Plan BK: The Solutions - We Know They're Listening, So Keep Talking... "FBI spied on Pittsburgh pacifists, papers show" (Reuters)

You know, I just watched "Fahrenheit 9/11" again last nite with a friend who hadn't seen it, almost all of it anyway, they fell asleep as it was getting very late and they had to get up very early.
We'd also interrupted it several times to see today's updates on Halliburton (at including their recent $385 million contract to build "internment camps" (or new Kafkaesque - er, I mean... Katrinaesque "Superdomes") and various police state measures, among other hypocrisies and travesties of justice.
If anyone asks "Why would they do it?" (i.e. engineer 9/11) then the last 5 years is your answer. It's too bad the film doesn't mention that fact in particular, but it was controversial then and is still controversial almost two years later - so who knows if he would've even got it made. The film still certainly makes it seem reasonable that these a--holes were capable of it, and that they were certainly well-prepared to take advantage of it. Add that to the most important neo-con desire for a "new Pearl Harbor" to facilitate their Project for the New American Century master-plan and "bingo", you've got your "Why?" answer.
One scene that struck me in particular about that film - and like most of us who saw it there were several, was the the young cop who'd spent 18 months infiltrating and spying on "Peace Fresno", the group of harmless cookie-eating activists.
Now you may think Michael Moore "lies", though I'd guess you can't name one since no one else can, nothing more than a questionable 2 minutes at-best in a 2 hour film anyway. No "smoking guns" have been found in the form of "Ah-ha! SEE!!!", for if they had they surely would've been cited everywhere in the mainstream press corpse during their baseless and repeated indictments that have magically and maliciously caused you to group-think this way for reasons you somehow just can't explain.
So stop it.
Or check out the "Facts in Fahrenheit 9/11":
I mean think about it: the cop spent several months infiltrating "Peace Fresno" under the authority of his local Sheriff as directed by the FBI, and if there was anything to be found then surely a case would've been made to justify it - and arrest the peacenik perpetrators involved.
Since the recent NSA revelations we all know they're spying on us, and in reality they have been for years if you count the big secret spy-satellite in the sky - ECHELON (Google it), among other activities of the 18 other intelligence agencies with billion-dollar budgets we hardly know about. An estimated one-third of the CIA's budget is devoted to propaganda too, and they've infiltrated most of the mainstream media both publicly (former agents are columnists) and privately (current agents are columnists).
Note: won't let me upload a wikkid CNN logo spelled CIA for some reason. It's too bad, it looks wikkid. Oh well, no worries, you can see a copy here, and it's a story worth remembering right now (and I mean "right now!") too...
Gratuitous Googling Gets: "IRAN is also the only Muslim country where citizens responded to 9/11 with a spontaneous candlelight vigil..." (NY Times)
The question now is... what do we do.
Well it appears they're trying to scare the crap out of us, and if that's the case, then it's best not to act scared.
I mean, sure it's scary, but anything scary is worse if you act scared, from monsters in the closet to monsters in the White House.
Another "terrorist attack" has been predicted for years now, though fortunately it hasn't happened - yet. With surprisingly little public progress in the "War on Terror" in terms of arrests and convictions above reproach in any legitimate court of law, they are training us to slowly accept what is now being referred to as "The Long War", and assume progress is being silently and secretly and safely made by proven torturers and liars we're all supposed to just trust.
As long as we keep predicting it they may hold off on staging it, and that's why it's so important we keep talking.
Apparently they came really close to pulling off an attack last August with a small-scale nuke off the coast of South Carolina, using a false-flag operation as cover (just like the NORAD drills on 9/11). Four-Star General Kevin P. Byrnes - a man who'd worked his way up from being a grunt, helped foil it, and was later fired for going on a date while separated from his wife - which SHE had no problems with.
Four-Star Generals don't get "fired" for no reason, let alone going out on a "date" after being separated for months with his wife's permission, so something was up for sure.
The first article has links to the others...
Charleston Post & Courier Runs Hit Piece On Nuclear Drill Story
Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
Reporter suggests Brynes discovered plan to turn nuke exercise into staged terror attack
Key General fired as nuke terror drill set for Aug 17

Hey, I'm glad they mentioned it.
What are you talking about today?
"American Idol is actually pretty cool! I mean, there's like these people who suck at the beginning, so it's actually pretty funny. I mean, remember William Hung? That guy was so hilarious! But then later on when they narrow it down to the best singers, I mean, it actually gets really exciting! I mean, I can't wait to see who wins this year..."

