FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vijay Sarma Running For Mayor of Toronto

April 29, 2009
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vijay Sarma Running For Mayor of Toronto
May 2nd, 2009 at The Toronto Freedom Festival, from 12 – 8 pm at Queen’s Park North at College St. and University Ave., lifelong resident Vijay Sarma will announce he’s running for Mayor of Toronto. He will do interviews and take questions from the media and anyone else after spending time figuring out smarter people. While Mayor Miller seems like a nice person doing a decent job, Torontonians need to know how to fix our health and wealth concerns and how to determine our city’s future. Canadians were given just 37 days to choose Prime Minister last time, so any citizens who run for office early can help ensure real problems, reactions and solutions have time to be discussed. People will get the change they enjoy if they make it
We also live in uncertain economic times, so Toronto needs to use the city’s resources in the best interests of its people. Waste, corruption, high taxes, low federal transfer payments, child poverty and all of our problems can be solved with sensible policies backed by public support. The people of Toronto can create the city they want today. On July 1st, 2009, on Canada Day, at least 1000 informed residents should go for a nice walk and hand-out 1000 flyers (etc.) each with information for their neighbours. Regular actions, meetings and events can energize and educate Toronto, while formal election results can ensure this approach continues. In the home of the world, the world can see itself at its best as Toronto knows how to get along and win.
Key campaign goals include:
1. Fluoride must be removed from the water-supply as Dr. Hardy Limeback, the former University of Toronto professor who argued for it, later suggested in 1999. Like many others, once he learned the truth about fluoride and its effects on the brain, bones, cancer-rates and more, he regretted his earlier advocacy. Most of Europe doesn’t use it and their teeth are fine. Tubes of toothpaste say if a child swallows more than a pea-sized amount to call a doctor, and dentists say to spit it out. It’s an aluminum manufacturing by-product that’s also used as a roach and rat poison and should have never been added. See Dr. Limeback’s 1999 article for more:
2. Vaccines must be optional and the risks must be discussed, from contamination to flaws in their design. Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD, PhD proved in U.S. courts that vaccines designed to stimulate our immune systems cause micro-vascular strokes. Injected particles float through the blood-stream and land in tiny capillaries which collapse when white blood cells naturally attack the particles. This cuts-off blood supply to organs, causing autism and other problems. Even if some people think they work, it shouldn’t matter if others don’t take them, because those who do should still think they’re protected. Don’t worry about ManBirdPig Flu, get exemption forms:
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Team Vij
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