The Asian-Gang Formula: Just Add Racist Ass-Whuppin's, Media Coverage, Simmer To A Boil, and Stir Up The Pot...

This sucks.
You can see it happening right here and right now, just some more dumbass tribalism tearing communities apart and turning good people into bad. It's a war of attrition really. They are not robots and so won't all turn bad, and many will continue to prosper and succeed. But, we'll get enough to make them a "problem" for us and more importantly for themselves to suffer with, and that's be a small victory for simple Crack Containment Continuity - without using all that messy crack.
Then, the abused learn the tools of their abusers and go on to use them vengefully, as picked-on kids resort to picking on others or picking up guns.
Ah, it's so dramatic.
The grand games of chess played with people...
A War in the Planning for Four Years
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW
"THE GRAND CHESSBOARD - American Primacy And It's Geostrategic Imperatives," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997.
These are the very first words in the book: "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power."- p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress, just days after the attacks of September 11, as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.
As FTW has documented in previous stories, major deployments of U.S. and British forces had taken place before the attacks. And the U.S. Army and the CIA had been active in Uzbekistan for several years. There is now evidence that what the world is witnessing is a cold and calculated war plan - at least four years in the making - and that, from reading Brzezinski's own words about Pearl Harbor, the World Trade Center attacks were just the trigger needed to set the final conquest in motion.
I remember back in the heady days of Scarlemworld Baby, we grew up in arguably the most multicultural suburb in the most multicultural city in the entire freakin' world.
We didn't just deal with race, we were the entirety of it.
And this lead to some interesting situations, more good than bad.
We dealt with race frankly and honestly without being solemn about it.
It was good. Some bad. But overall good.
And so was the food.
(As an aside, you know, Indians are freakin' everywhere these days. Not the "Native" Indians, I mean, as Chris Rock said: "You know a people have it bad when you just never see them. I mean, when was the last time you saw an American Indian family just chillin' out at Red Lobster?" Nah, sorry guys, we're all on the come-up though, no worries, keep hustlin'. Still, we can see Brownsville Represents these days, and we're like Italians were in the 70's - especially our girls coming into style. We're kind of sneaky like that, and as my buddy The Other C-Murda said a while back, brown people are "The Stealth Race". We fly under the radar, don't make too much of a fuss, and somehow we end up being all your cabbies, doctors, scientists, convenience store owners... and of course, once you've had butter chicken - and yes, we do put some Ayurvedic-crack in it that makes you crave it fortnightly (and if you defy us feel it) as part of the curry. But, that's besides the point, we're playing "the game" well and getting the right publicity from "the system", the very short Intro to rapper The Game's "The Documentary" which Dr. Dre said you absolutely had to listen to is a cool little snippet of simplicity that breakes it down nice. I mean, Russell Peters last stand-up comedy special vaulted him right up there for me and many others as he rounds into form as a possible new Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle. Yep. It was that good. So we flossin' a bit, that's cool, true-playaz change the game so we see where that go. But, I've got faith in our history. In fact, we've done some crazy stuff as the only country in the world to have never had slavery (though we still have servants), never invaded another country in the last 10,000 years, invented language in the form of Sanksrit, and figured out many other math, science, health and philosophical ideas that still work today. See? Now that's good P.R. I really think we start colonizing in the same way, as in the first brown person to get to a country opens up a restaurant. That's it. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and while women should, unfortunately, men run the world. So, we feed 'em some good grub and it gets us the good pub. I mean c'mon, that's how it started in the first place. White guys said: "Oye, where's that place with the great gold, great weather, hot curry, and hot girls? Crikey, it's worth the trip just to make our steak'n'kidney pudding taste better!" And we were like: "Hey, we LIVE here!" You never heard two brown guys going: "We must get to Britain! C'mon! I double-dawg-dare a desi! It's the NEW WORLD! Who's with me?" Nah, we knew you were coming, you weren't the first and you weren't the worst, so we just chilled-out. Of course, then we got our butts-kicked for a while. In fact, by 1901 the Brits had taken what would be worth in today's dollars $1 trillion. So yeah, they're still winning, but we gave 'em a huge headstart. Sorry about that, that's why we got the nukes. You've got a dog? Same thing. Actually, we've got 1.5 mm of them, 3rd largest standing army in the world. They don't do much, but we like 'em standing anyway, keeps 'em ready in case they have to, and they just chill-out the rest of the time. In fact, this new extree-hard-working crop is an interesting anomaly. Driven by duty we'll do almost anything, but really, it's the money-man, the money-man, that'll get us doing it for years. Fair enough, get that money-man, that money-man, we'll just take it from there. That's also why we can make a billion people and have trouble winning one freakin' Olympic medal... unreal. Makes for a whole bunch of pretty and ugly people and smart and dumb ones, so it's just a question of drafting people properly to play they' position given a fair shot at a try-out. I mean, as shady as it may seem, it was really half'n'half survivin'n'thrivin' when we got to South Africa and said: "Oh crap, the white people are REALLY on top, and black people are REALLY on the bottom... hmm... how can we fit in the middle somewhere?" And we did. Probably by making your food taste good again. That's an oldie but a goodie. I expect us to pull the curry-card whenever we need to. I hope we remember to keep a third-eye on the prize, I mean, some of these cats is dirty and runnin' they' dirty-biz. I mean, didn't LiveAID and "We Are The World" promise to fix Africa 25 years ago? And now 25% of Africa has AIDS? What the hell is going on here?)
