The Boiling Frog Effect: Goodbye Radio Show, Goodbye Free Speech, Goodbye Knowledge... Goodbye Alex Jones, it was fun learning the truth.

They've taken it from me.
I can't believe it.
They've taken one of my fave radio shows from me.
The Alex Jones Show is dead.
I tried normally clicking on all of these:
Listen to Alex Jones Live from 11AM-2PM and from 9PM-Midnight Central Mon-Fri
Live! Listen to Alex Jones
Main Stream -- Click Here
Live! Listen to Alex Jones
Backup Stream if Main Goes Out
new Shortwave Frequencies!!! -(complete listening info here)
And they didn't work.
Then I tried:
Listen to Alex on Shortwave
The show is broadcast over Shortwave from 11AM-1PM Central on WWCR 9.985. The entire three-hour program is re-broadcast from 9 PM to Midnight on WWCR 3.210 (simulcasting 1st hour at 7.465 and 2nd and 3rd hour 5.765)
Reminder: You can always catch a repeat of Alex's daytime show from 1AM CST on GCN.
If you don't have personal Internet access, you can always catch the show by tuning into one of the affiliate stations in your area.
All Alex's pertinent interviews are posted in the audio section of his website, Prison
Thank you for your support. If you are interested in helping our affiliate relations department get Alex's show on a station in your area, please Email Genesis Communications Network with information on that station(s), or leave a voice message at 512-291-5750.
Listen to Alex on the Internet
You can listen to Alex Jones live on the Genesis Comunications Network from 11:00AM-2:00PM and 9:00PM-12:00AM Central Standard Time. Click through to live streaming audio of the show. Don't forget, you will need an audio player, either the lastest version of Real Player or Winamp (you can use the free version of both of these).
Listen to Alex Jones Live from 11AM-2PM and from 9PM-Midnight Central Mon-Fri
Live! Listen to Alex Jones
Mainstream -- Click Here
Live! Listen to Alex Jones
Backup Stream -- Click Here
If you don't have Winamp or Real Player, you can download them for free by clicking on the icons below. Please note, Genesis has discontinued their Real Player stream, but you can listen to the Winamp files with the latest version of RealPlayer. MAC
USERS: Download iTunes HERE
Download RealPlayer to Listent to Alex Jones Live!
Download Winamp to Listen to Alex Jones Live!
The Colarado Radio Network carries the first two hours of Alex's daytime show on a 24kb stream. Click here to listen to this stream on Windows Media Player. If you do not have Windows Media Player you can download it for free by clicking on this link
And they didn't work.
And then I tried:
You can listen to Alex Jones live on the Genesis Comunications Network from 11:00AM-2:00PM and 9:00PM-12:00AM CST. Click through to live streaming audio of the show. Don't forget, you will need an audio player, either the lastest version of Real Player or Winamp (you can use the free version of both of these).
Please note that due to server load some streams may not always be available. If you don't have Winamp or Real Player, you can download them for free by clicking on the icons below. Please note, Genesis has discontinued their Real Player stream, but you can listen to the Winamp files with the latest version of RealPlayer.
Listen to The Alex Jones Show on Shortwave
The show is broadcast over Shortwave from 11AM-1PM Central on WWCR 9.475 and from 10:00 PM to Midnight on WWCR 3.210
Mac Users
If you are a Mac user and are unable to stream the show on either Real Player or Winamp, try downloading Macamp by clicking here.
Listen To Alex on an Affiliate
If you don't have personal Internet access, you can always catch the show by tuning into one of the affiliate stations in your area. These are listed below.
