Killers Killing Killers: "Why Milosevic Was Murdered" (And Saddam... soon?) + R.I.P. Gary Webb, thanks for telling us the CIA really dealt crack...

Forget what you know...
Er, knew...
First they said it was probably natural causes, then they said it was probably murder, then they said it was definitely his own fault since he tried to get himself just sick enough to be transferred to Russia.
They finally got it right...
This is why it's so crucial for all of us to listen to those who take the time and effort to follow and thoroughly analyze a story - as opposed to merely catching a random snippet and thinking we got it right.
The Mysterious Milosevic Murder changed from Sunday to Monday to Tuesday - until they settled on an explanation that encourages us to write off any further questions as hearsay and "conspiracy".
It's that easy and all the major cover-ups operate this way, from before JFK's murder to after the murders on 9/11. This makes it easy to widely disseminate a prevailing opinion that drowns out legitimate questions - once that opinion has been refined and standardized enough to be widely disseminated.
That's also why I reprint mainstream news stories in their entirety here on this blog, especially when I catch them early, for they often reveal details that are later "Orwellized". This nifty-ass term is based on the George Orwell novel "1984", and has several modern meanings you can look up - especially since it's being used as the right-wing Operations Manual for what's taking place today.
The one I'm referring to is the job of the main character in the novel, Winston Smith, who worked for the Ministry of Truth to "correct" all records each time "Big Brother" decided that the "truth" had changed. The Party he worked for had a slogan that applies to all of us today, especially with the flexibility of electronic media, and is a clear reflection of why the powers-that-be are doing this:
"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."
The truth needed to be constantly updated, and today when "truth" accidentally slips into the news sometimes they decide to "update" it out too.
I recall posting an Associate Press story saying: "Bin Laden Vows Never to Be Captured Alive" that I caught 2 minutes after it was posted on Yahoo! News. I don't know why it was a story or why he chose to say it at that moment, but I'd guess it was just another dumbass random threat unleashed by the U.S. government to send us all clamouring for Vioxx.
It also said:
"The al-Qaida leader is believed to be hiding in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan."
That last line was the last line of the story, and it was deleted from the exact same story with the exact same link a mere 30 minutes later when I checked on it again, probably because it suggests that if they know where he is then maybe, just maybe, or hell - even probably, they should finally go and get him.
FYI - the "Osama Clock" says: "It's been 1640 days since Bush said he'd catch Osama bin Laden 'Dead or Alive!'", you can Google it yourself, or 1645 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes and 47 seconds since the first airplane hit the first Twin Tower on 9/11, whichever you prefer.
The link to the story no longer works, so it's now completely disappeared after doing it's job in scaring the crap out of us, and after being changed to help protect those who aren't bothering to catch Olde Osama bin Forgotten - for whatever great reasons they obviously have that somehow we just don't bother wondering about very much...
G'wan check it...
Yahoo! News: "Bin Laden Vows Never to Be Captured Alive" vs. BBC's: "The Power of Nightmares" (You can CIA it for yourself! :-)
So, on to some analysis courtesy of the good folks at, who never fail to make sense of "conspiracy theories" they choose to make sense of.
They also have a newer story of Milosevic's son reporting to the Associated Press that he believes his father was murdered.
But hey, he would say that wouldn't he, right?
And so would you, right?
After years of waiting for his day in the sun, it seems Milosevic was about to start naming names - including those of the criminals prosecuting him, so the killers had to kill a killer and make it look like an accidental suicide.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Saddam taken out for the same reason - the footage of him and Rumsfeld shaking hands is priceless, and dead men can't easily contradict new stories that the old living liars make up. His trial is weird enough as it is, popping up as important "mainstream news" for no apparent reason other than to bring da ruckus every few weeks, with nothing substantive to report save for "he's crazy!" and so are his co-defendants.
They're screwing up the trial of (one of) the so-called "20th hijacker" too, and if it starts going badly we can expect him to eat some mouldy Fruit Loops and keel over shortly.
They're sure taking their sweet time prosecuting "terrorists", eh?
Incidentally, I've also included a couple of short videos that show how prize-winning investigative journalist Gary Webb proved conclusively that the CIA helped deal crack in Los Angeles in the early 1980's to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua.
And... I mean conclusively, as he posted some of the 600 pages of notebooks, interviews, official documents and other evidence on the San Jose Mercury News website that at it's peak was getting a million hits a day.
