Votergate: The Movie (Or, Why Fascist Elections Suck.)
I've tried to upload this movie several times to my MySpace page, but unfortunately every time I do it ends up not being there.
I don't get it since it's 88.61 MB and less than the 100 MB maximum size allowed, either way it's not working, so if you want to download a copy off the Megaupload site please enter three letters in the top right hand corner of this page:
My COINTELPRO movie was accepted, of course that was dealing with illegal FBI and CIA activity from 40 years ago as opposed to what's going on today - if it ever stopped.
Still, with mid-term American elections coming up in November and the Republicans likely looking to steal them again - as I'm assuming they're planning on doing from now on, it's best that we understand how they're stealing them.
And don't give me that "Of course they stole 2000 but there's no way they stole 2004" crap, that's absolutely ludicrous.
First off, the exit polls showed Kerry winning Ohio 52 - 47 nd they're never wrong. In fact, they're used to certify elections in countries around the world to ensure they're run fairly. Of course, in the U.S. all of a sudden the "experts" said exit polls were "unreliable", while hundreds of experts not allowed television airtime were screaming "fraud!" while still railing against the increasing use of electronic voting machines that don't allow for the possibility of a re-count.

Second, they tried every trick in the book to disenfranchise Democratic voters, including doing tonnes of fake Democratic voter-registration drives. Now, don't give me that "both sides cheat!" crap: where were the stories about the other side? Wouldn't FOX News at least be all over them?
We can't just let Republicans lie, cheat and steal and then say "everyone does it!" That's just dumb.
In every case of electronic voting irregularities the Republicans ended up benefiting, and with their control over all branches of the government, the same bastards ensured that there was a shortage of machines in key areas of Democratic support - including screwing millions of African Americans. They'll do anything to win since they've demonized their opposition as at best "stupid" and at worst "dangerous, and that attitude is corrupting even the decent people who've fallen for "fascism" in the guise of corrupt "conservatism".
Here's one of several great articles on this and other subjects by American journalist Greg Palast, he's been exiled to Britain where he does award-winning work for The BBC News and The Guardian UK (the New York Times of Europe), which also explains why the rest of the world (correctly) thinks we're crazy:
And just for the hell of it, here's why you're paying 50 percent more for gas while the oil companies are making 400 percent more money off you:
Third, if I married a rich woman in 2000 who died under mysterious circumstances allowing me to inherit her considerable fortune; and then in 2004 I married another rich woman who died under mysterious circumstances allowing me to inherit her considerable fortune, I would be a reasonable suspect. In fact, I'd be the only suspect, for as any good cop will tell you: "To find the crime, follow the money."
And on and on and on and on... but, I've got to say watching tonnes of movies like this help.
Sure you find out we're in a lot of trouble, but you also find out what people are doing about it, and that should give you some hope and motivation. The mainstream media is moving us smoothly into a "fascist" economy totally based on "terror" and profiting from it, they're scaring the hell out of us in every way they can, businesses are gearing up for it, and investors are pouring money into biometric scanning, surveillance cameras, RFID chips, and the military and prison industrial complexes.
So, they're not going to make you feel any better, and in fact, they're going to make you feel terrible and powerless, and say:
"But what can we do about it?"
First, get really, really, really informed.
Next, figure it out.
If your house was on fire you wouldn't just sit there and moan about it, you'd figure out how to put it out or help those trying.
That's where we are, and we've got to understand that anyone bringing charges against these torturing fascists should be accepted as a brother or a sister in this battle.
Let them know that "torture" - the unspoken ongoing evil the mainstream media desperately tries to avoid, is okay to focus on as a reference point to show exactly how the perfectly legitimate comparison of "Bush" to "Hitler" isn't properly explained.

I mean, it's not like they "stopped" after they were caught, and it's not like they've slowed down building more secret prisons in Europe and secret detention centers all over North America.
And after all, if it "works", then how come the War in Iraq isn't getting any better? How come they aren't finding out any useful information on the insurgency such as the locations of weapons caches that can be found and destroyed while keeping the witness captive until it's confirmed?
