Random Email Exchange Rates

Random Email Exchange Rates
nah, i'm just killing time doing some good sh-t because there's not enough of it, but otherwise i'm still the same mofo i ever was. incidentally, one reason i "swear" and don't have any money, power, sex, etc., is that smart people can be intimidating enough. however, if you feel better than someone, then they can't really be intimidating. and, if you feel sorry for someone, you take away their power over you. it (should) work(s) for everyone.
so, i get lots of people downtown feeling better than me in enough ways to be cool while still appreciating what i do, including flyering the sh-t out of this city to protest the protest and share real info like a non-gmo shopping guide, vaccine exemptions, the fact that this "protest" is just a big staged traumatic slap to toronto's face, and more. i'm at a nice comfy equilibrium that lets me to move freely and get a millon co-signs solo on the dolo.
any-wheeze, thaar 'tiiis, everything is going reasonably well,
see, yellin' at er fence ain't ne'er gon' get nuthin' done, and it ne'er has.
btw, this' latest track recorded and mixed yesterday, it was written on june 5th after i copped the "drake - thank me later" album leak, it's great, but the song speaks for itself on that and more. i can't wait to get into recording more consistently and performing, but it'll be good to get some more tittillating tribulating under my beltway before i move to allow it. it's awesome meng, i'm an eternal optimist and a believer in our abilities to help manifest it.
what the heck, there's evidence scattered oot and aboot.
and, maybe i'm just fooling myself, but hey, then at least no one else is!
That's better, mucho obligado amigro and besto presto-lucko workin' da machino. When we live in a world where friends can't send friends stuff they "thought" to send just to say check it or congrats, especially when it's their own stuff they put time into and got acclaim for... Anyway, back to work. I'm a fan of "spam" too, or at least the stuff my friends send me. Even when it's crap, it's better than most crap, and some of that crap is pretty good.
FYI, my pops sends me and lots of other people stuff. His crazy-old ass doesn't give a damn either. He knows you need this health tip or inspirational quote or joke more than he does. After all, he's the one sending the email and you're not. Tsk-tsk. It's cool amigro, you wouldn't believe what was poppin' off here right now if I told you, so no worries, I'll just show you later. Hope you enjoyin' the olde-schoole [redacted] (now with actors!) shine... ;-)
no worries and sounds great dood, but i'm moving differently these days after working on how, everything's going fine. some dood's are scared of revolution; i'm bored of it. but music helps, others too. after the election i'm going to need vacations, so thanks for the offer to present me with your children to play with. i thought i'd just enforce that in toronto, but it's good to see the surrounding areas getting hip as well. i also interviewed dan and bryan from pressfortruth.ca for an hour who documented the g20 stuff, plus i just did another one with henry makow on relationships that got a bit personal as i was asked about my dealings with chickery, as long as they know they're dealing with me then things work out fine.
i love the new evening conversation option, but i also love being able to rave like a lunatic in the early morn', occasionally dos macacos unt dos typewritos come up with kookily kool shtuff.. the rest of the time they just throw crap around. anyway, i recommend one of the two interviews depending on yer mood. besides that, when did "writers" in correspondence with their friends resort to 8 word emails? ye gods meng, methinks a bunch of dead scribes be rolling over in their graves. though, i betcha the poor bastards are still bitchin' and itchin' to write about it instead. suckers. anyway, if you forget how to speak too then we ain't hangin', even though i do admitz that you iz real purtty and all... ;-)
Press For Truth vs. Globalism Is Death vs. Hope You're Having FUN! with Dan Dicks and Bryan Law - July 6, 2010
Who Started The Battle of the Sexes? with Dr. Henry Makow - July 12, 2010
or maybe they saw the other critiques from the stiiicks and decided to be MSM smug. don't worry about it, they only talk about you if they like you, no matter what they say.
bah, you got off lite dood. it's a pretty good review and they basically set up the piece by saying your small-town ass and small-town [redacted] were definitely worth writing about. then they said you wrote such a great first half that the second half couldn't possibly live up to expectations, but it was good nonetheless. a lot of great albums are the same way. the editor chose the title and probably pissed off the writer too. you're like one of those guys who's a too-hot to ignore but not certified yet, but you're well on your way to atwood status.
