Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DON'T GET SHOT: Toronto, Union Station, 6 am - 10 am, Wed, Sep 16th!





Heya CTC,

I walked around late last night in perfect Toronto weather freestyle-rapping (quietly) to Jay-Z's "The Blueprint 3" instrumentals. FYI, the beat for the song "On To The Next One" is bananas. It's perfect for truthers who feel like getting plans done and moving on to the next one. I dropped thousands of tiny anti-vaccine flyers in the mailboxes and doorways of businesses on the Esplanade and on Yonge St. in small bunches tied in rubber bands last night. We'll see what happens next.

Results may vary, but can be used to ensure better future results.

I know Canadians have to be worried about "swine flu" craziness because of the mass media announcing big plans to shoot us in October, restrict travel, quarantine people, etc. So, they might react if we, the conspirienced, figure out how they should. Which we should. Incidentally, mailboxes have almost vanished from the city core, which I was shocked to find out. Just like the disappearing payphones, you don't notice until you need one. Still, it's probably worth filling the ones we can now.

Maybe tiny pieces of paper can lead to more conversations later.

I think a good way to finally take the "truth" movement mainstream is to save a bunch of kids from getting shot. And a bunch of parents from a bunch of grief. It's cool, the endgame we want is worked out. It beats the endgame they want. We can easily find our own ways and means to reach parents and schools, etc. The only problem is if they (the NWO) do stuff and we (the Truthers) don't. That will obviously cause more problems than solutions, so we should change that fast before we're all shot.

Just Do It for the email signature quotes that say we should do it.

I realize that not everybody thinks they can do something. But that's because most people haven't thought of something to do. Once they do, they'll definitely think of something. My roommate Darcy and I are doing a street action at Union Station from 6 - 10 am on Wednesday morning. Everyone in Toronto is free to join us. Come to think of it, everyone in the World is free to do this stuff on their own. We'll make sure the busy downtown Dilbert's have some good water-cooler chats and lunchtime Googling

Finally, on the Communist Canada concept: it works.

You don't even have to say "Communist" Canada to make it work.

I said:

"Here in 'Canada', we don't like talking about this stuff because it gets us upset...

... so here's a little piece of paper. You can do whatever you want with it."

That worked for the Sobey's security cool handle-bar mustachioed old guy.

Who is, to be sure, an example of our preferred and quintessentially Canuck clientele... ;-)


P.S. Here's where you can download, adapt, re-post and even use flyers for hand-to-hand anti-NWO combat:


P.P.S. Anyone can mock up stuff like on the flyers page in PowerPoint, .pdf it, or get Johnny Graphics-guy to make a better resolution version (see below).


P.P.P.S. The link to this picture from a June 12, 2006 Ottawa Citizen article has been up on Megaupload for years from my MySpace photos page, that's very nice of them.




Black Krishna Brand

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If you only listen to one thing this week...

Well, that's silly.

Just download and listen to this soon, okay? :-)




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