And... how the rest of the media ganged-up and killed the story.
I highly recommend you check them out, they're great.
You're welcome.
Gary Webb: In his own words (8 minutes)
Dateline NBC Special and analysis (20 minutes)
Finally, some news from recently retired conservative Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, a woman who damn near burst into tears when she heard that George W. Bush had lost the 2000 election - before she used her swing-vote in a 5-4 "one-time only this has no legal value as a precedent!" decision that gave him the Presidency.
Despite this grotesque violation of the Constitution she was otherwise well-respected by both the right and the left as one of the last "moderate" conservatives, one who often cast votes in favor of individual rights to help keep the balance of power already dangerously tilting towards the hard-right somewhat in check.
In a speech recently given at Georgetown University, she spoke with sincerity and clarity about how Republican partisan meddling in the judiciary is edging the U.S. towards a "dictatorship".
And... she's a "conservative", a women who helped illegally give the 2000 election to George W. Bush, and yet one of many coming out of the woodwork these days to say things are reeeallly baaaaaaad...
Who knows?
Maybe she has grandchildren...
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is the only mainstream TV journalist to cover this - and the blogger community (among others) is furious about it.
Still, a Google News search of the word "dictatorship" reveals that the rest of the world is a tad more concerned than we're encouraged to be, and since they're way over there and we're right over here, I wonder why...
'Intervention in Judiciary Increased, US Risks Edging Closer to ...
Zaman Online, Turkey - 18 hours ago
By Foreign News Desk, Istanbul. Judge Sandra Day O'Connor, retired after 24 years at the US Supreme Court, has warned the United ...
O'Connor Forecasts Dictatorship
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By Jack Shafer. The smoke drifting out of your computer over the weekend was not the result of a fried motherboard but the scent ...
Former judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship
Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - 13 Mar 2006
Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the Supreme Court, has said the United States is in danger of edging ...
Jonathan Raban
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 12 Mar 2006
Linking the words "America" and "dictatorship" is a daily staple of leftwing blogs, which thrive on the idea that Bush administration policies since 9/11 are ...
Judges Judging Judges, Quite Judiciously
American Spectator - 4 hours ago
Three of the nation's leading female judges gave important speeches last week. Two of them warned eloquently about the sorts of ...
Former US justice warns of "dictatorship"
ISN, Switzerland - 21 hours ago
ISN SECURITY WATCH (Tuesday, 14 March: 12.20 CET) - "We must be ever vigilant against those who would strong-arm the judiciary.". ...
O'Connor blasts DeLay on judge threats
United Press International - 13 Mar 2006
WASHINGTON, March 13 (UPI) -- Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has lashed out at GOP right wingers who attack the judiciary. ...
Ex Supreme Court Justice O'Connor Bashes Pro-Life Advocates on ..., MT - 13 Mar 2006
by Steven Ertelt. Washington, DC ( -- Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor used a speech at Georgetown University ...
Former Justice O'Connor: Don't 'Strong-Arm' Judiciary, FL - 13 Mar 2006
Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has warned that the US is in danger of moving toward "dictatorship” if Republican leaders continue to ...
US risks dictatorship: former apex court judge
Hindu, India - 13 Mar 2006
Washington: Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the Supreme Court, has said the US is in danger of ...
Former Top Judge Says US Risks Edging Near to Dictatorship
Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - 15 hours ago
by Julian Borger. Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme court, has ...
Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship
Axis of Logic, MA - 13 Mar 2006
By Julian Borger in Washington. Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme ...
Sandra Day O'Connor: US Risks Edging Toward Dictatorship
Free Internet Press, NY - 13 Mar 2006
Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the Supreme Court, warned the US is in danger of edging towards ...
Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship
India Monitor, UK - 12 Mar 2006
by Julian Borger. Monday, March 13, 2006, Washington: Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after ...
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 14 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.

"What you want in a media system is ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity."
- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
Why Milosevic Was Murdered
Tinpot dictator blew the whistle on the New World Order
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | March 13 2006
Flashback: March 6th - Former Serb Rebel Leader Commits Suicide
Slobodan Milosevic was a distasteful man with authoritarian Communist ideals. But the reasons for his obvious murder revolve around his evergreen willingness to blow the whistle on the global criminal masterminds who had made the mistake of giving 'Slobo' a speaking platform in the first place.
Just two days after Milosevic's death the evidence indicating murder has poured in.
