Posters & Flyers

People have always shared info with others where they live about important issues using word of mouth, newsletters, handbills and more. With today's technology, it's now easier than ever to make even complex topics easy to understand and recommend sources where people can learn more on their own if they want to.
These posters and flyers are mostly in MS PowerPoint format. They are public domain and open source universal templates meant to be downloaded and adapted for local use by anybody anywhere in the world. The text and pictures can be changed for printing and sharing with family, friends, neighbours and everyone else.
Since we're probably in a recession, they're also very cost-effective. They come in full 8.5" x 11" versions to be printed in black and white, or 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 to a page versions. Here in Toronto, they can be printed for just 3-cents per one-side of black and white page, then cut-up cleanly at Kinko's for just $1 per cut.
Printing using the original MS PowerPoint (or other) format provides the best quality resolution, plus the "Scale To Fit Paper" setting means no extra border is created. People can also proof copies first using the Free Primo .PDF maker (or other) before bringing the final product to the printers on a CD or USB Memory Key.
For example, with the 6 per page versions, you can make around 3000 for $20 to share how you'd like. While people know a lot, since we all don't know the same things, these calm and peaceful but still public acts of dissent appear to be appreciated. People can take the info to digest and reflect on it at their leisure.
Businesses can also leave small flyers near the counter, or put small posters in their windows, or wherever's convenient. There's no need to start conversations about it. Employees can just say the info is there for people to take if they want. Copies of great documentaries on dvd have also worked well to help inform people.
Marketers know that changing people usually involves changing something in our environment. Everyone can do and think what they want, but if people who look into issues calmly and consistently share good info using posters, flyers and dvd's, then others can see if it's valuable and make better choices to improve their lives.
Canadians need to see other Canadians doing things successfully to inspire them not to feel apathetic. People are polite and busy, so it's good to respect that, but also to react to rising prices, health risks and more. We can get better policy by informing more people in and out of government so they know what to reject and ask for.
Once people find their voice for freedom, the next step is expressing it. This can be done in many ways. But, if people don't want to talk about a topic, but you think it's still important for them to look into it, simply offer them a small piece of paper or dvd and leave it at that. Since they can see you're serious, they may check it out.
Sample Posters and Flyers .RAR Package Download
Dating back a few years with hundreds of thousands of versions shared already.
Archives Of Public Domain Posters and Flyers For Download
Click on "All Files: HTTP" in the top left-hand corner to see the PowerPoint Files.
Swine Flu: 10 Tiny Anti-Vaccine Flyers Per Page
Poster and Flyers To Stand For Something * Before * The G20 June 26 - 27th and Canada Day on July 1st, 2010
The City of Toronto vs. G20 Martial Law: Two Months of Posteuring, Postering, Flyering, Radio and Rabble-Rousing to Reach One Million People in Toronto So They Can Reach The Rest
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Candidate for Mayor of Toronto - Poster and Flyer Distribution - September 11th, 2010
Vijay Sarma - 2010 Mayor of Toronto Hopeful - Seven Campaign Posters and Flyers
2011: Flyer Experimentation - Working On What Will Work
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