e.g., my man took me to a shiny expensive "bottle-service" club, or buy $25 dollar bottles of booze for $125 and get service, a booth and mix too. we got comp'd when he whipped out that "[redacted]" business card, i swear it felt like a 12-inch schlong the way everyboy started running around for us. it was neat. still, he got a lot of flack from his buddies after his editor re-sequenced the paragraphs to make it sound like his review didn't morally approve of or like the idea. nothing was further from the truth, but it happens. no worries.
fyi, here's an example. i'm not sure if you've seen this, but the cbc producer was really nice in sending a team for a couple of hours to cover us, but they still had to attack me during the interview. no worries, i'm used to it from debating (etc.) and it went well. the short 3 minute piece wasn't bad either, it didn't make any of the 4 hours of re-broadcast "the national" that night, but it aired locally on a dozen cbc stations across the country. it wasn't a "great" piece, but there's no way they would've put that much time into us if they didn't like us.
The Shot Is The Pandemic Part 1/2: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
btw, you gotta trust the love you get from people who aren't working for massive corporations. it's less compromised. if i wrote about you for the globe and mail, i'd probably write a similar review based more on where you are positioned in the industry than what i personally thought or would recommend. not that corporate-lovin' isn't fun, but they respect you more if you know the game is and cut them some slack. i'm fairly nice when i talk mess about them all the time, and they're fairly nice to me because they know where i'm coming from, so we're on even ground.
thanks and i think you're doing it dood, or making the most of your time by weaving in literary elements into something worth writing because it'll get put on by people who assume that's what people want to see. be wary though, just because you put it there it doesn't mean other people see it. it's cool, get a couple of these commercial bangers with a brain under your belt and get your audience, then f--k with them by showing your artsy-fartsy side, then go too-far with it and tank because you bottled it up, then come back with a ferociously incensed rage and clarity to win the governor general's award. that'll be fun.
i feel the same way about music, the radio show and everything, or trying to give people what they should want to hear as opposed to what they learn they want to hear. before me and me amigro enjoyed a pleasant eve of public imbibery, i lamented at starbucks that i was pissed at the idea that i have to know everything you're going to say to me and vice versa in the (not-so) brave new world. there's a meme aboot that separates us by the topics we look at into our social groups. we watch the same shows and know what and what-not to say. in many cases, we learn how to to say we enjoy stuff to repeat it safely.
methinks the shtuffy olde thea-tahhh has this in epidemic spades. i even notice it around here and see the same damn musicals that were around when i was a kid being recycled. there's lots of sucky reasons for that and a handful of good ones, but it's still the market to compete in, so it needs to be understood. i'm approaching it in general like i don't want to mess up the party, i just want you to know i know how you can keep partying, which seems to work for most. you're approaching it like you want to headline the party, so sometimes you have to toe the party-line. it's cool, i mean, it's still "your" [redacted], ennit?
hey guys,
i'm just sayin', but i think you should pull the mp3 of our radio interview and re-post it on your PFT website. it's freakin' awesome and more people should hear it, so maybe you can re-name it something more boring for more people to download. i can't do it easily because i want to keep practicing being more creative than most to find more creative ways out of this mess, but most conspirienced folk like the boring academic approach more than the punchy populist one (for whatever it's worth), so maybe you can call it "Dan and Bryan from Press For Truth on CKLN Radio - United We Fall and G20 Martial Law - July 5, 2010" or something like that. fyi, you can call it whatever you want.
anyway, just a thought, but i thought we killed it and more people should hear it killed, or the ideas of globalization and G20 "security" took a hell of beating anyway. anyway, hope ya good and keep me posted on the latest PFTruth to promote. personally, i'm sick of all this damn "info" being fed to (apparently) crippled canadians, it's like giving people in wheelchairs basketballs as gifts. so, i'm focusing more on the self-help and relationships side of things right now. i figure if we learn to relate better, then we can relate whatever we've learned better, including sweet-sweet truthiness, oh baby. imho, i think we can move beyond the "hobby" stage of this revolution. one would hope.
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