Prattville/Montgomery WIQR - 1410 AM
Buena Vista KDMN - 1450 AM
Colorado Springs KWYD - 1580 AM
Denver KLMO - 1060 AM
Vail KSKE - 610 AM
Bridgeport WICC - 600 AM
Chattahoochee WTCL - 1580 AM
Pensacola WVTJ - 610 AM
Pensacola WASG - 550 AM
Sarasota WIBQ - 1220 AM
Havana WDUK - 99.3 FM
Murphysborough WINI - 1420 AM
Glendive KXGN - 1400 AM
North Platte KOOQ
Ainsworth KBRB - 92.7 FM
Ainsworth KBRB - 1400 AM
North Platte KODY - 1240 AM
North Platte KOOQ - 1410 AM
Brockport WMJQ - 105.5 FM
Brockport WASB - 1590 AM
Canandaigua WRSB - 1310 AM
Canton WCER - 900 AM
Uhrichsville WBTC - 1490 AM
Estherville KILR - 1070 AM
Maquoketa KMAQ - 1320 AM
Mt. Pleasant KILJ - 1130 AM
Oskaloosa KBOE - 104.9 FM
Oskaloosa KBOE - 740 AM
New Orleans WTIX - 690 AM
Denton WKDI - 840 AM
Boston WBPS - 890 AM
Fulton KFAL - 900 AM
Liberty KCXL - 1140 AM
Mountain Grove KELE - 1360 AM
Salem KSMO - 1340 AM
Springfield KWTO - 560 AM
Thayer KALM - 1290 AM
Greenville WALE - 990 AM
Anderson WAIM - 1230 AM
Alcoa WBCR - 1470 AM
Austin KWNX - 1260 AM
Ladysmith WLDY - 1340 AM
Further Information
All Alex's pertinent interviews are posted in the audio section of Prison However, if you would like to listen to the archives of the entire show, you can sign up for a user pass by going to
Thank you again for your support. If you are interested in helping our affiliate relations department get Alex's show on a station in your area, please Email us with information on that station(s), or leave a voice message at 512-291-5750
And none of the links worked.
I then tried to go the the original radio station:
Hard-hitting talk radio programming to fill the media void. Features a schedule
of programs. - 15k - 27 Nov 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
LISTEN LIVE Network 1. LISTEN LIVE Network 2. LISTEN LIVE Network 3 ... GCN is
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And can't get to them either.

First they punt Howard Stern and now this.
I've never seen this happen to me before.
Oh well...
This boiling frogs-legs feel like kicking some ass.

What's in the Pot
There are many factors contributing over time to the heat that give us the boiling frog effect. The slow, incremental progress of our destruction condition us to believe that things are not all that bad. Taken in context over time, and in totality, it becomes clear that we are facing the demise of not only our human civilizations, but the entire bio-sphere we call Earth.
I’ve chosen only 3 factors to briefly touch on here:
Environmental Climate Change
Social Injustice
I believe that all things are connected and given more effort we could expand this section to include other forms of environmental degradation like; ozone depletion, de-forestation, desertification, habitat loss, species extinction, chemical contamination, water pollution, gender bending, genetic engineering, etc, etc.
We could easily expand the argument against War and explore technologies like; chem./bio, nanotech, genetic engineering, energy weapons, surveillance, mind control, weather modification, etc. We could explore countless ways that we, the masses, have been deceived and terrorized to support the military industrial complexes.
It is economics that fuel war, environmental devastation and social injustice. Or is it social injustice that fuels war and the accompanying environmental destruction? Or, does environmental degradation feed social injustice, resulting in war? Whatever the case may be, the super rich always win.
There are countless sources for research on these topics. Some that we have used may be found in the links section.
It would take a lifetime to assemble the encyclopedia of bad news, but you get the drift. We’re in deep doo-doo. boiling frog believes that in order to work towards solutions we first must understand the problems.
Our Screaming Media provides the format to explore these issues further.
Besides the slow motion creep of our demise, the sheer multitude of problems and the complexity in which they interact have so far prevented us from avoiding the crisis. However, this may not be totally true, as there have been obvious efforts by people around the world to make things better. We have in fact turned down the heat on a number of occasions, and despite the grim prospects for the future there is still hope.
Failure only comes when we stop trying.
Environmental Climate Change
The environment has been under assault for centuries, but since the dawn of the industrial age this ‘progress’ has accelerated rapidly. By digging up fossil fuels and burning them to fuel our civilization we have taken hundreds of billions of tons of stored energy and deposited it into the atmosphere. At the same time, we have reduced the Earths natural capacity to re-absorb that energy by decimating forests and oceans. The agreed upon result of this is what we call global climate change or global warming.
It’s quite a simple scenario. Our atmosphere is made up of gases that trap heat at the surface and we have been progressively adding more. As predicted, the planet has warmed and weather events have become more severe.
If you don’t think this is a slow motion disaster on a global scale, then you are not paying attention and fit the classic definition of a boiling frog.