The Jones Report
FBI spied on Pittsburgh pacifists, papers show
REUTERS | March 15 2006
Jonathan Barnes
PITTSBURGH – FBI anti-terrorism agents spied on a U.S. peace group simply because it opposed the Iraq war, part of an “unprecedented campaign” to spy on innocent citizens, the American Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday.
FBI documents acquired under the Freedom of Information Act and provided to reporters show the FBI conducted surveillance of the Pittsburgh-based Thomas Merton Center for Peace & Justice at anti-war demonstrations and leaflet distributions in 2002 and 2003.
One of the FBI documents, unveiled at a news conference by the two groups, carried the headline “International Terrorism Matters” and referred to the FBI's work with an anti-terrorism task force that includes several agencies.
Another FBI document said the Pittsburgh Joint Terrorism Task Force had learned that “The Thomas Merton Center ... has been determined to be an organization which is opposed to the United States' war with Iraq.”
A separate document noted, “One female leaflet distributor who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, inquired if (confidential source's name withheld) was an FBI agent. No other TMC participants appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent.”
FBI officials in Pittsburgh said the bureau was engaged in legitimate investigations, and in one case dropped the probe upon determining a person photographed at one demonstration was not whom they were looking for.
“We had a legitimate purpose for being there,” FBI special agent Bill Crowley said, referring to a November 2002 protest.
The ACLU said the spying fit a pattern of federal abuse following the Sept. 11 attacks. President Bush has generally received high marks from the public for taking a strong hand in security matters.
“From the FBI to the Pentagon to the National Security Agency, this administration has embarked on an unprecedented campaign to spy on innocent Americans,” Ann Beeson, associate legal director of the ACLU, said in a statement.
An FBI memo dated November 2002 said the Merton Center ”holds daily leaflet distribution activities in downtown Pittsburgh and is currently focused on its opposition to the potential war in Iraq.” The war began in March 2003.
The memo called the Merton Center “a left-wing organization advocating, among many political causes, pacifism.”
The FBI acknowledged the report sounded as if it were reporting on the activities of an anti-war group, but said ”such a characterization would be factually misleading.”
The agent was pursuing leads “from another source possibly establishing a link between an ongoing investigation and the group engaging in anti-war protests. Finding no such link, he terminated his surveillance,” the FBI said in a statement.
Although previously disclosed documents showed the FBI was retaining files on anti-war groups, the ACLU said these documents were the first to show conclusively that the FBI targeted the Merton Center because of its pacifism.
“We know that this surveillance is about the political views of the Thomas Merton Center because that's what the documents say,” said Mary Catherine Roper, an attorney with the Pittsburgh ACLU.
Merton Center director Jim Kleissler said his group filed the request for FBI documents because its members believed they were being spied on by the FBI in 2002 and 2003 while they protested against the imminent war in Iraq.
Kleissler said he was not particularly surprised to find that his group was being investigated by the FBI “but we were surprised that it was so closely tied to terrorism.”

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006: Listen/Watch entire show.
Today's Show
Headlines for March 15, 2006
- Israeli Raid on Palestinian Prison Leads to Deaths, Kidnappings
- 87 Bodies Found in Iraq
- Rumsfeld Hints At US Troop Increase
- Top US Military Commander: No Evidence of Iran Links
- Report: US Airstrikes Up 50% in Iraq
- Feingold Criticizes Fellow Dems Over Bush Measure
- NAACP Calls on New Orleans To Delay Upcoming Mayoral Election
Los Titulares de Hoy: Democracy Now!'s daily news summary translated into Spanish
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Iraq War Resisters Stage 241-Mile Peace March Across U.S.-Mexico Border
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Sunshine Week: Newspapers and Broadcasters Challenge Government Secrecy
This week is "Sunshine Week" when newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, and Web sites around the nation publish reports to raise public awareness about the importance of open government. We look at an upcoming special on the PBS weekly newsmagazine NOW that challenges government secrecy in America through the stories of whistleblowers. [includes rush transcript]
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