Bush: Iraq Attack a Grim Reminder of War ("Stupid alarm... now where's that snooze button...")

We need a reminder?
The President called it a reminder?
The President needs to be reminded?
The President loves to dress up like a soldier...
And yet...
Bush: Iraq Attack a Grim Reminder of War
Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 43 minutes ago
GRAPEVINE, Texas - President Bush lamented the deaths of 14 Marines in Iraq Wednesday, calling the deadly attack a "grim reminder" America is still at war.
"These terrorists and insurgents will use brutal tactics because they're trying to shake the will of the United States of America. They want us to retreat," Bush told some 2,000 state lawmakers, business leaders and public policy experts gathered here.
The president spoke on a day when a Marine amphibious assault vehicle patrolling during combat operations in the Euphrates River valley hit a roadside bomb, killing 14 Marines from the same Ohio battalion that lost six men two days ago.
"Make no mistake about it," Bush said. "We are at war."
SOURCE - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050803/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush

Bush unswayed by Sen. Frist on stem cell research
Wed Aug 3, 4:04 PM ET
CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush in remarks published on Wednesday reiterated his threat to veto any legislation that would use federal funds to destroy human embryos for stem cell research after Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist broke with Bush on the subject.
"I'm confident that I have achieved the right balance between science and ethics," he told eight newspapers in a roundtable interview on Tuesday.
zero science.
zero ethics.
sounds balanced to me.
SOURCE - http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050803/pl_nm/bush_stemcells_dc_7
glad to see he still has fun too...
they should probably call MTV Cribs...
Bush's Ranch Serves Down-Home Diplomacy
Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 30 minutes ago
CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush has turned his remote ranch into a stage for down-home diplomacy, where a barbecue grill and a pickup truck have become his favorite tools for dealing with world leaders.
The 1,600-acre property in central Texas is a place where aides say the president feels most comfortable and can spend more get-to-know-you time with his guests than in hurried Washington. On Thursday, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe will be the 14th foreign leader to visit the ranch.
Bush's dog once wandered through a press conference with the Australian prime minister. The president led the Saudi crown prince by the hand through blooming bluebonnets. And Russia's president was treated to a hoedown with cowboy cooks and a swing band.
"You only invite your friends into your house," Bush said when Russian President Vladimir Putin became the first head of state to visit in November 2001. "Occasionally, you let a salesman in, or two."
SOURCE - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050804/ap_on_go_pr_wh/texas_style_diplomacy;_ylt=Ahi.Oz6Fi.MvE_VlNhK9eaCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM-
and what you're doing must be working...
now it seems you're all cooperating...
now it seems we're all suspects...
NYPD Reveals Details of London Attack
Associated Press Writer
10 minutes ago
NEW YORK - The suicide bombers cooked up their explosives using mundane items like hydrogen peroxide. They stored them in a fancy commercial refrigerator that was out of place in their grimy apartment. And cell phones were likely used to set the bombs off.
Those details from the July 7 London bombing emerged Wednesday at an unusually wide-ranging briefing given by the New York Police Department to city business leaders.
The briefing — based partly on information obtained by NYPD detectives who were dispatched to London to monitor the investigation — was part of a program designed to encourage more vigilance by private security at large hotels, Wall Street firms, storage facilities and other companies.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly warned the materials and methods used in the London attack were easily adaptable to New York.
"Initially it was thought that perhaps the materials were high-end military explosives that were smuggled, but it turns out not to be the case," Kelly said. "It's more like these terrorists went to a hardware store or some beauty supply store."
The NYPD officials said investigators believe the bombers used a peroxide-based explosive called HMDT, or hexamethylene triperoxide diamine. HMDT can be made using ordinary ingredients like hydrogen peroxide (hair bleach), citric acid (a common food preservative) and heat tablets (sometimes used by the military for cooking).
HMDT degrades at room temperature, so the bombers preserved it in way that offered an early warning sign, said Michael Sheehan, deputy commissioner of counterterrorism at the nation's largest police department.
"In the flophouse where this was built in Leeds, they had commercial grade refrigerators to keep the materials cool," Sheehan said, describing the setup as "an indicator of a problem."
Among the other details cited by NYPD officials:
• The bombers transported the explosives in beverage coolers tucked in the back of two cars to the outskirts of London.
• Investigators believe the three bombs that exploded in the subway were detonated by cell phones that had alarms set to 8:50 a.m.
• Similar "explosive compounds" were used in the attempted attack in London on July 21. However, the detonators were hand-activated, not timed.
Sheehan said the NYPD was troubled by information it had received about the bombers' links to "organizations," but he did not name any groups.
"We know those same types of organizations that they're affiliated with are very much present in New York City," he said. "That's something we're studying very, very carefully. ... This could happen here."
After the briefing, police spokesman Paul Browne said the department had clearance from British authorities to present the information about the July 7 attack, which killed 52 people.
The session at police headquarters in lower Manhattan was attended by officials from police departments and law enforcement agencies in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and other jurisdictions. The officials were in the city discussing plans to beef up security along Amtrak's New York-Washington route.
SOURCE - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050804/ap_on_re_us/nypd_britain_bombings;_ylt=AhxI0vHR3X0Oo0dUAHg1OXes0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-
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