The Pac-Man Brain Chip vs. The Free Will Pill: Can We Work In And On The Robopia?



problem + reaction = solution can work over decades, including the push for the brain chip, starting with the matrix movie in 1999, moving to alzheimers patients and blind people, now coming to videogames, neurosky music players that read brainwaves, and children with ADHD who need to focus. the goal is to get us to take brain chips to turn us into robot slaves for the elite. at this rate, since we have a lot to focus on, this may creep up on us sooner than later.
see it?
NeuroCog and the University of Wollengong on ADHD
stepilogue: a few years ago there was an article in the guardian called "revolutions, flashmobs and brain chips" about the uk defence departments predictions for the next 30 years, which are similar to the u.s. and canada's as part of nato and in those countries papers too. at the time i asked people how many of their friends who were into video games would consider taking a brain chip. they guessed about half. today... how many videogame junkies would take a brain chip?
note: there is a link between large international organizations and the ideas and policies in most countries. it's easier to rule large groups of people than small because in large groups people feel small. the links between ideas developed by big foundations and think tanks and local policy must be exposed and broken. otherwise the people who want to introduce these ideas to people and get away with it will use the alternative media to do the job for them, or conspiracy theorists.
plus: in an orwellian sense, it's harder to say something worth saying than it is to say nothing, it's harder to be nice with advice than it is to recycle random trivia, it's harder to want to hear people speak when we're getting worse at it, it's harder to think of getting anything useful done when we think just randomly reading, watching or commenting is useful, and it's harder to keep our critical thinking skills when we're not allowed to be critical of anything that we want to do.
finale: the global system is based on preventing people from pressuring their politicans for better policies based on the big picture. most people who get stuff done don't know what's going on, while most people who know what's going on don't get stuff done. adults should be responsible for making sure the people in charge of where they live are doing the right thing by challenging or supporting them. unless that happens, they'll get the guys with guns to go upside our heads.
positive: since this is happening anyway, the best way to feel better about it is to feel in control by working on things that have an impact. otherwise just learning about it will result in feeling bad or disempowered, as seen by the growing number of people "awake" vs. the slowing number "active", even as they see things slide. there is nothing more negative than nothing, so to keep it postive, people just need to be practical about the infowar, revolution and reconstruction needed.
The Brain Chip - A Prison For Your Mind
. search (11/Jan/11): brain chip
brain chip - Google Search
1. BBC NEWS | Health | Brain chip reads man's thoughts
"31 Mar 2005 ... A paralysed US man becomes the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind."
2. Brain Chip Technology
"The Past, Present, and Futures of Brain Chips. ... Emerging Brain Chip Technologies. Brown University: BI 108 2005 ..."
3. Brain implant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Some brain implants involve creating interfaces between neural systems and computer chips, which are part of a wider research field called brain-computer ..."
"9 Sep 2010 ... On Wednesday, the search giant, Google, introduced the Google Brain Chip. This is a chip that users can implant in their brain that will ..."
5. YouTube - The Brain Chip - A Prison For Your Mind
"30 Jun 2008 ... A warning about the push to merge man with machine and the obvious detriment (understatement) it will lead to. Far more detailed information ..."
6. Brain Chip Alters the Mind | LiveScience
"25 Oct 2006 ... A new brain chip under development has been shown to establish new connections in the brains of monkeys that govern movement."
7. Brain On a Chip | h+ Magazine
"7 Apr 2009 ... Are we humans... we might be able to imprint the circuitry of the human brain using transistors on a silicon chip? The brain is a parallel ..."
8. Living with a Brain Chip
"With this increase in connectivity of brain to chip and chip to brain comes increased assimilation and learning time. After implantation (still an ..."
9. A Brain Chip to Control Paralyzed Limbs - Technology Review
"30 Nov 2006 ... Research is under way to make a brain chip capable of triggering muscle movement."
10. Brain chip research aims for future movement - CNN
"2 Mar 2006 ... Matthew Nagel awoke from a two-week coma in the summer of 2001 to learn he was paralyzed from the neck down."My mother was right by my side ..."
11. The Brain Chip Cometh, & It Cometh from Intel
"19 Nov 2009 ... Our own Marshall Kirkpatrick's dreaded brain chip for controlling computers and mobile devices may be closer than even he suspected."
12. Brain Chip
"by T Nakada - Related articlesThis article is the English version of the Brain Chip hypothesis previously presented in .... unit, referred to here as “Brain Chip”, is expected to have a ..."
