GOBI: "ThugLifeArmy – How did you first meet Tupac?"

ThugLifeArmy – How did you first meet Tupac?
Gobi – I had a production company with Tracy Robinson and we came up basically producing videos for Mack 10, Ice Cube and all the artists that they were involved with. Tracy had been a production assistant on one of Pac’s videos ‘Pour out a little liquor’, before he got incarcerated. I always like to say ‘wrongly accused’ of rape or whatever, that is because he always professed that he didn’t do it and it was just another black man being taken down from a position of power.
In any event, Tracy worked on his video and had let him know, thru that experience, that she was down for him and would do whatever he needed. When he got out of prison he sent Molly Monjauze, who has kinda been a foundation and a rock thru the whole process of what we know as Tupac postmortem up to this day. He sent her out to find Tracy, and since at that time I was Tracy’s boyfriend, I came along with the package. I remember the first time I met him (2Pac) was at a Malibu beach house where Pac and the Outlawz were having a water gun fight. And it was September – October I think, and I remember I was wearing a long leather jacket. You know we all got a ‘kid’ in us. We all love having fun, and they were at it, and I just wanted to do whatever I could to get into the middle of that cause you know I’m a bit of a warrior myself. So I wanted to get involved in that water gun fight.
I remember Pac got a call from Suge (Marion ‘Suge’ Knight) at the time and went off for a minute. And I just started touching the gun that Pac left on the table, hoping it would ‘bait’ someone to get me involved. I remember Napoleon started shooting at me and the next thing you know I was in the middle of it. Prior to this whole situation, before they got into the water gun fight, Molly had introduced me as Gobi and he (2Pac) had heard about me and he knew I was Tracy’s partner and he had heard some good things about me. He even said ‘You’re Iranian huh?’ And I said ‘yeah’. And he said ‘You know you got some fine, some fine ass women.’ And at that moment I was like ‘aw I love this guy, this guy is dope’. So the gun fight started, and then Pac went into the house and he came back. I remember I had put the collar up on my coat, and I was wearing a leather jacket so they really couldn’t get me wet. But then all the Outlawz surrounded me and they were shooting me with their guns, but I was still shooting every single one of them as best as I possibly could.
Then Pac came up and he broke the whole thing apart and he said ‘That’s what I’m talking about. That mutherfucker held his ground and was fighting all of you mutherfuckers even when you had him outnumbered; that’s a crazy Iranian’. And that’s where my moniker came from, and he always called me to the dying day he called me his ‘Crazy Iranian’. And I always took pride to that for many reasons because I was loyal to him and saw his potential prophetic affect that he can have on all society’s because I saw in him a true underdog that, aside from all adversities that the Creator could throw at him, he blossomed into that rose from concrete and was able to make something powerful out of himself. And I always say to people, without being sacrilegious, Jesus died at 33 and only a handful of people knew about Him. Pac died at 25 and was known worldwide.
What are people going to think of Pac in a thousand years from now? And again I say he was 25, he had the world at his feet and he had so much going on, but I still think he was still just a kid. He was still naïve. He still made some wrong decisions. And deep down in side I kinda felt like, it could be delusions of grandeur on my part, but I never had a little brother. I never had a little homie, a boy in the family that I could be a mentor to. I kinda felt that maybe one day I would be close enough that I could help steer him towards the light as opposed to the darkness that was enveloping him.
SOURCE FOR THUG-LIGHT: http://www.thuglifearmy.com/news/?id=2068

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nice post love reading it
I remember Pac got a call from Suge (Marion ‘Suge’ Knight) at the time and went off for a minute. And I just started touching the gun that Pac left on the table, hoping it would ‘bait’ someone to get me involved.
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