MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Bites Back: "VIDEO - Bush's Orwellian Attack on Whistleblowers and the Media" (Good Night and Good Luck...)

See, this is what happens.
When you throw your lot in with the bad guys hoping for a payoff, sometimes you forget they're the "bad guys", and ready to screw you too.
Well it's too bad, but I'm afraid democracy is threatened everywhere as the "fourth estate", or the final check and balance on power in securing the rights of people, has been completely compromised. By allowing the Bush Administration and their Republican Reich to get away with murder - literally, and much, much more, the mainstream media has also allowed them to consolidate enough power to change laws in favor of protecting government secrecy over their ability to expose it.
A criminal is a criminal, and while you can't put lipstick on a pig, the Nazi pigs in in the Bush Crime Family have certainly been made-up to seem unreasonably reasonable in the Left-Right paradigm of artificial equivocation that is the news today. The moral center of the media is now caramel oozing out of the square that is your TV set, fluidly escaping to rot the teeth of the our ability to bite back at the dogs of war setting up their fascist takeover.
Even when they do, it's hard to believe them, just like it's hard to believe anything at all with any certainty these days. The general feeling of unease is a perfect breeding ground for siring soldiers in a police state, and the increasing numbers of paranoid people will only feel good when they're snitching or silent in servitude as slaves in fear of their masters. At least fascism brings certainty, and if one lacks the courage and character to define and preserve their own freedom and identity, at least and at last they've found Homeland Security.
If all this sounds extreme, take note of what's happened over the last 5 years, and of what moral turpitude has been sold as merely equal "opinion". The mainstream media's abdication of any responsibility for interpreting "good and bad" ideas in favor of dutifully reporting government "spin" has lead to two wars, thousands of people illegally detained and tortured, a city under water with two-thirds of it's people displaced, increased illegal domestic spying and government secrecy, the consolidation of dictatorial power in the Office of the President - or "unitary executive", the largest national debt in history, the grossest environmental violations in history, and much, much more we haven't heard about.
Perhaps we won't notice when Blackwater stormtroopers (who?) are patrolling the streets like they did in New Orleans, ready to shoot on sight anyone in sight for any reason without oversight. Or perhaps after a steady diet of selling us on how acceptable it is, we'll just accept them.
After all, we definitely knew something "bad" was happening down in good ol' N'awlin's, a city that was "federalized" a few years ago, but really, didn't we make excuses about how the government's response just couldn't be that "bad" on purpose? About how people were behaving so "bad" that a pre-emptive military crackdown was more reasonable than offering help? And about how just "bad" the situation really was until it was too late to save the city?
And will we ever know how bad it "is" right now before it's too late?
There for "them"?
And here for "us"?
Thanks to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and others like him, perhaps we'll have a clue as to how reality is being warped, and how dangerous it is to accept it.
Unfortunately, there's always two sides, and more unfortunately, we've been trained to ignore common sense in thinking they're equal.
They're not.
Unless you feel you have to accept the views of fascists, racists, sexists and classists as equal to those of compassionate people, then it's time to take sides.

*** VIDEO - Bush's Orwellian Attack on Whistleblowers and the Media ***
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The Bush Administration has ordered investigations into who blew the whistle leaked information about NSA domestic spying and information about secret CIA prisons.
Employees of the CIA and other agencies have been questioned and forced to undergo polygraph testing. The Justice Department has warned that journalists may also be prosecuted under Federal espionage laws.
This video is a segment from Monday's MSNBC Countdown. Craig Crawford discusses the chilling effect this attack has on the ability to report information about the government. In effect, we are quickly getting to the point where only official information released by the government can be reported by the media.
You may also want to take a look at this video at C&L where David Gergen rails against the Bush Admin. for being worse than Nixon about secrecy and the press.
Found first at -

"Qui bono?"
"Who profits?"
Peace by sharing pieces of truth...
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BONUS: The Billionaire Boys Club...
