and retired federal employees did not voluntarily comply with federal income tax requirements for the 2005 tax year, according to documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act. (See Excel spreadsheets in the Related Links below.)
The total balance owed is $2,799,950,165.
The documents show that every federal agency has employees who failed to comply with federal tax laws.
Seventy-one employees in the Executive Office of the President, which includes the White House, owe $664,527 in taxes for 2005. About 20 of those employees have entered into an IRS payment plan, bringing the EOP balance down to $455,881owed by 50 employees.
The White House did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
In fact, about one third of the delinquent employees, or 149,500, entered into a payment plan, but the total owed is still more than $2 billion.
At the IRS, employees can be fired for failure to pay federal income taxes. But an IRS spokesperson tells WTOP it's no easier to collect from federal employees than it is to collect from the general public.
In the past, IRS officials have been quick to compare the federal workers' rate of compliance with the general public's. But this year, the IRS is not able to track the compliance rate for the general public. The percentage of federal employees who still owe back taxes for the 2005 year is 3.3 percent of the workforce including retirees.
The federal agency with the highest number of delinquent taxpayers is the United States Postal Service, where 56,652 employees owe more than $320 million. So far, about 22,000 of those employees have agreed to a payment plan.
A spokesperson for the Postal Service says the agency hopes all of its employees follow the law, but will leave enforcement to the IRS.
The agency with the best compliance rate is the Department of Treasury, which includes the IRS. Fewer than 2 percent of Treasury employees failed to pay their taxes. About 3,000 Treasury employees owed $13,489,683 -- 1,437 of those feds also have made payment plans.
The IRS tracks the compliance rate of federal employees each year in an effort to increase compliance. Agency directors are made aware of their department's compliance rate and then memos are sent to staff encouraging them to file their taxes.
(Copyright 2007 by WTOP Radio. All Rights Reserved.)

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Supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown throughout America are being asked to help out in what is going to be a nationwide grassroots effort to "Restore Our Republic!"
We have secured a special rate per DVD of "Aaron Russo's movie, America: Freedom To Fascism" (AFTF) in a special promotional effort to "get the truth out" about important issues facing our country today.
We have received commitments for 3000 AFTF DVDs which will be sent to Ed Brown's local supporters in New Hamsphire. We need thousands more to follow. We need individuals to mobilize and work together to pass these DVDS all across New Hampshire and New England in massive quantities - to every sheriff, police chief, mayor, city council member, teacher, barber, bus driver, trucker, mother, father and students all all major colleges and universities. We need you! The future of America and the world is at stake.
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Note: The final label of this DVD will read: "Copyright protected, All Your Freedoms, Inc. This DVD may copied, but cannot not be edited, altered or added onto in any way. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."

Chavez Blasts U.S. in Weekly Broadcast
AP | January 22, 2007
President Hugo Chavez told U.S. officials to "Go to hell!" on his weekly radio and TV show Sunday for what he called unacceptable meddling after Washington raised concerns about a measure to grant Venezuela's fiery leftist leader broad lawmaking powers.
The National Assembly, which is controlled by the president's political allies, is expected to give final approval this week to what it calls the "enabling law," which would give Chavez the authority to pass a series of laws by decree during an 18-month period.
On Friday, U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey said Chavez's plans under the law "have caused us some concern."
Chavez rejected Casey's statement in his broadcast, saying: "Go to hell, gringos! Go home!"
Chavez, who was re-elected by a wide margin last month, has said he will enact sweeping reforms to remake Venezuela into a socialist state. Among his plans are nationalizing the main telecommunications company and the electricity and natural gas sectors.
The president's opponents accuse him of using his political strength to expand his powers.
Relations between Caracas and Washington have been tense since Chavez was briefly ousted in a 2002 coup that he claimed the U.S. played a role in. The Bush administration has repeatedly denied being involved, although it recognized an interim government established by coup leaders.
Since then, Chavez has consistently accused the U.S. of conspiring to oust him and often asserts the CIA is working to destabilize his government. U.S. officials have denied trying to overthrow Chavez, but they have labeled him a threat to democracy.
Criticizing excessive consumption and self-indulgence, Chavez also announced plans in his broadcast to raise domestic gasoline prices and approve a new tax on luxury goods such as private yachts, second homes and extravagant automobiles.
He did not give details on the gas price hike, which he said would not affect bus drivers who provide public transportation, or the luxury tax. He said revenue from the new measures would be put toward government social programs.
Venezuela is one of the world's leading petroleum exporters and gasoline now costs as little as 12 cents a gallon due to government subsidies.
In typical style, Chavez spoke for hours Sunday during his first appearance on the weekly program in five months. He sent his best wishes to the ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro, his close ally and friend who has been sidelined since intestinal surgery last summer.
Chavez also remarked on the hanging of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein: "They took out Saddam Hussein and they hanged him, for good or worse. It's not up to me to judge any government, but that gentleman was the president of that country."
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9/11 ballot question won't have congressional help
Sunday, January 21, 2007 - 09:45 AM
Posted by: khence
By John Briggs -- Free Press Staff Writer
January 21, 2007
Vermont's two U.S. senators and one congressman are not interested in urging a new investigation into the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
A Burlington group working through the fall and early winter gathered more than 1,350 signatures -- 5 percent of the city's registered voters -- to put an advisory question about 9/11 on the city's Town Meeting Day ballot.
The question asks whether Vermont's congressional delegation should be "advised to demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation that fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11, 2001."

CSPAN: Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII
::: 8 mins :::

Peace by partying with public servants...
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|||+> CSPAN... Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII :: 8 mins ::
|||+> INFOWARS.COM... Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines :: 11 mins ::

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