Saturday Shindiggery: France had general stikes with 2.5 mm people thanks to 8 organizations... et oui?

General Strike Paris France 29 Jan 2009
Europe's winter of discontent
Thursday's French national strike reflects growing despair on the Continent with the way governments are handling the recession, says Adrian Michaels.
By Adrian Michaels
Last Updated: 4:50PM GMT 29 Jan 2009
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(Photo: A protester stands near a riot policeman during a demonstration in central Athens - Greek riots: Banks and cars burned by mob)
(Photo: A protester stands near a riot policeman during a demonstration in central Athens, where there has been violence on the streets for a week)
The French are in revolt. On Thursday, teachers, television employees, postal workers, students and masses of other public-sector workers will be united in a hugely-popular strike with car workers, supermarket staff, journalists and thousands of others in the private sector.
One poll said that 75 per cent of the public supported the action, which has the backing of the large union groups and opposition socialists. It will be a big test for President Nicolas Sarkozy but, more importantly, the strike will mark the biggest protest so far in one of the world's largest economies against the grief and distress being caused by the catastrophic global downturn.
A depression triggered in America is being played out in Europe with increasing violence, and other forms of social unrest are spreading. In Iceland, a government has fallen. Workers have marched in Zaragoza, as Spanish unemployment heads towards 20 per cent. There have been riots and bloodshed in Greece, protests in Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Bulgaria. The police have suppressed public discontent in Russia, and will be challenged again at large gatherings this weekend.
This is turning into Europe's winter of discontent. Protests are widespread and gathering pace. It seems to be about national interests superceding the common cause that has united countries for decades.
[Note: That "common cause" is the New World Order - Ed.]
Saturday Shindiggery: France had general stikes with 2.5 mm people thanks to 8 organizations... et oui?
"Do the good deed and you shall have praise from the civil authority."
- Romans 13.3
Hey Conspirational Speakers! ;-P
I hope everyone is good, this is just a quick reminder of Saturday's ongoing anti-NWO shindiggery until the end of February at 1512-C Dundas St. West at Dufferin, one driveway north-west in the back behind the green doors, downstairs. The schedule is 4 pm - 8 pm: stop the NWO, 8 pm - 4 am: party. All are welcome but the goal is to build a conspirienced core, beat the New World Order, then celebrate with punch and cookies, BYOB, BYOBBOWBBOG''s etc.
Incidentally, while I'll never deny it's madness, there's a method to it...
But I digest.
Here's a couple of pointy-headed points to ponder...
1. France had general strikes with 2.5 mm people recently (UK Telegraph 30/Jan.09) thanks to 8 organized groups, it and others are not being discussed much in our media because they don't want a Western democracy giving us good ideas. However, if we were to do this we'd have to form at least one organization and link up with others, so we should battle-plan how. Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" reveals they have disaster-capitalism plans in place in case, we should have them too, so war-gaming a few bad scenarios and having responses handy is a good idea.
2 The G-24 Solution is almost ready, a few more cuts at it and I'll have it, but I'll release the details soon. Basically, we need 24 people to commit 2 hours a week to fulfilling specific roles to help run a group to save our city from the New World Order. Once the bugs are worked out, we can export that model more easily and see it pop-up everywhere. There's lots of reasons and psychology with this approach, but one key will be seeing if the people who spent several years yelling at others and imploring them to "wake up and do something" decide they want to do something. If not then our credibility is shot.
3. Working groups involve taking the best ideas and analysis we each have and collectively improving them. We're up against tons of think tanks who carefully craft messages for special collective purposes. We should too. As stubborn individuals we can insist on having our own theories and opinions as a matter of "taste", but when we're up against the best brainwashing in history, it helps to perfect similar solutions that can work on the similar stuff people hear. Since we're in historic times, I'm going to get the best out of people and record it for promotion or posterity, so please be prepared for the dialectic, or to productively vent your spleen .
That'll do, curious cats can check below.
P.S. Here's a couple of examples of what's poppin'...
BGD vs. NWO: A Conversation Between Conspiracy Theorists About How To Beat The New World Order
BK and Andrew | Toronto | 133 mins | January 31, 2009
The Metro Sodomy: A Fun Way To Beat The New World Order
Special Operations: A Quick Look Behind The Scenes
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