Check out these links:
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Government of Canada Climate Change site
Rising Tide
Rising Tide International
Greenpeace climate change campaign
Climate Ark
Global Climate Change: The Exploratorium
...or, do a search on the net using the keywords "climate change" to find the more than 4 million other hits!
War, like environmental degradation has been with us throughout the ages. Used as a tool to subjugate countless generations and steal the wealth of the Earth, War has long reached the capacity to destroy the entire planet at the push of a button.
For almost 60 years we have lived under the shadow of a mushroom cloud. Although only 2 (as far as we know) nuclear bombs have been used in an act of war, the damage resulting from their manufacture and use may never be undone. Radioactive contaminants have been released into the air, water and soil, circulating through Earth’s life and life support systems for billions of years to come. The Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field has been degraded, and we are all thoroughly terrorized about the prospect of Nuclear War.
Unless, of course, your name is George W. Bush. It is he who has commanded his armies to develop tactical field nukes that are to be rolled into the already massive US military arsenal. It is he who has threatened dozens of countries with pre-emptive nuclear attacks. It is he who has pulled out of the decades long Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, rejuvenating ‘Star Wars’ and sparking a new outer space and nuclear arms race. It is he who has declared a war that will not end in our life-times as the US fights to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance.
Even the most complacent boiling frog should have no problem realizing the outcome of these events.
I could provide literally millions of links dealing with this subject but, is that really necessary?
Social Injustice
Social injustice has also been with us since time immemorial. There was a time during the 20th century that we were led to believe conditions were getting better for the Peoples of the World. As we fought for and won minimal rights and protections, the idea was that it could only get better. In fact, things have gotten much worse. With the homogenization of the global economy towards free markets we are witnessing a race back to the bottom. Rather than experiencing a trickling down of enrichment and the rise of social conditions, an analysis of the facts clearly show the opposite to be true.
‘Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many.’
- Adam Smith (alleged Founder of Capitalism)
How can we ever have social justice when the planet is owned and controlled by a very small percentage of its human population? Will the situation ever improve amidst growing populations, declining resources, environmental decay, and war?
One thing is sure,
‘If we don’t change the direction we are going, we may end up where we are headed.’

American Police State: The Frog Has Cooked
Miami cops to stage sieges, randomly check ID's, ride buses and trains
Paul Joseph Watson | November 29 2005
How do you boil a frog?
You don't throw the frog into a pot of boiling water, it would immediately jump out. You let the frog sit in warm water and slowly heat the pan until the frog boils to death.
How do you erect the infrastructure of a police state?
You incrementally condition both the police and the public that relinquishing liberty in the name of security is necessary because 'we live in dangerous times.'
Be sure to make Grandpa remove his shoes at the airport but let that cargo through without inspection every time. The truth is that the mythical 'war on terror' was never meant to be won and can never be won because it doesn't exist.
The real terror is being waged against ordinary people by our own government.
To say we live in a police state is no longer an alarmist cliche. Perception has clearly and permanently shifted from the police being there to serve the people to the police being there to control the people.
The Associated Press reports today, Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.
Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats.
"This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said.
Both uniformed and plainclothes police will ride buses and trains, while others will conduct longer-term surveillance operations.
"People are definitely going to notice it," Fernandez said. "We want that shock. We want that awe. But at the same time, we don't want people to feel their rights are being threatened. We need them to be our eyes and ears."

Here we have American police chiefs using military terminology and directing it against American citizens. The random sieges, ID checking and public transport casing is the very benchmark of a police state.
During a recent trip to the States I realized that the 'land of the free' is in many ways less free than the quasi-Socialist European cesspit I call my home.
You have to carry your ID everywhere in America, it's almost impossible to get by without it. Buying a pack of cigarettes, renting a canoe, using any public service, requires you to show your ID. Americans are so used to being asked for it that the kind of random sweeps being planned in Miami won't raise an eyebrow. The frog has been sitting in the pot carelessly boiling to its death for too long now.
The Miami model is the very definition of a pervasive police state based on the fear of terrorists and the fear of being identified as a terrorist if you do not comply with every demand, no matter how much it brutalizes every notion of what it is to live in a free society.
And where are the terrorists exactly?
Those goatherders and shoemakers being tortured at Gitmo?