13. elearnspace › The brain chip…
"20 Nov 2009 ... Consider the brain chip: “Intel researchers in Pittsburgh told journalists today that brain implants are harnessing human brain waves to ..."
14. Professor Calls For "Google Type" Brain Chip Implants
"14 Apr 2008 ... A New York Professor has advocated the idea of Google type brain implant chips that would "improve human memory", an idea which mirrors ..."
15. Brain On A Chip?
"18 Mar 2009 ... How does the human brain run itself without any software? Find that out, say European researchers, and a whole new field of neural computing ..."
16. Brain chip implants coming to a generation near you? - BloggingStocks
"7 May 2007 ... He saw a documentary on TV that showed a brain chip that could help him. I don't know what he saw, so I thought I'd research a little bit. ..."
17. Brain on chip: Nerve tissue interfaced with a computer chip
"2 Jun 2006 ... Before informational input perceived by the mammalian brain is stored in the long-term memory, it is temporarily memorised in the ..."
18. Brain Chips: Artificial Intelligence Is All in Your Head: Tech ...
"22 Dec 2009 ... It would seem that way but they,ve been implanting brain chips since the 1960′s openly, most likley a very old technology. ..."
19. Lawmakers Are Working On Anti-Brain-Chip Bill : All Tech ...
"15 Apr 2010 ... Lawmakers in Ga. think constituents need protection from an apolcalyptic future: microchips in your brain."
20. Brain chips
"1 Sep 2006 ... The chip has been adapted to allow users to analyse brain chemicals remotely. Tiny samples of fluid are taken from the brain and flow into ..."
Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future
* Richard Norton-Taylor
* The Guardian, Monday 9 April 2007
Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls. "Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.
This is the world in 30 years' time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the "future strategic context" likely to face Britain's armed forces. It includes an "analysis of the key risks and shocks". Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as "probability-based, rather than predictive".
The 90-page report comments on widely discussed issues such as the growing economic importance of India and China, the militarisation of space, and even what it calls "declining news quality" with the rise of "internet-enabled, citizen-journalists" and pressure to release stories "at the expense of facts". It includes other, some frightening, some reassuring, potential developments that are not so often discussed.



problem + reaction = solution can work over decades, including the push for the brain chip, starting with the matrix movie in 1999, moving to alzheimers patients and blind people, now coming to videogames, neurosky music players that read brainwaves, and children with ADHD who need to focus. the goal is to get us to take brain chips to turn us into robot slaves for the elite. at this rate, since we have a lot to focus on, this may creep up on us sooner than later.
see it?
NeuroCog and the University of Wollengong on ADHD
stepilogue: a few years ago there was an article in the guardian called "revolutions, flashmobs and brain chips" about the uk defence departments predictions for the next 30 years, which are similar to the u.s. and canada's as part of nato and in those countries papers too. at the time i asked people how many of their friends who were into video games would consider taking a brain chip. they guessed about half. today... how many videogame junkies would take a brain chip?
note: there is a link between large international organizations and the ideas and policies in most countries. it's easier to rule large groups of people than small because in large groups people feel small. the links between ideas developed by big foundations and think tanks and local policy must be exposed and broken. otherwise the people who want to introduce these ideas to people and get away with it will use the alternative media to do the job for them, or conspiracy theorists.
plus: in an orwellian sense, it's harder to say something worth saying than it is to say nothing, it's harder to be nice with advice than it is to recycle random trivia, it's harder to want to hear people speak when we're getting worse at it, it's harder to think of getting anything useful done when we think just randomly reading, watching or commenting is useful, and it's harder to keep our critical thinking skills when we're not allowed to be critical of anything that we want to do.
finale: the global system is based on preventing people from pressuring their politicans for better policies based on the big picture. most people who get stuff done don't know what's going on, while most people who know what's going on don't get stuff done. adults should be responsible for making sure the people in charge of where they live are doing the right thing by challenging or supporting them. unless that happens, they'll get the guys with guns to go upside our heads.
positive: since this is happening anyway, the best way to feel better about it is to feel in control by working on things that have an impact. otherwise just learning about it will result in feeling bad or disempowered, as seen by the growing number of people "awake" vs. the slowing number "active", even as they see things slide. there is nothing more negative than nothing, so to keep it postive, people just need to be practical about the infowar, revolution and reconstruction needed.