Bill Gates (R) talks to Warren Buffett May 20, 2004 in Redmond, Washington. The world now has a record 793 billionaires, up 15 percent from a year ago, Forbes magazine said on Thursday. Gates topped the list for a record 12th year in a row with a net worth estimated at $50 billion, followed by perennial No. 2 Buffett, the famed investor of Berkshire Hathaway, worth $42 billion. REUTERS/Jeff Christensen
Yahoo! News
Number of Billionaires Up to Record 793
By J.W. ELPHINSTONE, AP Business Writer Thu Mar 9, 8:48 PM ET
NEW YORK - As emerging stock markets surged during the past year, 102 wealthy people around the world won a much-coveted title along with their stellar gains — they all became billionaires.
The number of billionaires around the world rose by 102 to a record 793 over the past year, and their combined wealth grew 18 percent to $2.6 trillion, according to Forbes magazine's 2006 rankings of the world's richest people.
Forbes editor Luisa Kroll noted that Russia's stock market jumped 108 percent between February 2005 and February 2006, while India's market rose by more than 54 percent during the same period. Brazil "was another bright star" with a market gain of 38 percent, she said.
Kroll said the changes on the list weren't driven by U.S. investments.
"The more exciting story is these emerging markets," she said. "The U.S. stock market was quite a laggard with only a 1 percent increase."
Such tepid returns ate into the fortunes of some of the richest Americans, including the founding family of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
The growth in emerging markets also meant the Czech Republic placed a billionaire on the list for the first time: Petr Kellner, who debuted at No. 224 with $3 billion. And while China's market grew just 3 percent, the country added eight more billionaires, up from two last year.
Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates was again the world's richest man for the 12th year running. Gates grew wealthier, with his net worth rising to $50 billion from $46.5 billion. Investor Warren Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., again ranked second; his fortune fell by $2 billion to $42 billion.
The rest of the top 10 underwent a major reshuffling, with three familiar names dropping out of that select group: German supermarket company owner Karl Albrecht, Oracle Corp.'s Lawrence Ellison and Wal-Mart chairman S. Robson Walton.
Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim Helu moved up one notch to No. 3 with $30 billion, replacing Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, who fell one place to No. 5 with $23.5 billion.
Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad of Sweden rose two slots to No. 4 with $28 billion.
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen edged up to sixth place from No. 7, with a net worth of $22 billion. He was followed by France's Bernard Arnault, chairman and chief executive of LVMH and The Christian Dior Group, with $21.5 billion; Arnault was new to the top 10.
Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud fell to eighth place from No. 5, with $20 billion; and Canadian publisher Kenneth Thomson and his family moved into the top 10, ranking No. 9 with $19.6 billion.
Hong Kong's Li Ka-shing rose to No. 10 with $18.8 billion. Ka-shing is the chairman of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd. and Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd.
The Walton family, which dominated the upper echelons of the Forbes list in recent years, tumbled in this year's ranking as stock in the world's largest retailer dropped more than 10 percent in the past year.
S. Robson Walton, known as Rob, who last year ranked 10th, fell to 19th with $15.8 billion. Christy Walton and Jim Walton tied for 17th with $15.9 billion each, while Alice Walton followed Rob Walton at $15.7 billion. Helen Walton, mother of the clan, did not make it into the top 20, landing at No. 21 with $15.6 billion.
Martha Stewart, who was new to the list last year, dropped off completely this year. Her fortune shrank from $1 billion to an estimated $500 million following her conviction for lying about a stock sale and her five-month prison term.
Investors in new industry sectors popped up on this year's list, most notably those with holdings in alternative energy and online gaming.
Australian Shi Zhengrong, ranked No. 350, made his $2.2 billion fortune through his solar energy company out of China. India's Tulsi Tanti, whose company owns Asia's largest wind farm, arrived at No. 562 with $1.4 billion after his company went public in October.
J. DeLeon and Ruth Parasol, both of the United States and tied for No. 428, represented the online gaming industry with $1.8 billion each. Interestingly, most of their company's revenue comes from the United States, where online gaming is illegal, Kroll said.