The Pakistani citizens grabbed in the mountains and sold to the US as terrorists by Taliban gangsters for $25,000?
Jose Padilla, an American citizen, is interned in a military brig for over three years while so-called Al-Qaeda members are tortured to try and implicate him in a dirty bomb plot, it doesn't work and he's brought up on some lame charge of conspiracy. None of the dirty bomb claims can be proven because the other 'Al-Qaeda members' the defense lawyers would call to testify either don't exist, are dead, or their captures were staged by the US government for war propaganda.
The whole pantomime in quite pathetic but it is being scripted to convince Americans that giving up their rights aids the baloney war on terror.
The phantom terror cells waiting to strike inside America are about as real as Saddam Hussein's intercontinental biological weapons drones. They don't exist.
Yet the semi-retarded police chiefs and foot soldiers who salivate over the Miami model do so in the warped fundamentalist belief that they are protecting America from the evil Muslims.
The government terrorists that blew up trains and buses in Madrid and London chose those targets because they want to move the police state into areas which affect all of us on a day to day basis. That way the dictatorship has the excuse to be up close and personal.
If we do not radically increases our efforts to stop this horror, in a very short time America is going to look like a combination of 1984, They Live, The Running Man and 'V' all rolled into one.
Showing your ID to the federal stormtrooper as he cases the bus with an M16 will be the least of your concerns.
The behavior analysis surveillance cameras will be more of a worry. Will it pick up on the fact that you're sweating a little after running for that train? Have a big presentation to make at the conference today? A little nervous? Let's hope the mind scanner doesn't take that as potential signpost for Al-Qaeda membership.
This isn't a future dystopia, the technology is already in use.

The near future looks like this.
Biometric iris scanners in every mall, cinema, sports stadium and government building.
Behaviour analysis security cameras that will flag armed National Guard if your physical behaviour happens to be Al-Qaeda like in the opnion of Big Brother.
Brain scanners that detect stress, another benchmark of your potential to blow something up.
RFID-tracked ID cards with colored grades of security clearance denoting what public services you are allowed to access by the government. Don't worry, if you're a well behaved boot licker your food stamp quota will be high.
Federal stormtroopers on every corner of every major city randomly checking ID's, doing pat downs and searching bags.
Special alert signals that will help the public catch dissidents on the loose. High definition LCD mug shots of said evildoers on high rises in major cities.
Food stamp and credit bonuses for information leading to apprehension of said evildoers.
Mind control towers that send out calming beams of mental candy floss to keep the slaves in line. Conspiracy theory? Sound weapons that both disperse and calm protesters are already being used from Iraq to New York.
Talking telescreen surveillance cameras that bark orders at anyone not showing the proper bodily and mental characteristics and traits.
Surveillance drones watching Americans from up high.
Foreign troops and mercenaries utilized to dish out their particular brand of fascism and tyranny.
The torture cadres of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, and the bloodthirsty serial killers now roaming Iraq, will be brought home to have their way with anti-government terrorists threatening to halt the construction of the glorious Fourth Reich.
Regular car bombs and suicide bomber attacks to keep the state of emergency high and provide the justification for all of the above. This is the Miami model and it's the ultimate goal of the psychopathic elite.

Sound like an alarmist rant?
Tell that to Deborah Davis, a war Mom now going to court in Denver for refusing to show her ID when a federal God stormed the bus and demanded to see it.
The consequences of the next staged terror attack will make all this look like milquetoast and Americans have been carefully prepared for such eventualities like a vetenarian pets a dog before the lethal injection.
The frog has cooked and if we don't figuratively jump out of the boiling pot right now we're going to be devoured by the gaping jaws of the insane, maniacal, sociopathic, remorseless, bloodthirsty Globalists who see the creation of total and absolute despotism as their divine calling.
REAL SOURCE - is Copyright 2005 Alex Jones
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Hail Mary
"Makaveli in this... Killuminati
All through your body
The blow's like a twelve gauge shotty
Uhh, feel me!
And God said he should send his one begotten son
To lead the wild into the ways of the man
Follow me; eat my flesh, flesh and my flesh...
[Chorus: Makaveli]
Come with me, Hail Mary
Run quick see, what do we have here
Now, do you wanna ride or die
La dadada, la la la la...