(Strange way to end, that...)
Anyway, my Chinese high-school buddy was a fighter, loved to scrap, and envisioned a perfect world where guys could beat the hell out of each other, feel the pain and break things while getting that unique ass-kicking rush, and just be magically fine the next day.
Nice guy though, seriously.
Only wanted a legit scrap, no bully-style ass-beatings.
But just like everywhere in Scompton, race was a free-for-all, and racism was not something that was feared in the arsenal of us Archie Bunker's, it was either an accident or malicious: that's it. And we knew it when we saw or heard it. You couldn't say the same thing to everyone, but you wouldn't necessarily be knocked for saying it either. And then we often stepped to each other honestly and resolved it: if you wanted to be friends there was one way, enemies another...
So buddy would say to me: "You wanna go?" (Or you wanna "fight"?)
And I'd say: "Yeah, but I don't think you'll do it, I think yer yellow!"
And he'd say: "What? Look at you, you're full of shit! You're so full of shit you're brown!!!"
And then we would laugh like idiots.
Which we were.
And since it still works today, probably still are.
Anyway, here's some crap...

Rita Zeng, 19, stands on the Avenue U subway platform in New York's Brooklyn borough Aug. 24, 2005, where she witnessed a racial attack on another Lafayette High School student. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
Yahoo! News
Asian Youths Suffer Harassment in Schools
By ERIN TEXEIRA, AP National Writer Sun Nov 13,12:26 PM ET
NEW YORK - Eighteen-year-old Chen Tsu was waiting on a Brooklyn subway platform after school when four high school classmates approached him and demanded cash. He showed them his empty pockets, but they attacked him anyway, taking turns pummeling his face.
He was scared and injured — bruised and swollen for several days — but hardly surprised.
At his school, Lafayette High in Brooklyn, Chinese immigrant students like him are harassed and bullied so routinely that school officials in June agreed to a Department of Justice consent decree to curb alleged "severe and pervasive harassment directed at Asian-American students by their classmates." Since then, the Justice Department credits Lafayette officials with addressing the problem — but the case is far from isolated.
Nationwide, Asian students say they're often beaten, threatened and called ethnic slurs by other young people, and school safety data suggest that the problem may be worsening. Youth advocates say these Asian teens, stereotyped as high-achieving students who rarely fight back, have for years borne the brunt of ethnic tension as Asian communities expand and neighborhoods become more racially diverse.
"We suspect that in areas that have rapidly growing populations of Asian-Americans, there often times is a sort of culture clashing," said Aimee Baldillo of the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium. Youth harassment is "something we see everywhere in different pockets of the U.S. where there's a large influx of (Asian) people."
In the last five years, Census data show, Asians — mostly Chinese — have grown from 5 percent to nearly 10 percent of Brooklyn residents. In the Bensonhurst neighborhood, historically home to Italian and Jewish families, more than 20 percent of residents now are Asian. Those changes have escalated ethnic tension on campuses such as Lafayette High, according to Khin Mai Aung, staff attorney at the Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which is advocating for Lafayette students.
"The schools are the one place where everyone is forced to come together," Aung said.
Brooklyn's changes mirror Asian growth nationally. Between 1980 and 2000, the number of Asians and Pacific Islanders grew from 3.7 million to nearly 12 million. After Latinos, Asians are the nation's fastest-growing ethnic group.
Stories of Asian youth being bullied and worse are common. In recent years:
• A Chinese middle schooler in San Francisco was mercilessly taunted until his teacher hid him in her classroom at lunchtime.
• Three Korean-American students were beaten so badly near their Queens high school that they skipped school for weeks and begged to be transferred.
• A 16-year-old from Vietnam was killed last year in a massive brawl in Boston.