The answer is the overwhelming majority of the people they are torturing are completely innocent, internal reports confirm this, and they're just training soldiers to dehumanize and degrade their enemies completely - which, as in the case of New Orleans, will eventually be "us".
It's absolutely disgusting abuse of "loco parentis", or the obligation of the military to act as parental figures for the young men and women in their charge, and shows just how corrupt they've become in their service of secret societies and the corporate elite. We need to rescue those children from this mental and physical meat grinder before too many of them are irreversably damaged and take it out on "us".
Right now, and as seen on the special features of the "Fahrenheit 9/11" DVD, they're going from house to house with no reliable information and dragging every male and many females out to be sent to secret prisons to be tortured for... what?
For what?
The. War. Just. Keeps. Getting. Worse.
And can you blame the Iraq's for fighting back in their own country to keep from being pointlessly and sadistically tortured and humiliated?
"Insurgency" my ass.
(And don't even get me started on "depleted uranium" - which the "embedded" media isn't even allowed to ask about. Anyway, we'll all be sniffing it soon...)
I'm watching CNN right now, and they're diagramming the future bombing of Iran like they were slicing up a pot-roast.
The "military options" are being described as "challenging", and when they carpet-bomb millions of people from 25,000 feet in the air and succeed in absolutely destroying another country they'll be seen as "heroes".
It's absolutely disgusting, and what's worse is I'm seeing CNN on TV screens everywhere I go - the global "New World Order" news network is upon us.
Time to step our game up folks, no more beefing with each other over bullsh-t.
There are 10,000 people in the world who want to enslave or kill the other 6 billion of us, and we've got to focus on stopping them before they succeed.
I wish us all the best of luck.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
I don't get it since it's 88.61 MB and less than the 100 MB maximum size allowed, either way it's not working, so if you want to download a copy off the Megaupload site please enter three letters in the top right hand corner of this page:
My COINTELPRO movie was accepted, of course that was dealing with illegal FBI and CIA activity from 40 years ago as opposed to what's going on today - if it ever stopped.
Still, with mid-term American elections coming up in November and the Republicans likely looking to steal them again - as I'm assuming they're planning on doing from now on, it's best that we understand how they're stealing them.
And don't give me that "Of course they stole 2000 but there's no way they stole 2004" crap, that's absolutely ludicrous.
First off, the exit polls showed Kerry winning Ohio 52 - 47 nd they're never wrong. In fact, they're used to certify elections in countries around the world to ensure they're run fairly. Of course, in the U.S. all of a sudden the "experts" said exit polls were "unreliable", while hundreds of experts not allowed television airtime were screaming "fraud!" while still railing against the increasing use of electronic voting machines that don't allow for the possibility of a re-count.
"It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes!"
- Joseph Stalin

Second, they tried every trick in the book to disenfranchise Democratic voters, including doing tonnes of fake Democratic voter-registration drives. Now, don't give me that "both sides cheat!" crap: where were the stories about the other side? Wouldn't FOX News at least be all over them?
We can't just let Republicans lie, cheat and steal and then say "everyone does it!" That's just dumb.
In every case of electronic voting irregularities the Republicans ended up benefiting, and with their control over all branches of the government, the same bastards ensured that there was a shortage of machines in key areas of Democratic support - including screwing millions of African Americans. They'll do anything to win since they've demonized their opposition as at best "stupid" and at worst "dangerous, and that attitude is corrupting even the decent people who've fallen for "fascism" in the guise of corrupt "conservatism".
Here's one of several great articles on this and other subjects by American journalist Greg Palast, he's been exiled to Britain where he does award-winning work for The BBC News and The Guardian UK (the New York Times of Europe), which also explains why the rest of the world (correctly) thinks we're crazy:
How They Stole Ohio: And the GOP 4-step Recipe to 'Blackwell' the USA in 2008 Abracadabra: Three million votes vanish
And just for the hell of it, here's why you're paying 50 percent more for gas while the oil companies are making 400 percent more money off you:
The top oily-gopolists, the five largest oil companies, pulled in $113 billion in profit in 2005 -- compared to a piddly $34 billion in 2002 before Operation Iraqi Liberation.