"Somehow, they have been able to skirt that," Kroll said.
Parasol is also one of the 10 new women to make the list and the only female newcomer to be self-made. Only six of the 78 female billionaires are self-made; most attained their wealth through marrige or inheritance.
The youngest billionaire is also female. Hind Hariri, daughter of slain Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, is 22 years old and eight months younger than Germany's Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis.
The methodology of the rankings remains consistent with years past, Kroll said. The magazine confirmed the worth of an individual's holdings in public companies by using the Feb. 13 closing stock price, and estimated the value of private companies by looking at comparable public firms in the industry and by consulting with experts in the field.
Forbes calculated the value of real estate by square footage minus any debt on the properties.
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BONUS: One of these things is really worth looking at more closely...
Homeless person Darren Brown, right, picks up a meal from the Hunger Busters truck as Mary McCoy and Van Tant wait their turn, Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006 in Dallas. As Dallas continues to pass laws governing a growing homeless population, the city builds a reputation as being uncharitable to some of its neediest citizens. Panhandling is banned. Shopping carts are prohibited on city streets. Food safety training required for volunteers feeding the homeless and distribution of meals is restricted to designated areas.(AP Photo/Matt Slocum)
Yahoo! News
Dallas Institutes New Laws on Homeless
By MATT CURRY, Associated Press Writer Thu Mar 9, 3:54 PM ET
DALLAS - Panhandling banned. Shopping carts prohibited on city streets. The distribution of food to the homeless restricted to designated areas.
With a series of ordinances governing its growing homeless population, Dallas is gaining a reputation as a city uncharitable toward some of its neediest citizens.
The National Coalition for the Homeless recently ranked Dallas sixth among the Top 10 "meanest" cities in the country. No. 1 was Sarasota, Fla.
Dallas officials say they are trying to steer the homeless toward help and make the streets a little safer for them. But advocates for the estimated 9,000 homeless people in Dallas say the city is pursuing a harsh and pitiless policy.
"That's like a form of social Darwinism, if you cut off food to force people to get help, and it really doesn't work that way," said Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless.
Last month, Dallas began enforcing an ordinance that prohibits charities from distributing free food to the homeless except at city-approved locations and only after volunteers undergo food safety training, provided free by the city. Violations of the law, enforced by city food inspectors, are punishable by fines up to $2,000.
"It's OK to sell someone a sandwich, but if I hand a sandwich to a homeless person, I'm committing a crime," groused Charles Wellhausen, a volunteer for the Sathya Sai Baba Center.
The ordinance was passed last summer. Over the past few years, Dallas has also banned begging and prohibited possession of a shopping cart away from the cart owner's property.
Mayor Laura Miller said that the city is actually trying to help the homeless, whose population doubled last year and is expected to grow again as displaced Hurricane Katrina evacuees lose their free federal housing this month.
She noted that voters last fall approved construction of a $23.8 million homeless shelter to replace an overcrowded one. The 24-hour shelter would provide beds, restrooms, showers, job training and mental health treatment and is set for completion in 2008.
Boadicea White, the city's interim manager for homeless services, said the feeding ordinance was designed to fight litter and food-borne illnesses and steer the homeless to places where they could receive a variety of services, not just meals.
"We're definitely not trying to starve anyone and not trying to keep anyone from services," she said. "We're trying to do just the opposite."
James Waghorne, a 48-year-old advocate for the homeless, said the new ordinance will lead more people to eat out of the trash. He said he received food from a charitable organization during the two years he lived on the streets.
"It really wasn't so much about the food, but that someone still cared," he said.
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BONUS: Don't be fooled when Republicans running in 2006 soon begin running from Bush who can't run in 2008...
President Bush gestures during remarks at a fundraiser for the Georgia Republican party on Thursday, March 9, 2006 in College Park, Ga. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Yahoo! News
Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low
By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer 24 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of President Bush's performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency.
