Blink 182 Star Latest Celebrity To Question 9/11 ("Alex, Charlie and the 1200 folks at the 9/11 Truth Conference in L.A. have made a new friend!" :-) / Prison
Blink 182 Star Latest Celebrity To Question 9/11
Attack was "not perpetrated by a bunch of people who just learned to fly planes" says pop icon on San Diego FM station
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | June 28 2006
Blink 182 star Tom DeLonge has followed in the footsteps of Charlie Sheen by becoming the latest celebrity to publicly doubt the official version of events behind 9/11 and voice his belief that the attacks were an inside job.
DeLonge is the lead singer in Blink 182, a southern Californian punk/pop quartet that has had two US Billboard number one selling albums and whose 1999 album Enema of the State went platinum five times over.
During a hosting spot on a San Diego’s KAVA-FM radio station, DeLonge talked with Professor James Fetzer about evidence of 9/11 inside involvement.
"We do know that the buildings came down in a fashion extremely similar to a controlled demolition of a building - we do know that expertise that is needed to fly those gigantic planes into that exact location could never have been achieved by someone that just learned how to fly a small plane, said DeLonge."
Discussing the failure of NORAD to enact standard operating procedure and intercept the planes and Norman Mineta's testimony about Cheney's orders 'still standing' - DeLonge stated, "Cheney knew that the planes are coming in and he capped the order to leave it alone so it could hit."
"It's so weird how our own government did it to us, 9/11 was not perpetrated by a bunch of people that just learned how to fly planes," said DeLonge.
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Highlighting consistent Zogby polls that show an increasing acceleration of awareness to alternative explanations behind 9/11, DeLonge stated, "We're talking about 60-70% of the American people are actually starting to think that there's a different story, why are we as Americans sitting back and letting this happen to us?"
"Why would we sit back and let our country be defined this way?," said DeLonge.
DeLonge was careful to counter potential accusations that he was simply engaging in partisan rhetoric.
"I want to come out right now and say that I am not for a Democrat or for the Republican party - I want to make this clear right now and say that I don't hate Bush because he's Republican."
"I believe in the idea of America being as it was set out to be - this great experiment to better mankind," said the Blink 182 star.
"This isn't about the red or blue, this is about this administration being involved in something that is really really scary and really really dark and deceptive."
While clearly not in the same league as Charlie Sheen's courageous high-profile public stance, DeLonge should be commended for using his notoriety as a platform for exploring the truth.
Celebrities questioning 9/11 do not give the truth movement credibility, that has already been obtained through the research of people such as Professor Jones, Morgan Reynolds and Andreas von Bülow. Celebrities give the truth movement a more vocal platform and a means of reaching a sector of society that might usually be off-limits via the normal reaches of the alternative truth community.

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