PLAN BK: The Solutions - Katrina's getting Raped by Bush, and Strange Fruit is Falling from the Trees...
[Ed note: I was out with a friend from the deep South last nite, and she said she was shocked at the "Hurricane Relief" requests being handed out here. She said that if a hurricane took place anywhere else in the world they wouldn't hear about it back home, and that it's a selfish tragedy to reinforce the idea that "if it happens to America then the world is supposed to care". She was disgusted by it actually, and that's awesome. Another friend sent me variations on the article below, and my response to her is included.]
Katrina Response Angers Black Lawmakers
1 hour, 33 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Black members of Congress expressed anger Friday at what they said was a slow federal response to Hurricane Katrina.
"It looks dysfunctional to me right now," said Rep. Diane Watson (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif.
She and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with members of the Black Leadership Forum, National Conference of State Legislators, National Urban League and the NAACP, held a news conference and charged that the response was slow because those most affected are poor.
Many also are black, but the lawmakers held off on charging racism.
"The issue is not about race right now," said Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (news, bio, voting record), D-Ohio. "There will be another time to have issues about color."
the hurricane response is Bushit, they are trying to fuck up the country on purpose: it just polarizes it further. (see my blog a couple of blogs ago: Bush's first response was "the clean-up will take years", what an asshole...)
their "with us or against us" policy is being used to whip up military-style responses to criticism, and watch out: with a handful of "true believers" on their side they don't need the "will of the people" anymore...
and i feel bad for the black doods in Congress: everyone but me and a handful of others refuse to grade them on a curve, but of course, there's nothing especially "noble" about my isolated position since i don't have to get anything done with them.
i mean, i get it: if they won't listen any other way then a policy of appeasement is the only logical solution.
but, it still won't work: if they wouldn't listen before, what makes you think they'll respect you coming forward on your knees?
p.s. she responded "why?" is this on purpose? and why are the military more concerned with protecting property than helping people?
i responded...
it's simple: he's an asshole.
it's complex: he gets more power when we're okay with it.
Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black body swinging in the Southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant South,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh,
And the sudden smell of burning flesh!
Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.
- Billie Holiday, "Strange Fruit"
Katrina Response Angers Black Lawmakers
1 hour, 33 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Black members of Congress expressed anger Friday at what they said was a slow federal response to Hurricane Katrina.
"It looks dysfunctional to me right now," said Rep. Diane Watson (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif.
She and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with members of the Black Leadership Forum, National Conference of State Legislators, National Urban League and the NAACP, held a news conference and charged that the response was slow because those most affected are poor.
Many also are black, but the lawmakers held off on charging racism.
"The issue is not about race right now," said Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (news, bio, voting record), D-Ohio. "There will be another time to have issues about color."
the hurricane response is Bushit, they are trying to fuck up the country on purpose: it just polarizes it further. (see my blog a couple of blogs ago: Bush's first response was "the clean-up will take years", what an asshole...)
their "with us or against us" policy is being used to whip up military-style responses to criticism, and watch out: with a handful of "true believers" on their side they don't need the "will of the people" anymore...
and i feel bad for the black doods in Congress: everyone but me and a handful of others refuse to grade them on a curve, but of course, there's nothing especially "noble" about my isolated position since i don't have to get anything done with them.
i mean, i get it: if they won't listen any other way then a policy of appeasement is the only logical solution.
but, it still won't work: if they wouldn't listen before, what makes you think they'll respect you coming forward on your knees?
p.s. she responded "why?" is this on purpose? and why are the military more concerned with protecting property than helping people?
i responded...
it's simple: he's an asshole.
it's complex: he gets more power when we're okay with it.
Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black body swinging in the Southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant South,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh,
And the sudden smell of burning flesh!
Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.
- Billie Holiday, "Strange Fruit"

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