Testing the 9/11 blog hypothesis blog, blog... again... or something like that...

* The Money Masters *
(The U.S. Federal Reserve is privately owned by a few big banks - which are in turn owned by a few old money families. Seriously. For example, it's in the phonebook's "white" pages and not the "blue" government pages. The whole central banking system is also one big lie, and the control and abuse of the planet's resources is managed by it. The history of fractional reserve banking is a joke in allowing banks to lie without recourse, and manipulate markets to engineer a crisis whenever they want. There's probably no gold left in Fort Knox either - they stopped doing their legally mandated audits years ago. Plus, plus, plus...)
WATCH - http://www.heartbone.com/various/RedPillVideos.html#D41

The People v. The Banks - The Greatest Battle
"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is The People vs. The Banks."
- Lord Acton, Historian, 1834 - 1902
This day is this prophecy being fulfilled before your eyes - May God Bless You
Visit our new website under construction:
Visit our Petition site:
To further encourage people to join our class action, �The People vs The Banks�, we have started to distribute our first flyer. These flyers are designed to be attached to automobile windshield wipers. Please feel free to make as many copies as you want. We find the best strategy is to place the flyers on cars parked in or around the banks� parking lots. Let�s take our business right into their sanctuaries.
PRESS RELEASEThe complaint filed Friday April 15, 2005 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia at New Westminster, alleges that all financial institutions who are in the business of lending money have engaged in a deliberate scheme to defraud the borrowers by lending non-existent money which are illegally created by the financial institutions out of �thin air.� Dempsey claims that creation of money out of nothing is ultra vires these defendants� charter or granted corporate power and therefore void and all monies loaned under false pretence contravenes the Criminal Code. The suit which is the first of its kind ever filed in Canada which could involve millions of Canadians alleges that the contracts entered into between the People (�the borrowers�) and the financial institutions were void or voidable and have no force and effect due to anticipated breach and for non-disclosure of material facts. Dempsey says the transactions constitutes counterfeiting and money laundering in that the source of money, if money was indeed advanced by the defendants and deposited into the borrowers� accounts, could not be traced, nor could not be explained or accounted for.
National Press Release
Media Release
John R. Dempsey
E-Mail: classaction_cpa@hotmail.com
April 15, 2005
New Westminster, B.C., April 15, 2005. John Ruiz Dempsey BSCr, LL.B, a criminologist and forensic litigation specialist filed a class action suit on behalf of the People of Canada alleging that financial institutions are engaged in illegal creation of money.
The suit names Envision Credit Union (�Envision�), a credit union; Laurentian Bank of Canada (�Laurentian Bank�), Royal Bank of Canada (�Royal Bank�), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (�CIBC�), Bank of Montreal (�BOM�), TD Canada Trust (�Canada Trust�) and Canadian Payment Association (�CPA�) as civil conspirators. The plaintiff in the lawsuit is seeking recovery of money and property that was lost by way of confiscation through illegal �debt� collection and foreclosure. The Plaintiff is also seeking for the return of the equities which rightfully belongs to the People of Canada, now being held by the defendant financial institutions as constructive trustees without color of right.
At all material times, these defendant banks and all of them have no legal standing to lend any money to borrowers, because: 1) these banks and credit unions did not have the money to lend, and therefore they did not have any capacity to enter into a binding contract; 2) the defendants did not have any cash reserve, they are not legally permitted to lend their depositor�s or member�s money without expressed written authorization form the depositors, and: 3) the defendants have no tangible assets of their own to lend and all their �assets� are �paper assets� which are mainly in the form of �receivables� created by them out of �thin air,� derived out of loans whereas the monies loaned out were also created out of thin air. Other than bookkeeping and computer entries, no money or substance of any value was loaned by the defendants to the Plaintiff. In all of the loan transactions entered into between the Plaintiff and the Defendants, the financial institutions did not bring any equity to any of the transaction. All the equities were provided by the borrowers. The practices of the defendant financial institutions alleged in the complaint starkly contrast the practices of responsible and ethical money lenders who actually lend real, tangible, legal tender cash money. The complaint alleges that the loan transactions are fraudulent because no value was ever imparted by the defendants to the Plaintiff; these defendants did not risk anything, nor lost anything and never would have lost anything under any circumstances and therefore no lien has been perfected according to law and equity against the Plaintiff. The foreclosure proceedings which comes as a result of the borrower defaulting on such fraudulent loans were carried out in bad faith by the defendant banks and credit unions, and as such, these foreclosures were in every respect unlawful acts of conversion and unlawful seizure of property without due process of law which always results in the unjust enrichment of the defendants. The suit alleges that the defendants utilize fraudulent banking practices whereby they deceive customers into believing that they are actually receiving �credit� or money when in fact no actual money is being loaned to their customers. However, the complaint describes a practice whereby there is realistically no money other than ledger or computer entries being loaned to the borrowers. Rather than real money being received by the borrowers, �electronic� or �digitally created money�, created out of nothing, at no cost to the financial institutions are entered as �loans� into their customers� accounts. The borrowers are then required to pay criminal interest rates for the money they never received. The suit alleges that the defendants effectively turn consumers into virtual debt slaves, forcing them to pay for something they never received, and then seizing their properties if they can no longer pay the banks with real money.
There is no law in Canada that could remotely suggest that the defendant financial institutions have the legal right to create money out of nothing. Dempsey says: �only God has the power to create anything out of nothing.� The class action suit, the first and the biggest of its kind in Canada is intended to give the justice system the opportunity to prove itself to the People of Canada who is really in control or whether they would continue to allow itself to be used by the banks as a tool in their unlawful and fraudulent banking practices which always ends in the enslavement of the people and confiscation of the people�s properties.
Two other class action suits were filed by John Ruiz Dempsey against the banks. The first one was filed by Dempsey on behalf of Ian Dennis Gravlin of Calgary, Alberta and Pavel Darmantchev of Kelowna, B.C. versus the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. This matter is set for case management conference hearing on April 26, 2005. The Plaintiffs expects a stiff opposition from the defendant�s law firm. Madam Justice Garson is the case management judge assigned to the case.
A second class action suit was filed against MBNA CANADA BANK on behalf of Pavel Darmantchev of Kelowna, B.C., Ian Dennis Gravlin of Calgary, Alberta and Dena Alden of Vancouver, B.C.
Statement of Claim in English: http://www.freewebs.com/classaction/People's SOC.doc
Statement of Claim in French: http://www.freewebs.com/classaction/Canada - Recours collectif - Banques.doc
See Latest Update:
Press Releases:
Published nation-wide: http://www.freewebs.com/classaction/PressReleaseStrike2.doc
Press Release September 6, 2005:
We hit Canada News Wire - nation-wide.
We need the following information:
Your name:
Email address:
Comments: provide brief description regarding your claim. Please provide name of financial institution.
Send above information to: classaction_cpa@hotmail.com or classproceeding@yahoo.ca
SOURCE - http://www.freewebs.com/classaction/index.htm

Peace by printing our own money...
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