- Milosevic wrote a letter one day before his death claiming he was being poisoned to death in jail. The lawyer who advised Milosevic during his trial, Azdenko Tomanovic (pictured below) , showed journalists a handwritten letter in which Milosevic wrote: "They would like to poison me. I'm seriously concerned and worried."
- Blood tests show that Milosevic's body contained a drug that rendered his usual medication for high blood pressure and his heart condition ineffective, causing the heart attack that led to his death.
The media has spun this to make out as if Milosevic deliberately took the wrong drug so he could seek specialist treatment in Moscow and delay his trial. This is frankly absurd. Milosevic only had access to the drugs provided to him by UN appointed doctors and took them under close surveillance. Are we to believe that Milosevic had managed to set up a secret drugs lab in his closely watched prison prison cell and then substituted the drugs while under constant monitoring?
- Milan Babic, a former Croatian Serb leader who testified against Milosevic was "suicided" just six days before Milosevic's death. According to the BBC, tribunal spokeswoman Alexandra Milenov said he had given no indication that he was contemplating suicide. "There was nothing unusual in his demeanor," she said. Another Hague detainee, Slavko Dokmanovic, supposedly killed himself in 1998.
- Allegations of suicide were dismissed by British lawyer, Steven Kay QC, who said Milosevic had told him before he was found dead: "I have not come all this way not to see it to the end."
- The Globalists have wanted to eliminate Milosevic for a long time. Former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson said he saw documents in 1992 that discussed assassinating Milosevic by means of a staged car accident, where the driver would be blinded by a flash of light and remote controlled brake failure enacted to cause the crash. This exact same technique was utilized for real in the murder of Princess Diana.
Milosevic was a loose cannon with intimate knowledge of the criminality of the Globalists after the IMF/Bilderberg coup de 'tat in Serbia in the 1990's.
In March 2002, Milosevic presented the Hague tribunal with FBI documents proving that the United States government and NATO provided financial and military support for Al-Qaeda to aid the Kosovo Liberation Army in its war against Serbia.
This didn't go down too well at the Pentagon and the White House, who at the time were trying to sell a war on terror and gearing up to justify invading Iraq.
Milosevic made several speeches in which he discussed how a group of shadowy internationalists had caused the chaos in the Balkans because it was the next step on the road to a "new world order."
During a February 2000 Serbian Congressional speech, Milosevic stated,
"Small Serbia and people in it have demonstrated that resistance is possible. Applied at a broader level, it was organized primarily as a moral and political rebellion against tyranny, hegemony, monopolism, generating hatred, fear and new forms of violence and revenge against champions of freedom among nations and people, such a resistance would stop the escalation of modern time inquisition. Uranium bombs, computer manipulations, drug-addicted young assassins and bribed of blackmailed domestic thugs, promoted to the allies of the new world order, these are the instruments of inquisition which have surpassed, in their cruelty and cynicism, all previous forms of revengeful violence committed against the mankind in the past."
Milosevic was far from an angel, but evidence linking him to genocides like Srebrenica, in which 7,000 Muslims died, was continually proven to be fraudulent. In fact, Srebrenica was supposedly a 'UN safe zone', yet just like Rwanda, UN peacekeepers deliberately withdrew and allowed the massacre to unfold, then blamed Milosevic.
Milosevic's exposure of UN involvement in the Srebrenica massacre was another reason why tribunal transcripts were heavily edited and censored, and another contributing factor towards his murder.

Yahoo! News
Drug Diluted Milosevic's Prescriptions
By ANTHONY DEUTSCH, Associated Press Writer 34 minutes ago
THE HAGUE, Netherlands - A Dutch toxicologist said Monday that Slobodan Milosevic was taking antibiotics that diluted prescriptions for heart ailments and high blood pressure while he was pleading with a U.N. tribunal for permission to get treatment in Russia.
Donald Uges said he found traces of rifampicin, an antituberculosis drug, in Milosevic's system earlier this year after the former Yugoslav leader did not respond to blood pressure medication given at the U.N. detention center.
Rifampicin "makes the liver extremely active," possibly hindering the effectiveness of other medications.
"If you're taking something, it breaks down very quickly," said Uges, who was asked by the tribunal to conduct an independent review.
Milosevic, 64, was found dead in his jail cell Saturday morning of an apparent heart attack. Hours earlier, he wrote an accusatory letter alleging that a "heavy drug" had been found in his bloodstream during a medical exam.