In other words, it's been a good war for Big Oil.
Third, if I married a rich woman in 2000 who died under mysterious circumstances allowing me to inherit her considerable fortune; and then in 2004 I married another rich woman who died under mysterious circumstances allowing me to inherit her considerable fortune, I would be a reasonable suspect. In fact, I'd be the only suspect, for as any good cop will tell you: "To find the crime, follow the money."
And on and on and on and on... but, I've got to say watching tonnes of movies like this help.
Sure you find out we're in a lot of trouble, but you also find out what people are doing about it, and that should give you some hope and motivation. The mainstream media is moving us smoothly into a "fascist" economy totally based on "terror" and profiting from it, they're scaring the hell out of us in every way they can, businesses are gearing up for it, and investors are pouring money into biometric scanning, surveillance cameras, RFID chips, and the military and prison industrial complexes.
So, they're not going to make you feel any better, and in fact, they're going to make you feel terrible and powerless, and say:
"But what can we do about it?"
First, get really, really, really informed.
Next, figure it out.
If your house was on fire you wouldn't just sit there and moan about it, you'd figure out how to put it out or help those trying.
That's where we are, and we've got to understand that anyone bringing charges against these torturing fascists should be accepted as a brother or a sister in this battle.
Let them know that "torture" - the unspoken ongoing evil the mainstream media desperately tries to avoid, is okay to focus on as a reference point to show exactly how the perfectly legitimate comparison of "Bush" to "Hitler" isn't properly explained.

I mean, it's not like they "stopped" after they were caught, and it's not like they've slowed down building more secret prisons in Europe and secret detention centers all over North America.
And after all, if it "works", then how come the War in Iraq isn't getting any better? How come they aren't finding out any useful information on the insurgency such as the locations of weapons caches that can be found and destroyed while keeping the witness captive until it's confirmed?
The answer is the overwhelming majority of the people they are torturing are completely innocent, internal reports confirm this, and they're just training soldiers to dehumanize and degrade their enemies completely - which, as in the case of New Orleans, will eventually be "us".
It's absolutely disgusting abuse of "loco parentis", or the obligation of the military to act as parental figures for the young men and women in their charge, and shows just how corrupt they've become in their service of secret societies and the corporate elite. We need to rescue those children from this mental and physical meat grinder before too many of them are irreversably damaged and take it out on "us".
Right now, and as seen on the special features of the "Fahrenheit 9/11" DVD, they're going from house to house with no reliable information and dragging every male and many females out to be sent to secret prisons to be tortured for... what?
For what?
The. War. Just. Keeps. Getting. Worse.
And can you blame the Iraq's for fighting back in their own country to keep from being pointlessly and sadistically tortured and humiliated?
"Insurgency" my ass.
(And don't even get me started on "depleted uranium" - which the "embedded" media isn't even allowed to ask about. Anyway, we'll all be sniffing it soon...)
I'm watching CNN right now, and they're diagramming the future bombing of Iran like they were slicing up a pot-roast.
The "military options" are being described as "challenging", and when they carpet-bomb millions of people from 25,000 feet in the air and succeed in absolutely destroying another country they'll be seen as "heroes".
It's absolutely disgusting, and what's worse is I'm seeing CNN on TV screens everywhere I go - the global "New World Order" news network is upon us.
Time to step our game up folks, no more beefing with each other over bullsh-t.
There are 10,000 people in the world who want to enslave or kill the other 6 billion of us, and we've got to focus on stopping them before they succeed.
I wish us all the best of luck.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
FYI - Saving The World will never be easier than this, so let's get cracking:
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert show us the media is lying and trying to make us dumber ALL the time, so check the and newswires for why. Then send copies of "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism" on DVD or Google Video to everyone - NOW!!!
P.S. See the history of money and how it's being used right now to herd us into a police state - "America: From Freedom to Fascism" - and pass it on - NOW!!!
P.P.S. Check this out too while you still can!
Congress is pushing a law that would abandon a principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies from deciding which Web sites you can see based on what site pays them the most -- which means most of us won't be able to afford a website –- and pass it on -– NOW!!!
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