Some lawmakers have responded. The New York City Council, after hearing hours of testimony from Asian youth, last year passed a bill to track bullying and train educators on prevention. Also last year, California Assemblywoman Judy Chu won passage of a new law to allow hate crimes victims more time — up to three years — to file civil suits; the bill was inspired by a 2003 San Francisco incident in which five Asian teens were attacked by a mob of youth.
In August, the Oakland-based Asian Pacific Islander Youth Violence Prevention Center organized a first-ever conference on the subject in Sacramento. Isami Arifuku, assistant director of the center, said she expected about 200 participants but nearly double that number attended.
Experts offer several broad explanations for the bullying problem.
In the broadest strokes, Baldillo said, Asian youth are sometimes small in stature and often adhere to cultural mores urging them to avoid confrontation and focus on academics. Many don't report bullying because they fear repercussions or don't want to embarrass their families, she added.
Language barriers also exacerbate the situation. "I have to hear, '(Expletive) Chinese!' at least three times a day, and they always say it to people who look weaker and don't speak English," said Rita Zeng, 19 and a senior at Lafayette High. The parents of limited-English students often have little access to translators and struggle to advocate for their children, Aung said.
Chen Tsu described his beating in April at a subway station, saying through a translator: "Those guys looked like they could kill somebody. ... I was scared to go back to school."
Increasingly, some victims are fighting back. A 2003 California survey by the Services and Advocacy for Asian Youth Consortium found that 14 percent of Asian youth said they join gangs for protection. Department of Justice school crime data found the number of Asian youth carrying weapons nearly tripled from 1999 to 2001.
"There are more Asian kids being brought to juvenile court for assault and battery," Arifuku said. "The thing we're finding in their history is that they had been picked on — called names and teased — and in some cases they lashed out and retaliated."
Advocates and students say that, typically, large fights erupt after weeks or months of verbal taunting.
That's what happened at Edison High School in Fresno, Calif., according to Malcolm Yeung of the Asian Law Caucus in San Francisco. For months starting late last year, Hmong students had been repeatedly called names and had food thrown at them.
"There had been patterns of this happening over and over again," said Yeung, whose group investigated the case on behalf of Asian students. "But the school had overlooked the issue."
On Feb. 25, the lunchtime taunting escalated into fights involving at least 30 students, according to Susan Bedi, spokesman for Fresno Unified School District. Seven students were treated for injuries, 12 were suspended and two faced expulsion, she said. Eight were convicted of misdemeanor assault, said Fresno police Sgt. Anthony Martinez.
This year, officials at Edison High added more security and started an on-campus human relations council to address ethnic tension, Bedi said.
At Lafayette High, tension has long been high on campus and in surrounding areas, said Steve Chung, president of the United Chinese Association of Brooklyn, whose group was founded in late 2002 after an earlier student beating. That incident "was like the ignition — it started a fire" in the community.
The student, a straight-A senior, was thrashed to unconsciousness while anti-Chinese slurs were yelled at him. Some news reported dubbed the school "Horror High," and Chinese students began going public about the problem.
"The more we dug into Lafayette High School, the more we found," Chung said.
Aung's probing revealed that school administrators seemed reluctant to intervene, translation services for parents and students was spotty and teachers who reported the problems may have been punished.
School officials say some reports were exaggerated. But "the problems there went back many, many years," said Michael Best, general counsel for New York City schools. Since signing the consent decree in June, he said, "the situation at the school in our view is very, very different." A Justice Department spokesman agreed that the school has been "very responsive."
Teachers this year are getting training to curb harassment, translation services throughout the district have been beefed up, and race relations experts are working with students and staff on campus, deputy New York schools chancellor Carmen Farina said.
Last year, Lafayette's longtime principal retired, and many are optimistic about the new principal, Jolanta Rohloff. In addition, new vice principal Iris Chiu is fluent in Chinese and working closely with parents and students. "We actively sought someone that we knew could handle the delicacy of the school," Farina said.
Still, she said, an incident already has been reported since school started: An Asian student was attacked by several classmates on his way to the subway. He suffered minor injuries.
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BONUS: Bill Cosby vs. Black People...
Courtesy of the good folks at and their peeps...

Bill Cosby recently concluded a fifteen-city tour of town hall meetings in American inner cities. On October 19, he was in Compton.
"He and other speakers traced many of the problems back to the home," wrote the LA Times, "calling on parents to take a firm hand, to participate each day in their child's education, to demand excellence, and to be role models for self-sufficiency."
Bill Cosby's message comes through best in his own words:
"People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around…the lower economic people are not holding up their end of the deal."
"These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids--$500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for 'Hooked on Phonics.'"
