SONG: Time Waits For No Man *** 9/11 Truth Single! ***

Time Waits For No Man
- Instrumental courtesy of TyGuy Productions
- Engineered at ConroySound
Hey Everybody,
Keep on keepin' on, this scrap is winnable with all of you awesome peeps working on it, and I'm going to try and help out.
I just heard the raw compassion of super-qualified 9/11 Truth whistleblower Indira Singh, she was also a hero working for 5 days straight as an EMT after the Twin Towers fell until she got too sick to stand - and like thousands of New Yorkers she still has related health problems. She details her harrowing tale of being victimized by "terror" a few minutes from where she lived on an hour long episode of the "Guns and Butter" radio show, including the fact that she was supposed to be on the 106th floor for a conference and would've been if she'd woken up in time, but instead she saw what happened, changed clothes, and went to work saving lives.
It's awesome stuff, Google for it.
As a former IT and Financial expert who consulted for major financial institutions including Credit Suisse FirstBoston, DeutscheBank (formerly Bankers Trust), American Express and JPMorgan Chase, she was also on the "4 A Closer Look" radio show with Michael Corbin a while back (I downloaded a copy), and took 3 hours to courageously and accurately break down the evil trillionaire trans-national cabal robbing us blind. Now, this was something she couldn't even fathom until she stumbled upon a company called PTech that was a CIA fronted company funding domestic terrorism - and running the back-end software that looked for communications anomalies between NORAD and the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11. All of her evidence was confirmed as accurate by her bosses at JPMorgan Chase and contacts in the FBI and CIA, and Senator Chuck Grassley was even trying to help her use it to get charges laid.
Basically the evil corporate elites are using acolytes of Skull and Bones and The Muslim Brotherhood - they've known each other for a while - to take power in key areas and fake fights to bring about the "Age of Terror". In the process they are warping all of our values with their sick power-mad fantasies - which "experts" convince us to justify as "normal", and their secret depravity includes corporations like DynCorp running child sex rings, and eventually completely running our lives.
It's awesome stuff, Google for it.
Or, here's a link with the MP3's:
AUDIO::: Indira Singh The Journey of a Wall Street Whistleblower
However, I'm pretty sure we can offer the world better alternatives than that, ...
Since time is of the essence and we're all working very hard, I thought I'd try to help both inspire us and humanize us to those who disbelieve our sincerity. I've explained "Qui bono?" - or "Who profits?" - numerous times to people, and once they get it and start consistently applying it to all the actions they see, the whole world opens up to review, including "conspiracy theorists", who do us all the wonderful favor of discovering "conspiracies".
The lyrics are below, the MP3 is available for download off my MySpace or SoundClick pages, while a higher quality .wav file (67. 95 MB) is available by entering three letters in the top right hand corner of this page:
ALL of my music and work is available for licence for absolutely free for whatever you want to do with it, including using it for movies or events or recording or performing versions of the songs yourself. You can download all my work off my SoundClick site by getting a free membership as well.
If you'd like to clarify things from a legal angle, please contact to ask for permission.
Peace, (NOW!!!)

Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing this...
I mean...
What do we want?
Late nights, for updates,
Fate waits,
For no man,
Plan, plot and scheme,
So the team, sees a grand,
Glorious future,
Sun shining bright,
But someone has to fight,
So I sit, here at night,
Poring through the pages of the madness,
Fills my soul,
Soon replaced with gladness,
I'm figuring out,
The Fog of Where,
Are we today?
And why won't we stare?
And share, with each other,
The truth we find,
So the blind can grind,
So the blind can find,
Peace of mind,
See who chose to fight,
Now find out if we're right,
Find your way to the light,
Find out my insight,
Makes sense,
All the time,
Then rewind this rhyme,
And figure it's time...
Then rewind this rhyme,
And figure it's time...
Time waits for no man...
The blood,
The sweat,
The tears,
Of old,
My heart grows cold,
When so few bold,
Do what you're told,
Do what you're taught,
But look at the World we've been given?
How they sellin' what we bought?
How can we say we never fought?
When we're under attack?
Look closer to home,
You forgot about Iraq,
Who's lying all the time?
About crime? After crime?
Who's getting us to repeat?
Lyin' after lyin'?
Who's getting us to push?
For war after war?
Guess God'll kill us all,
Then settle the score,
I'm asking for more,
For what our forefathers swore,
To defend the Constitution,
Nothing less, nothing more,
Nothing else is needed if we heeded those words,
Nothing else will matter in the 'hood or the 'burbs,
Nothing else will work if they take, all our rights,
Nothing else to do but stay up, these late nights...
Nothing else will work if they take, all our rights,
Nothing else to do but stay up, these late nights...
Time waits for no man...
Time to face facts,
Not to run from each other,
Time to relax,
And chat, like we're brothers,
I understand you're busy,
I understand you're scared,
I understand it all,
I understand, 'cause I cared,
I looked into the past,
Saw the future at last,
Saw those who make sense,
Alex Jones and Greg Palast,
Saw where we came from,
See where we're going,
Whether it's good or bad,
You gotta feel me showing,
How you can do your part,
To make the World a work of art,
To separate the smart,
From those who've got heart,
From those who've made art,
From those in your heart,
Begging you to listen,
Here comes the easy part:
We've done all the hard work,
Please assume we're smart...
We've done all the hard work,
Please assume we're smart...
The World seems strange,
Yeah, we know what you're missing...
The World seems strange,
Yeah, we know what you're missing...
The World seems strange,
Yeah, we know what you're missing...
The World seems strange,
Yeah, we know what you're missing...
Time waits for no man...
- Black Krishna and TyGuy Productions, "Time Waits For No Man"

Peace by playing to win now...
Black Krishna Brand
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FYI - Saving The World will never be easier than this, so let's get cracking:
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert show us the media is lying and trying to make us dumber ALL the time, so check the and newswires for why. Then send copies of "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism" on DVD or Google Video to everyone - NOW!!!
P.S. See the history of money and how it's being used right now to herd us into a police state - "America: From Freedom to Fascism" - and pass it on - NOW!!!
P.P.S. Check this out too while you still can!
Congress is pushing a law that would abandon a principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies from deciding which Web sites you can see based on what site pays them the most -- which means most of us won't be able to afford a website - and pass it on - NOW!!!

BONUS: I responded separately to some hate mail too... :-)
Sorry, but I'm afraid you don't know what you're talking about.
No worries, most people don't.
You have to understand that this whole new "Age of Terror" is just a scam meant to centralize power and control over us. The reporters "dying" are being killed by the Western military forces under orders to restrict coverage of their brutality - and I'm not yelling at them anyway, I'm just telling you that even the good ones working in corporate media feel as restricted in discussing "real" issues as the rest of us do at work or with people in general, and they are just as afraid of repercussions if they get too "political".
So, trusting the mass media isn't going to help us help ourselves avoid the police state being set up - which is exactly what we should be the most concerned with.
Elections are now being stolen globally through CIA controlled voting machines - you just saw Mexico happen, and while we're taught to be defiant in our ignorance to feel smart or "like we know what's going on". In fact that's a terrible idea, and the "Fox News" fans so many on the "Left" laugh at do the exact same thing you're doing to avoid learning more information. We're in some serious trouble with how reflexively we defend powerful institutions against the charges of compassionate people: why not just listen to us? What on earth could we be doing this for unless we're completely insane? How did they get you to think millions of us working overtime to protect our rights and stop these planned endless wars for empire are all "crazy"?
We all have a limited amount of time to investigate this stuff, and we have to trust "people" over big corporations and the government - instead of the most paranoid and cynical doing the exact opposite and "shooting the messengers" vs. hearing them out. We are trained to do this by the mass media who want to hide the importance of what they're not reporting, it's subtle, but that's where you got your hatred of guys like me calling them on it. Your aversion to "conspiracy theorists" is also dangerous, they do us all the huge favor of discovering "conspiracies" - something the people conspiring don't want you to believe exist.
A "conspiracy" is any 2 or more people secretly discussing doing anything illegal or immoral, it happens millions of times a day, and the most powerful people plan the biggest and most diabolical ones in order to screw people: you really think ANYONE in a foreign country voted for a government that promised they'd get to sew Nike's for 5 cents a day?
There is objectivity. There is truth. There is more than just "perspective". Find it.
You can cuss me out all you want, but frankly you already have lots of proof the mainstream media lies while you have no proof that I do. You have to stop giving the people helping these scumbags start numerous wars while detaining and torturing thousands of helpless people without charge or the chance of a trial more credibility than you give me - or you'll create a shitty world.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
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