His ailments caused numerous delays in his four-year trial for orchestrating a decade of conflict that killed 250,000 people and tore the Yugoslav federation asunder. No verdict will be issued.
Uges suggested Milosevic may have taken the unprescribed medicine in a bid to be released from jail and get medical attention in Russia — by portraying his Dutch doctors as unable to treat his condition.
"First he wasn't taking his medicine. Then he was forced to take it under supervision and his blood pressure still didn't come down. So his camp said: 'You see, these Dutch doctors don't know how to treat him and he should go to Russia,'" Uges said.
Milosevic's widow, Mirjana Markovic, and their son, Marko, live in Russia.
Rifampicin is used with other drugs to treat tuberculosis. It also can be used alone to treat certain bacterial infections or asymptomatic carriers of a type of meningitis.
According to the U.S. prescribing label, the drug affects enzymes in the body to speed metabolism of a host of other drugs, meaning higher doses of those other medications may be needed to compensate. It also can cause liver damage.
Doctors who examined Milosevic at the detention center diagnosed him as having hypertension, or high blood pressure, and hypertrophic heart disease, a thickening of the heart muscle.
U.N.-appointed doctors examined Milosevic in November and initially concluded he had been refusing to take his prescribed medicine, since the blood pressure was not responding.
Under orders of the judges, Milosevic was then required to take his medicine under supervision, but the "pressure still didn't come down," said Uges, a toxicologist from University Hospital of Groningen.
He said Dutch doctors concluded after a Jan. 12 examination that the most likely explanation was that Milosevic was taking another drug that counteracted his blood pressure medication.
Milosevic, who asked the court in December to be released to travel to Russia for treatment, contested the doctors' opinion, so the court asked Uges to conduct a more sophisticated test. That was done two weeks ago.
He said his investigation confirmed the earlier findings. Toxicological tests conducted during Sunday's autopsy would show whether the traces were still in Milosevic's blood when he died, Uges said.
Tribunal President Fausto Pocar said he ordered the autopsy and toxicological examination after a Dutch coroner was unable Saturday to establish the cause of death. Serbia sent a pathologist to observe the autopsy at the Netherlands Forensic Institute.
A legal aide to Milosevic, meanwhile, said Monday the late Serb leader would be buried in Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro — a funeral that could provoke tumultuous scenes in the capital he ruled for 13 years before being extradited to the war crimes tribunal for trial.
Tomanovic said Milosevic's family wanted a state funeral in Belgrade, apparently resolving an internal dispute over whether he should be buried in Serbia, Russia or Montenegro. The Dutch Embassy in Moscow on Monday granted a three-day visa to Milosevic's son so he can travel to The Hague to claim his father's remains, the Netherlands said.
It was unclear if Serb authorities would approve a Belgrade funeral. Serbian President Boris Tadic has said a state funeral would be "absolutely inappropriate," and he reiterated Monday he would not pardon Markovic.
"I have just submitted information to the government of Serbia that the funeral will be in Belgrade, that this is the wish of (the) Milosevic family," Tomanovic told reporters at the U.N. tribunal.
Milosevic's widow and son are wanted on international arrest warrants for abuse of power and could be taken into custody upon returning to Serbia.
Marko Milosevic said Monday from Moscow that his family could ask for the former Yugoslav leader to be interred temporarily in Moscow until a funeral could be held in Belgrade.
"It depends on whether they will secure my family's safety," he said.
The allegations in what amounted to Milosevic's deathbed letter put the tribunal and U.N. prosecutors on the defensive. The tribunal said Sunday a heart attack killed Milosevic, according to preliminary findings from a nearly eight-hour autopsy.
However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow does not fully trust Milosevic's autopsy and wants to send doctors to examine the body. Dutch visas were granted Monday to four Russian doctors.
Tadic told The Associated Press he believed the tribunal was responsible for Milosevic's death.
Before the preliminary autopsy results were released, chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte said suicide could not be ruled out. Milosevic's parents committed suicide.
Tomanovic said the ex-president feared he was being poisoned. He showed reporters a six-page letter Milosevic wrote to Russian officials Friday — the day before his death — claiming a medication used to treat leprosy or tuberculosis was found in his blood during a January exam.
"They would like to poison me," Tomanovic quoted Milosevic as telling him.
Uges said he found the same antibiotic in Milosevic's blood weeks later.