"I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you ain't? Where you is?'…You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."
"With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua, and Mohammed and all that crap, and all of them are in jail."
Bill Cosby's relentless diatribes have stirred revulsion in millions of people.
Where did Cosby go wrong?
Let's look at the situation from another point of view:
"I got into the civil rights movement when I was about sixteen years old. We used to fight. We used to struggle like hell. My dad struggled. My grandfather struggled. They couldn't make any headway whatsoever. They were up against a stone wall.
"I can remember many times my grandmother used to tell me: 'Nobody's going to listen to you. People are going to listen to you when you put on a white shirt and tie and learn to speak the King's English. Then people will listen to you.
"Well, I put on a white shirt and a suit and tie and went down to the YMCA and they said: 'We don't allow any niggers in here.' I'm talking about Minneapolis, Minnesota. So I came to the conclusion that my individual appearance was not the foundation of my problem. That's what I was taught. Every black person in the United States was taught that it's your fault the way you are.
"Finally, somebody sat me down and began to explain to me what was my position in society, what was my relationship to the way people earned their living in the United States and then I understood why I was segregated.
"But what I didn't understand was why I couldn't make any headway. We fought like hell. If I could give just a brief history of the black soldier….
"In the Revolutionary War, around 7 per cent of the army on both the American and British sides was black. Both sides said: 'If you fight, we'll give you liberty.' Of course, on the American side, they won the war and they clamped the chains right back on. At least the British had the dignity to not sign the peace agreement until they had taken all the blacks who had fought on their side to Britain or at least got them to Canada.
"So fighting for freedom in the Revolutionary War didn't mean anything. In the Civil War, it obviously could not have been won without the black soldier. They tipped the scale to make it possible to win that war. When that war was over, the form of slavery changed somewhat, but the slavery continued.
"World War I? I had one great uncle who ran away to Mexico, to Veracruz, and said he wasn't going to fight for this country. Another went to Canada and fought in the Canadian army. But my father said, 'Well, we gotta prove to these white people that we can be just as patriotic and just as good a soldier as anyone else.'
"So he was in the 93rd Division, 369th Infantry and fought in France. And then, twenty years later, I went into the 93rd Division, 369th Infantry and fought in the Pacific.
"I could tell you stories about what was going on in America in 1945 that you wouldn't believe. But the point I want to make is a simple one: No matter how hard we tried we could not move ahead and we did not understand why. It was all subjective: 'Goddamn white people!'
"Then along came the 1952-53 period and a new wave of struggle broke out under the leadership of these church people, Martin Luther King being in the center of it. They began making some headway. The Episcopalian Church was responsible for tens of millions of dollars to support that movement. The Catholic Church moved in with millions of dollars. The church and the liberal sections of the Republican and Democratic Party was behind this movement. We couldn't understand why they would support Martin Luther King and wouldn't support us.
"It never occurred to us to look at the shift in the economic foundations upon which segregation rested. What was the economic foundation that segregation rested upon? That cotton could not be grown and picked if you paid people wages. American cotton had to compete with Egyptian cotton and Indian cotton. If you were going to compete on the world market you could not pay more than what was paid in India.
"We didn't understand that as long as we were hooked to a plow and a mule as a basic means of production in cotton culture and in Southern agriculture in general there was no way to break free from this. What we didn't thoroughly understand was that in 1940 the International Harvester Company came up with a machine that could pick cotton 35 times faster than a human being.
"You notice one thing when you go to Mississippi and Alabama-they've got these roads straight as an arrow, one mile this way and one mile that way. The sheriff could sit up in that watchtower with a shotgun and if he sees anybody on that road after five o'clock at night, he'd shoot 'em. Because you're either supposed to be at work or asleep in your cabin so you can go to work the next day. You weren't allowed to leave the plantation; they had patrols out there.
"If you tried to leave it you went to court and the court says 'You owe Mr. Johnson how much money? You owe him four dollars? Well, I'm sentencing you to forty years on the chain gang for trying to get away with his money.' So it was either stay there and work, for nothing, or the chain gang. There seemed to be no way out of this.
"Then all of a sudden one day the sheriff comes to the shack, kicks down the door, and says 'Get your black butt out of here by six in the morning, we're knocking this shack down and plowing it under!'
"What happened? They didn't need human beings to pick cotton any more. In fact, they were in the way. So the blacks were getting liberated because the economic foundations upon which Southern Jim Crow society rested was disintegrating. And as it disintegrated, the possibility of breaking that legal superstructure apart then became apparent.
"The government then had to find out how to control this process, how can we guarantee that it doesn't break out.
