Federal government apologizes for shipping body bags with flu supplies

Heya Canadian Hellth Freedom Activists & Allies,
I was just speaking with my Portugese buddy, he told me Portugese news said the Canadian Feds apologized for shipping body bags with flu vaccine supplies. I couldn't believe it, but a simple Google search revealed many mainstream news stories about it:
Google Search: canadian federal government vaccine body bag provincial
This is probably why we should put up lots of posters and flyers and do lots of other stuff to stop mandatory vaccines. As usual everything's a "mistake", which is really a big joke, from this vacc-madness to NORAD standing down on 9/11 and nobody getting fired, etc.
In a globally standardizing culture, we are being told to get used to the whole thing falling apart, act like we're smart enough to know it's "obvious" if it's brought up, and to do nothing about it. People on the "inside" are being given crazier stuff to do and getting away with it.
An elderly spirited white woman came into my store yesterday. She looked around, then told me a 45 minute story full of anecdotes and referenced documentation about how the healthcare system killed her best friend. It was amazing and it showed what they've been trained to do.
Caveat Emperor would say: "Of course there are good people..." blah-blah-blah, so I'll save it. The bottom line is our Communist Canada healthcare system will kill us if we let it because most of the people in charge of it are eugenicists jockeying for key positions in the final New World Order.
While they try to impress their bosses up the chain of conspiratorial command, they're going to get sloppy. This gives us our opening to reach people while they can still be reached. However, that will depend on whether or not we're the type of people than can still reach people too. We'll see.
P.S. Random samples of insanity...
OTTAWA -- The federal government admitted Thursday that it was insensitive to send body bags in a shipment of medical supplies to First Nations communities awaiting help to prepare for the fall flu season.
A Manitoba Health Canada official apologized for sending body bags to Manitoba First Nations communities this afternoon, explaining that the over 200 post-mortem kits sent to northern communities were never intended to be part of flu kits.
OTTAWA–Health Canada is admitting that it "erred" when it shipped body bags to a Manitoba native community trying to prepare for the H1N1 flu virus.
WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Health officials ordered an investigation Thursday into why the Canadian government sent body bags to an Aboriginal reserve in Manitoba after community leaders requested assistance to deal with an expected outbreak of swine flu.
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