I ain't a killer, but don't push me
Revenge is like the sweetest joy, next to gettin pussy
Picture paragraphs unloaded, wise words bein quoted
Peeped the weakness in the rap game and sewed it
Bow down, pray to God, hoping that he's listenin
Seein niggaz comin for me, to my diamonds, when they glistenin
Now pay attention, rest in peace father
I'm a ghost, in these killin fields
Hail Mary catch me, if I go, let's go deep inside
The solitary mind of a madman who screams in the dark
Evil lurks, enemies, see me flee
Activate my hate, let it break, to the flame
Set trip, empty out my clip, never stop to aim
Some say the game is all corrupted, f**ked in this shit
Stuck, niggaz is lucky if we bust out this shit, plus
Mama told me never stop until I bust a nut
F**k the world if they can't adjust
It's just as well, Hail Mary...
[Chorus: Makaveli]
Come with me, Hail Mary
Run quick see, what do we have here
Now, do you wanna ride or die
La dadada, la la la la...
Penetentiaries is packed with promise makers
Never realize the precious time the bitch niggaz is wastin'
Instutionalized, I lived my life a product made to crumble
But too hardened for a smile, we're too crazy to be humble,
We ballin'
Catch me father please, cause I'm fallin, in the liquor store
That's the Hennessey I hear ya callin, can I get some more?
Hail til I reach Hell, I ain't scared
Mama checkin in my bedroom; I ain't there
I got a head with no screws in it, what can I do
One life to live but I got nuttin to lose, just me and you
On a one way trip to prison, sellin drugs
We all wrapped up in this livin, life as Thugs
To my homeboys in Quentin Max, doin' they bid
Raise hell to this real shit, and feel this
When they turn out the lights, I'll be down in the dark
Thug eternal through my heart, now Hail Mary nigga...
[Chorus: Makaveli]
Come with me, Hail Mary
Run quick see, what do we have here
Now, do you wanna ride or die
La dadada, la la la la...
They got a APB, out on my Thug family
Since Outlawz run these streets, like these skandaless freaks
Our enemies die now, walk around half dead
Head down, K blasted off Hennessey and Thai
Tryin' it, mixed it, now I'm twisted, blistered and high
Visions of me, Thug livin gettin' me by
Forever live, and I multiply survived by Thugs
When I die, they won't cry, unless they comin' with slugs...
[Young Noble]
Peep the whole scene and whatever's goin on around me
Brain kinda cloudy, smoked out, feelin rowdy
Ready to wet the party up, and whoever in that motherf**ker
Nasty new street, slugger, my heat seeks suckers
On the regular mashin in a stolen black Ac Integ-ra
Cock back, sixty seconds til the draw, that's when I'm dead in ya
Feet first, you got a nice gat but my heat's worse
From a Thug to preachin church,
I gave you love now you eatin' dirt
Needin work, and I ain't the nigga to put you on
Cause word is bond, when I was broke I had to hustle 'til dawn
That's when sun came up, there's only one way up
Hold ya head and stay up,
To all my niggaz get ya pay and weight up...
If it's on then it's on, we break beat-breaks
Outlawz on a paper chase, can you relate
To this shit I don't got, be the shit I gotta take
Dealin with fate, hoping God don't close the gate
If it's on then it's on, we break beat-breaks
Outlawz on a paper chase, can you relate
To this shit I don't got, be the shit I gotta take
Dealin with fate, hoping God don't close the gate...
[Chorus: Makaveli]
Come with me, Hail Mary
Run quick see, what do we have here
Now, do you wanna ride or die
La dadada, la la la la...
[Prince Ital]
We've been traveling on this wayward road
Long time til I be take a 'eavy load
But we ride, ride it like a bullet
Hail Mary, Hail Mary
We won't worry everyting will come real
Free like the bird in the tree
We won't worry everyting will come real
Yes we free like the bird in the tree
We runnin from the penetentiary
This is the time for we liberty
Hail Mary, Hail Mary...
[Chorus: Makaveli]
Come with me, Hail Mary
Run quick see, what do we have here
Now, do you wanna ride or die
La dadada, la la la la...
Westside, Outlawz, Makaveli the Don, Solo, Killuminati, The 7 Days..."
- Makaveli, "Hail Mary" feat. Kastro, Young Noble, Prince Ital

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