The Brain Chip - A Prison For Your Mind
. search (11/Jan/11): brain chip
brain chip - Google Search
1. BBC NEWS | Health | Brain chip reads man's thoughts
"31 Mar 2005 ... A paralysed US man becomes the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind."
2. Brain Chip Technology
"The Past, Present, and Futures of Brain Chips. ... Emerging Brain Chip Technologies. Brown University: BI 108 2005 ..."
3. Brain implant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Some brain implants involve creating interfaces between neural systems and computer chips, which are part of a wider research field called brain-computer ..."
"9 Sep 2010 ... On Wednesday, the search giant, Google, introduced the Google Brain Chip. This is a chip that users can implant in their brain that will ..."
5. YouTube - The Brain Chip - A Prison For Your Mind
"30 Jun 2008 ... A warning about the push to merge man with machine and the obvious detriment (understatement) it will lead to. Far more detailed information ..."
6. Brain Chip Alters the Mind | LiveScience
"25 Oct 2006 ... A new brain chip under development has been shown to establish new connections in the brains of monkeys that govern movement."
7. Brain On a Chip | h+ Magazine
"7 Apr 2009 ... Are we humans... we might be able to imprint the circuitry of the human brain using transistors on a silicon chip? The brain is a parallel ..."
8. Living with a Brain Chip
"With this increase in connectivity of brain to chip and chip to brain comes increased assimilation and learning time. After implantation (still an ..."
9. A Brain Chip to Control Paralyzed Limbs - Technology Review
"30 Nov 2006 ... Research is under way to make a brain chip capable of triggering muscle movement."
10. Brain chip research aims for future movement - CNN
"2 Mar 2006 ... Matthew Nagel awoke from a two-week coma in the summer of 2001 to learn he was paralyzed from the neck down."My mother was right by my side ..."
11. The Brain Chip Cometh, & It Cometh from Intel
"19 Nov 2009 ... Our own Marshall Kirkpatrick's dreaded brain chip for controlling computers and mobile devices may be closer than even he suspected."
12. Brain Chip
"by T Nakada - Related articlesThis article is the English version of the Brain Chip hypothesis previously presented in .... unit, referred to here as “Brain Chip”, is expected to have a ..."
13. elearnspace › The brain chip…
"20 Nov 2009 ... Consider the brain chip: “Intel researchers in Pittsburgh told journalists today that brain implants are harnessing human brain waves to ..."
14. Professor Calls For "Google Type" Brain Chip Implants
"14 Apr 2008 ... A New York Professor has advocated the idea of Google type brain implant chips that would "improve human memory", an idea which mirrors ..."
15. Brain On A Chip?
"18 Mar 2009 ... How does the human brain run itself without any software? Find that out, say European researchers, and a whole new field of neural computing ..."
16. Brain chip implants coming to a generation near you? - BloggingStocks
"7 May 2007 ... He saw a documentary on TV that showed a brain chip that could help him. I don't know what he saw, so I thought I'd research a little bit. ..."
17. Brain on chip: Nerve tissue interfaced with a computer chip
"2 Jun 2006 ... Before informational input perceived by the mammalian brain is stored in the long-term memory, it is temporarily memorised in the ..."
18. Brain Chips: Artificial Intelligence Is All in Your Head: Tech ...
"22 Dec 2009 ... It would seem that way but they,ve been implanting brain chips since the 1960′s openly, most likley a very old technology. ..."
19. Lawmakers Are Working On Anti-Brain-Chip Bill : All Tech ...
"15 Apr 2010 ... Lawmakers in Ga. think constituents need protection from an apolcalyptic future: microchips in your brain."
20. Brain chips
"1 Sep 2006 ... The chip has been adapted to allow users to analyse brain chemicals remotely. Tiny samples of fluid are taken from the brain and flow into ..."
Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future
* Richard Norton-Taylor
* The Guardian, Monday 9 April 2007
Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls. "Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.
This is the world in 30 years' time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the "future strategic context" likely to face Britain's armed forces. It includes an "analysis of the key risks and shocks". Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as "probability-based, rather than predictive".
The 90-page report comments on widely discussed issues such as the growing economic importance of India and China, the militarisation of space, and even what it calls "declining news quality" with the rise of "internet-enabled, citizen-journalists" and pressure to release stories "at the expense of facts". It includes other, some frightening, some reassuring, potential developments that are not so often discussed.
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