"Let me tell you a story of the beginnings of the modern civil rights movement in Minneapolis, which was supposed to be the liberal mecca where everybody had an equal opportunity. In the spring of 1946, I remember standing on the corner of the black enclave where we lived, and we're talking to a couple of the white guys we'd grown up with about whether the war was worth it. These white guys were saying: 'We had to fight the war, the war was for democracy.'
"I kind of felt we had to do something about Hitler. Hitler, Senator Bilbo, Senator Rankin, they were all part of the same gang so kicking one of them was as good as kicking the next one. I wasn't' against it but I didn't see where the war did us any good.
"A good friend of mine, a white guy named Sid Speigel, he said: 'That war did make the world safe for democracy.'
So one of our guys hadn't gone to the war because he'd been in prison. He got into a fight with a cop and got three years. So he'd just gotten out and he had to prove himself. Wilbur says 'You mean to tell me that Minneapolis is safe for democracy?'
"There was not one bar in the city of Minneapolis where a black person could go and get a drink, there was not one restaurant that would serve you. When you had a date, you took your girlfriend to the airport because federal law did not allow for discrimination at the airport. So Wilbur says, 'OK, I'm going to go see if America's safe for democracy.'
"He went down to a slummy kind of a working class area down on Cedar Avenue and 19th Street and walked into a bar. You go into a middle-class bar they probably will call the police and have you taken out of there but a working class bar, you're going to get a fight. Wilbur walks in, sits down at the bar. Everybody's just glaring at him. Finally, the bartender realized he had to deal with this man.
He walked over and said, "What do you want?"
"I want a beer."
"Well, we don't serve no niggers in here."
Wilbur pulls out his .38 and says: "You're gonna serve this one."
"The guy drew a beer. Wilbur glanced in the mirror and saw a guy coming at him with a chair from behind. So he turned around and as he turned, the gun went off and killed the bartender.
"When Wilbur came back to the corner, he said, 'I made 19th Street and Cedar Avenue safe for democracy in America.' Then we were all jealous. We were gonna make Minneapolis safe for democracy. We started fighting all over that city. We'd go in bars and beat hell out of the bartender, throw chairs around, and get out before the cops came. It was getting more and more violent. The violence continued around the country, all led by the veterans. It peaked out in Columbia, Tennessee, in 1947 where about 150 veterans dug in and fought the Klan, the police force, and the National Guard. Five of the leaders were taken out and simply murdered.
"This was going on everywhere. The government has always understood in relation to the black struggle that you have got to appoint a leader of the black people and make them speak through him. We can control one person but we can't control 10,000 half-drunk veterans who are out the country up.
"So suddenly the churches became the center of gravity of the civil rights movement and the government came in on the side of the protestors. But that was not because of Martin Luther King. It was because of the shift in the economy of the South, the mechanization of Southern agriculture, which drove the blacks off the land, into the city, where they developed a certain amount of political power, and could be dealt with on the basis of being citizens.
Whether it's the degeneration of a city or the development of a movement, you've got to look and find out what the objective foundation of it was.
Ten years ago, when Jeremy Rifkin published his book The End of Work, he realized that not only is this a great opportunity for human beings to develop unfettered by carrying bricks and sweating like a dog in factories but what in the hell are you going to do with 50-60 million unemployed and unemployable human beings? The robots are spitting out all the means of subsistence and nobody has the money to buy it.
Suddenly the government realized they've got a different kind of a problem. How do they solve it? More jails, more wars, more terrorizing of the American population with no effort to dig into the fundamental problem that is shaking up not only America, but the entire world.
We're not living in just a period of change, we're living in a period of fundamental transformation. This future is going to be determined by what we do. If we just sit back and let it happen, I can guarantee you the other side has got plans for you."
Nelson Peery, author of Black Fire, speaking in Chicago, January 2003
"Black Fire is a well-told scathing story and it resounds with a sense of justice."--The New Yorker
"In places the book is Wolfean or Whitmanesque, suffused with an awareness and an optimism that have become unfashionable in American writing."--The Washington Post
Bill Cosby recently concluded a fifteen-city tour of town hall meetings in American inner cities. On October 19, he was in Compton.
"He and other speakers traced many of the problems back to the home," wrote the LA Times, "calling on parents to take a firm hand, to participate each day in their child's education, to demand excellence, and to be role models for self-sufficiency."
Bill Cosby's message comes through best in his own words:
"People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around…the lower economic people are not holding up their end of the deal."
"These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids--$500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for 'Hooked on Phonics.'"
"I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you ain't? Where you is?'…You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."
"With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua, and Mohammed and all that crap, and all of them are in jail."

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