Milosevic asked the tribunal in December for permission to seek heart treatment in Moscow. That request was denied after tribunal officials expressed concern Milosevic might not return. He repeated the request last month.
Milosevic went on trial in February 2002 on 66 counts for war crimes and genocide in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo during Yugoslavia's violent breakup in the 1990s. He was the first sitting head of state indicted for war crimes.
But his health problems repeatedly delayed the proceedings, which cost an estimated $200 million and were due to wrap up this summer.
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Courtroom rendering of avowed al-Qaeda follower Zacarias Moussaoui (L) during the sentencing phase of his trial at the US Federal Courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, on March 7. The US judge hearing the death penalty trial of Moussaoui called a recess to consider dismissing the case over alleged government misconduct.(AFP/File/Art Lein)
Yahoo! News
Judge Unexpectedly Halts Moussaoui Trial
By MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN, Associated Press Writer 27 minutes ago
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - An angry federal judge unexpectedly recessed the sentencing trial of confessed al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui on Monday to consider whether government violations of her rules against coaching witnesses should remove the death penalty as an option.
The stunning development came at the opening of the fifth day of the trial after the government informed the judge and the defense over the weekend that a lawyer for the Federal Aviation Administration had coached four government FAA witnesses in violation of the rule set by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema. The rule was that no witness should hear trial testimony in advance.
"This is the second significant error by the government affecting the constitutional rights of the defendant and the criminal justice system in this country in the context of a death case," Brinkema told lawyers in the case outside the presence of the jury.
Defense attorney Edward MacMahon moved to have the judge dismiss the death penalty as a possible outcome, saying "this is not going to be a fair trial." In the alternative, he said, at least she should excuse the government's FAA witnesses from the case.
Prosecutor David Novak replied that removing the FAA witnesses would "exclude half the government's case." Novak suggested instead that the problem could be fixed by a vigorous cross-examination by the defense.
But Brinkema said she would need time to study what to do.
"In all the years I've been on the bench, I have never seen such an egregious violation of a rule on witnesses," she said.
Moussaoui is the only person charged in this country with the 9/11 attacks. He pleaded guilty in April to conspiring with al-Qaida to hijack planes and to other crimes, but he denies any role in 9/11. He says he was training for a possible future attack.
Brinkema noted that Thursday, Novak asked a question that she ruled out of order after the defense said the question should result in a mistrial. In that question, Novak suggested that Moussaoui might have had some responsibility to go back to the FBI, after he got a lawyer, and then confess his terrorist ties.
Brinkema warned the government at that point that it was treading on shaky legal ground because she knew of no case where a failure to act resulted in a death penalty as a matter of law.
Even prosecutor Novak conceded that the witness coaching was "horrendously wrong."
According to descriptions by the lawyers in court, it appeared that a female FAA attorney who had attended closed hearings in the case went over with four coming witnesses from her agency the opening statements at the trial, the government's strategy and even the transcript of the questioning of an FBI agent on the first day.
"She was at the Classified Information Act procedures hearing and she should have known it was wrong," Novak said.
MacMahon said the government had told the defense she had wanted the witnesses to be very careful in discussing the FBI agent's acknowledgment that the FBI knew long before Sept. 11, 2001, that al-Qaida terrorists in the Philippines were working on a plan to fly an airplane into CIA headquarters.
The FAA attorney also apparently told the witnesses — erroneously, Novak said — that the government was planning to say that magnetometers at airport check-ins are 100 percent effective.
Novak claimed there was no harm in that disclosure because the government is not going to make that argument.
Before the trial was recessed by Brinkema, the jury was to hear from the Minneapolis FBI agent who arrested Moussaoui — perhaps the key witness in the trial.
Special Agent Harry Samit's testimony is equally important to prosecutors and the defense at Moussaoui's sentencing trial. Samit, who has already testified for the prosecution, faced cross-examination.
Prosecutors say Samit and the FBI would have foiled the Sept. 11 attacks had Moussaoui confessed his membership in the al-Qaida terror network and his plans to hijack an airplane after he was arrested on Aug. 16, 2001, and interrogated by Samit.
The defense argues Moussaoui's lies made no difference because Samit saw through them and was convinced Moussaoui was a threat.
Up to now the burden of proof was this: To obtain the death penalty, prosecutors must first prove that Moussaoui's actions — specifically, his lies_ were directly responsible for at least one death on Sept. 11.
EDITOR'S NOTE: AP writer Matthew Barakat contributed to this story.
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