Nearly four out of five Americans, including 70 percent of Republicans, believe civil war will break out in Iraq — the bloody hot spot upon which Bush has staked his presidency. Nearly 70 percent of people say the U.S. is on the wrong track, a 6-point jump since February.
"I'm not happy with how things are going," said Margaret Campanelli, a retiree in Norwich, Conn., who said she tends to vote GOP. "I'm particularly not happy with Iraq, not happy with how things worked with Hurricane Katrina."
Republican Party leaders said the survey explains why GOP lawmakers are rushing to distance themselves from Bush on a range of issues — port security, immigration, spending, warrantless eavesdropping and trade, for example.
The positioning is most intense among Republicans facing election in November and those considering 2008 presidential campaigns.
"You're in the position of this cycle now that is difficult anyway. In second term off-year elections, there gets to be a familiarity factor," said Sen. Sam Brownback (news, bio, voting record), R-Kan., a potential presidential candidate.
"People have seen and heard (Bush's) ideas long enough and that enters into their thinking. People are kind of, `Well, I wonder what other people can do,'" he said.
The poll suggests that most Americans wonder whether Bush is up to the job. The survey, conducted Monday through Wednesday of 1,000 people, found that just 37 percent approve of his overall performance. That is the lowest of his presidency.
Bush's job approval among Republicans plummeted from 82 percent in February to 74 percent, a dangerous sign in a midterm election year when parties rely on enthusiasm from their most loyal voters. The biggest losses were among white males.
On issues, Bush's approval rating declined from 39 percent to 36 percent for his handling of domestic affairs and from 47 percent to 43 percent on foreign policy and terrorism. His approval ratings for dealing with the economy and Iraq held steady, but still hovered around 40 percent.
Personally, far fewer Americans consider Bush likable, honest, strong and dependable than they did just after his re-election campaign.
By comparison, Presidents Clinton and Reagan had public approval in the mid 60s at this stage of their second terms in office, while Eisenhower was close to 60 percent, according to Gallup polls. Nixon, who was increasingly tangled up in the Watergate scandal, was in the high 20s in early 1974.
The AP-Ipsos poll, which has a margin of error of 3 percentage points, gives Republicans reason to worry that they may inherit Bush's political woes. Two-thirds of the public disapproves of how the GOP-led Congress is handling its job and a surprising 53 percent of Republicans give Congress poor marks.
"Obviously, it's the winter of our discontent," said Rep. Tom Cole (news, bio, voting record), R-Okla.
By a 47-36 margin, people favor Democrats over Republicans when they are asked who should control Congress.
While the gap worries Republicans, Cole and others said it does not automatically translate into GOP defeats in November, when voters will face a choice between local candidates rather than considering Congress as a whole.
In addition, strategists in both parties agree that a divided and undisciplined Democratic Party has failed to seize full advantage of Republican troubles.
"While I don't dispute the fact that we have challenges in the current environment politically, I also believe 2006 as a choice election offers Republicans an opportunity if we make sure the election is framed in a way that will keep our majorities in the House and the Senate," said Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Stung by criticism, senior officials at the White House and the RNC are reminding GOP members of Congress that Bush's approval ratings may be low, but theirs is lower and have declined at the same pace as Bush's. The message to GOP lawmakers is that criticizing the president weakens him — and them — politically.
"When issue like the internal Republican debate over the ports dominates the news it puts us another day away from all of us figuring out what policies we need to win," said Terry Nelson, a Republican consultant and political director for Bush's re-election campaign in 2004.
Bowing to ferocious opposition in Congress, a Dubai-owned company on Thursday abandoned its quest to take over operations at several U.S. ports. Bush had pledged to veto any attempt to block the transaction, pitting him against Republicans in Congress and most voters.
All this has Republican voters like Walter Wright of Fairfax Station, Va., worried for their party.
"We've gotten so carried away I wouldn't be surprised to see the Democrats take it because of discontent," he said. "People vote for change and hope for the best."
Associated Press writer Will Lester and AP Manager of News Surveys Trevor Tompson contributed to this report.
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