TERRORSTORM: "Rock Frontman Invites Viewing Millions To See Alex Jones Movie" (In front of 80,000 at the U.K. Reading Festival as covered by BBC News)

Jones Report
Rock Frontman Invites Viewing Millions To See Alex Jones Movie
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Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 27 2006
Critically acclaimed rockers Muse cited Alex Jones' new film as one of their influences as frontman Matt Bellamy scrawled "Terror Storm" on the back of his shirt for the band's Saturday night headline gig at the Reading Festival in the UK.
The Reading Festival is famous worldwide amongst music lovers and is regularly screened by the BBC to viewers in the UK. Muse are considered one of the best alternative rock bands in Britain and they have played many large stadiums in the United States, in which their fan base is also large and ever-expanding.
Following the performance, Bellamy explained the meaning behind the t-shirt to NME, Britain's top selling music magazine.
"Go to Google Video, type in Terror Storm and you'll find a nice little surprise. It will shed some light on world affairs, put it that way. I rather point you in the direction then preach about it myself," said Bellamy.
A BBC news report also picked up on the story.
"With "terror storm" written on his T-shirt, singer Matthew Bellamy took to a white piano at one point. Afterwards he said they were getting a vibe from the crowd, and in the words of their own song they really seemed invincible."
It is very exciting and a boon for the 9/11 Truth Movement to have a major rock band encourage people to watch Terror Storm in front of 80,000 festival goers and millions watching at home on BBC television.
The connection between the cultural zeitgeist and the 9/11 truth movement as well as the wider truth movement in general is evergreen and can only help in spreading awareness amongst those who will inherit the battle to preserve all our freedoms - the youth of today.
It is our task to nurture that bond and ensure that it isn't just a flash in the pan that gets replaced by the next fad in a couple of years time. Muse should be commended and more people in the public spotlight encouraged to use their soapbox to educate people on the reality of the hidden hand that directs world events from behind closed doors.
Click here to get the high quality Terror Storm on DVD with extras! Click here to support our efforts and see the film by subscribing at Prison Planet.tv.
Get TERRORSTORM Before the History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism Catches Up With You.
Get TERRORSTORM Before the History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism Catches Up With You.
Get TERRORSTORM Before the History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism Catches Up With You.
SOURCE FOR SOURCES - http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/280806_muse.html
BUY ON DVD - http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/teascsyed.html

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FYI - Saving The World will never be easier than this, so let's get cracking:
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert show us the media is lying and trying to make us dumber ALL the time, so check the Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com newswires for why. Then send copies of "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism" on DVD or Google Video to everyone - NOW!!!
P.S. See the history of money and how it's used right now to herd us into a police state - "America: From Freedom to Fascism" - and pass it on - NOW!!!
P.P.S. Check this out too while you still can!
Congress is pushing a law that would abandon a principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies from deciding which Web sites you can see based on what site pays them the most -- which means most of us won't be able to afford a website – and pass it on – NOW!!!

BONUS: Even Lou Dobb's from CNN knows 9/11 Truth is the way out...
[Courtesy of John the Pragmatist...]
Lou Dobbs
yet another
' 911 conspiracy nut '
' Conspiracy Nuts and 9/11 '
I have some friends who are 'conspiracy nuts' .
They believe, for example, that
on 9/11
some clown named Osama bin Laden
picked up his cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan
directed 19 Muslims,
none of them professional pilots,
to hijack four airliners
fly them into the World Trade Center
the Pentagon,
thereby bringing down three steel-skeleton skyscrapers,
the only time in world history that has ever happened.
A humdinger of a conspiracy, that one.
My conspiracy nut friends know it's true because
they have it on good authority -
George Bush told them so.
[what reallyhappened.com]
WATCH CNN'S LOU DOBBS - http://static.vsocial.com/flash/e.swf?v=06b1785703f2e1f89a2de7e3753dfee6&j=true
WATCH CNN'S LOU DOBBS - http://static.vsocial.com/flash/e.swf?v=06b1785703f2e1f89a2de7e3753dfee6&j=true
WATCH CNN'S LOU DOBBS - http://static.vsocial.com/flash/e.swf?v=06b1785703f2e1f89a2de7e3753dfee6&j=true
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