Feds release national emergency response plan four months after AG urges one

Beware the Ides (ideas?) of March...
FYI, this is probably our PRS version of "PDD-51", or "FEMA", or any of the other Jahnkee fascist COG (Continuity of Government -- in case of a total collapse) and other "emergency" response programs. Like the one that worked so well during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. IMHO, if there's a big blizzard and the Feds say everyone report to the Skydome (nee -- Rogers Centre -- nee -- New Orleans Superdome) where there will be food and water and you won't be raped or shot... don't listen to them.
IMHO, as usual, our Canadian media doesn't give us much, which doesn't give us much to worry about, though perhaps we should. We should find the original legislation and comb through it to see the details. Like "Bill C-6" and others, they can be sold as "good" absent the details. This combined with the recent National Post article on how the cops can now stop anybody driving a car at any time to check for drunk drivers even absent a R.I.D.E. checkpoint and without probable cause are ominous signs too.
BTW, not that I know what "normal" should be, but with over 300 truth seekers and a lot of truth to be sought and shared, it's way-too quiet on this listserve. Hasn't anybody found any truth that we can do something with? For what it's worth, let's make an effort to productively speak up. Our corporate-culture will create people too-cool to do anything, even when the FEMA truck wants to take them camping, but that's not cool. Let's start sharing more ideas about what to do before "2012: We Were Warned", etc.
FYB, people should listen to music to get their energy up, or play their favourite ballsy song on repeat while they're working on truth-stuff to maintain that energy. While TTS has done some great work, once it stops, it really stops. With what we know we're facing: that's completely insane. The people who know what's going on have to make an effort to do something. Otherwise nobody else will. We shouldn't wonder why people aren't waking up and doing something. We should just do something to wake them up.
Feds release national emergency response plan four months after AG urges one
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1 hour, 18 minutes ago
By The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - The government has released an "all-hazards" national emergency response plan four months after it was chastised for not having one approved by cabinet.
The plan outlines the responsibilities departments and agencies have in national or provincial emergencies, as well as international ones that could affect Canada.
"It outlines the processes and mechanisms needed for an integrated response to an emergency," Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said Monday.
"It's also designed to co-ordinate emergency response efforts by federal, provincial and territorial governments, as well as the private sector and NGOs. Most of all, it will help to ensure that the government's response to an emergency is seamless and timely and that key decisions can be made quickly when disaster strikes."
Largely logistical in nature, the plan touches on virtually every conceivable natural or man-made disaster, from toxic spills and plane or train crashes to earthquakes, deadly storms and pandemics.
It also addresses government roles in tackling "cyber incidents" and terrorism - all in the name of protecting lives, property, national security and the economy.
In November, Auditor General Sheila Fraser said Public Safety Canada - the agency responsible for co-ordinating the federal crisis response - had not completed an emergency blueprint, nor had it received formal blessing.
That was two years after Parliament gave the department the lead on crisis management.
Fraser said while there was a crisis-response framework on the books, more work was needed to ensure "an integrated, co-ordinated approach to emergencies."
Canada has endured wide-scale emergencies in recent years including the current flu pandemic, the 2003 SARS outbreak, numerous severe floods and the 1998 ice storm in Ontario and Quebec.
The plan establishes liaison officers to serve as links between their departments and the government in emergencies, while representatives from non-governmental organizations and the private sector may also be called upon for expertise.
"Effective emergency management can only be achieved by sharing resources, targeting priorities, integrated plans and working together with stakeholders across multiple levels of government," said Toews.
"That is what the federal emergency response plan is all about."
Nudity still shocks! NYC exhibit with naked performers causes discomfort
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2 hours, 58 minutes ago
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A new exhibit at New York's Museum of Modern Art is causing discomfort among some visitors by bringing them close to nude performers - some might say too close.
Two nude performers stand inches apart in a narrow doorway of the exhibit of work by Yugoslavian-born artist Marina Abramovic, which opened on Sunday.
The position of the naked pair, who alternate and are either opposite or same-sex performers, forces patrons to decide whether to walk between them.
To some patrons, a brush with live flesh was just too much to ponder.
Morgan Wolfe, an 18-year-old visitor to the museum, decided not to walk between two male performers.
"It bothers me a bit," he told the New York Post in Sunday editions.
The exhibit, "Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present," presents a view of Abramovic's career over four decades and her work in a variety of mediums, including performance art, installations, sound pieces, video works and photographs.
Besides the naked pair in the doorway, the exhibit includes a nude performer lying under a skeleton and a naked woman on a bicycle seat.
Abramovic is best known for performance works in which she exposed herself to physical pain, sometimes involving audience participation.
In one of her most squirm-inducing works, she invited members of the audience to inflict pain on her with one of 72 objects, including a rose, a chain, scissors, knives, a whip and a gun.
The exhibit at the MoMA continues through May 31.
On the Net:
Museum of Modern Art: http://moma.org
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